876 resultados para Quality-improvement Collaboration


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Este estudo trata da abordagem macroergonômica participativa para a identificação das demandas ergonômicas dos motoristas de ônibus urbano da cidade de Joinville, com utilização da metodologia participativa da Análise Macroergonômica do Trabalho (AMT) (GUIMARÃES, 2001c) e ferramental proposto no Design Macroergonômico (DM) (FOGLIATTO E GUIMARÃES, 1999). O estudo de caso foi realizado em uma empresa privada de transporte coletivo da cidade de Joinville. A aplicação da metodologia permitiu identificar as demandas ergonômicas prioritárias levantadas pelos motoristas de ônibus urbano da cidade de Joinville e os itens de design do seu posto de trabalho através da fase de apreciação. As demandas ergonômicas, bem como os itens de design foram comparados através do Teste Exato de Fisher com determinadas características da população constatando-se algumas associações significativas entre a satisfação dos motoristas e as variáveis que compõe cada construto. Estes resultados possibilitaram a formulação de recomendações que viabilize, em estudos futuros, a introdução de melhorias para o aumento da qualidade de vida dos motoristas. Os estudos também permitiram identificar uma afinidade da metodologia participativa com os motoristas de ônibus urbano, em que as mudanças podem ocorrer de forma gradativa e experiencial através de protótipos no caso das demandas referentes à posto de trabalho e físico ambiental, ou através de possíveis adaptações no conteúdo da tarefa do motorista no caso das demandas referentes à organização do trabalho. Tudo isto vislumbrando o atendimento, por ordem de importância, dos itens de demanda ergonômica levantados. Por fim, concluiu-se que para os motoristas de Joinville alguns fatores referentes a organização do trabalho estão entre os principais causadores dos constrangimentos aos quais são expostos enquanto executam sua tarefa, seguido por fatores físicos ambientais e posto do trabalho.


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This study investigates in the National Commission of Nuclear Energy the Institute of Radiation Protection and Dosimetry in terms of perceptions, actions, and posture of the administrative agents which could facilitate the engagement of the employees of that public organization in the TQM implantation, based on NBR ISO 9000. The central question of this research is: which characteristics of the administrative actions and sense of the managerial posture manifested in the implantation, implementation and maintenance for the achievement of objectives and goals of the Quality System-ISO 9000, could contribute to engage the IRD professionals in the process? The research finds prevalence of the Quality technical knowledge over the attention on professionals' managerial posture, identifies a lack in that Norm about how to deal with its administrative requirements in practical terms, driving the researcher to look for support especially in Deming to face the critical reading of that organizational context. The field research was conceived under the paradigm of constructivism, facilitating the description of beliefs, perceptions, feelings and values manifested in the employees discourses, actions and re-actions to establish relations between Quality theory and that concrete reality. A phenomenologic approach, only as a complementary level, was sufficient to favor the researcher insertion in that institution where he is still working, but in the new and contingent role of researcher. To apprehend the organization managerial stile, to comprehend beyond its characteristics and to grasp the orientation of the managerial posture in terms of possibilities for Quality implementation were the core of this study. The TQM theory was interpreted as a living philosophy, an administrative posture the meaning of which is a permanent Quality improvement in the CNEN/IRD management processes in its internal and external organizational relations. The procedural nature of the CNEN/IRD public service legal regime, political implications and performance evaluation which reveals only partially the organizational reality should not obstruct the Institute drive to assume the spirit of serving the public as a Quality management philosophic commitment. Conclusions show some progress reorienting initiatives in organizational management taking place in three different levels: operational, toward the employees' expectations of values and organizational processes integration; HR administration, in search of better communication; strategic, through expectations on a possible visionary leadership". Finally, at the academic level, the perception that future studies in search of the establishment of relationships between TQM and the organization culture can favor new progress."


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This text has the objective to compare attitudes and opinions of undergraduation students about Brazilian movies, evaluated in 1991 and 2003. The research was motivated by the author's perceptions that the changes occurred in the public cultural stimulus policy, at the end of 80's and beginning of 90's drove the national productions to a significant quality improvement, allowing them to work in conditions to compete in the Brazilian market without needing to take any advantage of law or policy for minimum projection share to national movies. The results attested a significant enhancement in the evaluation by the respondents of Brazilian movie production.


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This work intends to analyze the influence of the power in the process of quality improvement in managerial organizations, being taken based on a case study regarding to a company of medium load placed in the southeast area of Brazil which in the intention of solving difficulties in inserting its products in the market, it opted to implement quality programs. The data were collected through observations and bibliographical researches about the company, where the author participated as employee for a close period of 6 years. The results indicate that the imported methodologies of administration ¿ as it is the case of the quality models ¿ cannot produce the expected results, when these methodologies are implemented by ignoring cultural factors, mainly related to form as the power is shared and practiced in the organizations.


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Programas de Fundos Competitivos para financiamento da pesquisa agrícola há muito estão sendo implementados nos países desenvolvidos. Entretanto, somente a partir da década de 1990 a adoção desse mecanismo se intensificou nos países em desenvolvimento, especialmente na América Latina. Isso ocorreu em razão da redução dos recursos do governo federal para a pesquisa agrícola, o que levou as instituições de pesquisa a buscar fontes alternativas para o financiamento de sua programação. A partir desse cenário, o presente trabalho analisa e discute a importância dos Fundos Competitivos como alternativa criativa e inovadora na captação de recursos para o financiamento da pesquisa agrícola no Brasil. A análise é feita a partir de estudo teórico sobre esse mecanismo de financiamento e com base em um estudo de caso do Sistema Competitivo do PRODETAB, implementado e coordenado pela Embrapa. O objetivo foi o de avaliar a importância e a contribuição dos fundos competitivos para o aumento da eficiência na alocação dos recursos públicos para a pesquisa agrícola e para a melhoria da qualidade dos projetos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento


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Programas de Fundos Competitivos para financiamento da pesquisa agrícola há muito estão sendo implementados nos países desenvolvidos. Entretanto, somente a partir da década de 1990 a adoção desse mecanismo se intensificou nos países em desenvolvimento, especialmente na América Latina. Isso ocorreu em razão da redução dos recursos do governo federal para a pesquisa agrícola, o que levou as instituições de pesquisa a buscar fontes alternativas para o financiamento de sua programação. A partir desse cenário, o presente trabalho analisa e discute a importância dos Fundos Competitivos como alternativa criativa e inovadora na captação de recursos para o financiamento da pesquisa agrícola no Brasil. A análise é feita a partir de estudo teórico sobre esse mecanismo de financiamento e com base em um estudo de caso do Sistema Competitivo do PRODETAB, implementado e coordenado pela Embrapa. O objetivo foi o de avaliar a importância e a contribuição dos fundos competitivos para o aumento da eficiência na alocação dos recursos públicos para a pesquisa agrícola e para a melhoria da qualidade dos projetos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento.


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A pesquisa realizada abordou as relações entre Estado e sociedade, destacando a democracia como precursora de uma gestão participativa onde a sociedade interage com a gestão pública, onde a decisão compartilhada esteja voltada para o bem comum, a gestão social. Mostrou a evolução da administração pública, investigando mais precisamente a história das Ouvidorias como sendo um dos instrumentos dessa democracia crescente. O papel que as ouvidorias públicas, em especial a Ouvidoria Fazendária do Estado de Pernambuco desempenha na relação entre o cidadão e a gestão pública e a história da SEFAZ-PE – Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de Pernambuco foram alvo de sua reflexão. Os resultados dos seus estudos baseados na literatura sobre o tema e na experiência da Ouvidoria Fazendária demonstram até que ponto estes órgãos são representantes da sociedade, contribuindo para a conscientização da participação cidadã na administração pública e no processo de tomada de decisão do gestor público. Quanto à metodologia, a pesquisa foi descritiva, explicativa, bibliográfica, documental e de campo. O universo foi composto pelos cidadãos que efetuaram reclamação à Ouvidoria Fazendária do Estado de Pernambuco no ano de 2011 e os servidores do que trabalhavam no setor estudado. Os dados foram coletados através da realização de entrevistas aos funcionários do órgão e questionários enviados por email aos reclamantes, sendo tratados com abordagem qualitativa e estatística descritiva. Verificou-se com os resultados obtidos que os cidadãos usuários da Ouvidoria Fazendária reconhecem que ela representa um canal de participação, um exemplo prático de gestão social entre o cidadão e a gestão pública da SEFAZ-PE. O estudo sugere uma análise da melhoria da qualidade da gestão da Secretaria da Fazenda de PE aliada ao papel atuante da Ouvidoria Fazendária.


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O tema central de pesquisa deste estudo é avaliar se a adoção de regras de proteção à novas cultivares de plantas e à modificação genética, impactou as estratégias adotadas pelas empresas nos segmentos de sementes de soja e milho do Brasil, quando comparadas às dos Estados Unidos. Os resultados dessa dupla comparação demonstraram que, no caso do milho híbrido, por contar com uma proteção natural, o estímulo aos investimentos privados ocorreram independentemente da existência de regras formais de apropriação. Essas regras foram essenciais para favorecer tais investimentos na soja, como se nota na transformação da indústria no Brasil após meados da década de 1990. Além disso, embora a modificação genética tenha ocorrido tanto em eventos com características agronômicas, os quais promovem como consequência o aumento de produtividade, quanto para a modificação qualitativa do produto, a demanda do produtor agrícola concentrou-se pelo primeiro tipo, cujo retorno é diretamente apropriado pelo agricultor. Verifica-se ainda, que a complexidade do processo de pesquisa e desenvolvimento e a necessidade de investimentos com altas características locacionais justificam o alto nível de consolidação global dos segmentos de sementes com os de biotecnologia e agroquímicos. Nesses segmentos, a possibilidade de apropriação sobre os direitos da inovação, mostra-se fundamental para motivar os investimentos privados.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo entender os hábitos de consumo das mulheres da nova classe trabalhadora para conhecer as aspirações, motivações e desejos que influenciam suas decisões de compra, e para identificar qual o significado, para elas, dos produtos característicos do “novo luxo”. A problemática deste trabalho envolve o entendimento do comportamento de consumo da ‘nova classe trabalhadora’ (Souza, 2012), e tem por objetivo compreender os novos hábitos de consumo dessa classe, no que tange ao consumo de bens constitutivos do chamado ‘novo luxo’ (Silverstein & Fiske, 2008). Os resultados desta pesquisa trarão entendimento às ressignificações de produtos de novo luxo para a nova classe trabalhadora, conhecimento sobre as preferências e prioridades dessa classe, e compreensão sobre o valor simbólico do consumo desse tipo de produto. No primeiro capítulo, foi abordado o comportamento do consumidor, mostrando a importância do estudo do comportamento de consumo para as estratégias mercadológicas, além de explorar a influência da cultura na tomada de decisão dos consumidores; o segundo capítulo abordou os conceitos de habitus, capital simbólico e cultural, em que são exploradas as questões relacionadas a valores, atitudes e hábitos, e a importância destes na expressão do indivíduo na sociedade e na formação de sua identidade; no terceiro capítulo, discutiu-se o conceito de classe social, trabalhando com as principais divergências encontradas nas premissas utilizadas por cada autor para identificar suas características distintivas, mencionando os principais argumentos relacionados aos conceitos de ‘nova classe média’ (Neri, 2011) e de ‘nova classe trabalhadora’ (Souza, 2012); por fim, o quarto capítulo tratou do fenômeno do trading-up (Silverstein & Fiske, 2008), que demonstra que o consumidor tem optado por produtos considerados de novo luxo, mesmo que paguem valores superiores para obtê-los. O produto de novo luxo é definido pelos autores como um produto premium, que apresenta melhorias e características superiores em relação a produtos similares, porém com preços mais acessíveis se comparados aos de luxo tradicional. A metodologia escolhida para este trabalho foi a pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório-descritivo, considerando uma amostragem não probabilística, usando a seleção por julgamento. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstraram que, de fato, o fenômeno do trading-up está presente no dia-a-dia das mulheres da nova classe trabalhadora, ao priorizarem determinados itens que julgam importantes para o seu conforto, bem-estar, e melhoria na qualidade de vida.


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The present study regards an applied qualitative social research (descriptive) which approaches the matter between old age and Brazilian social actions performed in social projects, aiming a qualified life and citizenship for this group of age. The objective of the study is to evaluate the contribution of Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age regarding social actions from the government directed to old age individual treatment for life quality improvement. The theoretical fundamentals of this work is, in a first moment, about old age and certain existing theories about aging process, as well as the differences and perspectives that come up throughout this process. In a second moment, some reflections are developed about the relation between life quality and leisure regarding old age, with the conception and historical rescue about these questions, as well as the evidence of leisure as an instrument of well-being feasibility and a better life quality in old age. Then the study contextualizes Brazilian government treatment to old age individuals, cutting off the Constitution of Republic from 1988 and some social attitudes taken by the government in a try to reach this specific group. Finally, the study presents the Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age , as a social program which belongs to extension activities from Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET-RN), which aims old age treatment and their citizenship and life quality. After the application of a semi-structured interview using the technique of Analysis of content for the Analysis and Discussion of Results, it is possible to conclude that the Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age fulfils its objective regarding contribution, through offered leisure activities, for old age well-being and life quality improvement. Hence, on this regard, it is possible to observe the importance and value of government actions, social projects and programs assisting old age individuals, for they are able to provide this group the opportunity to live out activities that allow their citizenship and socialization, regarding well-being and life quality improvement.


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Cancer of the cervix (cervical cancer) is the second most prevalent cancer among Brazilian women. The high rates of cervical cancer in Brazil justify the implementation of effective strategies to control this, which include actions to promote health, primary prevention, early detection, screening, treatment and palliative care. Despite the existence of the National Programme for Control of the CCU there was no reduction in the incidence and mortality of this disease in Brazil. The Family Health Strategy (FHS) has the potential to facilitate such control and, in this context, one should consider that nurses play a central role. The study aimed to know the general intervention strategies used by nurses FHS of Natal / RN in CCU control, and how specific: analyzing the knowledge of these nurses on the CCU, the actions developed in the ESF for the control of CCU and identify the difficulties faced by them to perform it. This is a descriptive exploratory quantitative developed through a structured interview guide with 106 nurses who have experience in controlling the CCU in FHS teams of Natal / RN. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistic s. The results pointed to actions taken in the FHS to control the CCU, collection of cervical cancer screening, health education activities, nursing consultation, referral of suspected cases for medical monitoring and active women with abnormal test result . The actions that were not mentioned by the nurses included: forming groups of prevention and health promotion; expand coverage of exams and office hours of consultations, establishment of alternatives to end the pent-up demand in the health units, participation in treatment or rehabilitation process users with the CCU; interventions for pain management, alliances and partnerships with schools, in dustry and the use of protocols. This study can be seen that the practice nurses partially shares to the CCU in Natal / RN. The participants of this study, when asked about the CCU, specifically for signs and symptoms of disease and risk factors in general showed important gaps. Difficulties such as lack of materials for collection of Pap smear; inadequate physical space in the Health Units; pent-up demand in the service, delay in arrival of the test results; obstacles in the actions of referral and counter-referral and cultural factors make the CCU control is compromised. It is believed in this research contributed to a reflection on the importance of the role of nurses in the development of the ESF control actions CCU, pointing out the factors that affect these. It is important to involve all nurses who comprise the ESF as knowledgeable of the risk factors, signs and symptoms, and existing tools for the early detection of cervical cancer in the pursuit of quality improvement actions to promote women`s health, contributing in planning future interventions that may reduce mortality from this disease in Natal / RN.


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In Brazil the theme quality in public construction has been widely discussed in the early 1990s, with the creation of the Brazilian Program of Quality and Productivity for the Habitat (PBQP-H) which is strongly influenced by the wave of studies on issues of quality in the world, such as the ISO 9000. Over the years, other approaches have emerged and been consolidated, evolving from market and customer´s needs. An example is the Six Sigma methodology. This study aims to examine the Six Sigma, ISO 9000 and PBQP-H methodologies, noting the common elements, differences, gaps and how the methods are complementary, so that with the ongoing work, proposed initiatives can be developed to improve the quality that enables its application in public construction. Still aiming to optimize the deployment of the proposed initiatives, it was performed an analysis of ISO 9001 and PBPQ-H certifications in Brazil and in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, with respect to the construction industry and a case study to identify the factors that influence the adoption of initiatives to improve quality, and check if the selected construction company is prepared to implement the proposed initiatives. This research is characterized as exploratory and applied, with literature review and a case study. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire and the statistical analysis used a multidimensional scaling method. The conclusion is that the methodologies are compatible and complementary, and their integration could potentialize the goals set. It was identified that the state of Rio Grande do Norte has a few number of certifications in construction. Nine initiatives are proposed for implementation at construction companies. In the case study it was found that the studied company would be able to implement the suggestions proposed and the requirement for certification by clients and funding institutions influence the adoption of quality improvement initiatives. This result confirms the literature which states that top management support is crucial for the successful implementation of quality methodologies


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In energy systems, the balance of entrances, exits and losses are fundamental to rationalize the energy consumption, independently of the source (sun, natural gas, wind, water, firewood or oil). This estimate is important so much in the phase of project of the facilities, as in the exploration or operation. In the project phase it indicates the energy needs of the process and the contribution of the energy in the cost of the product and the capacity of storage of the fuel and in the operation phase it allows to evaluate the use of the energy in the process of it burns, showing the weak points that should suffer intervention to improve the efficiency. With this tool, it can be implemented routines of calculation of thermal balances in ovens of it burns of structural ceramic, in way to generate an optimized mathematical model for application in the current and promising structural ceramic brazilian industry. The ceramic oven in study is located in the metropolitan area of Natal (Rio Grande do Norte) and it is a continuous oven of the type wagons tunnel, converted of firewood for natural gas and it produces blocks of red ceramic. The energy balance was applied in the oven tunnel before and after the conversion and made the comparisons of the energy efficiencies (it burns to the firewood and it burns to natural gas), what showed that the gaseous fuel is more efficient when we burn structural ceramic in ovens tunnels. When we burn natural gas, the requested energy is smaller and better used. Tests were accomplished in the burned product that showed the best quality of the burned brick with natural gas. That quality improvement makes possible to accomplish new interventions for the most rational use of the energy in the oven tunnel of the Ceramic in study and in the industries of structural ceramic of the whole Brazil, that need control tools of burning and of quality


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The information tecnology (IT) has, over the years, gaining prominence as a strategic element and competitive edge in organizations, public or private. In the judiciary, with the implementation of actions related to Judiciário Eletrônico, information technology (IT), definitely earns its status as a strategic element and significantly raises the level of dependence of the organs of their services and products. Increasingly, the quality of services provided by IT has direct impact on the quality of services provided by the agency as a whole. The Ministério Público do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (MPRN) deployments shares of Electronic Government, along with an administrative reform, beyond these issues raised, caused a large increase in institutional demand for products and services provided by the Diretoria de Tecnologia da Informação (DTI), a sector responsible for the provision of IT services. Taking as starting point strategic goal set by MPRN to reach a 85% level of user satisfaction in four years, we seek to propose a method that assists in meeting the goal, respecting the capacity constraints of the IT sector. To achieve the proposed objective, we conducted a work in two distinct and complementary stages. In the first step we conducted a case study in MPRN, in which, through an internal and external diagnosis of DTI, accomplished by an action of internal consulting and one research of the user satisfaction, we seek to identify opportunities of change seeking to raise the quality perceived of the services provided by the DTI , from the viewpoint of their customers. The situational report, drawn from the data collected, fostered changes in DTI, which were then evaluated with the managers. In the second stage, with the results obtained in the initial process, empirical observation, evaluation of side projects of quality improvement in the sector, and validation with the managers, of the initial model, we developed an improved process, gazing beyond the identification of gaps in service a strategy for the selection of best management practices and deployment of these, in a incremental and adaptive way, allowing the application of the process in organs with little staff allocated to the provision of information technology services