283 resultados para Reticulação de nanofibras de PVP
Until today, autogenic bone grafts from various donor regions represent the gold standard in the field of bone reconstruction, providing both osteoinductive and osteoconductive characteristics. However, due to low availability and a disequilibrium between supply and demand, the risk of disease transfer and morbidity, usually associated with autogeneic bone grafts, the development of biomimic materials with structural and chemical properties similar to those of natural bone have been extensively studied. So far,rnonly a few synthetic materials, so far, have met these criteria, displaying properties that allow an optimal bone reconstitution. Biosilica is formed enzymatically under physiological-relevant conditions (temperature and pH) via silicatein (silica protein), an enzyme that was isolated from siliceous sponges, cloned, and prepared in a recombinant way, retaining its catalytic activity. It is biocompatible, has some unique mechanical characteristics, and comprises significant osteoinductive activity.rnTo explore the application of biosilica in the fields of regenerative medicine,rnsilicatein was encapsulated, together with its substrate sodium metasilicate, into poly(D,L-lactide)/polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP)-based microspheres, using w/o/wrnmethodology with solvent casting and termed Poly(D,L-lactide)-silicatein silicacontaining-microspheres [PLASSM]. Both silicatein encapsulation efficiency (40%) and catalytic activity retention upon polymer encapsulation were enhanced by addition of an essential pre-emulsifying step using PVP. Furthermore, the metabolic stability, cytoxicity as well as the kinetics of silicatein release from the PLASSM were studied under biomimetic conditions, using simulated body fluid. As a solid support for PLASSM, a polyvinylpyrrolidone/starch/Na2HPO4-based matrix (termed plastic-like filler matrix containing silicic acid [PMSA]) was developed and its chemical and physical properties determined. Moreover, due to the non-toxicity and bioinactivity of the PMSA, it is suggested that PMSA acts as osteoconductive material. Both components, PLASSM and PMSA, when added together, form arnbifunctional 2-component implant material, that is (i)non-toxic(biocompatible), (ii)moldable, (iii) self-hardening at a controlled and clinically suitable rate to allows a tight insertion into any bone defect (iv) biodegradable, (v)forms a porous material upon exposure to body biomimetic conditions, and (vi)displays both osteoinductive (silicatein)and osteoconductive (PMSA) properties.rnPreliminary in vivo experiments were carried out with rabbit femurs, by creatingrnartificial bone defects that were subsequently treated with the bifunctional 2-component implant material. After 9 weeks of implantation, both computed tomography (CT) and morphological analyses showed complete resorption of the implanted material, concurrent with complete bone regeneration. The given data can be considered as a significant contribution to the successful introduction of biosilica-based implants into the field of bone substitution surgery.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch die grafting-from-Methode verschiedene geschützte Polypeptidbürsten basierend auf L-glutaminsäure, L-asparaginsäure, L-lysin und L-ornithin synthetisch zugänglich sind. Zur Verwirklichung dieser Synthesestrategie wurde mehrstufig ein Makroinitiator auf Basis von N-methacrylamid-1,6-diaminohexan hergestellt, der die ringöffnende Polymerisation von Leuchs´schen Anhydriden zur Entwicklung von geschützten Polypeptidseitenketten initiieren kann. Durch stark saure bzw. alkalische Abspaltbedingungen war es möglich, die Schutzgruppen bei allen geschützten Bürsten bis auf eine Spezies erfolgreich zu entfernen. Weitergehende Untersuchungen an den positiv bzw. negativ geladenen Polyelektrolytbürsten mittels statischer Lichtstreuung und Kapillarelektrophorese zeigten, dass lediglich die Z-geschützten Poly-L-lysinbürsten ohne Kettenabbau entschützt werden konnten. In allen anderen Fällen wurden nach Abspaltung der Schutzgruppen lineare Kettenfragmente detektiert. Durch die Zugabe von NaClO4 oder Methanol zu den wässrigen Lösungen der Poly-L-lysinbürsten konnte mittels CD-Spektroskopie gezeigt werden, dass die Seitenketten von einer ungeordneten Konformation in eine helikale Konformation übergehen. In weiterführenden Experimenten wurde mittels statischer Lichtstreuung, dynamischer Lichtstreuung, SAXS, und AFM-Aufnahmen in Lösung bewiesen, dass die helikale Konformation der Seitenketten eine deutliche Abnahme des Zylinderquerschnitts und des Querschnittträgheitsradius zur Folge hat, die Topologie der Bürste allerdings unverändert bleibt. Weiterhin konnte mittels Kapillarelektrophorese die elektrophoretische Mobilität der Poly-L-lysinbürsten und ihrer linearen Analoga bestimmt werden. Mit diesen Resultaten war es in Kombination mit statischen Lichtstreuexperimenten möglich, die effektive Ladung von linearem und verzweigten Poly-L-lysin nach einer Theorie von Muthukumar zu berechnen. Das Ergebnis dieser Rechnungen bestätigt die Ergebnisse früherer Untersuchungen von Peter Dziezok, der in seiner Dissertation durch Leitfähigkeits und Lichtstreumessungen an linearem PVP und PVP-Bürsten herausfand, dass die effektive Ladung von Polymerbürsten mindestens um einen Faktor 10 kleiner ist als bei den korrespondierenden linearen Analoga.
From a physical-chemical point of view, it is challenging to form complexes with polyelectrolytes, consisting of only molecule of the largest component, i.e. the component with the highest number of charges. In this study, complexes are formed with DNA because of its potential applications as an artificial vector for gene delivery. The aim of this work is to prepare complexes in aqueous solutions as well as in organic solvents containing only one DNA molecule. For this purpose, the topology, equilibrium and conformation of complexes between a supercoiled DNA pUC19 (2686 base pairs) and spermine containing hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic moieties or a polylysine with a hydrophilic block are determined by means of dynamic (DLS) and static light scattering (SLS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. It is demonstrated that all of these complexes consisted of only one molecule of the polyanion. Only the polylysine-b-polyethylene glycol copolymer satisfied the conditions: 1) 100% neutralization of DNA charges and with a small excess of the cation (lower than 30%) and 2) form stable complexes at every charge ratio. rnDNA complex formation is also investigated in organic solvents. Precipitation is induced by neutralizing the charge of the supercoiled DNA pUC19 with the surfactants dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) and tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (TTAB). After isolation and drying of the solids, the complexes are dissolved in organic solvents. DNA-TTA complexes are only soluble in methanol and DNA-DTA in DMF. The complexes again consisted of only one DNA molecule. The final topology of the complexes is different in methanol than in DMF. In the former case, DNA seems to be compacted whereas in the latter case, the DNA-DTA complexes seem to have an expanded conformation. Upon complex formation with polycations in organic solvents (with polyvilylpyridine brush (b-PVP) in methanol and with a protected polylysine in DMF), DNA aggregates and precipitates. rnDNA is linearized with an enzyme (SmaI) to investigate the influence of the initial topology of the polyanion on the final conformation of the complexes in organic solvents. Two main differences are evidenced: 1. Complexes in organic solvents formed with linear DNA have in general a more expanded conformation and a higher tendency to aggregate. 2. If a polycation, i.e. the b-PVP, is added to the linear DNA-TTA complexes in methanol, complexes with the polycation are formed at a higher charge ratio. In DMF, the addition of the same b-PVP and of b-PLL did not lead to the formation of complexes.rn
This work deals with the oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) using metal supported catalysts. Catalysts were prepared from the immobilisation of preformed monometallic (Au, Pd) and bimetallic (AuCu, AuPd) nanoparticles on commercial oxides (TiO2, CeO2). Au-TiO2 catalyst was found to be very active for HMF oxidation; however, this system deactivated very fast. For this reason, we prepared bimetallic gold-copper nanoparticles and an increase in the catalytic activity was observed together with an increase in catalyst stability. In order to optimise the interaction of the metal active phase with the support, Au and AuCu nanoparticles were supported onto CeO2. Au-CeO2 catalyst was found to be more active than the bimetallic one, leading to the conclusion that in this case the most important feature is the interaction between gold and the support. Catalyst pre-treatments (calcination and washing) were carried out to maximise the contact between the metal and the oxide and an increase in the FDCA production could be observed. The presence of ceria defective sites was crucial for FDCA formation. Mesoporous cerium oxide was synthesised with the hard template method and was used as support for Au nanoparticles to promote the catalytic activity. In order to study the role of active phase in HMF oxidation, PdAu nanoparticles were supported onto TiO2. Au and Pd monometallic catalysts were very active in the formation of HMFCA (5-hydroxymethyl-2-furan carboxylic acid), but Pd was not able to convert it, leading to a low FDCA yield. The calcination of PdAu catalysts led to Pd segregation on the particles surface, which changed the reaction pathway and included an important contribution of the Cannizzaro reaction. PVP protected PdAu nanoparticles, synthesised with different morphologies (core-shell and alloyed structure), confirmed the presence of a different reaction mechanism when the metal surface composition changes.
Polykationen bilden mit DNA spontan Komplexe. Triebkraft ist der Entropiegewinn durch Freisetzung der Gegenionen auf den Polyelektrolyten. Solche Komplexe können in der Gentechnik verwendet werden, um fremde DNA in eine Zelle einzuschleusen. Dies bezeichnet man als Gentransfektion. In dieser Arbeit werden erstmals bürstenförmige Polykationen mit wurmförmiger Topologie zur Gentransfektion verwendet. Dazu wurde die Komplexierung von DNA mit Bürstenpolymeren mit Poly-L-Lysin- und Polyvinylpyridinium-Seitenketten und linearen Polykationen untersucht. Die Komplexbildung verläuft in allen Fällen kinetisch kontrolliert, alle Polykationen bilden sphärische Komplexe, die Topologie hat keinen Einfluss auf die Komplexgröße. Komplexe aus Bürstenpolymeren transfizieren mehr als 25% der gesamten Zellpopulation bei Schweinehirnendothelzellen. Gegenüber dem kommerziellen Transfektionsmittel Lipofektamin konnte eine deutliche Steigerung um bis zu 400% erreicht werden. Komplexe, die mit linearen Analoga gebildet wurden, zeigten bei gleicher Komplexgröße Transfektionsraten unter 5%. Freisetzungsversuche zeigen, dass die Komplexe, die gut transfizieren, recht labil sind, also die DNA unter Kompetitoreinfluss freisetzen können. Stabile Komplexe haben geringe Transfektionseffizienzen. Ebenso wichtig ist der Schutz der DNA vor Abbau durch DNase. Die PVP-Bürste bietet als einziges der untersuchten Polykationen diesen Schutz und zeigt auch die besten Transfektionsraten. Zusätzlich zu der medizinischen Anwendung wurde die Kinetik der Komplexbildung untersucht. Dazu wurde ein spezieller Aufbau entwickelt, der es ermöglicht die Streuintensität der Komplexlösung bei kleinen Streuwinkeln zeitaufgelöst im Millisekundenbereich zu detektieren. Die Komplexbildung verläuft diffusionskontrolliert, im Bereich von Ladungsverhältnissen (positive zu negativen Ladungen) von 1.8 bis 4.0 schließt sich ein fraktales Wachstum an.
The most important property controlling the physicochemical behaviour of polyelectrolytes and their applicability in different fields is the charge density on the macromolecular chain. A polyelectrolyte molecule in solution may have an effective charge density which is smaller than the actual charge density determined from its chemical structure. In the present work an attempt has been made to quantitatively determine this effective charge density of a model polyelectrolyte by using light scattering techniques. Flexible linear polyelectrolytes with a Poly(2-Vinylpyridine) (2-PVP) backbone are used in the present study. The polyelectrolytes are synthesized by quaternizing the pyridine groups of 2-PVP by ethyl bromide to different quaternization degrees. The effect of the molar mass, degree of quaternization and solvent polarity on the effective charge is studied. The results show that the effective charge does not vary much with the polymer molar mass or the degree of quaternization. But a significant increase in the effective charge is observed when the solvent polarity is increased. The results do not obey the counterion condensation theory proposed by Manning. Based on the very low effective charges determined in this study, a new mechanism for the counterion condensation phenomena from a specific polyelectrolyte-counterion interaction is proposed
Glycan-binding specificities of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus lectin-like adhesins
Since the adhesion of bacteria to the tooth surface is a prerequisite for dental plaque and subsequent caries development, a promising caries preventive strategy could be to block the lectin-glycan-mediated adherence of cariogenic bacteria. The aim of the study was to evaluate potential differences in glycan-binding specificities of two Streptococcus mutans strains (DSM 20523 and DSM 6178) and Streptococcus sobrinus (DSM 20381). A competitive enzyme-linked lectin-binding assay was used to identify the binding specificities of isolated bacterial surface lectins. Blotting of the microbial proteins on neoglycoprotein-coated PVP membranes enabled a qualitative protein analysis of all specific bacterial lectins. Different glycan-binding sites could be identified for the S. mutans strains in comparison to S. sobrinus. An earlier reported glycan-binding specificity for terminal galactose residues could be confirmed for the S. mutans strains. For the S. sobrinus strain, more than one glycan-binding specificity could be found (oligomannose and terminal sialyl residues). Each of the tested strains showed more than one surface lectin responsible for the specific lectin-binding with varying molecular weight (S. mutans, 90/155 kDa and S. sobrinus, 35/45 kDa). The established experimental setup could be used as future standard procedure for the identification of bacterial lectin-derived binding specificities. The findings from this study might serve as basis for the design of an individual 'glycan cocktail' for the competitive inhibition of lectin-mediated adhesion of mutans streptococci to oral surfaces.
Supported Cu(II) polymer catalysts were used for the catalytic oxidation of phenol at 30 degrees C and atmospheric pressure using air and H(2)O(2) as oxidants. Heterogenisation of homogeneous Cu(II) catalysts was achieved by adsorption of Cu(II) salts onto polymeric matrices (poly(4-vinylpyridine), Chitosan). The catalytic active sites were represented by Cu(II) ions and showed to conserve their oxidative activity in heterogeneous catalysis as well as in homogeneous systems. The catalytic deactivation was evaluated by quantifying released Cu(II) ions in solution during oxidation, from where Cu-PVP(25) showed the best leaching levels no more than 5 mg L(-1). Results also indicated that Cu-PVP(25) had a catalytic activity (56% of phenol conversion when initial Cu(II) catalytic content was 200 mg L(Reaction)(-1)) comparable to that of commercial catalysts (59% of phenol conversion). Finally, the balance between activity and copper leaching was better represented by Cu-PVP(25) due to the heterogeneous catalytic activity had 86% performance in the heterogeneous phase, and the rest on the homogeneous phase, while Cu-PVP(2) had 59% and CuO/gamma-Al(2)O(3) 68%.
PURPOSE Blood loss and blood substitution are associated with higher morbidity after major abdominal surgery. During major liver resection, low local venous pressure, has been shown to reduce blood loss. Ambiguity persists concerning the impact of local venous pressure on blood loss during open radical cystectomy. We aimed to determine the association between intraoperative blood loss and pelvic venous pressure (PVP) and determine factors affecting PVP. MATERIAL AND METHODS In the frame of a single-center, double-blind, randomized trial, PVP was measured in 82 patients from a norepinephrine/low-volume group and in 81 from a control group with liberal hydration. For this secondary analysis, patients from each arm were stratified into subgroups with PVP <5 mmHg or ≥5 mmHg measured after cystectomy (optimal cut-off value for discrimination of patients with relevant blood loss according to the Youden's index). RESULTS Median blood loss was 800 ml [range: 300-1600] in 55/163 patients (34%) with PVP <5 mmHg and 1200 ml [400-3000] in 108/163 patients (66%) with PVP ≥5 mmHg; (P<0.0001). A PVP <5 mmHg was measured in 42/82 patients (51%) in the norepinephrine/low-volume group and 13/81 (16%) in the control group (P<0.0001). PVP dropped significantly after removal of abdominal packing and abdominal lifting in both groups at all time points (at begin and end of pelvic lymph node dissection, end of cystectomy) (P<0.0001). No correlation between PVP and central venous pressure could be detected. CONCLUSIONS Blood loss was significantly reduced in patients with low PVP. Factors affecting PVP were fluid management and abdominal packing.
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) can act as potential drug delivery vehicle for porphyrin-based photosensitizers in photodynamic therapy (PDT) to enhance their stability and prevent porphyrin self-association. In the present study the interactions of PVP (MW 10 kDa) were probed with five different derivatives of chlorin e6 (CE6) bearing either one of the amino acids serine, lysine, tyrosine or arginine, or monoamino-hexanoic acid as substituent. All derivatives of CE6 (xCE) formed aggregates of a similar structure in aqueous buffer in the millimolar range. In the presence of PVP monomerization of all xCE aggregates could be proved by 1H NMR spectroscopy. xCE-PVP complex formation was confirmed by 1H NMR T2 relaxation and diffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY). 1H1H-NOESY data suggested that the xCE uptake into the PVP polymer matrix is governed by hydrophobic interactions. UV–vis absorption and fluorescence emission bands of xCE in the micromolar range revealed characteristic PVP-induced bathochromic shifts. The presented data point out the potential of PVP as carrier system for amphiphilic derivatives of chlorin e6. The capacity of PVP to monomerize xCE aggregates may enhance their efficiency as possible photosensitizers in PDT.
Introduction: The Texas Occupational Safety & Health Surveillance System (TOSHSS) was created to collect, analyze and interpret occupational injury and illness data in order to decrease the impact of occupational injuries within the state of Texas. This process evaluation was performed midway through the 4-year grant to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the surveillance system’s planning and implementation activities1. ^ Methods: Two evaluation guidelines published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were used as the theoretical models for this process evaluation. The Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health was used to examine the planning and design of TOSHSS using logic models. The Framework for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems was used to examine the implementation of approximately 60 surveillance activities, including uses of the data obtained from the surveillance system. ^ Results/Discussion: TOSHSS planning activities omitted the creation of a scientific advisory committee and specific activities designed to maintain contacts with stakeholders; and proposed activities should be reassessed and aligned with ongoing performance measurement criteria, including the role of collaborators in helping the surveillance system achieve each proposed activity. TOSHSS implementation activities are substantially meeting expectations and received an overall score of 61% for all activities being performed. TOSHSS is considered a surveillance system that is simple, flexible, acceptable, fairly stable, timely, moderately useful, with good data quality and a PVP of 86%. ^ Conclusions: Through the third year of TOSHSS implementation, the surveillance system is has made a considerable contribution to the collection of occupational injury and illness information within the state of Texas. Implementation of the nine recommendations provided under this process evaluation is expected to increase the overall usefulness of the surveillance system and assist TDSHS in reducing occupational fatalities, injuries, and diseases within the state of Texas. ^ 1 Disclaimer: The Texas Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance System is supported by Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number (U60 OH008473-01A1). The content of the current evaluation are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.^
En los últimos años el interés en los recubrimientos obtenidos por sol-gel ha aumentado mucho en aplicaciones de protección y refuerzo de superficies contra la corrosión. Asimismo, el uso de polimorfos de carbono (nanofibras de carbono, grafeno, grafito...) para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas y conferirle propiedades conductoras a algunos materiales, también se ha desarrollado mucho en los últimos años. En trabajos previos se prepararon y estudiaron recubrimientos híbridos de sílice-CB obtenidos por el método sol-gel. Mediante el estudio de la microestructura y composición de estos recubrimientos (SEM, Raman, ATD-TG, y FT-IR) y de las propiedades eléctricas se obtuvo que en función la temperatura de sinterización de los recubrimientos, se podía controlar la respuesta eléctrica de los composites. Esto permite abrir enormemente el campo de aplicaciones, ya que para temperaturas de sinterización por debajo de 400ºC se consiguen resistividades del orden de 10-4Ωm, apropiadas para aplicaciones en dispositivos electrónicos, electrodos, apantallamiento de interferencias electromagnéticas y radiofreciencia, etc; mientras que para temperaturas de sinterización por encima de 400ºC, obtenemos recubrimientos más resistivos que pueden aplicarse como dispositivos calefactores, anticongelantes. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar más profundamente estas aplicaciones, así como diseñar experimentos que demuestren las múltiples posibilidades que estos recubrimientos conductores obtenidos por sol-gel pueden aportar.
Compósitos de polímeros de polietileno linear de baixa densidade (LLDPE) possuem baixo desempenho mecânico devido principalmente à sua fraca interação, intermolecular, entre a cadeia polimérica e a carga. Uma maneira de minimizar esse baixo desempenho mecânico se faz com a mudança da estrutura química da poliolefina com a inserção de um grupo polar a sua cadeia, ou seja, faz-se a funcionalização das poliolefinas. O sistema de funcionalização adotado foi o processamento reativo, no qual foi utilizado para este sistema de processamento o misturador de dupla rosca acoplado a um reâmetro de torque. Neste trabalho, os grupos polares inseridos à cadeia dos polímeros de LLDPE\'s de copolímeros 1-buteno e 1-octeno (LLDPE-but e LLDPE-oct) foram o anidrido maléico (AM) e o anidrido tetrahidroftálico (ATF). Para a confecção dos compósitos foram utilizadas as cargas de microesferas de sílica modificada, no qual foi inserido compostos silanados em sua superfície (3-aminopropilsilano - APS - e trimetoxiclorosilano TMCISi) para estudo de interação com as poliolefinas funcionalizadas. Neste trabalho foram realizados ensaios de caracterização térmica, vibracional além de análises de torque do polímero fundido, análises do grau de reticulação e ensaios mecânicos de tração por elongação. Na caracterização térmica foram utilizadas as técnicas: termogravimetria (TG) e calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC). Na caracterização vibracional utilizou-se a espectroscopia fotoacústica no infravermelho (PAS-IR) e a espectroscopia de espalhamento Raman. Pela técnica PAS-IR foi possível comprovar a inserção dos anidridos à cadeia das poliolefinas assim como foi possível verificar a interação entre o polímero funcionalizado e a carga. Pelas técnicas térmicas de DSC e TG foi possível verificar mudanças das propriedades do compósito frente aos polímeros originais ou funcionalizados. Os ensaios mecânicos comprovaram que os compósitos de polímeros funcionalizados possuem maior elongação e tensão à ruptura comparada aos compósitos dos LLDPE\'s não funcionalizados
Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo produzir membranas porosas de carboximetilquitosana e hidrogéis de quitosana com propriedades físico-químicas e mecânicas adequadas para aplicações em Engenharia de Tecidos. Para isso, quitosanas com diferentes graus de acetilação (4,0%<GA<40%) e de elevada massa molar média viscosimétrica (Mv>750.000 g.mol-1) foram produzidas através da aplicação de processos consecutivos de desacetilação assistida por irradiação de ultrassom de alta intensidade (DAIUS) à beta-quitina extraída de gládios de lulas Doryteuthis spp. A carboximetilação de quitosana extensivamente desacetilada (Qs-3; GA=4%) foi realizada pela reação com ácido monocloroacético em meio isopropanol/solução aquosa de NaOH, gerando a amostra CMQs-0 (GS≈0,98; Mv≈190.000 g.mol-1). A irradiação de ultrassom de alta intensidade foi empregada para tratar solução aquosa de CMQs-0 durante 1 h e 3 h, resultando nas amostras CMQs-1 (Mv≈94.000 g.mol-1) e CMQs-3 (Mv≈43.000 g.mol-1), respectivamente. Para a produção de membranas reticuladas, genipina foi adicionada em diferentes concentrações (1,0x10-4 mol.L-1, 3,0x10-4 mol.L-1 ou 5,0x10-4 mol.L-1) às soluções aquosas das CMQs, que foram vertidas em placas de Petri e a reação de reticulação procedeu por 24 h. Em seguida, as membranas reticuladas (M-CMQs) foram liofilizadas, neutralizadas, lavadas e liofilizadas novamente, resultando em nove amostras, que foram caracterizadas quanto ao grau médio de reticulação (GR), grau médio de hidratação (GH), morfologia, propriedades mecânicas e quanto à susceptibilidade à degradação por lisozima. O grau médio de reticulação (GR) foi tanto maior quanto maior a concentração de genipina empregada na reação, variando de GR≈3,3% (M-CMQs-01) a GR≈17,8% (M-CMQs-35). As análises de MEV revelaram que as membranas reticuladas M-CMQs são estruturas porosas que apresentam maior densidade de poros aparentes quanto maiores os valores de Mve GR. Entretanto, as membranas preparadas a partir de CMQs de elevada massa molar (Mv>94.000 g.mol-1) e pouco reticuladas (GR<10%), apresentaram propriedades mecânicas superiores em termos de resistência máxima à tração (>170 kPa) e elongação máxima à ruptura (>40%). Por outro lado, as membranas mais susceptíveis à degradação enzimática foram aquelas preparadas a partir de CMQs de baixa massa molar (Mv≈43.000 g.mol-1) e que exibiram baixos graus de reticulação (GR<11%). Hidrogéis estáveis de quitosana sem o uso de qualquer agente de reticulação externo foram produzidos a partir da gelificação de soluções aquosas de quitosana com solução de NaOH ou vapor de NH3. Os hidrogéis produzidos a partir de soluções de quitosana de elevada massa molar média ponderal (Mw≈640.000 g.mol-1) e extensivamente desacetilada (DA≈2,8%) em concentrações poliméricas acima 2,0%, exibiram melhores propriedades mecânicas com o aumento da concentração polimérica, devido à formação de numerosos emaranhamentos físicos das cadeias poliméricas em solução. Os resultados mostram que as propriedades físico-químicas e mecânicas dos hidrogéis de quitosana podem ser controladas variando a concentração do polímero e o processo de gelificação. A avaliação biológica de tais hidrogéis para a regeneração de miocárdio infartado de ratos revelou que os hidrogéis de quitosana preparados a partir de soluções de polímero a 1,5% foram perfeitamente incorporados sobre a superfície do epicárdio do coração e apresentaram degradação parcial acompanhada por infiltração de células mononucleares.
Pd and bimetallic Ni50Pd50 nanoparticles protected by polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) have been synthesized by the reduction-by-solvent method and deposited on single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) to be tested as H2 sensors. The SWCNTs were deposited by drop casting from different suspensions. The Pd nanoparticles-based sensors show a very reproducible performance with good sensitivity and very low response times (few seconds) for different H2 concentrations, ranging from 0.2% to 5% vol. H2 in air at atmospheric pressure. The influence of the metal nanoparticle composition, the quality of SWCNTs suspension and the metal loading have been studied, observing that all these parameters play an important role in the H2 sensor performance. Evidence for water formation during the H2 detection on Pd nanoparticles has been found, and its repercussion on the behaviour of the assembled sensors is discussed. The sensor preparation procedure detailed in this work has proven to be simple and reproducible to prepare cost-effective and highly efficient H2 sensors that perform very well under real application conditions.