Lithology, age determination and pollen records of five profiles for nothern Bavaria, Germany

Autoria(s): Hahne, Jürgen





Palynological investigations in northeastern Bavaria (Bavarian Vogtland, Fichtelgebirge, Steinwald) reveal the Late Glacial and Postglacial history of the regional vegetation. Radiocarbon data in comparison with those from the neighbouring regions (Rhön, Oberpfälzer Wald, Bavarian Forests) show a time lag in the development of the arboreal vegetation due to migration processes. The Fichtelgebirge is the southernmost part ofnortheastern Bavaria where the early Alleröd period (pollen zone IIa) is characterised by a dominance of birch forests. Hazel reached maximal values around 8000 BP in the area from the Fichtelgebirge to the Bavarian Forests, e.g. about 600 years earlier than in the more northern Rhön mountains. For spruce there is a considerable time lag between the Bavarian Forests and the Fichtelgebirge. Spruce spreading started in the Fichtelgebirge during the older part of the Atlantic period (pollen zone VI). At the same time, spruce already was the dominant tree in the Bavarian Forests. During the younger part of the Atlantic period (pollen zone VII) spruce and mixed oak forest tree species frequently occurred in the Fichtelgebirge. At the end of pollen zone VI, spruce came to dominance. At the same time, the immigration of beech started. During the Subboreal period (pollen zone VIII), spruce remained being a dominant member in the forests and at the end of pollen zone VIII, fir began to spread rapidly. During the first part of the Subatlantic period (pollen zone IX) spruce, beech, fir and pine formed the mountainous forests in the Fichtelgebirge. In the area of the Bavarian Vogtland, however, fir was a dominant forest tree during pollen zone IX, while spruce and beech played a less important role. During the 12th century, human colonisation started in the area of the Fichtelgebirge. This is 400 years later as in the area of the Rhön mountains. Indicators for earlier forest clearances are rare or absent.


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Supplement to: Hahne, Jürgen (1992): Untersuchungen zur spät- und postglazialen Vegetationsgeschichte im nördlichen Bayern (Bayerisches Vogtland, Fichtelgebirge, Steinwald). Flora, 187, 169-200, hdl:10013/epic.32961.d001

Palavras-Chave #Abi; Abies; Ace; Acer; Aconitum-type; Aco-T; Aes; Aesculus; Age, 14C conventional; Age, comment; Age, dated; Age, dated standard deviation; Age dated; Age std dev; Aln; Alnus; Anemone-type; Ane-T; Ant.l; Ant.p; Anthoceros laevis; Anthoceros punctatus; Apiaceae; Apiae; Art; Artemisia; Astae; AsteLigu; Asteraceae; AsteTubu; Avena-type; Ave-T; Bet; Betula; Beug_pollen-archive; Borae; Boraginaceae; Bot; Botrychium; Braae; Brassicaceae; Bup; Bupleurum; Cal; Calluna; Caltha; Camae; Campanulaceae; Can-Hum-T; Cannabis-Humulus-type; Car; Carpinus; Caryophyllaceae; Cas; Castanea; Cen.c; Cen.j-T; Cen.m-T; Cen.s; Centaurea cyanus; Centaurea jacea-type; Centaurea montana-type; Centaurea scabiosa; Cer.indet; Cerealia indeterminata; Cheae; Chenopodiaceae; Cichorioideae; Cicoid; Clh; Comm; Compositae Liguliflorae; Compositae Tubuliflorae; Cor; Corylus; Counting, palynology; Cphae; Cypae; Cyperaceae; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Dro; Dro.r; Drosera; Drosera rotundifolia; Drp.f-m; Dry.t; Dryopteris filix-mas; Dryopteris thelypteris; Emp; Empetrum; Eph.d-T; Eph.f-T; Ephedra distachya-type; Ephedra fragilis-type; Epilobium; Epl; Equ; Equisetum; Fabaceae; Fabae; Fag; Fagopyrum; Fagus; Fgy; Fiberg92; Fichtelgebirge, Northern Germany; Filiciae; Filicinae; Filipendula; Flp; Fraxinus; Frx; Genae; Gentianaceae; Ger; Geranium; Hed; Hedera; Hel; Hel.a; Hel.n-T; Helianthemum; Helianthemum alpinum; Helianthemum nummularium-type; Hippophae; Hippuris; Hochmoor im Weißenstadter Forst/Fichtelgebirge; Hordeum-type; Hor-T; Hpp; Hps; Hum+Can; Humulus and Cannabis; Hyp; Hypericum; Indet; Indeterminata; Jug; Juglans; Jun; Juniperus; Kna; Knautia; Lamae; Lamiaceae; Lco.a-T; Lem; Lemna; Lilae; Liliaceae; Lithology; Lithology/composition/facies; Lon; Lonicera; Lyc.a; Lyc.c; Lycopodium alpinum-type; Lycopodium annotinum; Lycopodium clavatum; Lys; Lysimachia; Lyt; Lythrum; Mel; Melampyrum; Menyanthes; Mer; Mercurialis; Mey; Montia; Mta; Myo; Myriophyllum; Nup; Nuphar; Nym; Nymphaea; Onb; Onobrychis; Ononis-type; Ono-T; Oph; Ophioglossum; P. convolvulus; Par; Parnassia; Pic; Picea; Pin; Pinus; Pla.l; Pla.l-T; Pla.m/m; Pla.m/m-T; Plantago lanceolata; Plantago lanceolata-type; Plantago major/media; Plantago major/media-type; Ple; Pleurospermum; Pllygonum convolvulus; Poaae; Poaceae; Poe; Pol.a; Pol.b; Pol.b-T; Pol.c; Pol.i; Pol.i-T; Pol.p-T; Polemonium; Polygonum alpinum; Polygonum aviculare; Polygonum aviculare-type; Polygonum bistorta; Polygonum bistorta-type; Polygonum convolvulus; Polygonum persicaria-type; Polypodium; Pop; Populus; Pot.c-T; Pot.e-T; Potamogeton coleogeton-type; Potamogeton eupotamogeton-type; Potentilla-type; Ppd; PROFILE; Profile sampling; pro part; Ptd; Pteridium; Pti-T; Pulmonaria-type; Pul-T; Que; Quercus; Ran; Ran.a; Ran.a-T; Ran.b-T; Ranunculus; Ranunculus acris; Ranunculus acris-type; Ranunculus batrachium-type; Rha; Rhamnus; Rhi; Rhinanthus; Rosaceae; Rosae; Rubae; Rubiaceae; Rum; Rum.a-T; Rumex; Rumex acetosa-type; Sal; Salix; Sam; Sambucus; Sampling on land; San.m; San.o; Sanguisorba minor; Sanguisorba officinalis; SAUBORST; Sauborst im Rehauer Forst, Bayerisches Vogtland, 3,5 km NO R; Sax; Saxifraga; Sca; Scabiosa; Scoae; Scrophulariaceae; Sec; Secale; SEELOH92; Seelohe; Sorbus-type; Sor-T; Spa; Sparganium; Sparganium-type; Spa-T; Sph; Sphagnum; Suc; Succisa; Swe; Swertia; Tax; Taxus; Tha; Thalictrum; Til.c; Til.c-T; Til.p; Til.p-T; Tilia cordata; Tilia cordata-type; Tilia platyphyllos; Tilia platyphyllos-type; Tri; Trifolium; Triticum-type; Tro; Trollius; Trt-T; Typ.l-T; Typha latifolia-type; Ulm; Ulmus; Urt; Urtica; Utr; Utricularia; Vac; Vaccinium; Vaccinium-type; Vac-T; Val.d; Val.o; Valeriana dioica; Valeriana officinalis; Varia; Vib.o; Viburnum opulus; Vicia-type; Vic-T; Vio.a-T; Viola arvensis-type; Vis; Viscum; Visual description; Vitis; Vts; WEISSFOR; Wolfslohe-1; Wolfslohe-2; Wolfslohe im Steinwald; WOLOHE1; WOLOHE2; Xan; Xanthium
