Optimal management of microgrids

Autoria(s): Igualada González, Lucía

Heredia, F.-Javier (Francisco Javier)

Corchero García, Cristina

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d’Estadística i Investigació Operativa




Desenvolupament dels models matemàtics necessaris per a controlar de forma òptima la microxarxa existent als laboratoris del Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya. Els algoritmes s'implementaran per tal de simular el comportament i posteriorment es programaran directament sobre els elements de la microxarxa per verificar el seu correcte funcionament.. Desenvolupament dels models matemàtics necessaris per a controlar de forma òptima la microxarxa existent als laboratoris del Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya. Els algoritmes s'implementaran per tal de simular el comportament i posteriorment es programaran directament sobre els elements de la microxarxa per verificar el seu correcte funcionament.

The objective of this project is to develop an energy management algorithm formicrogrids through two optimization problems. To guarantee a better understandingof the objective, some concepts and de nitions associated with this frameworkshould be explained.The rst two concepts are DG (Distributed Generation) and DER (Distributed EnergyResources). Most countries generate electricity in large centralized facilities,such as coal, nuclear or hydropower plants. However, in the future a signi cantportion of energy consumption may be supplied by domestic or small scale generation.Distributed generation, also called on-site generation or decentralized energy,generates electricity from many small energy sources and in most cases, from smallrenewable sources causing lower environmental impact. Distributed generation improvessupply security due to the reduction in the amount of energy lost in transmittingelectricity because the electricity is generated near where it is required,perhaps even in the same building. This also reduces the size and number of powerlines that may be installed and maintained.DER systems are the controllable load, the power generation technologies and storagedevices in small-scale (2 kW to 10 MW range). Current connection practiceis based on \ t and forget" approach. This policy leads to ine ciency and costlyinvestment in distribution infrastructure. At the moment, DER can only displaceenergy produced by central generation i.e., decrease the energy amount generatedby traditional generation units, but cannot displace=decrease installed generationcapacity. The lack of controllability of DER implies that system control and securitymust continue to be provided by central generation. However, previous projectshave demonstrated that the implementation of a microgrid system will provide asolid framework for a full integration of DG and demand






Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


Open Access

Palavras-Chave #Optimització i investigació operativa #Operations research ; Management science #Smart grids #Microgrid #Energy system optimization #Electric vehicle #Investigació operativa ; Administració--Models matemàtics #Classificació AMS::90 Operations research, mathematical programming::90B Operations research and management science
