689 resultados para Àcars


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia muutoksia Viron, Latvian ja Liettuan rautateiden henkilöliikenteessä on tapahtunut neuvostoajan lopun ja tämän päivän välillä. Tarkastelupisteiksi valittiin vuodet 1991, 1997, 2002 ja 2009. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli myös selvittää muutoksiin vaikuttaneita taustatekijöitä, kuvata nykytilannetta ja tarkastella tulevaisuuden vaihtoehtoisia kehityspolkuja. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella rautateiden henkilöliikenteen määrä on supistunut noin puoleen kaikissa kolmessa maassa tarkasteltuna junakilometrien viikoittaisella määrällä. Matkustajamäärät ovat laskeneet kaikissa kolmessa maassa selvästi tarkastelujakson aikana. Syitä rautateiden henkilöliikenteen supistumiseen ovat olleet mm. kireä kilpailu linja-autoliikenteen kanssa ja lisääntynyt henkilöautojen käyttö. 1990-luvun taloudellisesti vaikeina vuosina rautateillä ei ollut mahdollisuuksia uusia kalustoaan. Kansainvälinen talouskriisi ja sen myötä heikentynyt taloudellinen tilanne kaikissa kolmessa maassa muodostaa uuden uhan rautateiden henkilöliikenteelle. Korkeat rataverkon käyttömaksut toimivat tehokkaana esteenä henkilöliikenteen kehittämiselle.


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Kasvihuonekaasu- ja hiilidioksidipäästöt ovat kasvaneet viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana merkittävästi. Merkittävimpiä päästöjen lähteitä ovat liikenteessä ja energiantuotannossa käytetyt fossiiliset polttoaineet. Kaikista maailman kasvihuonepäästöistä liikenne aiheuttaa noin 13 %, josta yli 80 % on tieliikenteen aiheuttamia päästöjä. Jotta tieliikenteen ai-heuttamia päästöjä saataisiin vähennettyä on tieliikenteeseen kehitettävä yhä vähäpäästöisempiä ja päästöttömiä kulkuvälineitä. Tämä on ollut yksi päätekijä sähkö- ja hybridiautojen kehitykseen. Tässä kandidaatintyössä selvitetään sähkö- ja hybridiautoissa käytettyjä jännitetasoja sekä voimansiirtojärjestelmissä käytettyjä komponentteja. Työ rajoittuu ainoastaan henkilöautoihin, joista tarkastelun kohteena ovat sähkö-, hybridi- ja muunnossähköautot. Työssä tarkastellaan myös sähkö- ja hybridiautojen tulevaisuuden näkymiä turvallisuuden ja standardoinnin kannalta. Työssä esitettyjen tietojen perusteella saadaan selkeä näkemys siitä, miten käytetyt jännitetasot ja komponentit vaihtelevat eri autovalmistajien kesken. Korkeammat jännitetasot ovat energiatehokkuuden kannalta parempia, mutta aiheuttavat vaatimuksia käyttöturvallisuuteen liittyvissä kysymyksissä.


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Objective of this thesis was to develop the exchange of information and reduce the manual work done in the supply chain. In addition, the possibility to introduce electronic information exchange was studied between suppliers and Borealis. The aim was to create an accurate picture of Borealis’ current information flows and create from the basis of it short- and long-term improvement and development proposals. In this study the company's received and send information flows were mapped by interviewing persons who were responsible for the railroad imports and by examining documents that are used in the exchange of information. The data content of the information flows were prioritized and only the most important information contents were used for further development. Literature data was acquired concerning knowledge of electronic data interchange and information management to support the decisions and proposals. Long-term development proposals were compared with each other and the best one of them was recommended for further study. The final target of the proposal is to be able to receive electronic data and create an own database where to the information is stored and where from it is possible to follow up the rail tank cars and where from the needed reports can be retrieved.


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Tulevaisuudessa sähköverkko kohtaa monia haasteita, kun sähköautot yleistyvät, vaatien suuren tehotarpeen. Uusiutuvan energiantuotannon epävarma huipputehon tuotanto ei välttämättä pysty kattamaan sähköautoista johtuvaa suurta tehopiikkiä, jos suuret määrät ajoneuvoista kytketään yhtä aikaa lataukseen. Jos sähköajoneuvot voidaan ladata ohjatusti, ei välttämättä tarvita lisäenergian tuotantoa kattamaan kasvanutta huipputehon tarvetta. Lisäksi sähköajoneuvojen akut toimivat koko sähköverkolle energiavarastoina, jollaista ei ole ennen ollut. Älykkäällä sähköverkolla voidaan ohjata sähköajoneuvon latausta, mikäli ajoneuvossa on ohjausjärjestelmä ja akkujen varaustilan mittaus. Tässä kandidaatin työssä ohjelmoidaan mittaus- ja ohjauskortti plug-in hybridiautoa varten, jossa on V2G-ominaisuus. Ohjainkortista toteutetaan toimintakuvaus, jonka mukaan se myös ohjelmoidaan. Ohjainkortti mittaa akkujen jännitettä ja virtaa, joista voidaan määrittää akkujen varaustilat. Ohjainkortti lähettää tiedot eteenpäin PC:lle, jolta ohjainkortti saa käskyn toimintatilasta. Mittaustietojen perusteella voidaan seurata mahdollisia vikatilanteita. Kandidaatintyön aikana ohjainkorttia ei ehditty asentamaan ajoneuvoon, mutta laboratoriotestien mukaan voidaan todeta, että ohjainkortti on ohjelmallisesti toimiva. Mittauksissa selvisi, että ohjainkortin mittaustulot eivät olleet tarpeeksi tarkkoja käyttökohteeseen. Todettiin, että ohjainkortti vaatii rakenteellisia muutoksia mittaustuloksien parantamista varten, ennen ohjainkortin käyttöönottoa, mutta kandidaatintyön tavoitteet saavutettiin.


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The worlds’ population is increasing and cities have become more crowded with people and vehicles. Communities in the fringe of metropolitans’ increase the traffic done with private cars, but also increase the need for public transportation. People have typically needs traveling to work located in city centers during the morning time, and return to suburbs in the afternoon or evening. Rail based passenger transport is environmentally friendly transport mode with high capacity to transport large volume of people. Railways have been regulated markets with national incumbent having monopoly position. Opening the market for competition is believed to have a positive effect by increasing the efficiency of the industry. National passenger railway market is opened for competition only in few countries, where as international traffic in EU countries was deregulated in 2010. The objective of this study is to examine the passenger railway market of three North European countries, Sweden, Denmark and Estonia. The interest was also to get an understanding of the current situation and how the deregulation has proceeded. Theory of deregulation is unfolded with literature analyses and empirical part of the study is constructed from two parts. Customer satisfaction survey was chosen as a method to collect real life experiences from the passengers and measure their knowledge of the market situation and possible changes appeared. Interviews of experts from the industry and labor unions give more insights and able better understanding for example of social consequences caused from opening the market for competition. Expert interviews were conducted by using semi-structured theme interview. Based on the results of this study, deregulation has proceeded quite differently in the three countries researched. Sweden is the most advanced country, where the passenger railway market is open for new entrants. Denmark and Estonia are lagging behind. Opening the market is considered positive among passengers and most of the experts interviewed. Common for the interviews were the labour unions negative perspective concerning deregulation. Despite the fact deregulation is considered positive among the respondents of the customer satisfaction survey, they could not name railway undertakings operating in their country. Generally respondents were satisfied with the commuter trains. Ticket price, punctuality of trains and itinerary affect the most to customer satisfaction.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää liikennebiokaasuntuotannon ja käytön vaikutus liikenteen ulkoi-siin kustannuksiin Pohjois-Karjalassa. Biokaasua tuotetaan Joensuussa Kuhasalon jäteveden-puhdistamolla sekä Kontiosuon jäteasemalla, Kiteellä biokaasua tuotetaan BioKympin yh-teismädätyslaitoksessa. Lisäksi laskennassa huomioitiin yhden maatilakokoluokan biokaasun-tuotanto. Työssä selvitettiin kaksi skenaariota liikennebiokaasun tuotantomääräksi vuodelle 2015. Liikennebiokaasua voitaisiin tuottaa optimiskenaarion mukaan 3 426 MWh ja maksimi-tuotantoskenaarion mukaan 21 532 MWh. Liikennebiokaasun käytön vaikutukset liikenteen päästöihin laskettiin vuodelle 2015 ja vuo-delle 2020, jolloin liikennebiokaasua käytettäisiin 10 % liikenteen energiantarpeesta Pohjois-Karjalassa. Hiilidioksidipäästöt vähenevät vuoden 2020 tilanteessa samassa suhteessa kuin liikennebiokaasu korvaa fossiilisia polttoaineita. Muista päästöistä merkittävimmät päästövä-hennykset saatiin kun vuoden 2010 dieselautot muutettaisiin biokaasuautoiksi, tällöin hiuk-kaspäästöt alenisivat jopa 18 % vuoden 2010 päästöistä. Lisäksi selvitettiin liikenteen päästöjen pienenemisen vaikutus liikenteen aiheuttamiin ulkoisiin kustannuksiin. Laskettavat ulkoiset kustannukset olivat ilmastonmuutos, pakokaasupäästöt sekä energiariippuvuus. Pakokaasupäästöjen aiheuttamat ulkoiset kustannukset olivat vuonna 2010 noin 7 miljoonaa euroa. Liikennebiokaasua käyttävästä ajoneuvotyypistä riippuen ulkoiset kustannukset laskevat vuoden 2020 tilanteessa 10–16 % vuoden 2010 kustannuksista. Ilmastonmuutoksen ulkoiset kustannukset vuodelle 2010 olivat 9,5 miljoonaa euroa. Biokaasun käytön avulla kustannuksissa voitaisiin säästää 910 000 euroa vuonna 2020. Ener-giariippuvuuden hinta öljynkäytöstä oli vuonna 2010 noin 4,2 miljoonaa euroa ja vuonna 2020 kustannukset voisivat laskea 450 000 euroa.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää Etelä-Kymenlaakson Ammattiopiston autokannan kokonaistila, ongelmat, taloudellisuus ja esittää selvitettyjen tietojen perusteella parannusehdotuksia. Tietojen kerääminen tapahtui pääosin haastattelemalla organisaation henkilöitä sekä tukeutumalla saatavilla olevaan teoria-aineistoon. Työn tuloksena saatiin selville autokannan karkea euromääräinen vuotuinen kokonaiskuormitus, nykytilan ongelmat ja autokaluston uudelleenmitoituksen tarve. Tulosten perusteella tehtiin kehittämisehdotukset, joissa ehdotettiin yksikkökohtaisia ajojärjestelijöitä sekä pääajojärjestelijää Etelä- Kymenlaakson ammattiopistolle. Yksikkökohtaisen ajojärjestelijän vastuualueeksi määriteltiin sekä kaikki oman yksikön autot että osastojen autot. Pääajojärjestelijälle määriteltiin kaikkien yksiköiden ajojen seuranta, organisointi sekä autokaluston huollosta vastaaminen. Työssä otettiin myös kantaa Leasing- kaluston kannattavuuteen ja suunnitteilla olevaan GPS- järjestelmään. Nykyisten sopimusten ja ajomäärien valossa leasingkalusto todettiin kannattamattomaksi. GPS- paikannusjärjestelmästä ehdotettiin sen asentamista vain osaan autoista kustannusten säästämiseksi.


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kuv., 20 x 29 cm


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Technological developments in microprocessors and ICT landscape have made a shift to a new era where computing power is embedded in numerous small distributed objects and devices in our everyday lives. These small computing devices are ne-tuned to perform a particular task and are increasingly reaching our society at every level. For example, home appliances such as programmable washing machines, microwave ovens etc., employ several sensors to improve performance and convenience. Similarly, cars have on-board computers that use information from many di erent sensors to control things such as fuel injectors, spark plug etc., to perform their tasks e ciently. These individual devices make life easy by helping in taking decisions and removing the burden from their users. All these objects and devices obtain some piece of information about the physical environment. Each of these devices is an island with no proper connectivity and information sharing between each other. Sharing of information between these heterogeneous devices could enable a whole new universe of innovative and intelligent applications. The information sharing between the devices is a diffcult task due to the heterogeneity and interoperability of devices. Smart Space vision is to overcome these issues of heterogeneity and interoperability so that the devices can understand each other and utilize services of each other by information sharing. This enables innovative local mashup applications based on shared data between heterogeneous devices. Smart homes are one such example of Smart Spaces which facilitate to bring the health care system to the patient, by intelligent interconnection of resources and their collective behavior, as opposed to bringing the patient into the health system. In addition, the use of mobile handheld devices has risen at a tremendous rate during the last few years and they have become an essential part of everyday life. Mobile phones o er a wide range of different services to their users including text and multimedia messages, Internet, audio, video, email applications and most recently TV services. The interactive TV provides a variety of applications for the viewers. The combination of interactive TV and the Smart Spaces could give innovative applications that are personalized, context-aware, ubiquitous and intelligent by enabling heterogeneous systems to collaborate each other by sharing information between them. There are many challenges in designing the frameworks and application development tools for rapid and easy development of these applications. The research work presented in this thesis addresses these issues. The original publications presented in the second part of this thesis propose architectures and methodologies for interactive and context-aware applications, and tools for the development of these applications. We demonstrated the suitability of our ontology-driven application development tools and rule basedapproach for the development of dynamic, context-aware ubiquitous iTV applications.


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Sähköautojen tulemista on odotettu jo pitkään ja ne ovat potentiaalisia fossiilisilla polttoaineilla toimivien polttomoottoreiden korvaajia. Hybridiautoja on tullut markkinoille entistä enemmän ja ne osaltaan auttavat vähentämään fossiilisten polttoaineiden käyttöä. Sähköautot ovat toistaiseksi jääneet taka-alalle. Tässä työssä on tehty konversiosähköauton mitoitussuunnitelma museoikäiseen autoon. Työssä on mitoitettu kolme sähköisen voimansiirron pääkomponenttia sähkömoottori, taajuudenmuuttaja ja akusto. Mitoitussuunnitelma toimii hyvänä pohjana, jonka avulla konversiota voidaan alkaa rakentamaan.


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The increasing complexity of controller systems, applied in modern passenger cars, requires adequate simulation tools. The toolset FASIM_C++, described in the following, uses complex vehicle models in three-dimensional vehicle dynamics simulation. The structure of the implemented dynamic models and the generation of the equations of motion applying the method of kinematic differentials is explained briefly. After a short introduction in methods of event handling, several vehicle models and applications like controller development, roll-over simulation and real-time-simulation are explained. Finally some simulation results are presented.


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The Age of Speed:Automobility’s Gender in the 1920s Finland The aim of this study is to analyze the connections between automobility and gender in Finland in the 1920s. In this study it is argued that the 1920s was the significant era in the Finnish history of automobility when many of the long-lasting gendered notions and cultural understandings were constructed. This study combines cultural history of technology with gender analysis. As the previous research on gender and technology has recognized, technology is a significant site of gender negotiations. Both from the cultural historical perspective and a gender perspective it is important to understand both technology and gender as cultural constructions. They were linked together and constructed each other. In other words: technology shapes gender and gender shapes technology. Historians of technology like Nina Lerman, Ruth Oldenziel and Arwen Mohun have argued that both gender and technology are about power: social, cultural, economic and political. In this study automobility means technology that can be analyzed in layers of identity, structures, institutions and representations. The source material consists of various types of historical sources, magazines and journals, advertisements, archival material together with films and literature. In the previous studies of the history of automobility gender has often been neglected. The term “gender” has also quite often been misunderstood. Some studies in the field have only focused on the early female drivers. However, far too little attention has been paid to the question, why automobility was considered as masculine sphere only. This study aims to give new insights to the previous interpretations of the history of automobility. As in various other countries also in Finland, the decade of the 1920s is characterized as a period of “modern times.” It was also the era of the automobiles. Although the number of cars in Finland was still low compared to the other European countries and the USA, in press, films and literature, images of automobiles and new women – and men – on the wheel became as an emblem of a new era. The thesis consists of three main chapters. The first main chapter focuses on the conflicts between drivers and non-drivers. The study shows how in the debate of the automobility “a driver” was constantly referred as a man and “a pedestrian” accordingly a woman, even though in the reality there were as much men and women walking on the streets and the roads. Thus, the public debate constructed and reconstructed the gendered traffic system where men were playing the key role. The second main chapter of the study analyses the automobile clubs and the cultural representations. The chapter answers the question how the concept of a driver was gendered. The Automobile clubs and the organizations of professional drivers were in a significant role in developing the early history of traffic in Finland. The Finnish Automobile Club (Suomen Automobiili Klubi, founded in 1919) was the oldest and the most powerful of all automobile organizations. The Finnish Automobile Club accepted women as members from the very beginning. The membership was strictly limited to the upper class and the very first female members were wives and daughters of the male members. However, Doctor of medicine and surgery 316 Karolina Eskelin (1867-1936) the founding member of the Club was an exception to that convention. The male members of the Finnish Automobile Club attended official international meetings and consulted Finnish authorities in traffic and road questions, whereas, female members joined car trips, picnics and social gatherings arranged by the club. Few young female members of the club drove in races and gross-country-tours. The cultural representations of drivers in the Finnish media in the 1920s both deconstructed and reconstructed the concept of gender. In Finnish press in general, motoring was seen as male dominated area. Men were represented as the experts of the automobility. The drivers’ uniforms and the automobile clubs underlined professionalism and expertise which, thus, got masculine meaning. Women were beautiful accessories in the car ads, but they were also becoming a new consumer group in the market. The representations of the female and the male drivers influenced and shaped actively the understandings of femininity and masculinity. In the third main chapter the analysis focuses on the automobile as an artifact.The automobile was considered as an artifact that primarily belonged to the masculine domain. However, the representations of the automobiles were ambivalent. The automobile was both masculine and feminine depending on the context. The representations of the automobile were also used to construct the discourse of heteronormativity.


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A linear prediction procedure is one of the approved numerical methods of signal processing. In the field of optical spectroscopy it is used mainly for extrapolation known parts of an optical signal in order to obtain a longer one or deduce missing signal samples. The first is needed particularly when narrowing spectral lines for the purpose of spectral information extraction. In the present paper the coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectra were under investigation. The spectra were significantly distorted by the presence of nonlinear nonresonant background. In addition, line shapes were far from Gaussian/Lorentz profiles. To overcome these disadvantages the maximum entropy method (MEM) for phase spectrum retrieval was used. The obtained broad MEM spectra were further underwent the linear prediction analysis in order to be narrowed.


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The greatest threat that the biodegradable waste causes on the environment is the methane produced in landfills by the decomposition of this waste. The Landfill Directive (1999/31/EC) aims to reduce the landfilling of biodegradable waste. In Finland, 31% of biodegradable municipal waste ended up into landfills in 2012. The pressure of reducing disposing into landfills is greatly increased by the forthcoming landfill ban on biodegradable waste in Finland. There is a need to discuss the need for increasing the utilization of biodegradable waste in regional renewable energy production to utilize the waste in a way that allows the best possibilities to reduce GHG emissions. The objectives of the thesis are: (1) to find important factors affecting renewable energy recovery possibilities from biodegradable waste, (2) to determine the main factors affecting the GHG balance of biogas production system and how to improve it and (3) to find ways to define energy performance of biogas production systems and what affects it. According to the thesis, the most important factors affecting the regional renewable energy possibilities from biodegradable waste are: the amount of available feedstock, properties of feedstock, selected utilization technologies, demand of energy and material products and the economic situation of utilizing the feedstocks. The biogas production by anaerobic digestion was seen as the main technology for utilizing biodegradable waste in agriculturally dense areas. The main reason for this is that manure was seen as the main feedstock, and it can be best utilized with anaerobic digestion, which can produce renewable energy while maintaining the spreading of nutrients on arable land. Biogas plants should be located close to the heat demand that would be enough to receive the produced heat also in the summer months and located close to the agricultural area where the digestate could be utilized. Another option for biogas use is to upgrade it to biomethane, which would require a location close to the natural gas grid. The most attractive masses for biogas production are municipal and industrial biodegradable waste because of gate fees the plant receives from them can provide over 80% of the income. On the other hand, directing gate fee masses for small-scale biogas plants could make dispersed biogas production more economical. In addition, the combustion of dry agricultural waste such as straw would provide a greater energy amount than utilizing them by anaerobic digestion. The complete energy performance assessment of biogas production system requires the use of more than one system boundary. These can then be used in calculating output–input ratios of biogas production, biogas plant, biogas utilization and biogas production system, which can be used to analyze different parts of the biogas production chain. At the moment, it is difficult to compare different biogas plants since there is a wide variation of definitions for energy performance of biogas production. A more consistent way of analyzing energy performance would allow comparing biogas plants with each other and other recovery systems and finding possible locations for further improvement. Both from the GHG emission balance and energy performance point of view, the energy consumption at the biogas plant was the most significant factor. Renewable energy use to fulfil the parasitic energy demand at the plant would be the most efficient way to reduce the GHG emissions at the plant. The GHG emission reductions could be increased by upgrading biogas to biomethane and displacing natural gas or petrol use in cars when compared to biogas CHP production. The emission reductions from displacing mineral fertilizers with digestate were seen less significant, and the greater N2O emissions from spreading digestate might surpass the emission reductions from displacing mineral fertilizers.