1000 resultados para Espécies de oxigênio reativas
Riboflavin is a vitamin very important in aerobic organisms, as a precursor of many coenzymes involved in the electron transporter chain. However, after photosensitization of riboflavin with UV or visible light, it generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can oxidize the DNA. The repair of oxidative lesions on DNA occurs through the base excision repair pathway (BER), where APE1 endonuclease plays a central role. On the other hand, the nucleotide excision repair pathway (NER) repairs helix-distorting lesions. Recently, it was described the participation of NERproteins in the repair of oxidative damage and in stimulation of repair function fromAPE1. The aim of this research was to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of photosensitized riboflavin (RF*) in cells proficient and deficient in NER, correlating with APE1 expression. For this propose, the cells were treated with RF* and it was performed the cell viability assay, extraction of whole proteins, cells fractionation, immunoblotting, indirect immunofluorescence and analysis of polymorphisms of BER gens. The results evidenced that cells deficient in XPA and CSB proteins were more sensitive to RF*. However, XPC-deficient cells presented similar resistance to MRC5- SV cells, which is proficient in NER. These results indicate that XPA and CSB proteins have an important role on repair of oxidative lesions induced by RF*. Additionally, it was evidenced that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in BER enzymes may influence in sensitivity of NER-deficient cell lines. Concerning the APE1 expression, the results showed that expression of this protein after treatment with RF* only changed in XPC-deficient cells. Though, it was observed that APE1 is recruited and is bound to chromatin in MRC5-SV and XPA cells after treatment with RF*. The results also showed the induction of DNA damage after treatment with RF*, through the analysis of-H2AX, since the treatment promoted an increase of endogenous levels of this phosphorylated protein, which acts signaling double strand-break on DNA. On the other hand, in XPC-deficient cells, regardless of resistance of RF*, the endogenous levels of APE1 are extremely reduced when compared with other cell lines and APE1 is not bound to chromatin after treatment with RF*. These results conclude that RF* was able to induce cell death in NERdeficient cells, where XPA and CSB cells were more sensitive when compared with MRC5-SV and XPC-deficient cells. This last result is potentially very interesting, since XPC-deficient cell line presents low levels of APE1. Additionally, the results evidenced that APE1 protein can be involved in the repair of oxidative damage induced by RF*, because APE1 is recruited and bound strongly to chromatin after treatment.
Esta tese é relacionada ao estudo funcional de um gene que codifica um fator de elongação LeEF-Tsmt em tomate. Este gene participa no processo de síntese de proteína em mitocôndrias e apresenta uma forte expressão durante o processo de maturação quando comparado a outros órgãos. Nós demonstramos que o mesmo se exprime fortemente durante as primeiras fases do processo maturação em paralelo com a crise respiratória climatérica e que sua expressão é estimulada pelo etileno, ferimento e altas temperaturas. Porém, os mutantes de tomate insensíveis ao etileno, exibem uma expressão normal. Frutos transgênicos foram gerados, nos quais o LeEF-Tsmt foi aumentado ou inibido de uma forma constitutiva. Porém, a alteração da expressão do gene através da transformação genética com construções sentido e antisense do gene LeEF-Tsmt não afeta o padrão de respiração e produção de etileno durante a maturação e após o ferimento. Além disso, a expressão do gene da alternativa oxidase, que é conhecida por apresentar um papel importante no climatério respiratório, não foi afetada. Todos estes dados indicam que apesar de sua forte regulação, o LeEF-Tsmt não é limitante da atividade respiratória mitocondrial. A expressão do gene de LeEF-Tsmt é estimulada pelo efeito do estresse oxidativo induzido nas partes vegetativas da planta pela seca e o paraquat. A sensibilidade ao estresse oxidativo avaliado em folhas pela presença de necrose e em calos através de crescimento celular, foi reduzido em plantas antisentido. Entre as enzimas conhecidas por apresentar um papel na detoxificação de espécies reativas de oxigênio, superóxido dismutase (SOD), catalases (CAT), peroxidase (PX) e glutation redutase (GR), nós demostramos que a GR e PX exibem atividade mais alta em linhas antisentido, explicando assim, pelo menos em parte, sua melhor tolerância ao estresse. O papel da proteína de LeEF-Tsmt na síntese de proteínas mitocondriais foi estudado pela análise do proteôma mitocondrial em linhas antisentido e sentido do gene LeEF-Tsmt. A comparação dos proteômas de linhas transformadas e selvagem foi tratado com a ajuda de uma técnica de dupla marcagem 14N/15N aplicadas à tecidos de tomate cultivados in vitro. A linha sentido super expressa fortemente a proteína, enquanto que as linhas antisentidos diminuem ligeiramente. Uma proteína do tipo ?heat-shock? segue as variações da proteína LeEF-Tsmt, sugerindo um possível papel chaperona. Uma análise global do proteôma mitocondrial foi executada, fornecendo novas informações sobre um conjunto de ao redor 500 proteínas mitocondriais de tomate.
Morphological caracterization of the seeds and seedlings of six weed especies of the genus Solanum L. The seeds of the genus Solanum are very similar, however, the association of their external characteristics with the anatomical features, such as hilum shape, the texture and the type of the seed coat sculptures, as well as the curved (circulated or coiled) shape of the embryo, are parameters of great importance in the taxonomical identification at the species level. It is are presented the morphological descriptions of the genus Solanum and a more detailed description of each studied species in terms of seed and seedling structures, including illustrations and taxonomical keys for the identification of Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq., S. americanum Mill., S. ciliatum Lam., S. sisymbriifolium Lam., S. sordidum Sendt. e S. viarum Dunal. There are also indications of the common names, the type of reproduction and dispersion, the crops in which the species is considered as a weed and the agricultural seeds in which it is found as a weed seed.
Chromosome numbers of 11 South-Brazilian species of Adesmia were determined. The cytological preparations were obtained by squashing cells of root tips, using the acetic-orcein method. The chromosome number for all the species studied was 2n=20, excepting A. incana var. incana with 2n=ca.40. The counts are new for nine species, and the other two agree with the literature. It is suggested x=10 as the basic number for the genus. Up to the present only four species were cited as polyploid.
Soil waterlogging and the subsequent reduction in the amount of oxygen available for the respiration of the root system selected, along the evolutive process, plants able to thrive in seasonally or permanently flooded areas. In neotropical plants there are many types of adaptations to flooding. In this paper we present the results of the work carried out with seeds and seedlings of C brasiliense subjected to hypoxia during germination and early development. C brasiliense seeds are not photoblastic and survive up to three months burried in a water saturated substrate, but germination only takes place in well-drained soils. Soil waterlogging does not inhibit seedling growth and there are no apparent morphological changes of the aerial part of flooded plants. New and aerated roots that make plant survival possible replace old and spoiled roots. In contrast to many typical species of flood-prone areas where growth is inhibited by oxygen stress. C. brasiliense seedlings seem to be well adapted to their waterlogged environment. Seed dispersion, the absence of photoblastic response as well as seed and seedling capacity of surviving and growing in waterlogged soils contribute to the wide geographic distribution of C. brasiliense always associated with areas subjected to soil waterlogging.
During the taxonomic study of the Thelypteridaceae from southeastern Brazil was founded Thelypteris polypodioides (Raddi) C. F. Reed and Thelypteris villosa (Link) C. F. Reed, two rare and poorly known species. The taxonomic position of these species is uncertain. This study presents key, descriptions, illustrations, data on geographical distribution, and comments for both species, as well as comments on taxonomic affinity between the two species and Thelypteris subgenera.
A cytotaxonomic analysis of species of Acosmium Schott e Leptolobium Vogel was carried out, by determining their chromosome numbers. The three species of Acosmium and five species of Leptolobium (representing 50% of the genus) were studied from seeds obtained from different regions of Brazil. Chromosome counts were new for all Acosmium species and for four Leptolobium species. For Acosmium cardenasii, 2n = 18 was constantly observed, while occurring at the same meristem were found 2n = 18, 24 e 32 in A. diffusissimum and 2n = 18 e 32 in A. lentiscifolium. For Leptolobium, all studied species had 2n = 18, confirming a previous count for L. dasycarpum. The results showed that chromosome numbers of Acosmium and Leptolobium species are homogeneous, confirming the basic number x = 9 for both genera. Therefore, chromosome numbers do not provide a useful taxonomic character distinguishing Acosmium from Leptolobium.
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different assessment time periods of submaximal tests on the determination of the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD), through the adoption of different time slots of 4 to 6, 6 to 8 and 8 to 10 min. Ten cyclists with mean age of 27.5 ± 4.1 years, body mass 74.4 ± 12.7 kg and time experience of 9.8 ± 4.7 years participated in this study. The athletes underwent an incremental exercise test to determine the peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak), and four submaximal constant work-load test sessions (60, 70, 80 and 90% VO2peak) of 10 min in order to estimate the O2 demand (DEO2). The mean VO2 values obtained on each constant work-load for the 4 to 6, 6 to 8 and 8 to 10 min time-periods intervals were used to perform a linear regression between the intensity and O2 consumption for each time-period. In addition, the subjects performed one supramaximal rectangular test (110% VO2peak) for the quantification of MAOD. There was no significant difference in VO2 between the different time-periods for all submaximal tests (P> 0.05). Similarly, no significant difference was found in DEAO2 and MAOD (P> 0.05). Furthermore, the values of MAOD for the three time-periods intervals showed good agreement and strong correlation. Thus, the data suggest that the submaximal tests used to estimate the values of MAOD can be reduced, at least in this type of sample, and with the use of a cycle simulator.
A maioria dos gêneros da subtribo neotropical Galipeinae (tribo Galipeeae, Rutoideae) tem flores tubulosas, com várias formas e graus de conação e adnação. Galipea e outros gêneros na subtribo apresentam apenas duas anteras férteis mais cinco ou mais estaminódios, o que é intrigante porque na tribo predominam flores pentâmeras isostêmones. Visando elucidar a condição anatômica dessas características e estabelecer estados acurados para caracteres em análises filogenéticas, um estudo morfoanatômico de flores de cinco espécies de Galipea foi realizado, buscando os padrões de vascularização, posição, e união dos segmentos da flor. Destacam-se os resultados: 1) um tubo floral genuíno se forma no terço basal da flor por conação dos filetes e adnação desse tubo estaminal às pétalas; 2) as pétalas são distalmente coerentes umas às outras e aderentes aos filetes por meio de entrelaçamento de tricomas densos - um caso de pseudossimpetalia; 3) dentre as cinco (às vezes seis) estruturas tratadas como estaminódios, apenas as três externas são de fato homólogas a estames esterilizados, as demais surgem como ramificações adaxiais das pétalas; 4) os carpelos são peltados, congenitalmente conatos axial e lateralmente da base do ovário até o nível das placentas, e no estilete e estigma; na zona mediana e superior do ovário eles são unidos apenas posgenitalmente, com a epiderme diferenciada de carpelos contíguos e suturas evidentes na região ventral de cada carpelo; 5) a vascularização do disco sugere origem receptacular. As implicações desses dados para o entendimento da evolução das flores tubulosas em Galipea e grupos relacionados são discutidas.
Conforme previsões do último relatório do IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of Climatic Change) em 2007, até meados deste século haverá um aumento na concentração de CO2 na atmosfera podendo chegar a 720 μmol mol-1. Consequentemente haverá uma elevação da temperatura de até +3 °C, o que ocorrerá em conjunto com mudanças no padrão de precipitação. O mesmo relatório sugere que isto poderá acarretar uma substituição gradual da floresta tropical por vegetação similar a uma savana na parte oriental da Amazônia, porém nada é conclusivo. Diante dessas possibilidades, pergunta-se - Como as espécies de árvores que compõem as regiões de alagamento da Amazônia irão responder às alterações climáticas por vir? Apesar dessas previsões serem pessimistas, o alagamento ainda ocorrerá por vários anos na Amazônia e é de grande importância compreender os efeitos do alagamento sobre as respostas fisiológicas das plantas num contexto das mudanças climáticas. Os principais efeitos sobre a sinalização metabólica e hormonal durante o alagamento são revisados e os possíveis efeitos que as mudanças climáticas poderão ter sobre as plantas amazônicas são discutidos. As informações existentes sugerem que sob alagamento, as plantas tendem a mobilizar reservas para suprir a demanda de carbono necessário para a manutenção do metabolismo sob o estresse da falta de oxigênio. Até certo limite, com o aumento da concentração de CO2, as plantas tendem a fazer mais fotossíntese e a produzir mais biomassa, que poderão aumentar ainda mais com um acréscimo de temperatura de até 3 °C. Alternativamente, com o alagamento, há uma diminuição geral do potencial de crescimento e é possível que quando em condições de CO2 e temperatura elevados os efeitos positivo e negativo se somem. Com isso, as respostas fisiológicas poderão ser amenizadas ou, ainda, promover maior crescimento para a maioria das espécies de regiões alagáveis até o meio do século. Porém, quando a temperatura e o CO2 atingirem valores acima dos ótimos para a maioria das plantas, estas possivelmente diminuirão a atividade fisiológica.
Uma análise da distribuição geográfica de Schefflera no Brasil extra-amazônico foi realizada com base em mapas atualizados plotando as ocorrências conhecidas das 26 espécies do gênero encontradas nessa grande área: S. angustissima (Marchal) Frodin, S. aurata Fiaschi, S. botumirimensis Fiaschi & Pirani, S. burchellii (Seem.) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. calva (Cham.) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. capixaba Fiaschi, S. cephalantha (Harms) Frodin, S. cordata (Taub.) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. distractiflora (Harms) Frodin, S. fruticosa Fiaschi & Pirani, S. gardneri (Seem.) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. glaziovii (Taub.) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. grandigemma Fiaschi, S. kollmannii Fiaschi, S. longipetiolata (Pohl ex DC.) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. lucumoides (Decne. & Planch. ex Marchal) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. macrocarpa (Cham. & Schltdl.) Frodin, S. malmei (Harms) Frodin, S. morototoni (Aubl.) Maguire, Steyermark & Frodin, S. racemifera Fiaschi & Frodin, S. ruschiana Fiaschi & Pirani, S. selloi (Marchal) Frodin & Fiaschi, S. succinea Frodin & Fiaschi, S. villosissima Fiaschi & Pirani, S. vinosa (Cham. & Schltdl.) Frodin & Fiaschi e S. aff. varisiana Frodin. Dois centros de endemismo associados com áreas de altitude elevada foram reconhecidos: Cadeia do Espinhaço em Minas Gerais e florestas montanas do Estado do Espírito Santo. Os padrões de distribuição geográfica ilustrados são discutidos com base em dados obtidos para outros grupos de angiospermas e em estudos fitogeográficos das principais fitocórias do Brasil extra-amazônico. São apresentadas também hipóteses acerca de prováveis relações filogenéticas entre alguns táxons, visando à busca de possíveis correlações entre estas e a biogeografia do grupo.
Phytoplankton may function as a "sensor" of changes in aquatic environment and responds rapidly to such changes. In freshwaters, coexistence of species that have similar ecological requirements and show the same environmental requirements frequently occurs; such species groups are named functional groups. The use of phytoplankton functional groups to evaluate these changes has proven to be very useful and effective. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of functional groups of phytoplankton in two reservoirs (Billings and Guarapiranga) that supply water to millions of people in São Paulo city Metropolitan Area, southeastern Brazil. Surface water samples were collected monthly and physical, chemical and biological (quantitative and qualitative analyses of the phytoplankton) were performed. The highest biovolume (mm³.L-1) of the descriptor species and functional groups were represented respectively by Anabaena circinalis Rabenh. (H1), Microcystis aeruginosa (Kützing) Kützing (L M/M) and Mougeotia sp. (T) in the Guarapiranga reservoir and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Wolosz.) Seen. and Subba Raju (S N), Microcystis aeruginosa and M. panniformis Komárek et al. (L M/M), Planktothrix agardhii (Gom.) Anagn. and Komárek and P. cf. clathrata (Skuja) Anagn. and Komárek (S1) in the Billings reservoir. The environmental factors that most influenced the phytoplankton dynamics were water temperature, euphotic zone, turbidity, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrate and total phosphorous.
Espécies novas descritas da Amazônia brasileira em Ibidionini: Compsibidion uniforme sp. nov. (Amazonas); Heterachthes rafaeli sp. nov. (Amazonas); em Apomecynini: Amphicnaeia lineolata sp. nov. (Pará); em Desmiphorini: Cotycicuiara magnifica sp. nov. (Amazonas). Novos registros e notas são apresentados para: Gnomidolon insulicola Bates, 1885 e G. lansbergei (Thomson, 1867) (Hexoplonini); Desmiphora (D.) uniformis Galileo & Martins, 2003 (Desmiphorini); Omosarotes paradoxum (Tippmann, 1955) (Cyrtinini) e Ozotroctes ogeri Tavakilian & Néouze, 2007 (Acanthoderini).
The aim of this study was to determine how abiotic factors drive the phytoplankton community in a water supply reservoir within short sampling intervals. Samples were collected at the subsurface (0.1 m) and bottom of limnetic (8 m) and littoral (2 m) zones in both the dry and rainy seasons. The following abiotic variables were analyzed: water temperature, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, turbidity, pH, total nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, total phosphorus, total dissolved phosphorus and orthophosphate. Phytoplankton biomass was determined from biovolume values. The role abiotic variables play in the dynamics of phytoplankton species was determined by means of Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Algae biomass ranged from 1.17×10(4) to 9.21×10(4) µg.L-1; cyanobacteria had biomass values ranging from 1.07×10(4) to 8.21×10(4) µg.L-1. High availability of phosphorous, nitrogen limitation, alkaline pH and thermal stability all favored cyanobacteria blooms, particularly during the dry season. Temperature, pH, total phosphorous and turbidity were key factors in characterizing the phytoplankton community between sampling times and stations. Of the species studied, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii populations were dominant in the phytoplankton in both the dry and rainy seasons. We conclude that the phytoplankton was strongly influenced by abiotic variables, particularly in relation to seasonal distribution patterns.
A modified method for the calculation of the normalized faradaic charge (q fN) is proposed. The method involves the simulation of an oxidation process, by cyclic voltammetry, by employing potentials in the oxygen evolution reaction region. The method is applicable to organic species whose oxidation is not manifested by a defined oxidation peak at conductive oxide electrodes. The variation of q fN for electrodes of nominal composition Ti/RuX Sn1-X O2 (x = 0.3, 0.2 and 0.1), Ti/Ir0.3Ti0.7O2 and Ti/Ru0.3Ti0.7O2 in the presence of various concentrations of formaldehyde was analyzed. It was observed that electrodes containing SnO2 are the most active for formaldehyde oxidation. Subsequently, in order to test the validity of the proposed model, galvanostatic electrolyses (40 mA cm-2) of two different formaldehyde concentrations (0.10 and 0.01 mol dm-3) were performed. The results are in agreement with the proposed model and indicate that this new method can be used to determine the relative activity of conductive oxide electrodes. In agreement with previous studies, it can be concluded that not only the nature of the electrode material, but also the organic species in solution and its concentration are important factors to be considered in the oxidation of organic compounds.