312 resultados para Bursa bursa-pastoris.
Background: Evidence indicates that infection with Ascaris lumbricoides may promote development of allergy and asthma. Objective: To study the role of tropomyosin, a pan-allergen in invertebrates, in IgE responses to A lumbricoides. Methods: Recombinant A lumbricoides and Periplaneta americana tropomyosins were expressed in Pichia pastoris. Levels of IgE to tropomyosins from A lumbricoides and P americana were determined by chimeric ELISA in sera from 119 children living in a parasite-endemic area and 112 patients with cockroach allergy from the allergy clinics. Presence of tropomyosin in A lumbricoides larvae at L3 stage was evaluated by immunofluorescence using mAb IA6, directed against mite tropomyosin. Molecular modeling of P americana and A lumbricoides tropomyosins was performed by using the MODELLER program. Results: A lumbricoides tropomyosin showed 69% to 98% sequence identity to tropomyosins from other invertebrates. The predicted structure of A lumbricoides tropomyosin was similar to that of P americana tropomyosin and showed the characteristic coiled-coil structure. Strong correlation was found for IgE antibodies to tropomyosins from A lumbricoides and P americana in sera from children living in a parasite-endemic area and from patients with cockroach allergy. Larvae of A lumbricoides reacted strongly with mAb IA6. Conclusion: Tropomyosin induces IgE responses in A lumbricoides-infected children and in patients allergic to cockroach.
The Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus BM86 and BM95 glycoproteins are homologous proteins that protect cattle against tick infestations. In this study, we demonstrated that the recombinant chimeric protein comprising tick BM95 immunogenic peptides fused to the A. marginale MSP1a N-terminal region for presentation on the Escherichia coli membrane was protective against R. microplus infestations in rabbits. This system provides a novel and simple approach for the production of tick protective antigens by surface display of antigenic protein chimera on live E. coli and suggests the possibility of using recombinant bacterial membrane fractions for vaccination against cattle tick infestations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Chemosensory proteins (CSPs) are ubiquitous soluble small proteins isolated from sensory organs of a wide range of insect species, which are believed to be involved in chemical communication. We report the cloning of a honeybee CSP gene called ASP3c, as well as the structural and functional characterization of the encoded protein. The protein was heterologously secreted by the yeast Pichia pastoris using the native signal peptide. ASP3c disulfide bonds were assigned after trypsinolysis followed by chromatography and mass spectrometry combined with microsequencing. The pairing (Cys(I)-Cys(II), Cys(III)-Cys(IV)) was found to be identical to that of Schistocerca gregaria CSPs, suggesting that this pattern occurs commonly throughout the insect CSPs. CD measurements revealed that ASP3c mainly consists of alpha-helices, like other insect CSPs. Gel filtration analysis showed that ASP3c is monomeric at neutral pH. Using ASA, a fluorescent fatty acid anthroyloxy analogue as a probe, ASP3c was shown to bind specifically to large fatty acids and ester derivatives, which are brood pheromone components, in the micromolar range. It was unable to bind tested general odorants and other tested pheromones (sexual and nonsexual). This is the first report on a natural pheromonal ligand bound by a recombinant CSP with a measured affinity constant.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
Trabalho de Projecto Apresentado à Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, para Cumprimento dos Requisitos Necessários à Obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território, na Área de Especialização de Planeamento e Ordenamento do Território.
The main objective of this work was the development of polymeric structures, gel and films, generated from the dissolution of the Chitin-Glucan Complex (CGC) in biocompatible ionic liquids for biomedical applications. Similar as chitin, CGC is only soluble in some special solvents which are toxic and corrosive. Due to this fact and the urgent development of biomedical applications, the need to use biocompatible ionic liquids to dissolve the CGC is indispensable. For the dissolution of CGC, the biocompatible ionic liquid used was Choline acetate. Two different CGC’s, KiOnutrime from KitoZyme and biologically produced CGC from Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia (FCT) - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, were characterized in order to develop biocompatible wound dressing materials. The similar result is shown in term of the ratio of chitin:glucan, which is 1:1.72 for CGC-FCT and 1:1.69 for CGC-Commercial. For the analysis of metal element content, water and inorganic salts content and protein content, both polymers showed some discrepancies, where the content in CGC-FCT is always higher compared to the commercial one. The different characterization results between CGC-FCT and CGC-Commercial could be addressed to differences in the purification method, and the difference of its original strain yeast, whereas CGC-FCT is derived from P.pastoris and the commercial CGC is from A.niger. This work also investigated the effect of biopolymers, temperature dissolution, non-solvent composition on the characteristics of generated polymeric structure with biocompatible ionic liquid. The films were prepared by casting a polymer mixture, immersion in a non-solvent, followed by drying at ambient temperature. Three different non-solvents were tested in phase inversion method, i.e. water, methanol, and glycerol. The results indicate that the composition of non-solvent in the coagulation bath has great influence in generated polymeric structure. Water was found to be the best coagulant for producing a CGC polymeric film structure. The characterizations that have been done include the analysis of viscosity and viscoelasticity measurement, as well as sugar composition in the membrane and total sugar that was released during the phase inversion method. The rheology test showed that both polymer mixtures exhibit a non- Newtonian shear thinning behaviour. Where the viscosity and viscoelasticity test reveal that CGCFCT mixture has a typical behaviour of a viscous solution with entangled polymer chains and CGCCommercial mixture has true gel behaviour. The experimental results show us that the generated CGC solution from choline acetate could be used to develop both polymeric film structure and gel. The generated structures are thermally stable at 100° C, and are hydrophilic. The produced films have dense structure and mechanical stabilities against puncture up to 60 kPa.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Engenharia Clínica)
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Engenharia Clínica)
En aquest treball s’ha analitzat la relació estructura-funció dels enzims CPT1, o Carnitina palmitoïltransferasa 1, que catalitza la reacció de transesterificació dels àcids grassos de cadena llarga a acil-carnitines, per tal que puguin accedir a la matriu mitocondrial i ser oxidats. Aquest enzim es troba estrictament regulat per malonil-CoA, primer intermediari de la síntesi d’àcids grassos, establint-se així una regulació coordinada entre la formació i la degradació de grasses. S’han estudiat els tres isotips de CPT1 descrits fins al moment: CPT1A, CPT1B i CPT1C. Mitjançant l’expressió heteròloga de mutants de CPT1A de rata i CPT1B de porc en el llevat P. pastoris, s’ha estudiat l’efecte sobre la inhibició per malonil-CoA de petits canvis en la seva estructura, per tal de trobar una relació entre la seva funció enzimàtica i la disposició conformacional de la proteïna. Segons els resultats obtinguts, el residu Glu590 de CPT1A de rata estaria impedint la unió de l’inhibidor, mentre que el residu Met593 estaria afavorint aquesta unió. Els estudis amb l’enzim CPT1B de porc demostraren l’existència d’un determinant positiu per la sensibilitat al malonil-CoA en els primers 18 residus de la proteïna, i definiren la posició Glu17 com la responsable de l’alta afinitat a la carnitina i la baixa sensibilitat a la inhibició per malonil-CoA (8). Es clonà i caracteritzà la regió promotora del gen de CPT1C humana, amb la intenció d’analitzar la funcionalitat de putatius elements de resposta identificats in silico. Cap dels elements estudiats resultà ser funcional in vivo. A més, es demostrà que la manca d’activitat catalítica de la proteïna no és deguda a l’extensió C-terminal que presenta respecte els isotips A i B, tot i presentar un alt percentatge d’identitat de seqüència. S’ha amplificat una isoforma humana de CPT1C (Pubmed Acc. Num. AK299866), corresponent a la regió carboxiterminal de la proteïna, que es pretén utilitzar per obtenir el primer cristall de la part soluble d’una proteïna CPT1.
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) encodes approximately 10 different structural and non-structural proteins, including the envelope glycoprotein 2 (E2). HCV proteins, especially the envelope proteins, bind to cell receptors and can damage tissues. Endothelial inflammation is the most important determinant of fibrosis progression and, consequently, cirrhosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the inflammatory response of endothelial cells to two recombinant forms of the HCV E2 protein produced in different expression systems (Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris). We observed the induction of cell death and the production of nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide, interleukin-8 and vascular endothelial growth factor A in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) stimulated by the two recombinant E2 proteins. The E2-induced apoptosis of HUVECs was confirmed using the molecular marker PARP. The apoptosis rescue observed when the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine was used suggests that reactive oxygen species are involved in E2-induced apoptosis. We propose that these proteins are involved in the chronic inflammation caused by HCV.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) envelope protein 2 (E2) is involved in viral binding to host cells. The aim of this work was to produce recombinant E2B and E2Y HCV proteins in Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris, respectively, and to study their interactions with low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) and CD81 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and the ECV304 bladder carcinoma cell line. To investigate the effects of human LDL and differences in protein structure (glycosylated or not) on binding efficiency, the recombinant proteins were either associated or not associated with lipoproteins before being assayed. The immunoreactivity of the recombinant proteins was analysed using pooled serum samples that were either positive or negative for hepatitis C. The cells were immunophenotyped by LDLr and CD81 using flow cytometry. Binding and binding inhibition assays were performed in the presence of LDL, foetal bovine serum (FCS) and specific antibodies. The results revealed that binding was reduced in the absence of FCS, but that the addition of human LDL rescued and increased binding capacity. In HUVEC cells, the use of antibodies to block LDLr led to a significant reduction in the binding of E2B and E2Y. CD81 antibodies did not affect E2B and E2Y binding. In ECV304 cells, blocking LDLr and CD81 produced similar effects, but they were not as marked as those that were observed in HUVEC cells. In conclusion, recombinant HCV E2 is dependent on LDL for its ability to bind to LDLr in HUVEC and ECV304 cells. These findings are relevant because E2 acts to anchor HCV to host cells; therefore, high blood levels of LDL could enhance viral infectivity in chronic hepatitis C patients.
Secreted proteases constitute potential virulence factors of dermatophytes. A total of seven genes encoding putative serine proteases of the subtilisin family (SUB) were isolated in Trichophyton rubrum. Based on sequence data and intron-exon structure, a phylogenetic analysis of subtilisins from T. rubrum and other fungi revealed a presumed ancestral lineage comprising T. rubrum SUB2 and Aspergillus SUBs. All other SUBs (SUB1, SUB3-7) are dermatophyte-specific and have apparently emerged more recently, through successive gene duplication events. We showed that two subtilisins, Sub3 and Sub4, were detected in culture supernatants of T. rubrum grown in a medium containing soy protein as a sole nitrogen source. Both recombinant enzymes produced in Pichia pastoris are highly active on keratin azure suggesting that these proteases play an important role in invasion of keratinised tissues by the fungus. The set of deduced amino acid sequences of T. rubrum SUB ORFs allowed the identification of orthologous Subs secreted by other dermatophyte species using proteolysis and mass spectrometry.
In an acidic protein medium Aspergillus fumigatus secretes an aspartic endoprotease (Pep) as well as tripeptidyl-peptidases, a prolyl-peptidase and carboxypeptidases. In addition, LC-MS/MS revealed a novel glutamic protease, AfuGprA, homologous to Aspergillus niger aspergillopepsin II. The importance of AfuGprA in protein digestion was evaluated by deletion of its encoding gene in A. fumigatus wild-type D141 and in a pepΔ mutant. Either A. fumigatus Pep or AfuGprA was shown to be necessary for fungal growth in protein medium at low pH. Exoproteolytic activity is therefore not sufficient for complete protein hydrolysis and fungal growth in a medium containing proteins as the sole nitrogen source. Pep and AfuGprA constitute a pair of endoproteases active at low pH, in analogy to A. fumigatus alkaline protease (Alp) and metalloprotease I (Mep), where at least one of these enzymes is necessary for fungal growth in protein medium at neutral pH. Heterologous expression of AfuGprA in Pichia pastoris showed that the enzyme is synthesized as a preproprotein and that the propeptide is removed through an autoproteolytic reaction at low pH to generate the mature protease. In contrast to A. niger aspergillopepsin II, AfuGprA is a single-chain protein and is structurally more similar to G1 proteases characterized in other non-Aspergillus fungi.
F. 1-102v, Liber gestorum Barlaan et Josephat servorum Dei ; -- F. 103-151, Liber pastoralis ; -- F. 151-162, Historia Assenet filie Phutipharis uxoris Jospeh.
O atrativo econômico e o impacto ambiental da adubação nitrogenada em pastagens dependem da eficiência de uso do nitrogênio (N) do fertilizante no sistema solo-planta. Entretanto, a recuperação do 15N-ureia em pastagem de Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, uma das forrageiras mais utilizadas na intensificação de sistemas pastoris, permanece desconhecida. Este experimento, seguindo um delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro tratamentos (0, 40, 80 e 120 kg ha-1 de N-ureia) e três repetições, foi realizado para determinar a recuperação do 15N-ureia pelo capim-tanzânia. A produção de forragem, o teor de N total e a quantidade de N na planta não foram afetados pelas doses de 15N-ureia, refletindo as elevadas perdas do N aplicado nas condições do experimento. Entretanto, a baixa eficiência agronômica do uso da ureia pode ser explicada pelo decréscimo da recuperação do N do fertilizante no sistema solo-planta com o aumento da dose de 15N-ureia em situações climáticas bastante adversas, que contribuíram para aumentar as perdas de 15N-ureia no sistema solo-planta.