967 resultados para Oscillatory Marangoni-Convection


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Abstract Background The importance of the lung parenchyma in the pathophysiology of asthma has previously been demonstrated. Considering that nitric oxide synthases (NOS) and arginases compete for the same substrate, it is worthwhile to elucidate the effects of complex NOS-arginase dysfunction in the pathophysiology of asthma, particularly, related to distal lung tissue. We evaluated the effects of arginase and iNOS inhibition on distal lung mechanics and oxidative stress pathway activation in a model of chronic pulmonary allergic inflammation in guinea pigs. Methods Guinea pigs were exposed to repeated ovalbumin inhalations (twice a week for 4 weeks). The animals received 1400 W (an iNOS-specific inhibitor) for 4 days beginning at the last inhalation. Afterwards, the animals were anesthetized and exsanguinated; then, a slice of the distal lung was evaluated by oscillatory mechanics, and an arginase inhibitor (nor-NOHA) or vehicle was infused in a Krebs solution bath. Tissue resistance (Rt) and elastance (Et) were assessed before and after ovalbumin challenge (0.1%), and lung strips were submitted to histopathological studies. Results Ovalbumin-exposed animals presented an increase in the maximal Rt and Et responses after antigen challenge (p<0.001), in the number of iNOS positive cells (p<0.001) and in the expression of arginase 2, 8-isoprostane and NF-kB (p<0.001) in distal lung tissue. The 1400 W administration reduced all these responses (p<0.001) in alveolar septa. Ovalbumin-exposed animals that received nor-NOHA had a reduction of Rt, Et after antigen challenge, iNOS positive cells and 8-isoprostane and NF-kB (p<0.001) in lung tissue. The activity of arginase 2 was reduced only in the groups treated with nor-NOHA (p <0.05). There was a reduction of 8-isoprostane expression in OVA-NOR-W compared to OVA-NOR (p<0.001). Conclusions In this experimental model, increased arginase content and iNOS-positive cells were associated with the constriction of distal lung parenchyma. This functional alteration may be due to a high expression of 8-isoprostane, which had a procontractile effect. The mechanism involved in this response is likely related to the modulation of NF-kB expression, which contributed to the activation of the arginase and iNOS pathways. The association of both inhibitors potentiated the reduction of 8-isoprostane expression in this animal model.


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This work focuses on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) mixed convection flow of electrically conducting fluids enclosed in simple 1D and 2D geometries in steady periodic regime. In particular, in Chapter one a short overview is given about the history of MHD, with reference to papers available in literature, and a listing of some of its most common technological applications, whereas Chapter two deals with the analytical formulation of the MHD problem, starting from the fluid dynamic and energy equations and adding the effects of an external imposed magnetic field using the Ohm's law and the definition of the Lorentz force. Moreover a description of the various kinds of boundary conditions is given, with particular emphasis given to their practical realization. Chapter three, four and five describe the solution procedure of mixed convective flows with MHD effects. In all cases a uniform parallel magnetic field is supposed to be present in the whole fluid domain transverse with respect to the velocity field. The steady-periodic regime will be analyzed, where the periodicity is induced by wall temperature boundary conditions, which vary in time with a sinusoidal law. Local balance equations of momentum, energy and charge will be solved analytically and numerically using as parameters either geometrical ratios or material properties. In particular, in Chapter three the solution method for the mixed convective flow in a 1D vertical parallel channel with MHD effects is illustrated. The influence of a transverse magnetic field will be studied in the steady periodic regime induced by an oscillating wall temperature. Analytical and numerical solutions will be provided in terms of velocity and temperature profiles, wall friction factors and average heat fluxes for several values of the governing parameters. In Chapter four the 2D problem of the mixed convective flow in a vertical round pipe with MHD effects is analyzed. Again, a transverse magnetic field influences the steady periodic regime induced by the oscillating wall temperature of the wall. A numerical solution is presented, obtained using a finite element approach, and as a result velocity and temperature profiles, wall friction factors and average heat fluxes are derived for several values of the Hartmann and Prandtl numbers. In Chapter five the 2D problem of the mixed convective flow in a vertical rectangular duct with MHD effects is discussed. As seen in the previous chapters, a transverse magnetic field influences the steady periodic regime induced by the oscillating wall temperature of the four walls. The numerical solution obtained using a finite element approach is presented, and a collection of results, including velocity and temperature profiles, wall friction factors and average heat fluxes, is provided for several values of, among other parameters, the duct aspect ratio. A comparison with analytical solutions is also provided, as a proof of the validity of the numerical method. Chapter six is the concluding chapter, where some reflections on the MHD effects on mixed convection flow will be made, in agreement with the experience and the results gathered in the analyses presented in the previous chapters. In the appendices special auxiliary functions and FORTRAN program listings are reported, to support the formulations used in the solution chapters.


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In this work we develop and analyze an adaptive numerical scheme for simulating a class of macroscopic semiconductor models. At first the numerical modelling of semiconductors is reviewed in order to classify the Energy-Transport models for semiconductors that are later simulated in 2D. In this class of models the flow of charged particles, that are negatively charged electrons and so-called holes, which are quasi-particles of positive charge, as well as their energy distributions are described by a coupled system of nonlinear partial differential equations. A considerable difficulty in simulating these convection-dominated equations is posed by the nonlinear coupling as well as due to the fact that the local phenomena such as "hot electron effects" are only partially assessable through the given data. The primary variables that are used in the simulations are the particle density and the particle energy density. The user of these simulations is mostly interested in the current flow through parts of the domain boundary - the contacts. The numerical method considered here utilizes mixed finite-elements as trial functions for the discrete solution. The continuous discretization of the normal fluxes is the most important property of this discretization from the users perspective. It will be proven that under certain assumptions on the triangulation the particle density remains positive in the iterative solution algorithm. Connected to this result an a priori error estimate for the discrete solution of linear convection-diffusion equations is derived. The local charge transport phenomena will be resolved by an adaptive algorithm, which is based on a posteriori error estimators. At that stage a comparison of different estimations is performed. Additionally a method to effectively estimate the error in local quantities derived from the solution, so-called "functional outputs", is developed by transferring the dual weighted residual method to mixed finite elements. For a model problem we present how this method can deliver promising results even when standard error estimator fail completely to reduce the error in an iterative mesh refinement process.


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The last decade has witnessed very fast development in microfabrication technologies. The increasing industrial applications of microfluidic systems call for more intensive and systematic knowledge on this newly emerging field. Especially for gaseous flow and heat transfer at microscale, the applicability of conventional theories developed at macro scale is not yet completely validated; this is mainly due to scarce experimental data available in literature for gas flows. The objective of this thesis is to investigate these unclear elements by analyzing forced convection for gaseous flows through microtubes and micro heat exchangers. Experimental tests have been performed with microtubes having various inner diameters, namely 750 m, 510 m and 170 m, over a wide range of Reynolds number covering the laminar region, the transitional zone and also the onset region of the turbulent regime. The results show that conventional theory is able to predict the flow friction factor when flow compressibility does not appear and the effect of fluid temperature-dependent properties is insignificant. A double-layered microchannel heat exchanger has been designed in order to study experimentally the efficiency of a gas-to-gas micro heat exchanger. This microdevice contains 133 parallel microchannels machined into polished PEEK plates for both the hot side and the cold side. The microchannels are 200 µm high, 200 µm wide and 39.8 mm long. The design of the micro device has been made in order to be able to test different materials as partition foil with flexible thickness. Experimental tests have been carried out for five different partition foils, with various mass flow rates and flow configurations. The experimental results indicate that the thermal performance of the countercurrent and cross flow micro heat exchanger can be strongly influenced by axial conduction in the partition foil separating the hot gas flow and cold gas flow.


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Il flusso di Rayleigh-Bénard, costituito da un fluido racchiuso fra due pareti a diversa temperatura, rappresenta il paradigma della convezione termica. In natura e nelle applicazioni industriali, il moto convettivo avviene principalmente in regime turbolento, rivelando un fenomeno estremamente complesso. L'obiettivo principale di questo elaborato di tesi consiste nell'isolare e descrivere gli aspetti salienti di un flusso turbolento di Rayleigh-Bénard. L'analisi è applicata a dati ottenuti da tre simulazioni numeriche dirette effettuate allo stesso numero di Rayleigh (Ra=10^5) e a numeri di Prandtl differenti (Pr=0.7,2,7). Sulla base di alcune statistiche a singolo punto, vengono definite nel flusso tre regioni caratteritiche: il bulk al centro della cella, lo strato limite termico e quello viscoso in prossimità delle pareti. Grazie all'analisi dei campi istantanei e delle correlazioni spaziali a due punti, sono state poi individuate due strutture fondamentali della convezione turbolenta: le piume termiche e la circolazione a grande scala. L'equazione generalizzata di Kolmogorov, introdotta nell'ultima parte della trattazione, permette di approcciare il problema nella sua complessità, visualizzando come l'energia cinetica viene immessa, si distribuisce e viene dissipata sia nello spazio fisico, sia in quello delle scale turbolente. L'immagine che emerge dall'analisi complessiva è quella di un flusso del tutto simile a una macchina termica. L'energia cinetica viene prodotta nel bulk, considerato il motore del flusso, e da qui fluisce verso le pareti, dove viene infine dissipata.


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Il trattamento numerico dell'equazione di convezione-diffusione con le relative condizioni al bordo, comporta la risoluzione di sistemi lineari algebrici di grandi dimensioni in cui la matrice dei coefficienti è non simmetrica. Risolutori iterativi basati sul sottospazio di Krylov sono ampiamente utilizzati per questi sistemi lineari la cui risoluzione risulta particolarmente impegnativa nel caso di convezione dominante. In questa tesi vengono analizzate alcune strategie di precondizionamento, atte ad accelerare la convergenza di questi metodi iterativi. Vengono confrontati sperimentalmente precondizionatori molto noti come ILU e iterazioni di tipo inner-outer flessibile. Nel caso in cui i coefficienti del termine di convezione siano a variabili separabili, proponiamo una nuova strategia di precondizionamento basata sull'approssimazione, mediante equazione matriciale, dell'operatore differenziale di convezione-diffusione. L'azione di questo nuovo precondizionatore sfrutta in modo opportuno recenti risolutori efficienti per equazioni matriciali lineari. Vengono riportati numerosi esperimenti numerici per studiare la dipendenza della performance dei diversi risolutori dalla scelta del termine di convezione, e dai parametri di discretizzazione.


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Exertional oscillatory ventilation (EOV) is an ominous prognostic sign in chronic heart failure (CHF), but little is known about the success of specific therapeutic interventions. Our aim was to study the impact of an exercise training on exercise capacity and cardiopulmonary adaptation in stable CHF patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction and EOV. 96 stable CHF patients with EOV were included in a retrospective analysis (52 training versus 44 controls). EOV was defined as follows: 1) three or more oscillatory fluctuations in minute ventilation (V'(E)) during exercise; 2) regular oscillations; and 3) minimal average ventilation amplitude ≥5 L. EOV disappeared in 37 (71.2%) out of 52 patients after training, but only in one (2.3%) out of 44 without training (p<0.001). The decrease of EOV amplitude correlated with changes in end-tidal carbon dioxide tension (r= -0.60, p<0.001) at the respiratory compensation point and V'(E)/carbon dioxide production (V'(CO(2))) slope (r=0.50, p<0.001). Training significantly improved resting values of respiratory frequency (f(R)), V'(E), tidal volume (V(T)) and V'(E)/V'(CO(2)) ratio. During exercise, V'(E) and V(T) reached significantly higher values at the peak, while f(R) and V'(E)/V'(CO(2)) ratio were significantly lower at submaximal exercise. No change was noted in the control group. Exercise training leads to a significant decrease of EOV and improves ventilatory efficiency in patients with stable CHF.


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INTRODUCTION: The objective was to study the effects of a novel lung volume optimization procedure (LVOP) using high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) upon gas exchange, the transpulmonary pressure (TPP), and hemodynamics in a porcine model of surfactant depletion. METHODS: With institutional review board approval, the hemodynamics, blood gas analysis, TPP, and pulmonary shunt fraction were obtained in six anesthetized pigs before and after saline lung lavage. Measurements were acquired during pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV) prior to and after lung damage, and during a LVOP with HFOV. The LVOP comprised a recruitment maneuver with a continuous distending pressure (CDP) of 45 mbar for 2.5 minutes, and a stepwise decrease of the CDP (5 mbar every 5 minute) from 45 to 20 mbar. The TPP level was identified during the decrease in CDP, which assured a change of the PaO2/FIO2 ratio < 25% compared with maximum lung recruitment at CDP of 45 mbar (CDP45). Data are presented as the median (25th-75th percentile); differences between measurements are determined by Friedman repeated-measures analysis on ranks and multiple comparisons (Tukey's test). The level of significance was set at P < 0.05. RESULTS: The PaO2/FiO2 ratio increased from 99.1 (56.2-128) Torr at PCV post-lavage to 621 (619.4-660.3) Torr at CDP45 (CDP45) (P < 0.031). The pulmonary shunt fraction decreased from 51.8% (49-55%) at PCV post-lavage to 1.03% (0.4-3%) at CDP45 (P < 0.05). The cardiac output and stroke volume decreased at CDP45 (P < 0.05) compared with PCV, whereas the heart rate, mean arterial pressure, and intrathoracic blood volume remained unchanged. A TPP of 25.5 (17-32) mbar was required to preserve a difference in PaO2/FIO2 ratio < 25% related to CDP45; this TPP was achieved at a CDP of 35 (25-40) mbar. CONCLUSION: This HFOV protocol is easy to perform, and allows a fast determination of an adequate TPP level that preserves oxygenation. Systemic hemodynamics, as a measure of safety, showed no relevant deterioration throughout the procedure.


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BACKGROUND: Current practice at high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) initiation is a stepwise increase of the constant applied airway pressure to achieve lung recruitment. We hypothesized that HFOV would lead to more adverse cerebral haemodynamics than does pressure controlled ventilation (PCV) in the presence of experimental intracranial hypertension (IH) and acute lung injury (ALI) in pigs with similar mean airway pressure settings. METHODS: In 12 anesthetized pigs (24-27 kg) with IH and ALI, mean airway pressure (P(mean)) was increased (to 20, 25, 30 cm H(2)O every 30 min), either with HFOV or with PCV. The order of the two ventilatory modes (cross-over) was randomized. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), intracranial pressure (ICP), cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), cerebral blood flow (CBF) (fluorescent microspheres), cerebral metabolism, transpulmonary pressures (P(T)), and blood gases were determined at each P(mean) setting. Our end-points of interest related to the cerebral circulation were ICP, CPP and CBF. RESULTS: CBF and cerebral metabolism were unaffected but there were no differences between the values for HFOV and PCV. ICP increased slightly (HFOV median +1 mm Hg, P<0.05; PCV median +2 mm Hg, P<0.05). At P(mean) setting of 30 cm H(2)O, CPP decreased during HFOV (median -13 mm Hg, P<0.05) and PCV (median -17 mm Hg, P<0.05) paralleled by a decrease of MAP (HFOV median -11 mm Hg, P<0.05; PCV median -13 mm Hg, P<0.05). P(T) increased (HFOV median +8 cm H(2)O, P<0.05; PCV median +8 cm H(2)O, P<0.05). Oxygenation improved and normocapnia maintained by HFOV and PCV. There were no differences between both ventilatory modes. CONCLUSIONS: In animals with elevated ICP and ALI, both ventilatory modes had effects upon cerebral haemodynamics. The effects upon cerebral haemodynamics were dependent of the P(T) level without differences between both ventilatory modes at similar P(mean) settings. HFOV seems to be a possible alternative ventilatory strategy when MAP deterioration can be avoided.


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INTRODUCTION: The objective was to study the effects of a lung recruitment procedure by stepwise increases of mean airway pressure upon organ blood flow and hemodynamics during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) versus pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV) in experimental lung injury. METHODS: Lung damage was induced by repeated lung lavages in seven anesthetized pigs (23-26 kg). In randomized order, HFOV and PCV were performed with a fixed sequence of mean airway pressure increases (20, 25, and 30 mbar every 30 minutes). The transpulmonary pressure, systemic hemodynamics, intracranial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, organ blood flow (fluorescent microspheres), arterial and mixed venous blood gases, and calculated pulmonary shunt were determined at each mean airway pressure setting. RESULTS: The transpulmonary pressure increased during lung recruitment (HFOV, from 15 +/- 3 mbar to 22 +/- 2 mbar, P < 0.05; PCV, from 15 +/- 3 mbar to 23 +/- 2 mbar, P < 0.05), and high airway pressures resulted in elevated left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (HFOV, from 3 +/- 1 mmHg to 6 +/- 3 mmHg, P < 0.05; PCV, from 2 +/- 1 mmHg to 7 +/- 3 mmHg, P < 0.05), pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (HFOV, from 12 +/- 2 mmHg to 16 +/- 2 mmHg, P < 0.05; PCV, from 13 +/- 2 mmHg to 15 +/- 2 mmHg, P < 0.05), and intracranial pressure (HFOV, from 14 +/- 2 mmHg to 16 +/- 2 mmHg, P < 0.05; PCV, from 15 +/- 3 mmHg to 17 +/- 2 mmHg, P < 0.05). Simultaneously, the mean arterial pressure (HFOV, from 89 +/- 7 mmHg to 79 +/- 9 mmHg, P < 0.05; PCV, from 91 +/- 8 mmHg to 81 +/- 8 mmHg, P < 0.05), cardiac output (HFOV, from 3.9 +/- 0.4 l/minute to 3.5 +/- 0.3 l/minute, P < 0.05; PCV, from 3.8 +/- 0.6 l/minute to 3.4 +/- 0.3 l/minute, P < 0.05), and stroke volume (HFOV, from 32 +/- 7 ml to 28 +/- 5 ml, P < 0.05; PCV, from 31 +/- 2 ml to 26 +/- 4 ml, P < 0.05) decreased. Blood flows to the heart, brain, kidneys and jejunum were maintained. Oxygenation improved and the pulmonary shunt fraction decreased below 10% (HFOV, P < 0.05; PCV, P < 0.05). We detected no differences between HFOV and PCV at comparable transpulmonary pressures. CONCLUSION: A typical recruitment procedure at the initiation of HFOV improved oxygenation but also decreased systemic hemodynamics at high transpulmonary pressures when no changes of vasoactive drugs and fluid management were performed. Blood flow to the organs was not affected during lung recruitment. These effects were independent of the ventilator mode applied.


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BACKGROUND: Exertional oscillatory ventilation (EOV) in heart failure may potentiate the negative effects of low cardiac output and high ventilation on exercise performance. We hypothesized that the presence of EOV might, per se, influence exercise capacity as evaluated by maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test. METHODS AND RESULTS: We identified 78 severe chronic heart failure patient pairs with and without EOV. Patients were matched for sex, age and peak oxygen consumption (VO2). Patients with EOV showed, for the same peak VO2, a lower workload (WL) at peak (DeltaWatts=5.8+/-23.0, P=0.027), a less efficient ventilation (higher VE/VCO2 slope: 38.0+/-8.3 vs. 32.8+/-6.3, P<0.001), lower peak exercise tidal volume (1.49+/-0.36 L vs. 1.61+/-0.46 L, P=0.015) and higher peak respiratory rate (34+/-7/min vs. 31+/-6/min, P=0.002). In 33 patients, EOV disappeared during exercise, whereas in 45 patients EOV persisted. Fifty percent of EOV disappearing patients had an increase in the VO2/WL relationship after EOV regression, consistent with a more efficient oxygen delivery to muscles. No cardiopulmonary exercise test parameter was associated with the different behaviour of VO2/WL. CONCLUSION: The presence of EOV negatively influences exercise performance of chronic heart failure patients likely because of an increased cost of breathing. EOV disappearance during exercise is associated with a more efficient oxygen delivery in several cases.


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The maximum principle is an important property of solutions to PDE. Correspondingly, it's of great interest for people to design a high order numerical scheme solving PDE with this property maintained. In this thesis, our particular interest is solving convection-dominated diffusion equation. We first review a nonconventional maximum principle preserving(MPP) high order finite volume(FV) WENO scheme, and then propose a new parametrized MPP high order finite difference(FD) WENO framework, which is generalized from the one solving hyperbolic conservation laws. A formal analysis is presented to show that a third order finite difference scheme with this parametrized MPP flux limiters maintains the third order accuracy without extra CFL constraint when the low order monotone flux is chosen appropriately. Numerical tests in both one and two dimensional cases are performed on the simulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in vorticity stream-function formulation and several other problems to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.