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O 5-hidroxi-2-hidroximetil-gama-pirona (HMP) é um metabólito secundário sintetizado por algumas espécies de fungos dos gêneros Aspergillus, Penicillium Acetobac-ter. O HMP tem várias aplicações, sendo utilizado como antioxidante, inibidor da tirosinase, agente protetor contra a radiação e antitumoral. Recentemente, foi também demonstrado que esse metabólito atua como ativador de macrófagos. No entanto, o efeito do HMP em mo-nócitos humanos é desconhecido. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de HMP sobre a viabilidade e diferenciação celular de monócitos do sangue humano in vi-tro. Leucócitos humanos do sangue periférico foram obtidos a partir de bolsas de san-gue doadas pela Fundação Centro de Hemoterapia e Hematologia do Pará (HEMOPA). O isolamento das células foi realizado por meio de gradiente de densidade com Histopaque ®1077. Os monócitos foram tratados durante 24, 48 e 72 horas com 50 e 100 μg / mL de HMP. A análise ultraestrutural dos monócitos tratados revelou que essas células apresen-tam maior espraiamento, elevado número de projeções citoplasmáticas e vacúolos, caracterís-ticas que são frequentemente observadas em células ativadas. A análise da expressão da proteína de superfície específica para macrófago (F4/80) por imunofluorescência, de-monstrou que os monócitos humanos tratados com 50 e 100 μg / mL de HMP por 48 e 72 horas, mostrou um padrão de expressão semelhante ao verificado em macrófagos humanos originados de monócitos tratados com o M-CFS. Os testes de viabilidade utilizados (Método thiazolyl blue, Potencial de membrana mitocondrial, Vermelho Neutro e Azul de Tripan) mostraram que o HMP não tem nenhum efeito citotóxico em monócitos humanos quando tra-tados com 50 e 100 μg/ mL do bioproduto. Estes resultados demonstram um novo papel pa-ra HMP como um agente imunomodulador, induzindo a diferenciação de monócitos em macrófagos.


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Abstract Background The naturally-acquired immune response to Plasmodium vivax variant antigens (VIR) was evaluated in individuals exposed to malaria and living in different endemic areas for malaria in the north of Brazil. Methods Seven recombinant proteins representing four vir subfamilies (A, B, C, and E) obtained from a single patient from the Amazon Region were expressed in Escherichia coli as soluble glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins. The different recombinant proteins were compared by ELISA with regard to the recognition by IgM, IgG, and IgG subclass of antibodies from 200 individuals with patent infection. Results The frequency of individuals that presented antibodies anti-VIR (IgM plus IgG) during the infection was 49%. The frequencies of individuals that presented IgM or IgG antibodies anti-VIR were 29.6% or 26.0%, respectively. The prevalence of IgG antibodies against recombinant VIR proteins was significantly lower than the prevalence of antibodies against the recombinant proteins representing two surface antigens of merozoites of P. vivax: AMA-1 and MSP119 (57.0% and 90.5%, respectively). The cellular immune response to VIR antigens was evaluated by in vitro proliferative assays in mononuclear cells of the individuals recently exposed to P. vivax. No significant proliferative response to these antigens was observed when comparing malaria-exposed to non-exposed individuals. Conclusion This study provides evidence that there is a low frequency of individuals responding to each VIR antigens in endemic areas of Brazil. This fact may explain the host susceptibility to new episodes of the disease.


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Palynological investigation of a 410 cm long core section from Tso Kar (33°10'N, 78°E, 4527 m a.s.l.), an alpine lake situated in the arid Ladakh area of NW India at the limit of the present-day Indian summer monsoon, was performed in order to reconstruct post-glacial regional vegetation and climate dynamics. The area was covered with alpine desert vegetation from ca. 15.2 to 14 kyr BP (1 kyr=1000 cal. years), reflecting dry and cold conditions. High influx values of long-distance transported Pinus sylvestris type pollen suggest prevailing air flow from the west and northwest. The spread of alpine meadow communities and local aquatic vegetation is a weak sign of climate amelioration after ca. 14 kyr BP. Pollen data (e.g. influx values of Pinus roxburghii type and Quercus) suggest that this was due to a strengthening of the summer monsoon and the reduced activity of westerly winds. The further spread of Artemisia and species-rich meadows occurred in response to improved moisture conditions between ca. 12.9 and 12.5 kyr BP. The subsequent change towards drier desert-steppe vegetation likely indicates more frequent westerly disturbances and associated snowfalls, which favoured the persistence of alpine meadows on edaphically moist sites. The spread of Chenopodiaceae-dominated vegetation associated with an extremely weak monsoon occurred at ca. 12.2-11.8 kyr BP during the Younger Dryas interstadial. A major increase in humidity is inferred from the development of Artemisia-dominated steppe and wet alpine meadows with Gentianaceae after the late glacial/early Holocene transition in response to the strengthening of the summer monsoon. Monsoonal influence reached maximum activity in the Tso Kar region between ca. 10.9 and 9.2 kyr BP. The subsequent development of the alpine meadow, steppe and desert-steppe vegetation points to a moderate reduction in the moisture supply, which can be linked to the weaker summer monsoon and the accompanying enhancement of the winter westerly flow from ca. 9.2 to 4.8 kyr BP. The highest water levels of Tso Kar around 8 kyr BP probably reflect combined effect of both monsoonal and westerly influence in the region. An abrupt shift towards aridity in the Tso Kar region occurred after ca. 4.8 kyr BP, as evidenced by an expansion of Chenopodiaceae-dominated desert-steppe. Low pollen influx values registered ca. 2.8-1.3 kyr BP suggest scarce vegetation cover and unfavourable growing conditions likely associated with a further weakening of the Indian Monsoon.


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The biostratigraphic classification of the Pleistocene in north-western and central Europe is still insufficiently known, in spite of numerous geological and vegetation-history investigations. The question is not even clear, for example, how often a warm-period vegetation with thermophilous trees such as Quercus, Ulmus, Tilia, Carpinus etc could develop here. In past years, on the basis of several geological and vegetation-history findings, suspicion has often been expressed that some of the classical stages of the Pleistocene could include more warm periods than heretofore assumed, and as a result of recent investigations the period between the Waal and Holstein interglacials seems to include at least two warm periods, of which the Cromer is one. This paper contributes to this problem. The interglacial sediments coming from the Elm-Mountains near Brunswick and from the Osterholz near Elze - both within the limits of the German Mittelgebirge - were investigated by pollen analysis. In both cases a Pinus-Betula zone and a QM zone were found. The vegetation development of the Pinus-Betula zone is characterized in both sequences by the early appearance of Picea. Because of strong local influence at the Osterholz a detailed correlation is difficult. However, vegetation development at the time of the QM zone at both sites was similar; it is especially characterized by the facts that Ulmus clearly migrated to the site earlier than Quercus and was very abundant throughout this time. Furthermore, both diagrams show very low amounts of Corylus. The interglacial of the Osterholz shows in addition to the above; a Carpinus-QM-Picea-zone in which Eucommia reaches a relative high value and in the upper of which Azolla filiculoides was also found. The similarity of vegetation development justifies acceptance of the same age for the occurrences. A comparison of the vegetation development at the Elm and the Osterholz with those of the Eem, Holstein, Waal, and Tegelen warm periods as well as with all the Cromer sites so far investigated shows that only a correlation with the Cromer Complex is possible. This correlation is supported by the geologic relations in the Osterholz (the deposit is overlain by Elster till). Therefore the till-like material with Scandinavian rock fragments underlying the deposit at Elm is of particular interest. The 'Rhume' interglacial beds at Bilshausen, only 60 km south of Osterholz, is also assigned to the Cromer complex, but the two deposits cannot be of the same age because the vegetation development differs. Therefore the Cromer complex must include at least two warm periods. Further conclusions about the relative stratigraphic position of these two occurrences and correlations of other Cromer sites are at this time not possible, however.


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Studies combining sedimentological and biological evidence to reconstruct Holocene climate beyond the major changes, and especially seasonality, are rare in Europe, and are nearly completely absent in Germany. The present study tries to reconstruct changes of seasonality from evidence of annual algal successions within the framework of well-established pollen zonation and 14C-AMS dates from terrestrial plants. Laminated Holocene sediments in Lake Jues (10°20.70' E, 51°39.30' N, 241 m a.s.l.), located at the SW margin of the Harz Mountains, central Germany, were studied for sediment characteristics, pollen, diatoms and coccal green algae. An age model is based on 21 calibrated AMS radiocarbon dates from terrestrial plants. The sedimentary record covers the entire Holocene period. Trophic status and circulation/stagnation patterns of the lake were inferred from algal assemblages, the subannual structure of varves and the physico-chemical properties of the sediment. During the Holocene, mixing conditions alternated between di-, oligo- and meromictic depending on length and variability of spring and fall periods, and the stability of winter and summer weather. The trophic state was controlled by nutrient input, circulation patterns and the temperature-dependent rates of organic production and mineralization. Climate shifts, mainly in phase with those recorded from other European regions, are inferred from changing limnological conditions and terrestrial vegetation. Significant changes occurred at 11,600 cal. yr. BP (Preboreal warming), between 10,600 and 10,100 cal. yr. BP (Boreal cooling), and between 8,400 and 4,550 cal. yr. BP (warm and dry interval of the Atlantic). Since 4,550 cal. yr. BP the climate became gradually cooler, wetter and more oceanic. This trend was interrupted by warmer and dryer phases between 3,440 and 2,850 cal. yr. BP and, likely, between 2,500 and 2,250 cal. yr. BP.


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1. Late glacial and postglacial sediments from three former lakes in the Lake Garda area (Southern Alps) were investigated. 2. The pollen diagram from Bondone (1550 m) shows an older phase rich in NAP. A younger one corresponds with the Younger Dryas time according to two radiocarbon determinations. In the Preboreal no climatic deterioration could be found. 3. At first plants, which are nowadays typical for snow-ground, pioneer and dwarf shrub associations, immigrated into the surroundings of Bondone. In Alleröd times larch and pine appeared as the first trees. At the beginning of the Preboreal dense forest existed in that region. During the Alleröd timber line was at about 1500 m. 4. In the pollen diagrams from Saltarino (194 m) and Fiavè (654 m) an oldest period rich in NAP is followed by two stadial and two interstadial phases. Tree birches and larches immigrated during the oldest interstadial phase. 5. In the case of Saltarino and Fiavè only a preliminary dating could be made. A correlation seems to be possible with diagrams published by Zoller as well as with the diagram of Bondone. Discrepances in dating, which arise then, are discussed. According to the two possibilities of dating the youngest stadial is synchronous either with the so-called Piottino stadial or the Younger Dryas time. Consequently the oldest interstadial phase of Saltarino corresponds either with the Bölling or with a pre-Bölling interstadial. The last possibility seems to be more probable. 6. In the southern part of the Lake Garda area reforestation was preceded by a long shrub phase mainly with Juniperus. At about 650 m there was a period with Pinus mugo and only with a small amount of Juniperus before reforestation. A phase with Betula nana well known from areas north of the Alps could nowhere be found. 7. In the area under study larch appeared as the first tree. Lateron it has been the most important constituent of the forests near timber line. Birch, which plays an important role as a pioneer tree in Denmark - for instance at the transition of the pollen zones III/IV - as well as in Southern Germany during Bölling time, was of less importance at the southern border of the Alps. In that area the spreading of Pinus occurred very early causing dense forests. 8. During the last stadial phase (probably Younger Dryas time) dense forests with Pinus and Larix existed at 650 m. In the lower part of the Lake Garda area, however, both thermophilous trees as Quercus and herbs frequently occurred. This leads to the conclusion that during this time tree growth was limited by dryness in lower altitudes of the border of the Southern Alps. Pinus and Juniperus, however, do not show higher values in this period, a fact which cannot yet be explained. 9. A list of plants, which were found in the sediments, is compiled. Helodium lanatum, Dictamnus albus, Mercurialis cf. ovata, Buxus, Cerinthe cf. minor, Onosma, Anthericum and Asphodelus albus are findings, which are of special interest for the history of the flora of that region.


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This paper provides a snapshot of the permafrost thermal state in the Nordic area obtained during the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2009. Several intensive research campaigns were undertaken within a variety of projects in the Nordic countries to obtain this snapshot. We demonstrate for Scandinavia that both lowland permafrost in palsas and peat plateaus, and large areas of permafrost in the mountains are at temperatures close to 0°C, which makes them sensitive to climatic changes. In Svalbard and northeast Greenland, and also in the highest parts of the mountains in the rest of the Nordic area, the permafrost is somewhat colder, but still only a few degrees below the freezing point. The observations presented from the network of boreholes, more than half of which were established during the IPY, provide an important baseline to assess how future predicted climatic changes may affect the permafrost thermal state in the Nordic area. Time series of active-layer thickness and permafrost temperature conditions in the Nordic area, which are generally only 10 years in length, show generally increasing active-layer depths and rising permafrost temperatures.


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(Einleitung) Im süddeutschen Jungmoränengebiet wurden während der letzten 25 Jahre verschiedene vegetationsgeschichtliche Arbeiten durchgeführt, die der Untersuchung der Späteiszeit galten. Die wichtigsten von ihnen stammen von G. Lang (1952), A. Bertsch (1961), H. Müller (1962) und H. Schmeidl (1971). Ohne Zweifel müssen die dabei gewonnenen Ergebnisse in anderen Landschaften des nördlichen Alpenvorlandes überprüft und verschiedene Probleme weiterhin verfolgt werden, wie z. B. das der Definition und Umgrenzung der Bölling-Zeit und der Älteren Tundrenzeit s. str. und die Abhängigkeit der Vegetationsentwicklung von der Meereshöhe. Die vorliegende Studie ging auch auf die Notwendigkeit zurück, die spätglazialen Ablagerungen bei dem Tonwerk Kolbermoor nahe Rosenheim, einer der klassischen Stätten der Quartärforschung im nördlichen Alpenvorland, einer vegetationsgeschichtlichen Neubearbeitung zu unterziehen. Die Untersuchungen wurden auf benachbarte Seen, den Sims-See und den Hofsrätter See, ausgedehnt, da die Ergebnisse von Kolbermoor faziell beeinflußt schienen (Niedermoore) und an limnischem Material überprüft werden mußten.


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Palynological investigations in northeastern Bavaria (Bavarian Vogtland, Fichtelgebirge, Steinwald) reveal the Late Glacial and Postglacial history of the regional vegetation. Radiocarbon data in comparison with those from the neighbouring regions (Rhön, Oberpfälzer Wald, Bavarian Forests) show a time lag in the development of the arboreal vegetation due to migration processes. The Fichtelgebirge is the southernmost part ofnortheastern Bavaria where the early Alleröd period (pollen zone IIa) is characterised by a dominance of birch forests. Hazel reached maximal values around 8000 BP in the area from the Fichtelgebirge to the Bavarian Forests, e.g. about 600 years earlier than in the more northern Rhön mountains. For spruce there is a considerable time lag between the Bavarian Forests and the Fichtelgebirge. Spruce spreading started in the Fichtelgebirge during the older part of the Atlantic period (pollen zone VI). At the same time, spruce already was the dominant tree in the Bavarian Forests. During the younger part of the Atlantic period (pollen zone VII) spruce and mixed oak forest tree species frequently occurred in the Fichtelgebirge. At the end of pollen zone VI, spruce came to dominance. At the same time, the immigration of beech started. During the Subboreal period (pollen zone VIII), spruce remained being a dominant member in the forests and at the end of pollen zone VIII, fir began to spread rapidly. During the first part of the Subatlantic period (pollen zone IX) spruce, beech, fir and pine formed the mountainous forests in the Fichtelgebirge. In the area of the Bavarian Vogtland, however, fir was a dominant forest tree during pollen zone IX, while spruce and beech played a less important role. During the 12th century, human colonisation started in the area of the Fichtelgebirge. This is 400 years later as in the area of the Rhön mountains. Indicators for earlier forest clearances are rare or absent.


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Some years ago a fossil lake basin was found in the northeastern part of the former Rhine-pied- mont-glacier, situated between the endmoraine system ofthe elassical Riß- andWürm glacia- tions, respectively. The lacustrine sediments contain the pollenflora ofthe Eemian interglacial. They are intensively thrusted. These sediments are eovered by a loam-layer, rieh in elasts. The thickness of this loam-layer varies between at least 170 and 400 cm. It consists in its major part of loess-loam and solifluction material. Yet just on top of the lake sediments mentioned an in- tensively compressed loam, characterized by quarzgrains with all features of glacially pressed material, together with striated elasts is met with. It strongly resembles atil!. Ifthis is true, the stratigraphie division ofthe last glaciation strongly deviates from the hitherto accepted scheme, incorporating an early glacier advance, long before the elassical young-endmoraine systems of the Würm glaciation were formed.


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Palynological investigations of sediments from northern Bavaria (Rhön, Grabfeld, Lange Berge) reveal the Late Glacial and Postglacial history of the regional vegetation. The older sedirnents were found in the Rhön (Schwarzes Moor) and date back into the Bölling Period. At the end of that period pine spread into the Grabfeld. In both areas Lacher Tuff has been found. A radiocarbon date of 10,300 BP was found for the Late Glacial - Postglacial transition and one of 9300 BP for the Preboreal - Boreal transition. Hazel reached its highest values in the Rhön around 7,400 BP. During the Atlanticum a deciduous mixed oak forest covered the Rhön and Grabfeld regions. Beech dominated since the Subatlanticum. In the Lange Berge region, however, a mixed forest with Fagus, Picea, Pinus and Abies developed. In the Rhön first anthropogenic influence was found during the Latene Period. The boundary between zone IX and X has been dated at 820 A.D., and the start of extensive forest clearances at 1000 A. D. A culmination of landuse was found for the Medieval Period. At the end of that period however the Rhön was deserted. New forest clearances started around 1500 A.D., but were interrupted by the 'Thirty Years War'. Afterwards the Rhön got its present appearance.


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Se analizan las características físicas, mecánicas, la patología y los usos de los productos derivados de la madera o compuestos, que tienen día a día mayor utilización por la industria de segunda transformación y usuarios finales, dada la versatilidad que tiene cada uno de estos productos. Los productos que se analizan son los siguientes: Vigas dúo, trío y perfiles laminados Madera laminada Madera microlaminada LVL Paralam PSL Madera tratada con productos protectores insecticida; fungicidas; ignifigos o/y protec6ores de la luz Madera acetilada Madera furfurylada Madera termotratada Composites Tableros alistonados Tableros contrachapados Tableros de partículas Tableros de fibras Tableros OSB Tableros de partículas cemento Tableros de viruta cemento Tableros atamborados Tableros ligeros


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Se analizan las características físicas, mecánicas, la patología y los usos de los productos derivados de la madera o compuestos, que tienen día a día mayor utilización por la industria de segunda transformación y usuarios finales, dada la versatilidad que tiene cada uno de estos productos. Los productos que se analizan son los siguientes: Vigas dúo, trío y perfiles laminados Madera laminada Madera microlaminada LVL Paralam PSL Madera tratada con productos protectores insecticida; fungicidas; ignifigos o/y protec6ores de la luz Madera acetilada Madera furfurylada Madera termotratada Madera densificada Composites Tableros alistonados Tableros contrachapados Tableros de partículas Tableros de fibras Tableros OSB Tableros de partículas cemento Tableros de viruta cemento Tableros atamborados Tableros ligeros


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Microfilme. Valencia: BV, ca. 1990