794 resultados para Colby social life


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Direct payments are cash payments made to individuals eligible for social care services which allow them to manage their own social care. Research suggests that direct payments can enable people with dementia to stay in their own home for longer and experience greater choice, flexibility and an improved social life. However uptake of direct payments is currently low. There is a lack of research to date in this area which addresses the factors of dementia, ageing and rurality in unison. Therefore the objective of this research was to explore the experiences of people with dementia living in rural communities, in relation to their access to direct payments. 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted with people with dementia in receipt of social care services in the community, and their carers and social workers. Focus groups were carried out with two community social work teams, and existing online discussions regarding direct payments were examined. It was found that direct payments tended to be seen as a fall back option, for example as the only alternative to residential care, or as a potential solution to problems experienced by existing social care service users. Direct payments appeared to afford particular benefits to people with dementia and to those living in rural communities in terms of flexibility, continuity of care and access to local facilities. It is therefore important that this group are enabled to access direct payments; ensuring direct payments are viewed as a positive option by all stakeholders is key to this.


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Direct payments are cash payments made to individuals eligible for social care services which allow them to manage and pay for their own social care rather than receiving it directly from their Local Authority. Research suggests that direct payments can enable people with dementia to stay in their own home for longer and experience greater choice, flexibility and an improved social life. However uptake of direct payments is currently low, particularly amongst people with dementia. Those living in rural communities may experience additional barriers to direct payments, such as transport issues and difficulty recruiting carers. There is a lack of research to date in this area which addresses the factors of dementia, ageing and rurality in unison. Therefore the objective of this research was to explore the experiences of people with dementia living in rural communities, in relation to their access to and use of direct payments. 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted with people with dementia in receipt of social care services in the community, and their carers and social workers. Focus groups were carried out with two community social work teams, and existing online discussions about direct payments contributed to by social care staff, people with dementia and their carers were examined. It was found that direct payments tended to be seen as a fall back option, for example as the only alternative to residential care, or as a potential solution to problems experienced by existing social care service users. Direct payments appeared to afford particular benefits to people with dementia and to those living in rural communities in terms of flexibility, continuity of care and access to local facilities. It is therefore important that this group are enabled to access direct payments; ensuring direct payments are viewed as a positive option by all stakeholders is key to this.


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Dissertação de 2º Ciclo conducente ao grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação, especialização em Intervenção Precoce.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.


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Mestrado, Ensino de História e de Geografia no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário, 8 Março de 2016, Universidade dos Açores (Relatório de Estágio).


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Interessa-nos para este artigo perscrutar as representações da vida social em narrativas do escritor angolano Uanhenga Xitu, mormente no que diz respeito à personagem feminina e ao papel da mulher nas sociedades tradicionais angolanas. Nas narrativas cujas ações se passam no interior de Angola, as representações sociais da mulher revelam um modus vivendi diferenciado daquele experimentado por mulheres que migram para a capital, Luanda, espaço em que a noção de vida comunitária, tão significativa nas sociedades tradicionais, perde seu significado. Os trabalhos lá executados, por exemplo, serão em favor do colono, como os dos empregados domésticos, e não para a coletividade. Já nos espaços interiores, mais distantes da mão pesada do colonizador, as representações da vida social dos angolanos são mais expressivas e essa diferenciação revela que a migração do campo para a cidade, no caso de um país dominado pela colonização, metaforiza o abandono de um tipo de (con)vivência social em favor de outro. Como a política colonial portuguesa foi assimilacionista, essa migração será sinônimo de busca de adesão ao modus vivendi do outro, muitas vezes para sofrer menos os efeitos da dominação. Para essa discussão, não é por livre escolha que se tratará das personagens femininas na obra de Xitu, posto que as mulheres em seus textos ganham vez e voz para a expressão do proprium angolano, como se o autor as quisesse homenagear em sinal do reconhecimento de sua importância na construção e preservação da memória, que é capaz de criar laços identitários entre as milenares gerações passadas e as futuras, como esboçaremos (Esta reflexão teve origem no estudo desenvolvido no doutoramento, intitulado Entre dois contares: o espaço da tradição na escrita de Uanhenga Xitu, defendida em 1996 na FFLCH-USP, e orientada pela Dra. Maria Aparecida Santilli, falecida em março de 2008).


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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A crescente preocupação que envolve as questões ambientais a nível mundial, cada vez mais agravadas pelo comportamento irresponsável do Homem, conduziu à criação de métodos de avaliação dos impactes ambientais provocados por produtos e sistemas. Sendo o sector da construção responsável por grande parte desses impactes, é evidente a necessidade de aplicação de medidas que visem mitigar ou, no mínimo, reduzir até valores aceitáveis, essas agressões ao meio ambiente. Nesse âmbito, é natural que tenha surgido a ideia de aplicar uma metodologia tão precisa e rigorosa como a LCA ao sector da construção. No entanto, nos dias de hoje, as preocupações alargaram-se às vertentes social e económica que, juntamente com a vertente ambiental, formam o triângulo de equilíbrio do desenvolvimento sustentável. É precisamente essa avaliação tripartida que esta Dissertação pretende abordar, tentando aprofundar conhecimentos e fornecer alternativas, através da análise crítica, que possam contribuir para a melhoria contínua desta metodologia.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Geografia e Planeamento Territorial - Especialidade: Geografia Humana


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar os possíveis efeitos do trabalho por turnos, incluindo o turno noturno, a nível da saúde, vida familiar e social, numa empresa do sector da indústria. Foi construído um questionário que abordava questões relativas aos dados sociodemográficos, organização temporal do trabalho, qualidade do sono, exigências da tarefa e envolvimento, saúde, vida familiar e social, e posteriormente foi aplicado a uma amostra de 24 trabalhadores com idades entre os 29 e os 52 anos (41,58±5,79 anos). Os resultados mostram uma tendência para doenças como a obesidade, colesterol elevado e manifestação de sintomas relacionados com problemas digestivos nos trabalhadores que trabalham por turnos à [sic] mais anos. Antes do primeiro turno noturno o tempo de sono é bastante reduzido e fica aquém do tempo que os trabalhadores sentem que necessitam dormir para se sentirem bem. O turno da tarde é o que permite os trabalhadores ficarem com um tempo de sono mais próximo desse “ideal”. Em relação à idade, todos os trabalhadores do grupo etário mais velho manifestam interrupções do sono diurno. Também se verifica um maior descontentamento destes trabalhadores com o tempo livre para realizar atividades que tragam bem-estar. Este estudo contribui para o conhecimento da realidade do trabalho por turnos na indústria e espera-se que desperte a procura de soluções que otimizem a vida destes trabalhadores.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia millainen yrityskuva kehittää tietotekniikan opiskelijoissa myönteistä näkemystä organisaatiosta työpaikkana. Tutkielma jakaantuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Tutkimusmetodologia oli nomoteettinen ja luonteeltaan deskriptiivis-analyyttinen. Aineiston keräämiseen ja analysointiin käytettiin kvantitatiivista menetelmää. Tutkielman tulokset tukivat aikaisempia tutkimuksia yrityskuvan vaikutuksista kohderyhmän hakeutumisessa työpaikkaan. Tärkeimmät havainnot ovat tietotekniikan opiskelijoiden mieltymykset mielenkiintoiseen työtehtäviin ja tavoitteiden saavuttaminen tiimityöskentelyn avulla, mikä merkitsee toisten auttamista. Työ on siis kohderyhmälle myös viihdettä ja sosiaalisuutta. Organisaatioiden tulisikin rakentaa yrityskuva näiden tekijöiden perustalle.


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This research is a qualitative study of cultural reproduction and resistance from students' perspectives. Thirteen teenagers (eight in attendance in regular high schools and five drop-outs) were recruited to take part and were involved to varying degrees through interviews, journal writing, and group interactive sessions. A purposive sampling design was used initially to recruit individuals known to the researcher through contacts in an alternate education setting. Other participants were recruited throughout the research phase. The theoretical aspects are premised on the work of Paul Willis, Michel Foucault, and Pierre Bourdieu. The reflexive praxeology of Bourdieu reflects the position taken as one way of understanding how students construct and respond to the situations of cultural dominance they experience in schools. The same reflexivity is offered for suggestions as to how teachers can respond to their own position in the education system.


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Many arthropods exhibit behaviours precursory to social life, including adult longevity, parental care, nest loyalty and mutual tolerance, yet there are few examples of social behaviour in this phylum. The small carpenter bees, genus Ceratina, provide important insights into the early stages of sociality. I described the biology and social behaviour of five facultatively social species which exhibit all of the preadaptations for successful group living, yet present ecological and behavioural characteristics that seemingly disfavour frequent colony formation. These species are socially polymorphic with both / solitary and social nests collected in sympatry. Social colonies consist of two adult females, one contributing both foraging and reproductive effort and the second which remains at the nest as a passive guard. Cooperative nesting provides no overt reproductive benefits over solitary nesting, although brood survival tends to be greater in social colonies. Three main theories explain cooperation among conspecifics: mutual benefit, kin selection and manipulation. Lifetime reproductive success calculations revealed that mutual benefit does not explain social behaviour in this group as social colonies have lower per capita life time reproductive success than solitary nests. Genetic pedigrees constructed from allozyme data indicate that kin selection might contribute to the maintenance of social nesting -, as social colonies consist of full sisters and thus some indirect fitness benefits are inherently bestowed on subordinate females as a result of remaining to help their dominant sister. These data suggest that the origin of sociality in ceratinines has principal costs and the great ecological success of highly eusociallineages occurred well after social origins. Ecological constraints such as resource limitation, unfavourable weather conditions and parasite pressure have long been considered some of the most important selective pressures for the evolution of sociality. I assessed the fitness consequences of these three ecological factors for reproductive success of solitary and social colonies and found that nest sites were not limiting, and the frequency of social nesting was consistent across brood rearing seasons. Local weather varied between seasons but was not correlated with reproductive success. Severe parasitism resulted in low reproductive success and total nest failure in solitary nests. Social colonies had higher reproductive success and were never extirpated by parasites. I suggest that social nesting represents a form of bet-hedging. The high frequency of solitary nests suggests that this is the optimal strategy when parasite pressure is low. However, social colonies have a selective advantage over solitary nesting females during periods of extreme parasite pressure. Finally, the small carpenter bees are recorded from all continents except Antarctica. I constructed the first molecular phylogeny of ceratinine bees based on four gene regions of selected species covering representatives from all continents and ecological regions. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian Inference tree topology and fossil dating support an African origin followed by an Old World invasion and New World radiation. All known Old World ceratinines form social colonies while New World species are largely solitary; thus geography and phylogenetic inertia are likely predictors of social evolution in this genus. This integrative approach not only describes the behaviour of several previously unknown or little-known Ceratina species, bu~ highlights the fact that this is an important, though previously unrecognized, model for studying evolutionary transitions from solitary to social behaviour.


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There has been considerable research that investigates the outcomes, benefits, and perceptions of wilderness trip experiences. However, the transfer of learning from a wilderness trip to the everyday lives of youth trip participants, that has deliberately explored post-trip experience, is minimal. Using a qualitative multi-case study approach, methods of data collection included interviews with six youth program participants, six parents/legal guardians, and three program staff, as well as document solicitation. Reports from the participants suggested that the key content transferred to a post-wilderness trip context were interpersonal skills; life skills; and instances of personal growth. Participants applied their learning content from the wilderness trip to school; sports; community and international volunteering; work and career aspirations; family and home life; and social life contexts. Implications for adventure programming and curriculum design, instruction, and transfer are considered.


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The past two centuries have witnessed the rise of nationalist movements and widespread nationalism. As these movements gained strength in Europe, sport played a role in their development. Media representations of sport recount events in a way that reinforces cultural values and this research investigates media representations of Croatian nationalism in the weeks surrounding the country’s third place victory in the 1998 FIFA World Cup. Sociological theories alongside more contemporary theories of sport and nation construction are considered. Croatian newspapers were analyzed for elements of national identity construction. The study concludes that the 1998 World Cup played an important role in Croatia’s on-going construction of nationhood and invention of nationalist traditions. This research further demonstrates sport’s ability to evoke strong emotions that are difficult to witness in other areas of social life and the direct role of sport in garnering nationalism.