986 resultados para SystemC-AMS
This paper provides an explicit cofibrant resolution of the operad encoding Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras. Thus it defines the notion of homotopy Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras with the required homotopy properties. To define this resolution we extend the theory of Koszul duality to operads and properads that are defind by quadratic and linear relations. The operad encoding Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras is shown to be Koszul in this sense. This allows us to prove a Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt Theorem for such an operad and to give an explicit small quasi-free resolution for it. This particular resolution enables us to describe the deformation theory and homotopy theory of BV-algebras and of homotopy BV-algebras. We show that any topological conformal field theory carries a homotopy BV-algebra structure which lifts the BV-algebra structure on homology. The same result is proved for the singular chain complex of the double loop space of a topological space endowed with an action of the circle. We also prove the cyclic Deligne conjecture with this cofibrant resolution of the operad BV. We develop the general obstruction theory for algebras over the Koszul resolution of a properad and apply it to extend a conjecture of Lian-Zuckerman, showing that certain vertex algebras have an explicit homotopy BV-algebra structure.
We construct spectral sequences in the framework of Baues-Wirsching cohomology and homology for functors between small categories and analyze particular cases including Grothendieck fibrations. We also give applications to more classical cohomology and homology theories including Hochschild-Mitchell cohomology and those studied before by Watts, Roos, Quillen and others
OBJECTIVE: Although a history of previous acute mountain sickness (AMS) is commonly used for providing advice and recommending its prophylaxis during subsequent exposure, the intraindividual reproducibility of AMS during repeated high-altitude exposure has never been examined in a prospective controlled study.METHODS: In 27 nonacclimatized children and 29 adults, AMS was assessed during the first 48 hours after rapid ascent to 3450 m on 2 consecutive occasions 9 to 12 months apart.RESULTS: During the first exposure, 18 adults (62%) and 6 children (22%) suffered from AMS; during the second exposure, 14 adults (48%) and 4 children (15%) suffered from this problem (adults versus children, P <= .01). Most importantly, the intraindividual reproducibility of AMS was very different (P < .001) between children and adults. None of the 6 children having suffered from AMS during the first exposure suffered from AMS during the second exposure, but 4 children with no AMS during the first exposure did experience this problem during the second exposure. In contrast, 14 of the 18 adults who suffered from AMS on the first occasion also presented with this problem during the second exposure, and no new case developed in those who had not experienced AMS on the first occasion.CONCLUSIONS: In adults, a history of AMS is highly predictable of the disease on subsequent exposure, whereas in children it has no predictive value. A history of AMS should not prompt practitioners to advise against reexposure to high altitude or to prescribe drugs for its prophylaxis in children. Pediatrics 2011;127:e1445-e1448
Desenvolupament dels models matemàtics necessaris per a controlar de forma òptima la microxarxa existent als laboratoris del Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya. Els algoritmes s'implementaran per tal de simular el comportament i posteriorment es programaran directament sobre els elements de la microxarxa per verificar el seu correcte funcionament.. Desenvolupament dels models matemàtics necessaris per a controlar de forma òptima la microxarxa existent als laboratoris del Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya. Els algoritmes s'implementaran per tal de simular el comportament i posteriorment es programaran directament sobre els elements de la microxarxa per verificar el seu correcte funcionament.
Introduction and objectives: The AMS 800TM is considered the gold standard for sphincter replacement. However, the one-ring design can erode the urethra and lead to severe complications. A mechanism that could alternatively compress successive segments of the urethra would limit such deleterious outcome. We report 12 weeks animal urethral tissue analysis following implantation of a new modular artificial sphincter. METHODS: The device is composed by three parts: the contractile unit, two rings and an integrated microprocessor. The contractile unit is made of Nitinol fibers. The rings are placed around the urethra to control the flow of urine by squeezing the urethra. They work in a sequential alternative mode and are controlled by a microprocessor connected to an external computer. The computer can reveal specific failure of device components. The device was impkanted in eight male sheep. The rings were positioned around the urethra and the control unit was placed 5cm away. The device was working twenty hours per day; it was open 10min. per hour to allow urination. The animals were sacrificed after 12 weeks. The urethra and the tissues surrounding the control unit were macroscopically and microscopically examined. Two transversal sections crossing the sphincter and two transversal sections crossing the urethra alone were obtained and stained with modified Paragon after resin embedding. Urethra was also embedded in paraffin. The first section was stained with safranin-hematoxylin-eosin, the second section was stained with Masson's Trichrome and the remaining eight sections were available for immunolabelling of the macrophages.Results: The chronic study went uneventful. No clinical infection or pain was observed. The computer registered no specific failure in ring function, Nitinol wires and tube connectors. At explantation, except for a slight grade of lymphocytes in two out of eight specimens, no urethral stricture or atrophy could be observed. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the absence of macrophages. Tissue structure and organization of the urethra with and without artificial sphincter were similar. No migration of the device was observed.Conclusions: The study clearly showed no tissue damage or inflammation of the urethra. Electronic design, preservation of urethral vascularisation and adjustability after implantation are the key ideas to improve the actual AUS. Further studies will be carried out to evaluate this potential.
Avalanche photodiodes operated in the Geiger mode offer a high intrinsic gain as well as an excellent timing accuracy. These qualities make the sensor specially suitable for those applications where detectors with high sensitivity and low timing uncertainty are required. Moreover, they are compatible with standard CMOS technologies, allowing sensor and front-end electronics integration within the pixel cell. However, the sensor suffers from high levels of intrinsic noise, which may lead to erroneous results and limit the range of detectable signals. They also increase the amount of data that has to be stored. In this work, we present a pixel based on a Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode operated in the gated mode to reduce the probability to detect noise counts interfering with photon arrival events. The readout circuit is based on a two grounds scheme to enable low reverse bias overvoltages and consequently lessen the dark count rate. Experimental characterization of the fabricated pixel with the HV-AMS 0.35µm standard technology is also presented in this article.
Objectives: The AMS 800 is the current artifi cial urinary sphincter (AUS) forincontinence due to intrinsic sphincter defi ciency. Despite good clinical results,technical failures inherent to the hydraulic mechanism or urethral ischemicinjury contribute to revisions up to 60%. We are developing an electronic AUS,called ARTUS to overcome the rigors of AMS. The objective of this study wasto evaluate the technical effi cacy and tissue tolerance of the ARTUS systemin an animal model.Methods: The ARTUS is composed by three parts: thecontractile unit, a series of rings and an integrated microprocessor. The contractileunit is made of Nitinol fi bers. The rings are placed around the urethrato control the fl ow of urine by squeezing the urethra. They work in a sequentialalternative mode and are controlled by a microprocessor. In the fi rst phase athree-rings device was used while in the second phase a two-rings ARTUS wasused. The device was implanted in 14 sheep divided in two groups of six andeight animals for study purpose. The fi rst group aimed at bladder leak pointpressure (BLPP) measurement and validation of the animal model; the secondgroup aimed at verifying midterm tissue tolerance by explants at twelve weeks.General animal tolerance was also evaluated.Results: The ARTUS systemimplantation was uneventful. When the system was activated, the BLPP wasmeasured at 1.038 ± 0.044 bar (mean ± SD). Urethral tissue analysis did notshow signifi cant morphological changes. No infection and no sign of discomfortwere noted in animals at 12 weeks.Conclusions: The ARTUS proved to beeffective in continence achievement in this study. Histological results supportour idea that a sequential alternative mode can avoid urethral atrophy andischemia. Further technical developments are needed to verify long-termoutcome and permit human use.
We give a geometric description of the interpolating varieties for the algebra of Fourier transforms of distributions (or Beurling ultradistributions) with compact support on the real line.
An understanding of human responses to hypoxia is important for the health of millions of people worldwide who visit, live, or work in the hypoxic environment encountered at high altitudes. In spite of dozens of studies over the last 100 years, the basic mechanisms controlling acclimatization to hypoxia remain largely unknown. The AltitudeOmics project aimed to bridge this gap. Our goals were 1) to describe a phenotype for successful acclimatization and assess its retention and 2) use these findings as a foundation for companion mechanistic studies. Our approach was to characterize acclimatization by measuring changes in arterial oxygenation and hemoglobin concentration [Hb], acute mountain sickness (AMS), cognitive function, and exercise performance in 21 subjects as they acclimatized to 5260 m over 16 days. We then focused on the retention of acclimatization by having subjects reascend to 5260 m after either 7 (n = 14) or 21 (n = 7) days at 1525 m. At 16 days at 5260 m we observed: 1) increases in arterial oxygenation and [Hb] (compared to acute hypoxia: PaO2 rose 9±4 mmHg to 45±4 while PaCO2 dropped a further 6±3 mmHg to 21±3, and [Hb] rose 1.8±0.7 g/dL to 16±2 g/dL; 2) no AMS; 3) improved cognitive function; and 4) improved exercise performance by 8±8% (all changes p<0.01). Upon reascent, we observed retention of arterial oxygenation but not [Hb], protection from AMS, retention of exercise performance, less retention of cognitive function; and noted that some of these effects lasted for 21 days. Taken together, these findings reveal new information about retention of acclimatization, and can be used as a physiological foundation to explore the molecular mechanisms of acclimatization and its retention.
No pretendo presentar un erudito trabajo histórico sobre el tema. sino que. a través de un sucinto paseo por la historia. en el que incluiré alguna anécdota para hacer más llevadera la exposición. intentaré explicar mis propias ideas sobre la Matemática Aplicada y sobre cuál debería ser su papel en una sociedad tan compleja como la que actualmente tenemos. En el fondo. incluso el título que he elegido es una coartada . Va a servirme exclusivamente de camino para llevarme a las conclusiones adecuadas. Espero que las ideas que expondré no sean consideradas innecesariamente provocativas. No es esa mi intención. Por el contrario. deseo hablar de lo que pienso sobre algunos temas. del porqué lo pienso y de cómo lo pienso. Y opino. con palabras del gran matemático español Puig Adam. que "conviene ser prudentes. no sea que por convencer a los ofendidos. ofendamos a los convencidos". No se si lo conseguiré. pero al menos no habré dejado de intentarlo
Aquests instants memorables, que en general formen la part més noble de les monografies i revistes científiques, es produeixen sempre, és clar, al final de la 'línia de producció i sovint ens fan oblidar la primordial importància deis processos intermedis,en els quals les eines per a la generació d'idees i enunciats, i per al seu refinamentprogressiu, són ordinàriament molt més variades. De fet és una opinió força estesa,almenys entre els investigadors, que en aquests processos intermedis 'de gestació' éson realment rau el major atractiu de la recerca, on hi tenen una funció l'especulació,l'analogia, la simulació, la hipòtesi de treball, la conjectura o la predicció (6), tot i quemalauradament sovint no en resta cap reflex, especialment en el cas dels matemàtics,en les conclusions finals dels treballs (1).Els paràgrafs precedents no són res més que una presentació en miniatura deqüestions que resulten ser, per més clares que semblin a primera vista, delicadesi controvertides quan se'n fa un escrutini més reposat. No disposant de l'espai nidel temps que caldria per a una anàlisi detallada, el lector que desitgi aprofundir enaquesta direcció haurà de consultar obres adients sobre aquests temes (8). En tot cas,en la resta d'aquesta secció exposem a1guns exemples per il•lustrar alguns deis puntsmés destacats de les idees anteriors.
Com a conseqüència de la celebració, l'any 1989, del 15O aniversari de la American Statistical Association (ASA) s'han publicat nombrosos treballs que analitzen I'evolució de la estadística al llarg d'aquest període i en el futur. D'altra banda, l'lnternational Statistical Institute (lSI) ha debatut a la sessió celebrada el passat mes d'agost a Florència l'informe Moriguti (1992) juntament amb al tres ponències sobre el present i futur de la professió d'estadístic, Bradley (1993), així mateíx, la Royal Statistical Society ha ampliat el seu caràcter i com a conseqüéncia ha canviat els seus estatuts a principi de 1993 .
La modelización matemática pretende describir la realidad en términos matemáticos,una tarea difícil y que, sin embargo,está jalonada de éxitos sorprendentes. Elproceso de modelización matemática puede esquematizarse en el cuadro de la figura.A partir de un problema dado, de Índole físi ca, tecnológica, biológica. económica.ete., la primera etapa consiste en la formulación matemática del problema. Suobjetivo es asocia rle un modelo matemático que lo describa. Ello obliga a teneren cuenta únicamente una parte de las características que in tervienen en el problemainicial y prescindir de otras que se consideran accesorias o incluso irrclevantespara su resolución. Hay que hacer hipótesis sobre la influencia de los diferentesfactores que intervienen . Son elecciones difíciles y susceptibles de ser modificadasposteriormente. Para obtener el modelo matemático tenemos que conseguir traduciral lenguaje matemático las características seleccionadas. En el modelo matemáticoéstas apareceran en la forma de variables, funciones, ecuaciones, ete. A continuacióndebemos resolver el problema matemático resultante para obtener resultados concretos,normalmente numéricos.
Lliçó inaugural del curs 1994/1995. Diplomatura d'estadística