867 resultados para Learning Mathematics
This study examined the effectiveness of discovery learning and direct instruction in a diverse second grade classroom. An assessment test and transfer task were given to students to examine which method of instruction enabled the students to grasp the content of a science lesson to a greater extent. Results demonstrated that students in the direct instruction group scored higher on the assessment test and completed the transfer task at a faster pace; however, this was not statistically significant. Results also suggest that a mixture of instructional styles would serve to effectively disseminate information, as well as motivate students to learn.
Multidisciplinary training is widely appreciated in industry and business, and nevertheless usually is not addressed in the early stages of most undergraduate programs. We outline here a multidisciplinary course for undergraduates studying engineering in which mathematics would be the common language, the transverse tool. The goal is motivating students to learn more mathematics and as a result, improve the quality of engineering education. The course would be structured around projects in four branches in engineering: mechanical, electrical, civil and bio-tech. The projects would be chosen among a wide variety of topics in engineering practice selected with the guidance of professional engineers. In these projects mathematics should interact with at least two other basic areas of knowledge in engineering: chemistry, computers science, economics, design or physics.
In this paper, the results of six years of research in engineering education, in the application of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) to improve the performance of the students in the subject Analysis of Circuits of Telecommunication Engineering, are analysed taking into consideration the fact that there would be hidden variables that both separate students into subgroups and show the connection among several basic subjects such as Analysis of Circuits (AC) and Mathematics (Math). The discovery of these variables would help us to explain the characteristics of the students through the teaching and learning methodology, and would show that there are some characteristics that instructors do not take into account but that are of paramount importance
This paper analyzes the role of Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) in a model of learning based on competences. The proposal is an e-learning model Linear Algebra course for Engineering, which includes the use of a CAS (Maxima) and focuses on problem solving. A reference model has been taken from the Spanish Open University. The proper use of CAS is defined as an indicator of the generic ompetence: Use of Technology. Additionally, we show that using CAS could help to enhance the following generic competences: Self Learning, Planning and Organization, Communication and Writing, Mathematical and Technical Writing, Information Management and Critical Thinking.
At present, in the University curricula in most countries, the decision theory and the mathematical models to aid decision making is not included, as in the graduate program like in Doctored and Master´s programs. In the Technical School of High Level Agronomic Engineers of the Technical University of Madrid (ETSIA-UPM), the need to offer to the future engineers training in a subject that could help them to take decisions in their profession was felt. Along the life, they will have to take a lot of decisions. Ones, will be important and others no. In the personal level, they will have to take several very important decisions, like the election of a career, professional work, or a couple, but in the professional field, the decision making is the main role of the Managers, Politicians and Leaders. They should be decision makers and will be paid for it. Therefore, nobody can understand that such a professional that is called to practice management responsibilities in the companies, does not take training in such an important matter. For it, in the year 2000, it was requested to the University Board to introduce in the curricula an optional qualified subject of the second cycle with 4,5 credits titled " Mathematical Methods for Making Decisions ". A program was elaborated, the didactic material prepared and programs as Maple, Lingo, Math Cad, etc. installed in several IT classrooms, where the course will be taught. In the course 2000-2001 this subject was offered with a great acceptance that exceeded the forecasts of capacity and had to be prepared more classrooms. This course in graduate program took place in the Department of Applied Mathematics to the Agronomic Engineering, as an extension of the credits dedicated to Mathematics in the career of Engineering.
Ideas concerning problem-based learning (PBL) developed after running different experiences in different Spanish Universities, are discussed. The driver for introducing PBL has been the requirement for studying Mathematics by the Engineering students. A methodology hybrid of problem-based learning for Mathematics in Engineering studies is proposed. The model is a combination of formal lectures, practical and laboratory sessions with autonomous small projects.
In this article we present a didactic experience developed by the GIE (Group of Educational Innovation) “Pensamiento Matemático” of the Polytechnics University of Madrid (UPM), in order to bring secondary students and university students closer to Mathematics. It deals with the development of a virtual board game called Mate-trivial. The mechanics of the game is to win points by going around the board which consists of four types of squares identified by colours: “Statistics and Probability”, “Calculus and Analysis”, “Algebra and Geometry” and “Arithmetic and Number Theory ”. When landing on a square, a question of its category is set out: a correct answer wins 200 points, if wrong it loses 100 points, and not answering causes no effect on the points, but all the same, two minutes out of the 20 minutes that each game lasts are lost. For the game to be over it is necessary, before those 20 minutes run out, to reach the central square and succeed in the final task: four chained questions, one of each type, which must be all answered correctly. It is possible to choose between two levels to play: Level 1, for pre-university students and Level 2 for university students. A prototype of the game is available at the website “Aula de Pensamiento Matemático” developed by the GIE: http://innovacioneducativa.upm.es/pensamientomatematico/. This activity lies within a set of didactic actions which the GIE is developing in the framework of the project “Collaborative Strategies between University and Secondary School Education for the teaching and learning of Mathematics: An Application to solve problems while playing”, a transversal project financed by the UPM.
This paper analyzes an ideal model of teaching, thinking after 5-10 years in Universities in the world. We propose the collaborative work for a fruitful learning. According with that, we expose some of our previous projects in this area and some ideas for the ?global education?, focused on the teaching and learning of mathematics to engineering students. Furthermore we explain some of our initiatives for implementing the "Bologna process?. Aspects related to the learning and assessments will be analyzed. The establishment of the new teaching paradigm has to change the learning process and we will suggest some possible initiatives for adapting the learning to the new model. The paper ends by collecting some conclusions.
This paper describes the processes used by students to learn from worked-out examples and by working through problems. Evidence is derived from protocols of students learning secondary school mathematics and physics. The students acquired knowledge from the examples in the form of productions (condition-->action): first discovering conditions under which the actions are appropriate and then elaborating the conditions to enhance efficiency. Students devoted most of their attention to the condition side of the productions. Subsequently, they generalized the productions for broader application and acquired specialized productions for special problem classes.
Esta investigación presenta un estudio cuyo objetivo es identificar aspectos que apoyan el desarrollo de la mirada profesional en estudiantes para profesores de matemáticas en un contexto b-learning. Analizamos las producciones de un grupo de estudiantes para profesores de matemáticas de educación secundaria (documentos escritos y participaciones en un debate on-line) cuando analizaban el razonamiento proporcional de estudiantes de educación secundaria. Los resultados indican que la interacción en el debate en línea permitió a algunos estudiantes para profesor mejorar su capacidad de identificar e interpretar aspectos relevantes del pensamiento matemático de los estudiantes de educación secundaria. Estos resultados indican que el desarrollo de “una mirada profesional” del profesor es un proceso complicado pero que la posibilidad de construir un discurso progresivo en línea es un factor importante para su desarrollo.
The aim of this research is to identify aspects that support the development of prospective mathematics teachers’ professional noticing in a b-learning context. The study presented here investigates the extent to which prospective secondary mathematics teachers attend and interpret secondary school students’ proportional reasoning and decide how to respond. Results show that interactions in an on-line discussion improve prospective mathematics teachers’ ability to identify and interpret important aspects of secondary school students’ mathematical thinking.
In recent years, several explanatory models have been developed which attempt to analyse the predictive worth of various factors in relation to academic achievement, as well as the direct and indirect effects that they produce. The aim of this study was to examine a structural model incorporating various cognitive and motivational variables which influence student achievement in the two basic core skills in the Spanish curriculum: Spanish Language and Mathematics. These variables included differential aptitudes, specific self-concept, goal orientations, effort and learning strategies. The sample comprised 341 Spanish students in their first year of Compulsory Secondary Education. Various tests and questionnaires were used to assess each student, and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was employed to study the relationships in the initial model. The proposed model obtained a satisfactory fit for the two subjects studied, and all the relationships hypothesised were significant. The variable with the most explanatory power regarding academic achievement was mathematical and verbal aptitude. Also notable was the direct influence of specific self-concept on achievement, goal-orientation and effort, as was the mediatory effect that effort and learning strategies had between academic goals and final achievement.
One of the most relevant subjects for the intellectual formation of elementary school students is Mathematics where its importance goes back to ancient civilizations and which its importance is underestimated nowadays. This phenomenon occurs in Mexico, where 63.1% of the total population of elementary school students between the third and sixth grade have insufficient/elemental level of mathematics knowledge. This has resulted in the need to use a new mechanism to complement student’s classroom learning. With the rapid growth of wireless and mobile technologies, the mobile learning has been gradually considered as a novel and effective form of learning due to it inherits all the advantages of e-learning as well as breaks the limitations of learning time and space occurring in the traditional classroom teaching. This project proposes the use of a Mathematics Game e-Library integrated by a set of games for mobile devices and a distribution/management tool. The games are developed for running on mobile devices and for cover the six competencies related with the mathematics learning approach established in Mexico. The distribution/management tool allows students to reach contents according to their needs; this is achieved through a core engine that infers, from an initial profile, the games that cover the user’s knowledge gaps.
El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar características del proceso de instrumentalización del conocimiento de didáctica de la matemática de profesores de educación primaria en un curso de especialización desarrollado en un contexto b-learning. Participaron 65 maestros en un entorno de aprendizaje b-learning integrando debates virtuales y centrados en el análisis del pensamiento matemático de alumnos de educación primaria. El análisis de las participaciones en los debates virtuales y la resolución de las tareas nos han permitido caracterizar el aprendizaje del conocimiento sobre el aprendizaje de las matemáticas como un cambio en el discurso de los estudiantes. Este cambio se puso de manifiesto por la integración paulatina del conocimiento de didáctica de la matemática en la interpretación del pensamiento matemático de los alumnos. Los resultados indican que las aportaciones a los debates en forma de refutaciones favorecieron el proceso de instrumentalización de las ideas teóricas.
Higher education should provide the acquisition of skills and abilities that allow the student to play a full and active role in society. The educational experience should offer a series of conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents that encourage “learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together”. It is important to consider the curricular value of mathematics in the education of university undergraduates who do not intend to study mathematics but for whom the discipline will serve as an instrumental. This work discusses factors that form part of the debate on the curricular value of mathematics in non-mathematics degrees.