983 resultados para Lie algebras.


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The relationship between an algebra and its associated monomial algebra is investigated when at least one of the algebras is d-Koszul It is shown that an algebra which has a reduced Grobnerbasis that is composed of homogeneous elements of degree d is d-Koszul if and only if its associated monomial algebra is d-Koszul The class of 2-d-determined algebras and the class 2-d-Koszul algebras are introduced In particular it is shown that 2-d-determined monomial algebras are 2-d-Koszul algebras and the structure of the ideal of relations of such an algebra is completely determined (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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The problem of classification of Jordan bit-nodules over (non-semisimple) finite dimensional Jordan algebras with respect to their representation type is considered. The notions of diagram of a Jordan algebra and of Jordan tensor algebra of a bimodule are introduced and a mapping Qui is constructed which associates to the diagram of a Jordan algebra J the quiver of its universal associative enveloping algebra S(J). The main results are concerned with Jordan algebras of semi-matrix type, that is, algebras whose semi-simple component is a direct sum of Jordan matrix algebras. In this case, criterion of finiteness and tameness for one-sided representations are obtained, in terms of diagram and mapping Qui, for Jordan tensor algebras and for algebras with radical square equals to 0. (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Let F be an algebraically closed field and let A and B be arbitrary finite dimensional simple algebras over F. We prove that A and B are isomorphic if and only if they satisfy the same identities.


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We determine the structure of the semisimple group algebra of certain groups over the rationals and over those finite fields where the Wedderburn decompositions have the least number of simple components We apply our work to obtain similar information about the loop algebras of mdecomposable RA loops and to produce negative answers to the isomorphism problem over various fields (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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In 1996, Jespers and Wang classified finite semigroups whose integral semigroup ring has finitely many units. In a recent paper, Iwaki-Juriaans-Souza Filho continued this line of research by partially classifying the finite semigroups whose rational semigroup algebra contains a Z-order with hyperbolic unit group. In this paper, we complete this classification and give an easy proof that deals with all finite semigroups.


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We introduce a new class of noncommutative rings - Galois orders, realized as certain subrings of invariants in skew semigroup rings, and develop their structure theory. The class of Calms orders generalizes classical orders in noncommutative rings and contains many important examples, such as the Generalized Weyl algebras, the universal enveloping algebra of the general linear Lie algebra, associated Yangians and finite W-algebras (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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Can Boutet de Monvel`s algebra on a compact manifold with boundary be obtained as the algebra Psi(0)(G) of pseudodifferential operators on some Lie groupoid G? If it could, the kernel G of the principal symbol homomorphism would be isomorphic to the groupoid C*-algebra C*(G). While the answer to the above question remains open, we exhibit in this paper a groupoid G such that C*(G) possesses an ideal I isomorphic to G. In fact, we prove first that G similar or equal to Psi circle times K with the C*-algebra Psi generated by the zero order pseudodifferential operators on the boundary and the algebra K of compact operators. As both Psi circle times K and I are extensions of C(S*Y) circle times K by K (S*Y is the co-sphere bundle over the boundary) we infer from a theorem by Voiculescu that both are isomorphic.


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We determine derived representation type of complete finitely generated local and two-point algebras over an algebraically closed field. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We define intrinsic, natural and metrizable topologies T(Omega), T, T(s,Omega) and T(s) in G(Omega), (K) over bar, G(s)(Omega) and (K) over bar (s) respectively. The topology T(Omega) induces T, T(s,Omega) and T(s). The topologies T(s,Omega) and T(s) coincide with the Scarpalezos sharp topologies.


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Vários métodos analíticos, numéricos e híbridos podem ser utilizados na solução de problemas de difusão e difusão-advecção. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar dois métodos analíticos para obtenção de soluções em forma fechada da equação advectivo-difusiva em coordenadas cartesianas que descreve problemas de dispersão de poluentes na água e na atmosfera. Um deles é baseado em regras de manipulação de exponenciais de operadores diferenciais, e o outro consiste na aplicação de simetrias de Lie admitidas por uma equação diferencial parcial linear. Desenvolvem-se regras para manipulação de exponenciais de operadores diferenciais de segunda ordem com coeficientes constantes e para operadores advectivo-difusivos. Nos casos em que essas regras não podem ser aplicadas utiliza-se uma formulação para a obtenção de simetrias de Lie, admitidas por uma equação diferencial, via mapeamento. Define-se um operador diferencial com a propriedade de transformar soluções analíticas de uma dada equação diferencial em novas soluções analíticas da mesma equação. Nas aplicações referentes à dispersão de poluentes na água, resolve-se a equação advectivo-difusiva bidimensional com coeficientes variáveis, realizando uma mudança de variáveis de modo a reescrevê-la em termos do potencial velocidade e da função corrente correspondentes ao respectivo escoamento potencial, estendendo a solução para domínios de contornos arbitrários Na aplicação referente ao problema de dispersão de poluentes na atmosfera, realiza-se uma mudança de variáveis de modo a obter uma equação diferencial parcial com coeficientes constantes na qual se possam aplicar as regras de manipulação de exponenciais de operadores diferenciais. Os resultados numéricos obtidos são comparados com dados disponíveis na literatura. Diversas vantagens da aplicação das formulações apresentadas podem ser citadas, a saber, o aumento da velocidade de processamento, permitindo a obtenção de solução em tempo real; a redução da quantidade de memória requerida na realização de operações necessárias para a obtenção da solução analítica; a possibilidade de dispensar a discretização do domínio em algumas situações.


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Monoidal logic, ML for short, which formalized the fuzzy logics of continuous t-norms and their residua, has arisen great interest, since it has been applied to fuzzy mathematics, artificial intelligence, and other areas. It is clear that fuzzy logics basically try to represent imperfect or fuzzy information aiming to model the natural human reasoning. On the other hand, in order to deal with imprecision in the computational representation of real numbers, the use of intervals have been proposed, as it can guarantee that the results of numerical computation are in a bounded interval, controlling, in this way, the numerical errors produced by successive roundings. There are several ways to connect both areas; the most usual one is to consider interval membership degrees. The algebraic counterpart of ML is ML-algebra, an interesting structure due to the fact that by adding some properties it is possible to reach different classes of residuated lattices. We propose to apply an interval constructor to ML-algebras and some of their subclasses, to verify some properties within these algebras, in addition to the analysis of the algebraic aspects of them


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A study of the reducibility of the Fock space representation of the q-deformed harmonic oscillator algebra for real and root of unity values of the deformation parameter is carried out by using the properties of the Gauss polynomials. When the deformation parameter is a root of unity, an interesting result comes out in the form of a reducibility scheme for the space representation which is based on the classification of the primitive or nonprimitive character of the deformation parameter. An application is carried out for a q-deformed harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian, to which the reducibility scheme is explicitly applied.


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Applied to the electroweak interactions, the theory of Lie algebra extensions suggests a mechanism by which the boson masses are generated without resource to spontaneous symmetry breaking. It starts from a gauge theory without any additional scalar field. All the couplings predicted by the Weinberg-Salam theory are present, and a few others which are nevertheless consistent within the model.