909 resultados para Uninterruptible power supply
A design for an IO block array in a tile-based FPGA is presented.Corresponding with the characteristics of the FPGA, each IO cell is composed of a signal path, local routing pool and configurable input/output buffers.Shared programmable registers in the signal path can be configured for the function of JTAG, without specific boundary scan registers/latches, saving layout area.The local routing pool increases the flexibility of routing and the routability of the whole FPGA.An auxiliary power supply is adopted to increase the performance of the IO buffers at different configured IO standards.The organization of the IO block array is described in an architecture description file, from which the array layout can be accomplished through use of an automated layout assembly tool.This design strategy facilitates the design of FPGAs with different capacities or architectures in an FPGA family series.The bond-out schemes of the same FPGA chip in different packages are also considered.The layout is based on SMIC 0.13μm logic 1P8M salicide 1.2/2.5 V CMOS technology.Our performance is comparable with commercial SRAM-based FPGAs which use a similar process.
An asymmetric MOSFET-C band-pass filter(BPF)with on chip charge pump auto-tuning is presented.It is implemented in UMC (United Manufacturing Corporation)0.18μm CMOS process technology. The filter system with auto-tuning uses a master-slave technique for continuous tuning in which the charge pump OUtputs 2.663 V, much higher than the power supply voltage, to improve the linearity of the filter. The main filter with third order low-pass and second order high-pass properties is an asymmetric band-pass filter with bandwidth of 2.730-5.340 MHz. The in-band third order harmonic input intercept point(HP3) is 16.621 dBm,wim 50 Ω as the source impedance. The input referred noise iS about 47.455μVrms. The main filter dissipates 3.528 mW while the auto-tuning system dissipates 2.412 mW from a 1.8 V power supply. The filter with the auto-tuning system occupies 0.592 mm~2 and it can be utilized in GPS (global positioning system)and Bluetooth systems.
Using an oscilloscope, a high-speed video camera and a double-electrostatic probe system, the periodicity and amplitude of the fluctuations in arc voltage, jet luminance and ion saturation current of a plasma jet were monitored to investigate various sources of instabilities and their effects in a non-transferred dc plasma torch operated at reduced pressure. The results show that besides a 300 Hz main fluctuation inherited from the power supply, arc voltage fluctuation of 3–4 kHz with an amplitude less than 5% of the mean voltage was mainly affected by the total gas flow rate. The arc voltage fluctuation can affect the energy distribution of the plasma jet which is detectable by electrostatic probes and a high-speed video camera. The steadiness of energy transfer is also affected by the laminar or turbulent flow state of the plasma.
A brief summary of H bridge non-isolated DC-DC converter and operation principles is presented in this paper. A small signal model of the ideal converter in continuous current mode is proposed and simulation results of the converter are given. The hardware structure of digital power supply controller based on TMS320F2808 MCU is introduced. 中文摘要:概括了加速器 H 桥非隔离式电源的运行原理与特点,在简化运行方式基础上建立了理想状态下电源连续工作模式的数学模型,并给出了仿真分析结果,介绍了基于 TMS320F2808MCU 实现的数字化电源控制器结构。
This paper contains the performance , principles of AD7690 and application design based on TMS320F2808 MCU. AD7690 ’s characters of high speed and high precision satisfy the requirement s of accelerator digital power supply.中文摘要:介绍了 AD7690 的主要性能、 工作原理 ,给出了应用电路以及在 TMS320F2808 上的数字接口设计。AD7690 的高速、 高精度特点适合加速器高精度数字电源方案。
This paper describes the technique targets and operation principle of the scanning power supply for the deep tumor therapy facility with heavy ions in Cooler-Storage-Ring of the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou(HIRFL-CSR).To ensure the specified accuracy of the current,the hysteresis loop control strategy was adopted,and tracking error was constrained in the specified tolerance.One prototype was designed and installed.And the simulation results and test results were listed in the paper.The results sho...中文摘要:阐述了用于兰州重离子深层治癌装置的扫描电源的技术指标和工作原理,为保证该电源输出电流的精度,采用滞环控制策略,将跟踪误差限制在设计要求的误差范围内。研制了1台扫描电源样机,并给出了电路仿真和测试结果。测试结果显示各项指标均达到了设计要求,表明所选电路结构和滞环控制方案是切实可行的。
This paper discuss a Ion-pump Power Supply control system making use of RS232 series bus and Intranet.The system s hardware VAC800 is composed of MSP430F149 mixed-signal processors produced by TI and UA7000A network model.MSP430F149 has advantages of ultra-low-power and high-integration.The Ion-pump Power Supply control system has the characteristics of strong function,simple structure,high reliability,strong resistance of noise,no peripheral chip,etc.Visual studio 2005 is used to design the system s softwa...中文文摘:论述了通过RS-232总线和Intranet网络,来实现对远端的离子泵电源的监测与控制。系统硬件VAC800由TI公司的MSP430F149混合信号处理器和UA7000A网络模块构成。MSP430F149具有超低功耗和高集成度等优点,利用它构建的离子泵电源监控系统功能强大,结构简单,可靠性高,抗干扰能力强。系统软件采用visual studio 2005设计。本监控系统能够很好地完成对加速器离子泵电源监视与控制。
The construction and commissioning of HIRFL-CSR were finished in 2007. From 2000 to 2005 the subsystem and key devices of CSR were successfully fabricated, such as magnet, power supply, UHV system, e-cooler, electric-static deflector with the septum of 0.1 mm, and the fast-pulse kicker with the rise time of 150 ns. After that the CSR commissioning activities were performed in 2006 and 2007, including the accumulation of those heavy ions of C, Ar, Kr and Xe by the combination of stripping injection (STI) or multiple multi-turn injection (MMI) and e-cooling with a hollow e-beam, wide energy-range synchrotron ramping by changing the RF harmonic-number at mid-energy, the beam stacking in the experimental ring CSRe, the RIBs mass-measurement with the isochronous-mode in CSRe by using the time-of-flight method, and the ion beam slow-extraction from CSRm.
CSR控制系统是一个很庞大的系统,对它的控制是由许多分控制系统组成: 真空系统、电子冷却系统、束流诊断系统,CSR高频系统,数据获取系统等。磁 场电源控制系统是CSR控制系统中很重要的一部分,它是一个任意波形发生系统。 在CSR的分控制系统中,所有依赖波形控制的系统都可以由它来控制。波形的形 状由物理人员根据加速器物理要求计算得出。因为加速器运行的所有过程都为电 源所控制,所以我们的控制系统的直接控制对象就是磁场电源。在整个控制系统 中最重要的就是在控制过程中,控制过程波形的同步和控制过程波形的精度,这 是同步加速器控制系统的关键所在。过程波形的同步由同步时序系统控制,这是 CSR主环成功运行的决定条件。 本文对磁场电源控制系统和时序系统分别进行了论述。对磁场电源控制系统, 主要从系统的结构,I/O部件的硬件设计,I/O部件的软件设计这几个方面进行 论述,其中,I/O部件由I/O控制器和DSP处理器组成;对时序系统,论述了设计 原理和具体实现;最后给出了实验平台测试和现场测试的结果。 本文的创新点主要有,在加速器控制领域:(1)采用ARM+DSP的控制方式; (2)同步时序系统的末端定时原理; 从测试结果来看,我们的控制系统不管从结构设计,还是从软硬件设计上都 达到了设计的要求
在HIRFL-CSR(兰州重离子冷却储存环)电源控制系统中,Kicker电源需要控制器提供高压充电电压基准电压信号和触发信号,采集基准电压信号,将电源充电电压与期望值进行比较,如果有偏差,则进行修正,使实际值与期望值一致。为Kicker电源设计的电源控制器采用DSP作为处理器,采用串行DAC为电源提供基准电压波形,基准电压信号回读用并行ADC来完成。论文首先简要介绍了Kicker电源系统,根据控制器的设计要求,选用TI公司的TMS320VC5402芯片,给出了控制器的总体设计。其次,具体介绍了TMS320VC5402的结构、外围设备,给出了电路设 计原理图,以及与存储器连接电路图,并分别介绍了硬件系统各个部分的电路设计以及FPGA部分设计。再次,介绍了DSP编程环境CCS,给出了FLASH擦写过程以及二次下载原理,并详细论述了基准电压信号发送的编写,并对回读的基准电压信号进行了滤波处理。最后,对电源控制器的设计进行了总结。论文完成了Kicker磁铁电源控制器的硬件设计和底层软件设计,为以后在该硬件平台上下一步工作打下了坚实的基础
HIRFL—CSR(兰州重离子冷却储存环)是国家 “九五”重大科学工程之一。在磁铁电源的控制系统中需要电源控制器及时准确的提供基准的电压波形,并对输出的波形进行回读监测,以保证加速器正常工作。 论文介绍了电源系统的要求和特点,并根据设计要求给出了设计思想和系统框图,本控制系统主芯片采用TI公司的TMS320C6713芯片,并给出了DSP系统设计的一般流程。文中详细介绍了TMS320C6713芯片的结构和性能指标,以及其外围电路和存储器的扩展情况,指出了在高速电路板设计时应注意的问题。 设计中使用可编程逻辑器件,使设计可灵活配置,电路板设计在有BGA封装器件情况下实现四层板手工布线。 论文完成的Bump磁铁电源控制器的硬件电路设计,为以后的软件编写和测试搭建了坚实的平台