951 resultados para Cyclic hardening and softening


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Poly(6-tert-butyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-1,3-benzoxazine) was synthesized by thermally activated cationic ring opening polymerization. The structure of the polymer was confirmed by spectral and thermal studies. The highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) were estimated using cyclic voltammetry and optical absorption. Modulated photocurrent measurement technique was employed to study the spectral and field dependence of photocurrent. Photocurrent of the order of 1.5 micro A/m2 was obtained for polymer at a biasing electric field of 40 V/mico m.


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In the present work different new approaches for the synthesis of Vitamin A are investigated. In these synthetic schemes, all the twenty carbon atoms of the target molecule are derived either fully from components isolated from common essential oils or partially from commercially available materials. By retrosynthetic analysis, Vitamin A molecule can be disconnected into a cyclic and a linear unit. Different methods for the synthesis of the linear and the cyclic components are described. The monoterpenes, geraniol and citral, major constituents of palmarosa and lemongrass oils, have the required basic carbon framework for consideration as starting materials for the synthesis of Vitamin A. The potential of these easily available naturally occurring compounds as promising starting materials for Vitamin A synthesis is demonstrated. Organoselenium and organosulfur mediated functional group transformations for the synthesis of the functionalised conjugated C10 linear components (ie., the dimethyloctatriene derivatives) are reported. The classical approaches as well as the attempted preparation of cyclic C10 and C13 units employed in the present study as intermediates for Vitamin A synthesis are described. The utility of commercially available materials namely 2-acetylbutyrolactone and levulinic acid in -the preparation of C5 intermediates for Vitamin A synthesis is demonstrated.


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Màster en Nanociència i Nanotecnologia


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LiCoO₂thin films have been grown by pulsed laser deposition on stainless steel and SiO₂/Si substrates. The film deposited at 600°C in an oxygen partial pressure of 100mTorr shows an excellent crystallinity, stoichiometry and no impurity phase present. Microstructure and surface morphology of thin films were examined using a scanning electron microscope. The electrochemical properties of the thin films were studied with cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge techniques in the potential range 3.0-4.2 V. The initial discharge capacity of the LiCoO2 thin films deposited on the stainless steel and SiO₂/Si substrates reached 23 and 27 µAh/cm², respectively.


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Se han sintetizado dos nuevos complejos mononucleares de Ru, con formula [RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2], a partir de la reacción entre [RuCl2(dmso)4] y Hbpp (3,5-bis(2-piridil)pirazola). El hecho que sólo tres de los seis posibles estereoisómeros se obtengan a partir de esta reacción, se ha racionalizado en base a factores estructurales y electrónicos. Estos complejos se han caracterizado de forma estructural, espectroscópica y electroquímica. En acetonitrilo en medio básico, el isómero trans,cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] da lugar a procesos de isomerización de enlace de un ligando dmso cuando el Ru(II) se oxida a Ru(III). Las constantes termodinámicas y cinéticas para el proceso se han determinado por voltametria cíclica. La irradiación de trans,cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] y cis(out),cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] con luz UV o solar da lugar a reacciones de fotosustitución de un ligando dmso por una molécula de acetonitrilo para dar un nuevo compuesto el cual ha sido caracterizado en solución por técnicas espectroscópicas y electroquímicas. Ambos complejos resultan catalizadores útiles en la transferencia de hidrógeno de isopropanol a acetofenona, obteniéndose 1-feniletanol como único producto y un 42.1% de conversión (36.1 ciclos metálicos) a 80ºC con el isómero trans,cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2], que resulta significativamente más eficaz que el complejo cis(out),cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2]. La reacción de cis(out),cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] con trpy (2,2':6',2"-terpiridina) da lugar a los dos isómeros geométricos del complejo [Ru(Hbpp)(trpy)(Cl)]+, el in y el out. Estos complejos se han aislado y caracterizado por técnicas estructurales, espectroscópicas y electroquímicas. Estos cloro complejos han sido utilizados como precursores para la síntesis de los complejos análogos con ligandos aqua (in,out-[Ru(Hbpp)(trpy)(H2O)]2+) y piridina (in,out-[Ru(Hbpp)(trpy)(py)]2+), los cuales también han sido aislados y caracterizados. Las propiedades ácido-base de los aqua complejos, y del complejo out-py se han estudiado detalladamente por voltametria cíclica y mediante valoraciones espectrofotométricas ácido-base. El tratamiento matemático de los datos así obtenidos nos ha permitido determinar los valores de pKa para los distintos equilibrios de protonación de los complejos en los estados de oxidación II y III. El complejo out-aqua ha demostrado ser un buen catalizador para la oxidación electroquímica del alcohol benzílico, presumiblemente a benzaldehido. La constante de velocidad de segundo orden para el proceso ha sido determinada como 17.1 M-1 s-1, por simulación matemática. El dímero con un puente cloro, [Ru2Cl(bpp)(trpy)2]2+ ha sido preparado por dos rutas sintéticas diferentes. El dímero análogo con un puente acetato se ha obtenido por reacción del cloro dímero con un exceso de acetato sódico. El dímero con dos ligandos aqua [Ru2(bpp)(trpy)2(OH2)2]3+ puede obtenerse por hidrólisis ácida del complejo con un acetato puente o por hidrólisis básica del complejo con un puente cloro. Estos complejos han sido caracterizados por técnicas estructurales, espectroscópicas y electroquímicas. Las soluciones del dímero con dos ligandos aqua en medio ácido resultan inestables a la coordinación de aniones de la solución con el tiempo. Las propiedades ácido-base del dímero con dos aguas coordinadas han sido estudiadas por voltametria cíclica y mediante experimentos de electrólisis a potencial controlado. El pKa para la desprotonación de uno de los ligandos aqua ha sido determinado mediante una valoración espectrofotométrica ácido-base como 6.7. Este valor tan bajo de pKa se atribuye a la formación de la entidad {Ru2O2H3}, favorable termodinámicamente. Los espectros UV-vis para los distintos estados de oxidación del aqua dímero, de RuIIRuII a RuIIIRuIV, han sido obtenidos por oxidación química y electroquímica del complejo. Se han llevado a cabo estudios cinéticos de la oxidación, paso a paso, de RuII,II a RuIV,IV , y se han determinado las constantes de oxidación de segundo orden para los distintos procesos de oxidación. La capacidad del aqua dímero en la oxidación del agua a oxígeno molecular ha sido investigada en solución homogénea utilizando CeIV como oxidante. La evolución de oxígeno se ha demostrado por cromatografia de gases. Se ha obtenido una eficiencia del 73% y 18.6 ciclos catalíticos, cuando 1.83 x 10-6 moles de dímero se han mezclado con un exceso de 100 equivalentes de cerio. El dímero con dos aguas cataliza también la oxidación del agua de forma heterogénea, con el complejo adsorbido sobre una membrana de nafion, aunque la eficiencia es menor. Se ha propuesto un mecanismo intramolecular para la reacción de oxidación del agua. Consiste en la oxidación a 4 electrones del dímero, de RuII,II a RuIV,IV, el cual reacciona con el agua para formar oxígeno y revierte nuevamente al estado de oxidación II,II. Este modelo es consistente con estudios catalíticos de la evolución de oxígeno en función de las concentraciones de cerio y catalizador, llevados a cabo en solución ácida homogénea, que demuestran que la oxidación a 4 electrones del agua se encuentra catalizada por una sola molécula de complejo bajo concentraciones elevadas de cerio. La constante de pseudo-primer-orden para la evolución de oxígeno tiene un valor de 1.4 x 10-2 s-1, que es uno de los valores de constante más elevados obtenidos hasta la fecha. Desafortunadamente, el aqua dímero se desactiva durante el proceso de catálisis dando lugar a una especie naranja, la cual estamos actualmente tratando de caracterizar.


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This PhD thesis is the result of the combination of experimental and computational techniques with the aim of understanding the mechanism of action of de novo cyclic decapeptides with high antimicrobial activity. By experimental techniques the influence of the replacement of the phenylalanine for tryptophan residue in their antimicrobial activity was tested and the stability in human serum was also analyzed, in order to evaluate their potential therapeutic application as antitumor agents. On the other hand, the interaction amongst the peptide BPC194 c(KKLKKFKKLQ), the best candidate from the whole library of cyclic peptides, and a model anionic membrane was simulated. The results showed a structure-function relationship derived from the stable conformation of the peptides involved in the membrane permeabilization. As a result, a rational design was performed being BPC490 the peptide with best antimicrobial activity compared with the best active peptide from the original library.


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A dinuclear Ni-II complex, [Ni-2(L)(2)(H2O)(NCS)(2)]center dot 3H(2)O (1) in which the metal atoms are bridged by one water molecule and two mu(2)-phenolate ions, and a thiocyanato-bridged dimeric Cull complex, [Cu(L)NCS](2) (2) [L = tridentate Schiff-base ligand, N-(3-aminopropyl)salicylaldimine, derived from 1:1 condensation of salicylaldehyde and 1,3-diaminopropane], have been synthesized and characterized by IR and UV/Vis spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry and single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The structure of 1 consists of dinuclear units with crystallographic C-2 symmetry in which each Ni-II atom is in a distorted octahedral environment. The Ni-O distance and the Ni-O-Ni angle, through the bridged water molecule, are 2.240(11) angstrom and 82.5(5)degrees, respectively. The structure of 2 consists of dinuclear units bridged asymmetrically by di-mu(1,3)-NCS ions; each Cull ion is in a square-pyramidal environment with tau = 0.25. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility studies indicate the presence of dominant ferromagnetic exchange coupling in complex 1 with J = 3.1 cm(-1), whereas complex 2 exhibits weak antiferromagnetic coupling between the Cu-II centers with J = -1.7 cm(-1). ((c) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2005)


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The rheological properties of gas cell walls in bread doughs are considered to be important in relation to their stability and gas retention during proof and baking. Large deformation rheological properties of gas cell walls were measured using biaxial extension for a number of doughs of varying breadmaking quality at constant strain rate and elevated temperatures of 25-60degreesC. Strain hardening and failure strain of cell walls both decreased with temperature, with cell walls in good breadmaking doughs remaining stable and retaining their strain hardening properties at higher temperatures (60degreesC), while the cell walls of poor breadmaking doughs became unstable at lower temperatures (45-50degreesC) and had lower strain hardening. Strain hardening measured at 50degreesC gave good correlations with baking volume, with the best correlations achieved between rheological measurements and baking tests that used similar mixing conditions. As predicted by the considered failure criterion, a strain hardening value of I defines a region below which gas cell walls become unstable, and discriminates well between the baking quality of a range of commercial flour blends of varying quality. This indicates that the stability of gas cell walls during baking is strongly related to strain hardening properties, and that extensional rheological measurements can be used as indicators of baking quality.


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Molecular size and structure of the gluten polymers that make up the major structural components of wheat are related to their rheological properties via modem polymer rheology concepts. Interactions between polymer chain entanglements and branching are seen to be the key mechanisms determining the rheology of HMW polymers. Recent work confirms the observation that dynamic shear plateau modulus is essentially independent of variations in MW amongst wheat varieties of varying baking performance and is not related to variations in baking performance, and that it is not the size of the soluble glutenin polymers, but the structural and rheological properties of the insoluble polymer fraction that are mainly responsible for variations in baking performance. The rheological properties of gas cell walls in bread doughs are considered to be important in relation to their stability and gas retention during proof and baking, in particular their extensional strain hardening properties. Large deformation rheological properties of gas cell walls were measured using biaxial extension for a number of doughs of varying breadmaking quality at constant strain rate and elevated temperatures in the range 25-60 degrees C. Strain hardening and failure strain of cell walls were both seen to decrease with temperature, with cell walls in good breadmaking doughs remaining stable and retaining their strain hardening properties to higher temperatures (60 degrees C), whilst the cell walls of poor breadmaking doughs became unstable at lower temperatures (45-50 degrees C) and had lower strain hardening. Strain hardening measured at 50 degrees C gave good correlations with baking volume, with the best correlations achieved between those rheological measurements and baking tests which used similar mixing conditions. As predicted by the Considere failure criterion, a strain hardening value of I defines a region below which gas cell walls become unstable, and discriminates well between the baking quality of a range of commercial flour blends of varying quality. This indicates that the stability of gas cell walls during baking is strongly related to their strain hardening properties, and that extensional rheological measurements can be used as predictors of baking quality. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Molecular size and structure of the gluten polymers that make up the major structural components of wheat are related to their rheological properties via modern polymer rheology concepts. Interactions between polymer chain entanglements and branching are seen to be the key mechanisms determining the rheology of HMW polymers. Recent work confirms the observation that dynamic shear plateau modulus is essentially independent of variations in MW amongst wheat varieties of varying baking performance and is not related to variations in baking performance, and that it is not the size of the soluble glutenin polymers, but the structural and rheological properties of the insoluble polymer fraction that are mainly responsible for variations in baking performance. The rheological properties of gas cell walls in bread doughs are considered to be important in relation to their stability and gas retention during proof and baking, in particular their extensional strain hardening properties. Large deformation rheological properties of gas cell walls were measured using biaxial extension for a number of doughs of varying breadmaking quality at constant strain rate and elevated temperatures in the range 25oC to 60oC. Strain hardening and failure strain of cell walls were both seen to decrease with temperature, with cell walls in good breadmaking doughs remaining stable and retaining their strain hardening properties to higher temperatures (60oC), whilst the cell walls of poor breadmaking doughs became unstable at lower temperatures (45oC to 50oC) and had lower strain hardening. Strain hardening measured at 50oC gave good correlations with baking volume, with the best correlations achieved between those rheological measurements and baking tests which used similar mixing conditions. As predicted by the Considere failure criterion, a strain hardening value of 1 defines a region below which gas cell walls become unstable, and discriminates well between the baking quality of a range of commercial flour blends of varying quality. This indicates that the stability of gas cell walls during baking is strongly related to their strain hardening properties, and that extensional rheological measurements can be used as predictors of baking quality.


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Base catalysed reaction of the tricyclic ketone (6 ⇌ 7) with methylvinyl ketone gave the tetracyclic ketols, 11, 13, 15, 16, and the pentacyclic ketols, 12, 17. With phenylvinyl ketone, the tetracyclic ketol (18) was formed. The stereostructures of the ketols were identified by X-Ray diffraction. The base-catalysed title reactions gave the cyclic ketols and derived compounds shown below whose structures were identified by X-ray diffraction.


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The dissymmetrical naphthalene-bridged complexes [Cp′Fe(μ-C10H8)FeCp*] (3; Cp* = η5-C5Me5, Cp′ = η5-C5H2-1,2,4-tBu3) and [Cp′Fe(μ-C10H8)RuCp*] (4) were synthesized via a one-pot procedure from FeCl2(thf)1.5, Cp′K, KC10H8, and [Cp* FeCl(tmeda)] (tmeda = N,N,N′,N′- tetramethylethylenediamine) or [Cp*RuCl]4, respectively. The symmetrically substituted iron ruthenium complex [Cp*Fe(μ-C10H8)RuCp*] (5) bearing two Cp* ligands was prepared as a reference compound. Compounds 3−5 are diamagnetic and display similar molecular structures, where the metal atoms are coordinated to opposite sides of the bridging naphthalene molecule. Cyclic voltammetry and UV/vis spectroelectrochemistry studies revealed that neutral 3−5 can be oxidized to monocations 3+−5+ and dications 32+−52+. The chemical oxidation of 3 and 4 with [Cp2Fe]PF6 afforded the paramagnetic hexafluorophosphate salts [Cp′Fe(μ-C10H8)FeCp*]PF6 ([3]PF6) and [Cp′Fe(μ-C10H8)RuCp*]PF6 ([4]PF6), which were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques, including EPR and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. The molecular structure of [4]PF6 was determined by X-ray crystallography. DFT calculations support the structural and spectroscopic data and determine the compositions of frontier molecular orbitals in the investigated complexes. The effects of substituting Cp* with Cp′ and Fe with Ru on the electronic structures and the structural and spectroscopic properties are analyzed.


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The redox properties and reactivity of [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(α-diimine)(NCS)] (α-diimine = bis(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-acenaphthenequinonediimine (2,6-xylyl-BIAN) and 2,2′-bipyridine (bpy)) were studied using cyclic voltammetry and IR/UV–Vis spectroelectrochemistry. [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(2,6-xylyl-BIAN)(NCS)] was shown by X-ray crystallography to have an asymmetric (B-type) conformation. The extended aromatic system of the strong π-acceptor 2,6-xylyl-BIAN ligand stabilises the primary 1e−-reduced radical anion, [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(2,6-xylyl-BIAN•−)(NCS)]−, that can be reduced further to give the solvento anion [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(2,6-xylyl-BIAN)(THF)]−. The initial reduction of [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(bpy)(NCS)] in THF at ambient temperature results in the formation of [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(bpy)]2 by reaction of the remaining parent complex with [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(bpy)]− produced by dissociation of NCS− from [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(bpy•−)(NCS)]−. Further reduction of the dimer [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(bpy)]2 restores [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(bpy)]−. In PrCN at 183 K, [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(2,6-xylyl-BIAN•−)(NCS)]− converts slowly to 2e−-reduced [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(2,6-xylyl-BIAN)(PrCN)]− and free NCS−. At room temperature, the reduction path in PrCN involves mainly the dimer [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(bpy)]2; however, the detailed course of the reduction within the spectroelectrochemical cell is complicated and involves a mixture of several unassigned products. Finally, it has been shown that the five-coordinate anion [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(bpy)]− promotes in THF reduction of CO2 to CO and formate via the formation of the intermediate [Mo(CO)2(η3-allyl)(bpy)(O2CH)] and its subsequent reduction.


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Nine of the compounds [M(L2−)(p-cymene)] (M = Ru, Os, L2− = 4,6-di-tert-butyl-N-aryl-o-amidophenolate) were prepared and structurally characterized (Ru complexes) as coordinatively unsaturated, formally 16 valence electron species. On L2−-ligand based oxidation to EPR-active iminosemiquinone radical complexes, the compounds seek to bind a donor atom (if available) from the N-aryl substituent, as structurally certified for thioether and selenoether functions, or from the donor solvent. Simulated cyclic voltammograms and spectroelectrochemistry at ambient and low temperatures in combination with DFT results confirm a square scheme behavior (ECEC mechanism) involving the Ln ligand as the main electron transfer site and the metal with fractional (δ) oxidation as the center for redox-activated coordination. Attempts to crystallize [Ru(Cym)(QSMe)](PF6) produced single crystals of [RuIII(QSMe •−)2](PF6) after apparent dissociation of the arene ligand.


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Biocomposites with two different fillers, garlic and wheat bran, were studied. They were based on cassava starch and contained glycerol as a plasticizer and potassium sorbate as an antimicrobial agent and were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). The mechanical performance at room and lower temperatures was also studied. SEM micrographies of fractured surfaces of the wheat bran composite films showed some ruptured particles of fiber while fibrils of garlic on the order of nanometers were observed when garlic composite films were studied. Mechanical tests, at room temperature, showed that the addition of wheat bran led to an increment in the storage modulus (E`) and hardening and a decrease in Tan delta, while the garlic composite showed a diminishing in the E` and hardening and did not produce significant changes in Tan delta values when compared with systems without fillers (matrix). In the range between -90 degrees C and 20 degrees C. all the materials studied presented two peaks in the Tan delta curve. In the case of the wheat bran composite, both relaxation peaks shifted slightly to higher temperatures, broadened and diminished their intensity when compared with those of the matrix; however garlic composite showed a similar behavior to the matrix. DSC thermograms of aqueous systems showed a slight shift of gelatinization temperature (T(gelatinization)) to higher values when the fillers were present. Thermograms of films showed that both, garlic and wheat bran composites, had a lower melting point than the matrix. IR data indicated that interaction between starch and fillers determined an increase in the availability of hydroxyl groups to be involved in a dynamic exchange with water. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.