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In order to resolve some missing micromechanistic details regarding contact deformation in nitride multilayer coatings we report here observations from cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy and focused ion beam studies of the Vickers indentations on TiN/TiAlN multilayer films of various total thicknesses as well as bilayer periods. The study of damage induced by contact deformation in a nitride multilayer coating is complemented by stress calculated using an analytical model. Kinked boundaries of sliding columns give rise to cracks which propagate at an angle to the indentation axis under a combination of compressive and shear stresses. It is seen that multilayers provide more distributed columnar sliding, thereby reducing the stress intensity factor for shear cracking, while interfacial dislocations provide a stress relief mechanism by enabling lateral movement of material. (C) 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have developed a graphical user interface based dendrimer builder toolkit (DBT) which can be used to generate the dendrimer configuration of desired generation for various dendrimer architectures. The validation of structures generated by this tool was carried out by studying the structural properties of two well known classes of dendrimers: ethylenediamine cored poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer, diaminobutyl cored poly(propylene imine) (PPI) dendrimer. Using full atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation we have calculated the radius of gyration, shape tensor and monomer density distribution for PAMAM and PPI dendrimer at neutral and high pH. A good agreement between the available simulation and experimental (small angle X-ray and neutron scattering; SAXS, SANS) results and calculated radius of gyration was observed. With this validation we have used DBT to build another new class of nitrogen cored poly(propyl ether imine) dendrimer and study it's structural features using all atomistic MD simulation. DBT is a versatile tool and can be easily used to generate other dendrimer structures with different chemistry and topology. The use of general amber force field to describe the intra-molecular interactions allows us to integrate this tool easily with the widely used molecular dynamics software AMBER. This makes our tool a very useful utility which can help to facilitate the study of dendrimer interaction with nucleic acids, protein and lipid bilayer for various biological applications. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We have developed a graphical user interface based dendrimer builder toolkit (DBT) which can be used to generate the dendrimer configuration of desired generation for various dendrimer architectures. The validation of structures generated by this tool was carried out by studying the structural properties of two well known classes of dendrimers: ethylenediamine cored poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer, diaminobutyl cored poly(propylene imine) (PPI) dendrimer. Using full atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation we have calculated the radius of gyration, shape tensor and monomer density distribution for PAMAM and PPI dendrimer at neutral and high pH. A good agreement between the available simulation and experimental (small angle X-ray and neutron scattering; SAXS, SANS) results and calculated radius of gyration was observed. With this validation we have used DBT to build another new class of nitrogen cored poly(propyl ether imine) dendrimer and study it's structural features using all atomistic MD simulation. DBT is a versatile tool and can be easily used to generate other dendrimer structures with different chemistry and topology. The use of general amber force field to describe the intra-molecular interactions allows us to integrate this tool easily with the widely used molecular dynamics software AMBER. This makes our tool a very useful utility which can help to facilitate the study of dendrimer interaction with nucleic acids, protein and lipid bilayer for various biological applications. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Multilayers of poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) and citrate capped Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) anchored on sodium 3-mercapto-1-propanesulfonate modified gold electrode by electrostatic layer-by-layer assembly (LbL) technique are shown to be an excellent architecture for the direct electrochemical oxidation of As(III) species. The growth of successive layers in the proposed LbL architecture is followed by atomic force microscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy, quartz crystal microbalance with energy dissipation, and electrochemistry. The first bilayer is found to show rather different physico-chemical characteristics as compared to the subsequent bilayers, and this is attributed to the difference in the adsorption environments. The analytical utility of the architecture with five bilayers is exploited for arsenic sensing via the direct electrocatalytic oxidation of As(III), and the detection limit is found to be well below the WHO guidelines of 10 ppb. When the non-redox active PDDA is replaced by the redoxactive Os(2,2'-bipyridine)(2)Cl-poly(4-vinylpyridine) polyelectrolyte (PVPOs) in the LbL assembly, the performance is found to be inferior, demonstrating that the redox activity of the polyelectrolyte is futile as far as the direct electro-oxidation of As(III) is concerned. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we observe gate tunable negative differential conductance (NDC) and current saturation in single layer and bilayer graphene transistor at high source-drain field, which arise due to the interplay among (1) self-heating, (2) hot carrier injection, and (3) drain induced minority carrier injection. The magnitude of the NDC is found to be reduced for a bilayer, in agreement with its weaker carrier-optical phonon coupling and less efficient hot carrier injection. The contributions of different mechanisms to the observed results are decoupled through fast transient measurements with nanosecond resolution. The findings provide insights into high field transport in graphene. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4754103]


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In the last decade, there has been a tremendous interest in Graphene transistors. The greatest advantage for CMOS nanoelectronics applications is the fact that Graphene is compatible with planar CMOS technology and potentially offers excellent short channel properties. Because of the zero bandgap, it will not be possible to turn off the MOSFET efficiently and hence the typical on current to off current ratio (Ion/Ioff) has been less than 10. Several techniques have been proposed to open the bandgap in Graphene. It has been demonstrated, both theoretically and experimentally, that Graphene Nanoribbons (GNR) show a bandgap which is inversely proportional to their width. GNRs with about 20 nm width have bandgaps in the range of 100meV. But it is very difficult to obtain GNRs with well defined edges. An alternate technique to open the band gap is to use bilayer Graphene (BLG), with an asymmetric bias applied in the direction perpendicular to their plane. Another important CMOS metric, the subthreshold slope is also limited by the inability to turn off the transistor. However, these devices could be attractive for RF CMOS applications. But even for analog and RF applications the non-saturating behavior of the drain current can be an issue. Although some studies have reported current saturation, the mechanisms are still not very clear. In this talk we present some of our recent findings, based on simulations and experiments, and propose possible solutions to obtain high on current to off current ratio. A detailed study on high field transport in grapheme transistors, relevant for analog and RF applications will also be presented.


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We investigate the direct band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) in a reverse biased molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanoribbon p-n junction by analyzing the complex band structure obtained from semiempirical extended Huckel method under relaxed and strained conditions. It is demonstrated that the direct BTBT is improbable in relaxed monolayer nanoribbon; however, with the application of certain uniaxial tensile strain, the material becomes favorable for it. On the other hand, the relaxed bilayer nanoribbon is suitable for direct BTBT but becomes unfavorable when the applied uniaxial tensile or compressive strain goes beyond a certain limit. Considering the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation, we evaluate the tunneling probability to estimate the tunneling current for a small applied reverse bias. Reasonably high tunneling current in the MoS2 nanoribbons shows that it can take advantage over graphene nanoribbon in future tunnel field-effect transistor applications.


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Three new compounds of bismuth, C4N2H10]center dotBi(C7H4NO4)(C7H3NO4)]center dot H2O, I, Bi(C5H3N2O4) (C5H2N2O4)], II, and Bi(mu(2)-OH)(C7H3NO4)], III, have been prepared by the reaction between bismuth nitrate and heterocyclic aromatic dicarboxylic acids, 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid, 4,5-imidazoledicarboxylic acid, and 3,4-pyridinedicarboxylic acid, respectively, under hydrothermal conditions. The structures of all the compounds have linkages between Bi2O2 and the corresponding dicarboxylate forming a simple molecular unit in I, a bilayer arrangement in II, and a three-dimensional extended structure in III. The topological arrangement of the nodal building units in the structures indicates that a brucite-related layer (II) and fluorite-related arrangement (III) can be realized in these structures. By utilizing the secondary interactions, one can correlate the structure of III to a Kagome-related one. The observation of such classical inorganic related structures in the bismuth carboxylates is noteworthy. Lewis acid catalytic studies on the formation of ketal suggest the possible participatory role of the lone pair of electrons. All the compounds are characterized employing elemental analysis, IR, UV-vis, and thermal studies.


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Structural characterizations using XRD and C-13 NMR spectroscopy of two rodlike mesogens consisting of (i) three phenyl ring core with a polar cyano terminal and (ii) four phenyl ring core with flexible dodecyl terminal chain are presented. The three-ring-core mesogen with cyano terminal exhibits enantiotropic smectic A phase while the four-ring mesogen reveals polymesomorphism and shows enantiotropic nematic, smectic C, and tilted hexatic phases. The molecular organization in the three-ring mesogen is found to be partial bilayer smectic Ad type, and the interdigitation of the molecules in the neighboring layers is attributed to the presence of the polar terminal group. For the four-ring mesogen, the XRD results confirm the existence of the smectic C and the tilted hexatic mesophases. A thermal variation of the layer spacing across the smectic C phase followed by a discrete jump at the transition to the tilted hexatic phase is also observed. The tilt angles have been estimated to be about 45 degrees in the smectic C phase and about 40 degrees in tilted hexatic phase. C-13 NMR results indicate that in the mesophase the molecules are aligned parallel to the magnetic field. From the C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings determined from the 2D experiments, the overall order parameter for the three-ring mesogen in its smectic A phase has been estimated to be 0.72 while values ranging from 0.88 to 0.44 have been obtained for the four-ring mesogen as it passes from the tilted hexatic to the nematic phase. The orientations of the different rings of the core unit with respect to each other and also with respect to the long axis of the molecule have also been obtained.


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Gd2O3-based metal-insulator-metal capacitors have been characterized with single layer (Gd2O3) and bilayer (Gd2O3/Eu2O3 and Eu2O3/Gd2O3) stacks for analog and DRAM applications. Although single layer Gd2O3 capacitors provide highest capacitance density (15 fF/mu m(2)), they suffer from high leakage current density, poor capacitance density-voltage linearity, and reliability. The stacked dielectrics help to reduce leakage current density (1.2x10(-5) A/cm(2) and 2.7 x 10(-5) A/cm(2) for Gd2O3/Eu2O3 and Eu2O3/Gd2O3, respectively, at -1 V), improve quadratic voltage coefficient of capacitance (331 ppm/V-2 and 374 ppm/V-2 for Gd2O3/Eu2O3 and Eu2O3/Gd2O3, respectively, at 1 MHz), and improve reliability, with a marginal reduction in capacitance density. This is attributed to lower trap heights as determined from Poole-Frenkel conduction mechanism, and lower defect density as determined from electrode polarization model.


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Exchange biased Fe(FM)-FeMn(AFM) bilayers were grown by pulsed laser ablation in UHV and probed by SQUID magnetometer and planar Hall effect measurements. A suppression of barkhausen avalanches was observed during the switching of the bilayer when compared to that of pure Fe, which is indicative of a change in the reversal mechanism.


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Micro- and nano-mechanical resonators have been proposed for a variety of applications ranging from mass sensing to signal processing. Often their actuation and/or detection involve external subsystems that are much larger than the resonator itself. We have designed a simple microcantilever resonator with integrated sensor and actuator, facilitating the integration of large arrays of resonators. This unique design can be manufactured with a low-cost fabrication process, involving just a single step of lithography. The bilayer cantilever of gold and silicon dioxide is used as piezoresistive sensor as well as thermal bimorph actuator. The ac current used for actuation and the dc current used for piezoresistive detection are separated in the frequency-domain using a bias-tee circuit configuration. The resonant response is measured by detecting the second harmonic of the actuation current using a lock-in amplifier.


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Hafnium dioxide (HfO2) films, deposited using electron beam evaporation, are optimized for high performance back-gated graphene transistors. Bilayer graphene is identified on HfO2/Si substrate using optical microscope and subsequently confirmed with Raman spectroscopy. Back-gated graphene transistor, with 32 nm thick HfO2 gate dielectric, has been fabricated with very high transconductance value of 60 mu S. From the hysteresis of the current-voltage characteristics, we estimate the trap density in HfO2 to be in the mid 10(11)/cm(2) range, comparable to SiO2.


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The dynamics and interactions of edge dislocations in a nearly aligned sheared lamellar mesophase is analysed to provide insights into the relationship between disorder and rheology. First, the mesoscale permeation and momentum equations for the displacement field in the presence of external forces are derived from the model H equations for the concentration and momentum field. The secondary flow generated due to the mean shear around an isolated defect is calculated, and the excess viscosity due to the presence of the defect is determined from the excess energy dissipation due to the secondary flow. The excess viscosity for an isolated defect is found to increase with system size in the cross-stream direction as L-3/2 for an isolated defect, though this divergence is cut-off due to interactions in a defect suspension. As the defects are sheared past each other due to the mean flow, the Peach-Koehler force due to elastic interaction between pairs of defects is found to cause no net displacement relative to each other as they approach from large separation to the distance of closest approach. The equivalent force due to viscous interactions is found to increase the separation for defects of opposite sign, and decrease the separation for defects of same sign. During defect interactions, we find that there is no buckling instability due to dilation of layers for systems of realistic size. However, there is another mechanism, which is the velocity difference generated across a slightly deformed bilayer due to the mean shear, which could result in the creation of new defects. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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HfO2 thin films deposited on Si substrate using electron beam evaporation, are evaluated for back-gated graphene transistors. The amount of O-2 flow rate, during vaporation is optimized for 35 nm thick HfO2 films, to achieve the best optical, chemical and electrical properties. It has been observed that with increasing oxygen flow rate, thickness of the films increased and refractive index decreased due to increase in porosity resulting from the scattering of the evaporant. The films deposited at low O-2 flow rates (1 and 3 SCCM) show better optical and compositional properties. The effects of post-deposition annealing and post-metallization annealing in forming gas ambience (FGA) on the optical and electrical properties of the films have been analyzed. The film deposited at 3 SCCM O-2 flow rate shows the best properties as measured on MOS capacitors. To evaluate the performance of device properties, back-gated bilayer graphene transistors on HfO2 films deposited at two O-2 flow rates of 3 and 20 SCCM have been fabricated and characterized. The transistor with HfO2 film deposited at 3 SCCM O-2 flow rate shows better electrical properties consistent with the observations on MOS capacitor structures. This suggests that an optimum oxygen pressure is necessary to get good quality films for high performance devices.