456 resultados para Aq-19A


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Nowadays, we understand the childhood as a result of historical and social changes. This work aims to comprehend representations and expectations made by children from the popular classes in the initial years of Fundamentaql Education. We conducted a research with six students from a public school that attends children from urban popular layer's families. The research examines the meanings and representations of educational practices developed in the relationships established among teachers, students and families through their life stories. Among the results, we can say that the environment of differentiation in the school id perceived to the students because they introject teacher's representations about their performance. Scientific studies show that children crystallize a positive image of the shool when the speech and posture of the institution value and encourage learning. However, the students are challenged to produce better results in order to participate in extracurricular activities, which they are excluded todue indiscipline or learning difficulties. The mean of the schooling is highly influenced by the performance of students and also by the attitude of educators in the family and in the school. The theoretical review points out that when students have a good performance, the merit is attributed to stress and ease they have to acquire the learning contents. In other hand, struggling students or with a lag of content explains the academic problems stems from the lack of capacity and potential for acquisition of learning compatible with age, defining schooling as something necessary for training, but which is inaccessible in their life stories


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The wood of the gender Eucalyptus occupies a prominence place in relation to other cellulose sources, due to its chemical composition, its low cost, abundance and availability. The dissolving pulp obtaining occurs basically starting from three stages: prehydrolysis of the wood following by cooking and finally by the bleaching process. In the dissolving pulp production is necessary a pretreatment stage for the hemicelluloses removal. Among the chemical cooking processes, the Kraft process is the most used for cellulosic pulps production starting from eucalyptus, in the additive presence or not. The anthraquinone uses in the pulping process has as main purposes increasing the delignification rate as well as protecting the pulp regarding the degradation of the polysaccharide chains. The ECF bleaching process consists of the purification of the pulp through bleaching agents, being excepted the elementary chlorine. The dissolving pulp is a pulp of high a-cellulose content and purity destined to the cellulose derivatives production as carboxymethyl cellulose, nitrocellulose and microcrystalline cellulose. The production of a certain product, as well as its final application, is determined by the chemical properties of the pulp. The present work had as purpose producing cellulosic pulp with kappa number around 9 destined to the production of dissolving pulp in way to evaluate the use of the anthraquinone (AQ) in the Kraft process according to the chemical properties of the obtained pulps. It has been still intended developing an effective technology of bleaching for the high purity and quality dissolving pulp production. The prehydrolysis was accomplished in laboratory rotational autoclave for 30 minutes at 170ºC in the water:wood rate 3,5:1 (L:kg). The Kraft/AQ pulping were accomplished in laboratory rotational autoclave being initially modified the active alkali load (10, 13, 16 and 19%) at sulfidity of 25% ...


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In this paper we show that the quaternion orders OZ[ √ 2] ≃ ( √ 2, −1)Z[ √ 2] and OZ[ √ 3] ≃ (3 + 2√ 3, −1)Z[ √ 3], appearing in problems related to the coding theory [4], [3], are not maximal orders in the quaternion algebras AQ( √ 2) ≃ ( √ 2, −1)Q( √ 2) and AQ( √ 3) ≃ (3 + 2√ 3, −1)Q( √ 3), respectively. Furthermore, we identify the maximal orders containing these orders.


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When well indicated, the orthodontic surgical approach is the ideal treatment mean for Skeletal Class III adult patients. To improve facial esthetic results from orthognatic surgery, the leveling and alignment of maxillary dental arch must be achieved with minimal inclination and projection or even retro-inclination of anterior upper teeth. During a pre-surgical phase of 12 months, headgear bilateral force of 150 g/F was applied to the upper molars of a 22 years old male compliant patient with Class III skeletal malocclusion, to provide an upper teeth control of mesial tipping and projection during alignment and leveling. The ideal occlusal parameters required for surgical procedure were achieved without dental extractions permitting a total treatment period of 37 months. The outcomes remained stable over 3 years follow up after the removal of the appliance. The results indicate that, although headgear use depends greatly on patient compliance, when well indicated it is an interesting alternativetopromote dentaldecompensationon pre-surgical period, in order to allow surgical correction of skeletal Class III malocclusion.


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Due to its high prevalence in general population, Angle Class II malocclusion has been widely studied by several authors, as well as the methods for its treatment. Among the possible treatment methods stands out the Herbst appliance. Reintroduced more than three decades ago in the orthodontics community, it became the most utilized appliance because it does not require patient compliance, and provides continued action through bilateral telescopic tubes. The objective of the present article was to demonstrate the early treatment of Class II Division 1 malocclusion with mandibular retrusion using Herbst appliance.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Maxillofacial deformities may cause awkward and embarrassing bearer. These patients present serious psychological, family and social issues becoming traumatized and complexed. These deformities can have congenital origin, malformations and developmental disorders, or can be caused by pathological mutilation such as necrotizing diseases and surgical oncology, or traumas such as traffic and work accidents.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a tool used to probe the physical and chemical environments of specific atoms in molecules. This research explored small molecule analogues to biological materials to determine NMR parameters using ab initio computations, comparing the results with solid-state NMR measurements. Models, such as dimethyl phosphate (DMP) for oligonucleotides or CuCl for the active site of the protein azurin, represented computationally unwieldy macromolecules. 31P chemical shielding tensors were calculated for DMP as a function of torsion angles, as well as for the phosphate salts, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADHP), diammonium hydrogen phosphate, and magnesium dihydrogen phosphate. The computational DMP work indicated a problem with the current standard 31P reference of 85% H3PO4(aq.). Comparison of the calculations and experimental spectra for the phosphate salts indicated ADHP might be a preferable alternative as a solid state NMR reference for 31P. Experimental work included magic angle spinning experiments on powder samples using the UNL chemistry department’s Bruker Avance 600 MHz NMR to collect data to determine chemical shielding anisotropies. For the quadrupolar nuclei of copper and scandium, the electric field gradient was calculated in diatomic univalent metal halides, allowing determination of the minimal level of theory necessary to compute NMR parameters for these nuclei.


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This Letter reports on the synthesis of Ag-Au nanoparticles (NPs) with controlled structures and compositions via a galvanic replacement reaction between Ag NPs and AuCl4(aq)- followed by the investigation of their optical and catalytic properties. Our results showed the formation of porous walls, hollow interiors and increased Au content in the Ag-Au NPs as the volume of AuCl4(aq)- employed in the reaction was increased. These variations led to a red shift and broadening of the SPR peaks and an increase of up to 10.9-folds in the catalytic activity towards the reduction of 4-nitrophenol relative to Ag NPs. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Phenolic compounds combine antioxidant and hypocholesterolemic activities and, consequently, are expected to prevent or minimize cardiometabolic risk. Methods To evaluate the effect of an aqueous extract (AQ) and non-esterified phenolic fraction (NEPF) from rosemary on oxidative stress in diet-induced hypercholesterolemia, 48 male 4-week old Wistar rats were divided into 6 groups: 1 chow diet group (C) and 5 hypercholesterolemic diet groups, with 1 receiving water (HC), 2 receiving AQ at concentrations of 7 and 140 mg/kg body weight (AQ70 and AQ140, respectively), and 2 receiving NEPF at concentrations of 7 and 14 mg/kg body weight (NEPF7 and NEPF14, respectively) by gavage for 4 weeks. Results In vitro, both AQ and NEPF had remarkable antioxidant activity in the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH●) assay, which was similar to BHT. In vivo, the group that received AQ at 70 mg/kg body weight had lower serum total cholesterol (−39.8%), non-HDL-c (−44.4%) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) levels (−37.7%) compared with the HC group. NEPF (7 and 14 mg/kg) reduced the tissue TBARS levels and increased the activity of tissular antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase). Neither AQ nor NEPF was able to ameliorate the alterations in the hypercholesterolemic diet-induced fatty acid composition in the liver. Conclusions These data suggest that phenolic compounds from rosemary ameliorate the antioxidant defense in different tissues and attenuate oxidative stress in diet-induced hypercholesterolemic rats, whereas the serum lipid profile was improved only in rats that received the aqueous extract.


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[EN] In this study, the phylogeographic patterns of nuclear, ribosomal and mtDNA gene fragments of five tanaidacean species (Zeuxo, Tanaidae) from the Atlantic, Pacific and Mediterranean Sea were investigated.


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Questa tesi riguarda lo studio della reazione fotoindotta del 9-10 dinitroantracene (DNO2A) ad antrachinone (AQ) con l’ausilio di una tecnica spettroscopica senza precedenti nel campo. Lo studio tramite spettroscopia Raman dei fononi reticolari (variazioni fisiche) e dei modi intramolecolari (variazioni chimiche) di reagente e prodotto, simultaneamente al manifestarsi della reazione, è infatti un metodo potente, diretto, in situ e non distruttivo per studiare una reazione solido-solido che coinvolge spettacolari movimenti micro-meccanici nel cristallo singolo del reagente durante l’irraggiamento. L’ulteriore vantaggio della confocalità amplia ulteriormente il campo di applicazione di questa tecnica, permettendo un’analisi su scala spaziale inferiore al micrometro, con la possibilità di mappature a livello molecolare da confrontare con l’immagine microscopica del campione[9]. Abbiamo inoltre visto che ampie ricostruzioni strutturali avvengono nel corso della reazione. Le conseguenze, a livello microscopico, si riflettono sulla modificazione strutturale della cella elementare; quelle a livello macroscopico mostrano una sorprendente relazione fotone incidente/energia meccanica prodotta. Infine lo studio di questa reazione in celle ad alta pressione ha ampliato il corpo di conoscenze della reazione oggetto della tesi.


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Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung neuartiger organischer Materialien, die eine Absorption im NIR-Bereich besitzen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden höher konjugierte Carbinole und Tetrakis(stilbenyl)methane synthetisiert und aus den Carbinolen mit Trifloressigsäure Carbokationen-Salze hergestellt. Die Darstellung der Oligomeren erfolgte durch eine konvergente Synthesestrategie, bei der die meisten der synthetisierten Vorstufen in mehreren Folgereaktionen eingesetzt werden konnten. Als Schlüsselschritt der Synthesen wurde fast ausschließlich die Horner-Reaktion angewendet. Die Vorteile lagen dabei in der leichten Zugänglichkeit der Edukte, in hohen Produktausbeuten und vor allem in der hohen trans-Selektivität der Reaktion. Die effektiven Konjugationslängen (EKL) der Carbinole und Carbokationen wurden mit Hilfe der Fitfunktion berechnet. Mit zunehmender Ausdehnung des p-Systems wird der HOMO-LUMO Abstand des energieärmsten p-p*- Übergangs geringer und die Absorption zum sichtbaren Bereich hin bathochrom (langwellig) verschoben. Die Substitution mit einem Dialkylamino-Rest bewirkt ebenfalls eine bathochrome Verschiebung der Absorptionsbande.Umgekehrt verhält es sich bei den Carbokationen. Hier absorbieren die dialkylaminosubstituierten Verbindungen bei kürzerer Wellenlänge als die alkoxysubstituierten, da bei der Herstellung der Kationen aus den Carbinolen ,zuerst der Sickstoff als elektronenreichste Stelle protoniert wird. Dabei hat die Menge an zugesetzter Trifluoressigsäure einer entscheidende Einfluß auf die Bildung der Carbokationen aus den Carbinolen (s. Tabele 4-3). Während bei den alkoxysubstituierten Carbinolen das Gleichgewicht zwischen Carbinol und Carbokation schon nach Zusatz von ca 4 % Trifluoressigsäure erreicht ist, benötigt man bei den dialkylaminosubstituierten Carbinolen eine wesentlich höhere Säurekonzentration (10 %) zur vollständigen Protonierung (n = 4). Beiden Systemen ist gemein, daß nach Überschreiten der benötigten Gleichgewichtskonzentration an Trifluoressigsäure, eine Erhöhung der Säuremenge einen Abbau des Chromophos zur Folge hat. Offensichtlich wird dann die Doppelbindung protoniert, ein Vorgang der allerdings reversibel ist und keine Isomerisierungen beinhaltet.E/Z-Isomerisierungen finden allerdings durch Bestrahlungen mit Licht der Wellenlänge l = 366 nm statt. Bei dem Tetrakis(stilbenyl)methan 25a liegt das photostationäre Gleichgewicht bei ca 1/9 (Z/E), bei dem Tris(stilbenyl)methanol 19a liegt es bei 1/7 (Z/E).