925 resultados para Health Sciences, Obstetrics and Gynecology|Health Sciences, Nursing|Health Sciences, Nutrition
Aim: The aim of this study was to measure nursing presence among nurses caring for people with dementia in residential care settings, and to investigate the relationship between nursing presence and moral sensitivity. Background: Nursing presence is a core relational skill in nursing and holds many benefits for nurses and their patients. Moral sensitivity is defined as how one recognises the moral elements of a situation, and how one’s moral or ethical decision making may impact on an individual. Methods: A descriptive, cross sectional quantitative methodology was used with a sample of 150 registered nurses. The Presence of Nursing Scale for Registered Nurses was used to investigate nursing presence, and the Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire for moral sensitivity. Results: Findings from the study demonstrated that participants agreed with the majority of elements of nursing presence, (mean 76.97, SD= 7.51). A mean score of 36.22 was evidence of a well developed level of moral sensitivity in participants. Nurses who perceived themselves to be highly present to their patients also scored highest on certain elements of moral sensitivity such as moral strength. Nursing presence was also found to be more developed in those participants that rated themselves as having higher levels of expertise based on Benner’s (1984) definitions. Older nurses also scored higher on nursing presence. There was a high level of agreement that factors such as lack of time (n=133), and heavy workload influenced nursing presence. Nurses, who were older and had longer clinical experience, were shown to have greater moral strength. There were differences in elements of moral sensitivity between groups of nurses who ranked themselves according to Benner’s (1984) competence framework with higher scores evident in the more expert groups. Conclusion: Overall, this study showed that participants had a well developed level of nursing presence, and certain elements of moral sensitivity are positively related to nursing presence. Nursing presence appears to be linked to the level of expertise of the nurse but factors such as time and workload do influence nursing presence.
Purpose of review: Postnatal pelvic floor muscle training aims to rehabilitate the pelvic floor muscles. To be effective, a certain exercise dosage must be respected. Recent trials evaluated the effect of different programs on prevention/treatment of urinary incontinence immediately after delivery and in treatment of persistent incontinence. Recent findings: Only three systematic reviews, six trials, and four follow-up studies have been published in the past two decades. High heterogeneity in postnatal pelvic floor muscle training programs is observed throughout the literature, making comparisons difficult. In the prevention/treatment of postnatal urinary incontinence immediately after delivery and in persistent incontinence, supervised intensive programs prove more effective than standard postnatal care. Longer-term results have yet to show advantages for postnatal training programs. Summary: Although a certain exercise dosage must be respected for a postnatal pelvic floor muscle training program to be effective, a few randomized controlled trials present such dosage. Randomized controlled trials should study the effect of supervised, intensive training protocols with adherence aids. As standard care does not seem to reduce the prevalence of postnatal urinary incontinence, obstetrics services must address delivery of postnatal pelvic floor muscle training.
Background: A core component of nurse education is clinical practice in order to support the development of clinical skills and competence. Assessment and measurement of the clinical competence of nursing students is important to gauge their professional development and educational needs.
Aim: To evaluate the impact of an Older Persons’ Assessment Educational Workbook (OPAEW) and explore second year nursing students’ competence and their opinions and use of the workbook.
Methods: A ‘before and after’ pre-experimental design was undertaken with n=6 second year nursing students. Outcome measures were the Nursing Competencies Questionnaire and the Self-efficacy in Clinical Performance Scale. Content analysis of workbooks and a survey (n=5) of opinions regarding the workbook was undertaken.
Findings: Pre and post test results for the study (n=5) were tested to determine if there was a relationship between changes in the NCQ and SECP repeated measures and use of an OPAEW. Testing identified evidence of a statistically significant difference for both SECP measures (SECP28 p=0.043; SECP7 p=0.042), with no clear statistical evidence of a difference for the NCQ (p=0.08). A weak negative association (NCQ ρ=-0.600 p=0.285; SECP28 ρ=-0.300 p=0.624; SECP7 ρ=-0.205 p=0.741), was found indicating that those participants who scored the lowest scores at the start of the study, benefited most from the workbook.
Content analysis of the OPAEW (n=5) found that 3 of the 5 participants completed all components of the workbook, with a mean of 1051 words used (SD 281.8). Through the survey (n=5) students reported the workbook as a useful guide when undertaking a patient assessment.
Conclusions: The OPAEW showed potential as an intervention to support the development of nursing students’ competence in older person assessment skills.
Background: A core component of nurse education is clinical practice in order to support the development of clinical skills and competence. Assessment and measurement of the clinical competence of nursing students is important to gauge their professional development and educational needs.
Aim: To evaluate the impact of an Older Persons’ Assessment Educational Workbook (OPAEW) and explore second year nursing students’ competence and their opinions and use of the workbook.
Methods: A ‘before and after’ pre-experimental design was undertaken with n=6 second year nursing students. Outcome measures were the Nursing Competencies Questionnaire and the Self-efficacy in Clinical Performance Scale. Content analysis of workbooks and a survey (n=5) of opinions regarding the workbook was undertaken.
Findings: Pre and post test results for the study (n=5) were tested to determine if there was a relationship between changes in the NCQ and SECP repeated measures and use of an OPAEW. Testing identified evidence of a statistically significant difference for both SECP measures (SECP28 p=0.043; SECP7 p=0.042), with no clear statistical evidence of a difference for the NCQ (p=0.08). A weak negative association (NCQ ρ=-0.600 p=0.285; SECP28 ρ=-0.300 p=0.624; SECP7 ρ=-0.205 p=0.741), was found indicating that those participants who scored the lowest scores at the start of the study, benefited most from the workbook.
Content analysis of the OPAEW (n=5) found that 3 of the 5 participants completed all components of the workbook, with a mean of 1051 words used (SD 281.8). Through the survey (n=5) students reported the workbook as a useful guide when undertaking a patient assessment.
Conclusions: The OPAEW showed potential as an intervention to support the development of nursing students’ competence in older person assessment skills.
Background: Interprofessionalism, considered as collaboration between medical professionals, has gained prominence over recent decades and evidence for its impact has grown. The steadily increasing number of residents in nursing homes will challenge medical care and the interaction across professions, especially nurses and general practitioners (GPS). The nursing home visit, a key element of medical care, has been underrepresented in research. This study explores GP perspectives on interprofessional collaboration with a focus on their visits to nursing homes in order to understand their experiences and expectations. This research represents an aspect of the interprof study, which explores medical care needs as well as the perceived collaboration and communication by nursing home residents, their families, GPS and nurses. This paper focusses on GPS' views, investigating in particular their visits to nursing homes in order to understand their experiences. Methods: Open guideline-interviews covering interprofessional collaboration and the visit process were conducted with 30 GPS in three study centers and analyzed with grounded theory methodology. GPS were recruited via postal request and existing networks of the research partners. Results: Four different types of nursing home visits were found: visits on demand, periodical visits, nursing home rounds and ad-hoc-decision based visits. We identified the core category "productive performance" of home visits in nursing homes which stands for the balance of GPŚ individual efforts and rewards. GPS used different strategies to perform a productive home visit: preparing strategies, on-site strategies and investing strategies. Conclusion: We compiled a theory of GPS home visits in nursing homes in Germany. The findings will be useful for research, and scientific and management purposes to generate a deeper understanding of GP perspectives and thereby improve interprofessional collaboration to ensure a high quality of care.
Animals that fast during breeding and/or development, such as phocids, must regulate energy balance carefully to maximize reproductive fitness and survival probability. Adiponectin, produced by adipose tissue, contributes to metabolic regulation by modulating sensitivity to insulin, increasing fatty acid oxidation by liver and muscle, and promoting adipogenesis and lipid storage in fat tissue. We tested the hypotheses that (1) circulating adiponectin, insulin, or relative adiponectin gene expression is related to nutritional state, body mass, and mass gain in wild gray seal pups; (2) plasma adiponectin or insulin is related to maternal lactation duration, body mass, percentage milk fat, or free fatty acid (FFA) concentration; and (3) plasma adiponectin and insulin are correlated with circulating FFA in females and pups. In pups, plasma adiponectin decreased during suckling (linear mixed-effects model [LME]: T = 4.49; P < 0.001) and the early postweaning fast (LME: T = 3.39; P = 0.004). In contrast, their blubber adiponectin gene expression was higher during the early postweaning fast than early in suckling (LME: T = 2.11; P = 0.046). Insulin levels were significantly higher in early (LME: T = 3.52; P = 0.004) and late (LME: T = 6.99; P < 0.001) suckling than in fasting and, given the effect of nutritional state, were also positively related to body mass (LME: T = 3.58; P = 0.004). Adiponectin and insulin levels did not change during lactation and were unrelated to milk FFA or percentage milk fat in adult females. Our data suggest that adiponectin, in conjunction with insulin, may facilitate fat storage in seals and is likely to be particularly important in the development of blubber reserves in pups.
Engagement is a useful concept in the profession of nursing as it focuses on the positive dimension of human behaviour and visualizes the work context as a positive situation. Evaluate the stress and engagement levels on Portuguese and Spanish nurses and analyse the factors related to the stress and engagement levels in the two sample groups. Comparative exploratory study in a quantitative paradigm. Sample of 867 nurses (504 Portuguese, 363 Spanish), female 83.6% (78.6% Portugal, 90.6% Spain) and average age of 37. Portuguese (77.2%) and Spanish nurses (39.4%), work on average 40 hours per week. 60.6% and 57.7% of the Spanish and Portuguese respectively exercise their profession for 10 years. Sociodemographic questionnaire, the Pamela Gray-Toft’s Nursing Stress Scale (1981) and Schaufeli & Bakker’s Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (2003) were used. In what concerns Engagement there are statistically signiicant differences in the three dimensions, the p-value of the t-Student test were under 5%, highlighting the Spanish nurses for being more vigorous, dedicated and absorbed by their work: vigour, dedication and absorption. The sample of Portuguese nurses experience higher stress levels although the difference with Spanish nurses isn’t statistically signiicant. There are statistically signiicant differences between Portugal and Spain in “Lack of help from colleagues” and also in the psychological domain in general. The Spanish nurses feel more vigorous, dedicated and absorbed by their work. The Portuguese nurses perceive more psychological stress and mention having less help from colleagues.
OBJETIVO: evaluar el nivel de satisfacción de la atención que brindan las enfermeras/os, a las gestantes hospitalizadas que cursan su tercer trimestre de embarazo, en la Clínica Humanitaria Fundación Pablo Jaramillo Crespo, periodo Noviembre-Diciembre 2015. METODOLOGÍA: se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo con universo y muestra finito, conformado por 34 gestantes hospitalizadas, en el servicio Gineco-Obstetricia en la Clínica Humanitaria en su tercer trimestre de gestación. Se utilizó el instrumento Caring Assessment Instrument (Care-Q) modificado, conformado por 7 categorías y 25 preguntas. En la tabulación y análisis de datos se utilizó el programa Excel y Word. RESULTADOS: de las 34 gestantes encuestadas, el 68% refieren un nivel de satisfacción alto, el 16% señalan un nivel de satisfacción medio y el 16% un nivel de satisfacción bajo con referencia a la atención de enfermería. Los datos socio demográficos que presentaron las gestantes hospitalizadas indican que el grupo etario con mayor afluencia a la Clínica Humanitaria se encuentran entre los 19 – 24 años de edad con el 38,2%, el estado civil que prevalece entre las usuarias es casadas con el 50%, con un nivel de instrucción secundaria del 53% y residen dentro del sector urbano con el 59%. CONCLUSIONES: este estudio, demuestra que el nivel de satisfacción en la atención que brinda el personal de enfermería es alto, para una cantidad considerable de gestantes hospitalizadas, sin embargo existe un nivel de satisfacción medio y bajo, que deberían considerarse medidas, para ofrecer una excelente atención de calidad y calidez a las usuarias
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women in Western countries. It is a heterogeneous disease with varying biological characteristics and aggressiveness. Family history is one of the strongest predisposing factors for breast cancer. The known susceptibility genes explain only around 25% of all familial breast cancers. At least part of the unknown familial aggregation may be caused by several low-penetrance variants that occur commonly in the general population. Cyclins are cell cycle-regulating proteins. Cyclin expression oscillates during the cell cycle and is under strict control. In cancer cells, cyclin expression often becomes deregulated, leading to uncontrolled cell division and proliferation, one of the hallmarks of cancer. In this study, we investigated the role of cyclins in breast cancer predisposition, pathogenesis, and tumor behavior. Cyclin A immunohistochemistry was evaluated both on traditional large sections and on tissue microarrays (TMA). The concordance of the results was good, indicating that TMA is a reliable method for studying cyclin expression in breast cancer. The expression of cyclins D1, E, and B1 was studied among 1348 invasive breast cancers on TMA. Familial BRCA1/2-mutation negative tumors had significantly more often low cyclin E and high cyclin D1 expression than BRCA1/2 related or sporadic tumors. Unique cyclin E and D1 expression patterns among familial non-BRCA1/2 breast cancers may reflect different predisposition and pathogenesis in these groups and help to differentiate mutation-positive from mutation-negative familial cancers. High cyclin E expression was associated with an aggressive breast cancer phenotype and was an independent marker of poor metastasis-free survival. High cyclin D1 was associated with high grade and high proliferation among estrogen receptor (ER)-positive but with low grade and low proliferation among ER-negative breast cancers. Among ER-positive cancers not treated with chemotherapy, high cyclin D1 showed a trend towards shorter metastasis-free survival. These results suggest that different mechanisms may drive proliferation in ER-negative and -positive breast cancers and that cyclin D1 has a particularly important role in tumorigenesis of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. High cyclin B1 expression was associated with aggressive breast cancer features and had an independent impact on survival. The results suggest that cyclin B1 immunohistochemistry is a method that could easily be adapted for routine use and is an independent prognostic factor, adding specificity to prognostic evaluation conducted with traditional markers. A commonly occurring cyclin D1 gene polymorphism A870G was associated with increased breast cancer risk in a large material of Finnish and Canadian breast cancer patients. The interaction of the high-activity alleles of cyclin D1 gene and estrogen metabolism gene COMT conferred an even higher risk. These results show that cyclin D1 and COMT act synergistically to contribute to breast cancer progression and that individual risk for breast cancer can be altered by the combined effect of polymorphisms with low-penetrance alleles. By investigating critical cell cycle regulator protein cyclins, we revealed new aspects of breast cancer predisposition, pathogenesis, and clinical course.
Cord blood is a well-established alternative to bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. To this day, over 400 000 unrelated donor cord blood units have been stored in cord blood banks worldwide. To enable successful cord blood transplantation, recent efforts have been focused on finding ways to increase the hematopoietic progenitor cell content of cord blood units. In this study, factors that may improve the selection and quality of cord blood collections for banking were identified. In 167 consecutive cord blood units collected from healthy full-term neonates and processed at a national cord blood bank, mean platelet volume (MPV) correlated with the numbers of cord blood unit hematopoietic progenitors (CD34+ cells and colony-forming units); this is a novel finding. Mean platelet volume can be thought to represent general hematopoietic activity, as newly formed platelets have been reported to be large. Stress during delivery is hypothesized to lead to the mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells through cytokine stimulation. Accordingly, low-normal umbilical arterial pH, thought to be associated with perinatal stress, correlated with high cord blood unit CD34+ cell and colony-forming unit numbers. The associations were closer in vaginal deliveries than in Cesarean sections. Vaginal delivery entails specific physiological changes, which may also affect the hematopoietic system. Thus, different factors may predict cord blood hematopoietic progenitor cell numbers in the two modes of delivery. Theoretical models were created to enable the use of platelet characteristics (mean platelet volume) and perinatal factors (umbilical arterial pH and placental weight) in the selection of cord blood collections with high hematopoietic progenitor cell counts. These observations could thus be implemented as a part of the evaluation of cord blood collections for banking. The quality of cord blood units has been the focus of several recent studies. However, hemostasis activation during cord blood collection is scarcely evaluated in cord blood banks. In this study, hemostasis activation was assessed with prothrombin activation fragment 1+2 (F1+2), a direct indicator of thrombin generation, and platelet factor 4 (PF4), indicating platelet activation. Altogether three sample series were collected during the set-up of the cord blood bank as well as after changes in personnel and collection equipment. The activation decreased from the first to the subsequent series, which were collected with the bank fully in operation and following international standards, and was at a level similar to that previously reported for healthy neonates. As hemostasis activation may have unwanted effects on cord blood cell contents, it should be minimized. The assessment of hemostasis activation could be implemented as a part of process control in cord blood banks. Culture assays provide information about the hematopoietic potential of the cord blood unit. In processed cord blood units prior to freezing, megakaryocytic colony growth was evaluated in semisolid cultures with a novel scoring system. Three investigators analyzed the colony assays, and the scores were highly concordant. With such scoring systems, the growth potential of various cord blood cell lineages can be assessed. In addition, erythroid cells were observed in liquid cultures of cryostored and thawed, unseparated cord blood units without exogenous erythropoietin. This was hypothesized to be due to the erythropoietic effect of thrombopoietin, endogenous erythropoietin production, and diverse cell-cell interactions in the culture. This observation underscores the complex interactions of cytokines and supporting cells in the heterogeneous cell population of the thawed cord blood unit.
OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to compare preprandial and postprandial capillary glucose monitoring in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes.