260 resultados para SPARK
Ceramic materials the alumina base are large industrial applications. They are required for these products, specific characteristics obtained by following strict criteria during the manufacturing process. However, after life, not always these products are reused by a suitable waste management process. In ceramist context, advance research aimed at the reuse of waste aimed at obtaining ceramics and composite materials, with marked reduction of conventional raw materials. Aiming to generate scientific, technological and environmental contribution, this work studied to obtain a composite of alumina ceramic (Al2O3) and sodium beta alumina (NaAl11O17 ), and as starting materials the residue of the ceramic insulator of spark plugs, as a source alumina (Al2O3) powder and unusable sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) of fire extinguishers, as a source of sodium oxide (Na2O). The final ceramic product was obtained from a conventional mixture of sodium aluminum oxide in appropriate molar proportions. Sample spark plugs were obtained, discarded by lifetime, specific to a manufacturer, which, after passing through mechanical stress (grinding, magnetic purification, washing, drying and grinding the high energy), which resulted in residue powder with ceramic content of 84.34 % alumina (Al2O3), found by FRX chemical analysis, the phases present and identified by DRX. The dry chemical fire extinguisher, baking soda-based (NaHCO3) with expired, was obtained through direct collection of the waste generated during maintenance. Subjected to heat treatment at 120 °C , the NaHCO3 powder was decomposed in sodium oxide ( Na2O), which, subjected to chemical analysis (FRX) and mineralogical (DRX) revealed a content of 86.62 % sodium oxide (Na2O) . In the following steps the experimental procedure, chemical formulations were made on a molar basis of the starting material (1:9, 1:10 and 1:11 de Na2O/ Al2O3) inclusion of additives, milling parameters, sieve analysis, dilatometry, conformation of specimens, sintering in firing steps at 800 °C , 1000 °C and 1.200 °C with varying stays 30 , 60 and 120 minutes in each of the levels. The characterization of the final product was made by the following physical tests: water absorption, porosity, linear shrinkage, mineralogical analysis by DRX and microstructural analysis by MEV. A higher formation of sodium beta alumina (NaAl11O17), in sintered specimens in levels of 1.200 °C and 120 minutes, despite the prevailing coexistence of alpha phase alumina (Al2O3). From the results obtained opens up prospects for the reuse of waste studied in this work, the potter context and in other technological areas.
En este Trabajo de Fin de Máster se desarrollará un sistema de detección de fraude en pagos con tarjeta de crédito en tiempo real utilizando tecnologías de procesamiento distribuido. Concretamente se considerarán dos tecnologías: TIBCO, un conjunto de herramientas comerciales diseñadas para el procesamiento de eventos complejos, y Apache Spark, un sistema abierto para el procesamiento de datos en tiempo real. Además de implementar el sistema utilizando las dos tecnologías propuestas, un objetivo, otro objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Máster consiste en analizar y comparar estos dos sistemas implementados usados para procesamiento en tiempo real. Para la detección de fraude en pagos con tarjeta de crédito se aplicarán técnicas de aprendizaje máquina, concretamente del campo de anomaly/outlier detection. Como fuentes de datos que alimenten los sistemas, haremos uso de tecnologías de colas de mensajes como TIBCO EMS y Kafka. Los datos generados son enviados a estas colas para que los respectivos sistemas puedan procesarlos y aplicar el algoritmo de aprendizaje máquina, determinando si una nueva instancia es fraude o no. Ambos sistemas hacen uso de una base de datos MongoDB para almacenar los datos generados de forma pseudoaleatoria por los generadores de mensajes, correspondientes a movimientos de tarjetas de crédito. Estos movimientos posteriormente serán usados como conjunto de entrenamiento para el algoritmo de aprendizaje máquina.
Durante el desarrollo del proyecto he aprendido sobre Big Data, Android y MongoDB mientras que ayudaba a desarrollar un sistema para la predicción de las crisis del trastorno bipolar mediante el análisis masivo de información de diversas fuentes. En concreto hice una parte teórica sobre bases de datos NoSQL, Streaming Spark y Redes Neuronales y después diseñé y configuré una base de datos MongoDB para el proyecto del trastorno bipolar. También aprendí sobre Android y diseñé y desarrollé una aplicación de móvil en Android para recoger datos para usarlos como entrada en el sistema de predicción de crisis. Una vez terminado el desarrollo de la aplicación también llevé a cabo una evaluación con usuarios.
Date of Acceptance: 20/12/2015 This work was funded by BBSRC-LINK grant # BB/J01009X/1 and Vita Europe Ltd. We are grateful to the Scottish Beekeepers Association, especially Mr Phil McAnespie in supporting this work at its inception. We acknowledge partial funding from a Genesis Faraday SPARK Award, part of a Scottish Government SEEKIT project for the early part of this work. We are grateful to Prof David Evans for his advice on Varroa destructor viruses.
L’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) est associée à un taux de mortalité et d’hospitalisations élevé causant un fardeau économique important. Les deux causes majeures de décès de l’IC sont les arythmies ventriculaires létales et les sidérations myocardiques. Il est maintenant reconnu que l’angiotensine II (ANGII) est l'un des principaux médiateurs de l’IC. Ses effets délétères découlent de l’activation du récepteur de type 1 de l’ANGII (AT1) et entraînent le développement d’hypertrophie. Toutefois, son rôle dans la genèse d’arythmies demeure incompris. De ce fait, l'étude des mécanismes électriques et contractiles sous-jacents aux effets pathologiques de l’ANGII s’avère essentielle afin de mieux comprendre et soigner cette pathologie. Il est souvent perçu que les femmes sont protégées envers les maladies cardiovasculaires. Cependant, le nombre total de femmes décédant d’IC est plus grand que le nombre d’hommes. Également, l’impact des facteurs de risque diffère entre chaque sexe. Ces différences existent, mais les mécanismes sous-jacents sont encore peu connus. De plus, les femmes reçoivent fréquemment un diagnostic ou un traitement inapproprié en raison d’un manque d’information sur les différences entre les sexes dans la manifestation d’une pathologie. Ce manque de données peut découler du fait que les sujets de sexe féminin sont souvent sous-représentés dans les essais cliniques ou la recherche fondamentale ce qui a grandement limité l’avancement de nos connaissances sur ~50 % de la population. Ainsi, il semble plus que nécessaire d’approfondir notre compréhension des différences entre les sexes, notamment dans la progression de l’IC. L’utilisation d’un modèle de souris transgénique surexprimant le récepteur AT1 (souris AT1R) a permis d’étudier les changements électriques, structurels et contractiles avant et après le développement d’hypertrophie. Premièrement, chez les souris AT1R mâles, un ralentissement de la conduction ventriculaire a été observé indépendamment de l’hypertrophie. Ce résultat était expliqué par une réduction de la densité du courant Na+, mais pas de l’expression du canal. Ensuite, le rôle des protéines kinases C (PKC) dans la régulation du canal Na+ par l’ANGII a été exploré. Les évidences ont suggéré que la PKCα était responsable de la modulation de la diminution du courant Na+ chez les souris AT1R mâles et dans les cardiomyocytes humains dérivés de cellules souches induites pluripotentes (hiPSC-CM) en réponse à un traitement chronique à l’ANGII. Ensuite, les différences entre les sexes ont été comparées chez la souris AT1R. Une plus grande mortalité a été constatée chez les femelles AT1R suggérant qu’elles sont plus sensibles à la surexpression de AT1R. Le remodelage électrique ventriculaire a donc été comparé entre les souris AT1R des deux sexes. Les courants ioniques étaient altérés de façon similaire entre les sexes excluant ainsi leur implication dans la mortalité plus élevée chez les femelles. Ensuite, l’homéostasie calcique et la fonction cardiaque ont été étudiées. Il a été démontré que les femelles développaient une hypertrophie et une dilatation ventriculaire plus sévère que les mâles. De plus, les femelles AT1R avaient de petits transitoires calciques, une extrusion du Ca2+ plus lente ainsi qu’une augmentation de la fréquence des étincelles Ca2+ pouvant participer à des troubles contractiles et à la venue de post-dépolarisations précoces. En conclusion, l’ANGII est impliquée dans le remodelage électrique, structurel et calcique associé à l'émergence de l’IC. De surcroît, ces altérations affectent plus sévèrement les femelles soulignant la présence de différences entre les sexes dans le développement de l’IC.
The solid solution system Nd2−xCexTi2O7 has been investigated. The solubility limit of Ce in Nd2−xCexTi2O7 was found to be 0·5–0·75 according to X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy results. Ce substitution increases the b and c axes and the volume of the unit cell due to its larger ionic radius. Nd2−xCexTi2O7 (x = 0·05, 0·25, 0·5, 0·75) textured ceramics were fabricated using spark plasma sintering. The ferroelectric and dielectric properties of the ceramics were studied. Ce substitution decreases the Curie point Tc of Nd2−xCexTi2O7 compounds. The results suggest that the Tc of Ce2Ti2O7 is <1445°C.
The requirement that primary school children appreciate fully the pivotal role played by engineering in the sustainable development of future society is reflected in the literature with much attention being paid to the need to spark childrens engineering imagination early-on in their school careers. Moreover, UK policy documents highlight the value of embedding engineering into the school curriculum, arguing that programmes aimed at inspiring children through a process of real-life learning experiences are vital pedagogical tools in promoting engineering to future generations. Despite such attention, engineering education at school-level remains sporadic, often reliant on individual engineering-entrepreneurs such as teachers who, through personal interest, get children involved in what are usually extra-curriculum, time-limited engineering focused programmes and competitions. This paper briefly discusses an exploratory study aimed at investigating the issues surrounding embedding engineering into the primary school curriculum. It gives some insight into the perceptions of various stakeholders in respect of the viability and value of introducing engineering education into the primary school curriculum from the age of 6 or 7. A conceptual framework of primary level engineering education, bringing together the theoretical, pedagogical and policy related phenomena influencing the development of engineering education is proposed. The paper concludes by arguing that in order to avert future societal disaster, childrens engineering imagination needs to be ignited from an early age and that to do this primary engineering education needs to be given far more educational, social and political attention. © 2009 Authors.
Distributed Computing frameworks belong to a class of programming models that allow developers to
launch workloads on large clusters of machines. Due to the dramatic increase in the volume of
data gathered by ubiquitous computing devices, data analytic workloads have become a common
case among distributed computing applications, making Data Science an entire field of
Computer Science. We argue that Data Scientist's concern lays in three main components: a dataset,
a sequence of operations they wish to apply on this dataset, and some constraint they may have
related to their work (performances, QoS, budget, etc). However, it is actually extremely
difficult, without domain expertise, to perform data science. One need to select the right amount
and type of resources, pick up a framework, and configure it. Also, users are often running their
application in shared environments, ruled by schedulers expecting them to specify precisely their resource
needs. Inherent to the distributed and concurrent nature of the cited frameworks, monitoring and
profiling are hard, high dimensional problems that block users from making the right
configuration choices and determining the right amount of resources they need. Paradoxically, the
system is gathering a large amount of monitoring data at runtime, which remains unused.
In the ideal abstraction we envision for data scientists, the system is adaptive, able to exploit
monitoring data to learn about workloads, and process user requests into a tailored execution
context. In this work, we study different techniques that have been used to make steps toward
such system awareness, and explore a new way to do so by implementing machine learning
techniques to recommend a specific subset of system configurations for Apache Spark applications.
Furthermore, we present an in depth study of Apache Spark executors configuration, which highlight
the complexity in choosing the best one for a given workload.
The Tuamotu Archipelago in French Polynesia is a Co-rich ferromanganese crust province. The NODCO I survey (1986) provided detailed data on Co-rich crusts in this environment through the exploration of a restricted zone in the vicinity of Niau Island on the southern flank of the archipelago. This flat zone is a fossil atoll which, under the action of subsidence and tectonic movements, has collapsed to a water depth of 1000 m. The plateau is partially filled with coralline sediments. Outcrops of ferromanganese crusts, associated with rare nodules and slabs, are located on the inner side of the coral reef which bounds the ancient lagoon. The successive episodes of plateau history have been recorded in the different growth periods of the ferromanganese crusts. The crusts, nodules and slabs belong to the same morphological, mineralogical and geochemical family. Cobalt contents vary from 0.7 to 1.3%. The highest values belong to the thinnest ferromanganese crusts which are located on the flanks of the plateau. Average Ni contents are about 0.5% and Cu contents about 0.1%; Pt contents vary from 0.2 to 1.3 ppm. Platinum and Co are enriched in the outermost oxide zone of the crusts. Poorly crystallized -MnO2 is the dominant mineralogical phase. Cobalt enrichment seems to be related to -MnO2 particle size. The greatest contents are located in the finest material where the particle size is less than 0.1 m. Cobalt-rich crusts of the Niau Zone have the same characteristics as the Co-rich crusts from the Equatorial North Pacific. They differ in original setting: the reefal environment in the Niau Zone is superficial, overlying a volcanic substrate.
Spark source mass spectroscopy was used to analyze 61 elements in ten ferromanganese nodules found near Glenora in the Bay of Quinte at the eastern end of Lake Ontario. Most minor elements, including As, Pb, and Hg, have concentrations between 1-100 µg/g. F, S, Co, Zn, and La have concentrations in 100 µg/g range. Ba and Sr are present at levels of 1% and 0.1% respectively. Compared to similar measurements on nodules found in the Great Lakes and in other parts of the globe, values reported here are generally lower. Compared to their marine equivalents, lake nodules appear to be inferior scavengers of minor elements. Examination of all available data corroborates the postulate that marine biological material is an important source of minor elements found in oceanic nodules.
Why do public art commissions spark such controversy? The stories behind radical proposals for public sculptures in London – some realised, others thwarted – are drawn from the Henry Moore Institute’s rich collection of sculptors’ papers. Laurence Bradshaw’s (1899–1978) iconic Karl Marx memorial (1956) became an ideological site prompting both pilgrimage and attack. Jacob Epstein’s (1880–1959) explicit nudes for the British Medical Association became a battleground for Modernism and are the subject of a new work by Neal White. Other featured artists include Rose Finn-Kelcey, Alfred Frank Hardiman, Paul Neagu and Oscar Nemon whose drawings and documents reveal sculpture’s passage into public life. Curated by Yiakoumaki, N (Whitechapel Gallery) & La Fevre, L (Henry Moore Institute).
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thomas De Quincey’s essay ‘Levana and Our Ladies of Sorrow’ provided Dario Argento with the spark of an idea, which was further ignited by tales from his then wife, Daria Nicolodi, who told him of her grandmother’s stay at a music school which was run by a coven of witches. From these sources Argento came up with the mythology of The Three Mothers, which were to feature in three of his films: Suspiria (1977), Inferno (1980) and La terza madre/The Mother of Tears (2007). This article will examine the occult and esoteric sources of The Three Mothers trilogy, and explore how these references work to create a series of films that may superficially appear to use the supernatural and occult to create scares, but actually incorporate elements of Western Esotericism rather than traditional Christian images of evil. By doing this, these films transcend their apparent flaws (in terms of shallow plot and character development, a common complaint directed toward many Italian horror films) and instead imbue the mise-enscene itself with meaning, character and narrative. Although the films are situated within the Gothic genre, and in many respects follow traditional Gothic lines with witchcraft and the occult becoming synonymous with evil, I will argue that the films actually belong to the long tradition of art forms that have attempted to investigate the allure and the danger of occult exploration.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
One of the most disputable matters in the theory of finance has been the theory of capital structure. The seminal contributions of Modigliani and Miller (1958, 1963) gave rise to a multitude of studies and debates. Since the initial spark, the financial literature has offered two competing theories of financing decision: the trade-off theory and the pecking order theory. The trade-off theory suggests that firms have an optimal capital structure balancing the benefits and costs of debt. The pecking order theory approaches the firm capital structure from information asymmetry perspective and assumes a hierarchy of financing, with firms using first internal funds, followed by debt and as a last resort equity. This thesis analyses the trade-off and pecking order theories and their predictions on a panel data consisting 78 Finnish firms listed on the OMX Helsinki stock exchange. Estimations are performed for the period 2003–2012. The data is collected from Datastream system and consists of financial statement data. A number of capital structure characteristics are identified: firm size, profitability, firm growth opportunities, risk, asset tangibility and taxes, speed of adjustment and financial deficit. A regression analysis is used to examine the effects of the firm characteristics on capitals structure. The regression models were formed based on the relevant theories. The general capital structure model is estimated with fixed effects estimator. Additionally, dynamic models play an important role in several areas of corporate finance, but with the combination of fixed effects and lagged dependent variables the model estimation is more complicated. A dynamic partial adjustment model is estimated using Arellano and Bond (1991) first-differencing generalized method of moments, the ordinary least squares and fixed effects estimators. The results for Finnish listed firms show support for the predictions of profitability, firm size and non-debt tax shields. However, no conclusive support for the pecking-order theory is found. However, the effect of pecking order cannot be fully ignored and it is concluded that instead of being substitutes the trade-off and pecking order theory appear to complement each other. For the partial adjustment model the results show that Finnish listed firms adjust towards their target capital structure with a speed of 29% a year using book debt ratio.