889 resultados para Foreign countries


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Marquardt at left and Sherwood at right


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"A statistical annual relating to the commerce, industries, agriculture, banking, etc., of the United States and foreign countries"


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[First report] (1903) I. The report. -- II. Minutes of evidence and appendix. -- III. Supplement containing plans, curves and diagrams., [Second report] (1904) I. The report. -- II. Minutes of evidence and appendices. -- III. Supplement containing plans and diagrams., [Final report] (1905) I. General report. -- II-VIII. -- Reports of the district commissioners on the available coal resources. -- IX. Report of the Geological committee upon the resources of the concealed and unproved coalfields of the United Kingdom. -- X-XI. Minutes of evidence and appendices. -- XII. Supplement containing plans and diagrams referred to in the evidence. -- XIII. Replies of H.M. consular officers in answer to a series of questions upon the maintenance of the British coal trade in foreign countries.


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Title varies: May-Oct.1919, [pt.1] Synopsis of Progress of Work in the Dept. of Civil Aviation; [pt.2] Synopsis of Progress of Civil Aviation in Foreign Countries; 1919/10-1921/22, Half-Yearly Report on the Progress of Civil Aviation; 1922/23-1925/26, Annual Report on the Progress of Civil Aviation


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar y analizar las relaciones fronterizas entre indígenas, cronistas, viajeros y agentes del gobierno de Buenos Aires en el período de 1870 a 1880. Se prestará especial atención a las vinculaciones entre estos "mundos" a partir de los viajes que realizó Moreno a los toldos del cacique Valentín Sayhueque y su comunidad en las regiones aledañas al Lago Nahuel Huapi. No se descarta la influencia de otros cronistas de época (Cox y Musters) como tampoco la impronta de personajes centrales en el contexto (Zeballos y Roca). Los viajeros que recorrieron la Patagonia dejaron testimonios claves para comprender el proceso que se dio entre las sociedades indígenas y el Estado nacional argentino a fines del siglo XIX. Su análisis a través de una mirada crítica da la pauta de cómo las sociedades nativas fueron observadas y estudiadas desde el gobierno de Buenos Aires y países extranjeros. La actual Patagonia fue un punto de atracción (y lo sigue siendo), para muchos individuos que no conocen el lugar. Su naturaleza, paisaje, vegetación eran únicos y muy atractivos. Sus tierras eran habitadas por sujetos que no tenían las mismas formas de vida que el resto de las regiones del momento. Habían desarrollado costumbres, formas de comunicación, comercio e intercambio, relaciones sociales, festividades. Cronistas como Francisco Moreno son nodales para adentrarnos al mundo nativo desde otro ángulo, ya que nos muestra las relaciones en el espacio de frontera y los propósitos del gobierno de Buenos Aires en el momento de las campañas militares. Desde el punto de vista metodológico se ha recurrido a la Etnohistoria para abordar nuestro problema desde una óptica diferente y alimentando la investigación en curso


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Purpose - International marketing researchers have long been concerned with determining whether consumers are predisposed towards a preference for domestic products, as opposed to foreign products. The purpose of this paper is to assess such a domestic-country bias (DCB) in the German market. Design/methodology/approach - This study empirically investigates DCB across six countries and 14 product categories in the Germany market. By so doing, it replicates an earlier study conducted in the UK. Ordered logit analysis was employed as well as multidimensional unfolding to present results. Findings - As in the study conducted in the UK, there is in general a strong DCB in the German market. However, it differs largely across the 14 product categories. Results indicate that consumer preference rankings can best be explained by a combination of demographic variables and country-of-origin effects. Practical implications - Results indicate that domestic firms in Germany can well rely on a safeguarding effect when marketing their products. At the same time, managers from foreign countries cannot rely on consumer ethnocentrism as a reliable indicator of the inclination of consumers to downgrade their products. Originality/value - This study confirms some findings from the UK. However, results from Germany indicate that at least economic competitiveness of the country-of-origin plays a role in determining respondents' judgments. This study underlines the value of replication studies in cross-cultural settings in particular.


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Despite having generated a growing body of literature the subject of international operations is only vaguely defined and lacks any common and accepted frameworks. The aim of this paper is to introduce some clarity into the arena by examining international operations from the perspective of the body of research, the content of some seminal texts, and the practical considerations of firms that have set up and are managing operations in foreign countries. Research output in International Operations is analysed using a model, the dimensions of which have been identified from the core literature and cases of industrial companies. The analysis highlights the range of problems and issues that have been of interest to the community involved in International Operations research and teaching.


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Much potential for growth in hospitality firms exists in foreign countries, but expansion abroad typicality bears additional risks that could be detrimental to the operations. The authors explore those risks, currency exchange risk, and country risk, and offer practical techniques to access, manage, control, and reduce them. Deriving benefits from global opportunities requires effective management of these areas


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Understanding the language of one’s cultural environment is important for effective communication and function. As such, students entering U.S. schools from foreign countries are given access to English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programs and they are referred to as English Language Learner (ELL) students. This dissertation examined the correlation of ELL ACCESS Composite Performance Level (CPL) score to the End of Course tests (EOCTs) and the Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGTs) in the four content courses (language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies). A premise of this study was that English language proficiency is critical in meeting or exceeding state and county assessment standards. A quantitative descriptive research design was conducted using Cross-sectional archival data from a secondary source. There were 148 participants from school years 2011-2012 to 2013- 2014 from Grades 9-12. A Pearson product moment correlation was run to assess the relationship between the ACCESS CPL (independent variable) and the EOCT scores and the GHSGT scores (dependent variables). The findings showed that there was a positive correlation between ACCESS CPL scores and the EOCT scores where language arts showed a strong positive correlation and mathematics showed a positive weak correlation. Also, there was a positive correlation between ACCESS CPL scores and GHSGT scores where language arts showed a weak positive correlation. The results of this study indicated that that there is a relationship between the stated variables, ACCESS CPL, EOCT and GHSGT. Also, the results of this study showed that there were positive correlations at varying degrees for each grade levels. While the null hypothesis for Research Question 1 and Research Question 2 were rejected, there was a slight relationship between the variables.


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Dieser Aufsatz berichtet über die Ergebnisse einer umfassenden empirischen Untersuchung zur Schulsituation griechischer Kinder und Jugendlicher, die aus der BRD in ihre Heimat zurückgewandert sind. An Stichproben aus Grundschulen und Sekundarstufen wird überprüft, welche Probleme in den Schulleistungen und im psychosozialen Befinden bei Rückkehrern im Vergleich zu Einheimischen auftreten. Die Informationen über jeden Schüler enthalten mehrere Perspektiven: Lehrerurteil, Einschätzung durch die Mitschüler, Selbstkonzept sowie Schulleistungsindikatoren. Es zeigt sich, daß die Rückkehrerkinder schulisch im Rückstand liegen sowie eine Reihe psychosozialer Belastungen aufweisen, die je nach Remigrationszeitpunkt, Geschlecht etc, unterschiedlich ausgeprägt sind. Unproblematisch verläuft die Rückkehr in die Heimat und die schulische Integration nur, wenn sie vor dem 8. Lebensjahr erfolgt. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Die Betreuungsfrage für Kleinstkinder unter drei Jahren ist bislang unbeantwortet. Ein Ausbau der Krippenbetreuung wird häufig mit Hinweis auf positive Forschungsbefunde aus dem Ausland favorisiert. In einer Übersicht wurden die Vorbedingungen für eine solche Übertragung geprüft: methodische Zuverlässigkeit der Krippenstudien, Konsistenz der Ergebnisse sowie eindeutige Kenntnisse über die Rahmenbedingungen der international untersuchten Krippen. Diese Minimalvoraussetzungen für eine Übertragung erwiesen sich als nicht gegeben. Der Verfasser plädiert für individuellere Betreuungsformen, solange die Qualitätsstandards deutscher Krippen nicht auf einem Niveau sind, auf dem Entwicklungsrisiken ausgeschlossen werden können. (DIPF/Orig.)


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My thesis aim is to find out what factors that can explain the entrepreneurial failure in my own entrepreneurial venture to sell Finnish xylitol product to Poland. In addition I seek to answer to the question of why Finnish xylitol products are not sold in Poland. This area has not been studied prior to my thesis. The study method is case study. Data collection is based on auto-ethnographic method where field notes and documents generated from my business venture were used. I discovered that Polish consumers are not exposed to consumer education of xylitol health benefits. The underlying potential in xylitol products expansion from Finland to foreign countries is still mostly unleveraged. My business venture failed because I was not able to convince Finnish confectionery companies Fazer and Cloetta to give enough support for my project. Polish dentists were also opposed having a competitor from Finland to Wrighley company which dominates the Polish confectionery markets.


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O curso da Academia Europeia de Polícia designado de “Mentoring, Monitoring and Advising” é essencialmente dirigido a elementos das Forças e Serviços de Segurança que vão desempenhar funções em missões de gestão de crises fora da União Europeia. O esforço cooperacional é no sentido de uniformizar procedimentos quando os elementos das várias políciais da União Europeia vão desempenhar essas missões em países terceiros, sendo relevantes para estas situações as tarefas de orientar, monitorizar e aconselhar. Torna-se desta forma pertinente analisar qual a importância deste curso, organizado pela Guarda Nacional Republicana, no âmbito da formação na Academia Europeia de Polícia. No sentido de analisar da melhor forma a importância suprarreferida, foi utilizado como base de trabalho os Relatórios de Reação à Formação que contêm informação relativo a este curso nos últimos 3 anos. A metodologia adotada neste trabalho de investigação resume-se à análise documental, mais precisamente aos relatórios que contêm questionários onde os participantes e os formadores respondem no final de cada curso para recolher a perceção e opinião dos mesmos. Depois de efetuar a análise, é possível chegar à conclusão de quais os aspetos considerados pelos participantes de pouco ou muito positivo e o que sugerem para os próximos cursos. Concluiu-se que o curso organizado pela Guarda Nacional Republicana encontra-se a um nível bastante satisfatório. No entanto, o curso deveria prolongar-se relativamente ao tempo do mesmo pois os participantes referiram que o período de formação neste âmbito é muito reduzido e desta forma, a atividade torna-se demasiada intensa e cansativa, não conseguindo manter o nível de aprendizagem elevada. Este curso contribui para a obtenção de uma certificação internacional realçando a afirmação da excelência da formação da Guarda Nacional Republicana.


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O uso excessivo da internet tem vindo a ser estudado por vários países estrangeiros desde a década de noventa. Apesar do crescente interesse neste ramo de investigação, em Portugal esta área continua pouco desenvolvida. O presente estudo procurou testar a existência de associações entre o uso excessivo da internet e a sintomatologia psicopatológica, bem como avaliar as relações entre a utilização excessiva da internet e os dados sociodemográficos recolhidos. Participaram neste estudo um total de 549 indivíduos portugueses (151 homens e 398 mulheres), com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 65 anos (X̅ = 27.0), onde foi preenchida a versão portuguesa do Internet Addiction Test (Young, 1998); o Brief Sympton Inventory (Canavarro, 1999); e o questionário sociodemográfico. Os resultados revelaram que a utilização excessiva da internet encontra-se associada positivamente não só a sintomas psicopatológicos, mas também a fatores sociodemográficos como o sexo do participante, o estado civil, a idade e as habilitações literárias. Deste modo, foi referida a importância da prevenção e da intervenção precoce da utilização excessiva da internet na população jovem. Também é essencial alargar o campo de investigação a este novo fenómeno mundial.


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El creciente interés de China por África ha modificado y estructurado una nueva política exterior, en donde el fortalecimiento de las relaciones políticas y económicas se ve ligado al uso de la diplomacia cultural como una herramienta de atracción. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, la presente investigación tiene por objetivo principal indagar cómo China construye una identidad a través de su diplomacia cultural en Angola, demostrando así, que este país utiliza sus costumbres, principios y normas para establecer una identidad de rol en la que se asume como una potencia que debe cooperar. No obstante, sus intereses van más allá de la cooperación al profundizar en relaciones de confianza que lo beneficien política y económicamente. Haciendo un uso del concepto de Imperialismo, la investigación mostrará las limitaciones y los vacíos de la noción de identidad para explicar acciones chinas en Angola, mostrando cómo se hacen uso de herramientas imperialistas para un beneficio propio.