836 resultados para online commodity trading


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Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Tecnologia Educativa)


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Existe um aumento no conjunto de pacientes que utilizam a internet em busca de informações que possam melhorar suas condições de saúde. Nele, distinguem-se pacientes que procuram ambientes virtuais para expor experiências, dúvidas, opiniões, emoções e inclusive criar relacionamentos visando dar ou receber apoio. Nesse sentido, há uma crescente necessidade de estudar como estes ambientes podem repercutir na saúde dos pacientes. Este artigo tem por objetivo identificar na literatura científica estudos sobre a proliferação e impacto das comunidades virtuais conhecidas como Redes Sociais de Saúde ou Grupos de Suporte Online, voltados para doenças cardiovasculares, que podem ser úteis aos pacientes com determinadas doenças, permitindo-lhes obter informação e apoio emocional. Para o levantamento bibliográfico, foi realizada revisão sistemática da literatura com artigos publicados entre 2007-2012, nas bases de dados PubMed, Association for Computing Machinery e Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineer, que se encontram relacionados com o tema proposto, e foram selecionados quatro artigos, segundo os critérios de inclusão dos métodos. Os resultados encontrados revelam dados interessantes, relevantes segundo o aspecto de saúde, os quais podem trazer alguns benefícios terapêuticos, destacando: provisão de suporte emocional, maior adesão ao tratamento, compartilhamento de informação sobre as doenças e obtenção de experiências de vida.


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Online Data Mining, Data Streams, Classification, Clustering


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2011


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Nach der Erfindung der Computer in Kombination mit der Sprachwissenschaft entstand die maschinelle Übersetzung als Teilbereich der künstlichen Intelligenz. Maschinelle Übersetzungssysteme werden heutzutage oft im Lokalisierungsprozess eingesetzt, um die Übersetzungs- und Lokalisierungsaufwände zeitlich und kostenmäßig zu reduzieren. Es ist zu sehen, dass heutzutage maschinelle Übersetzung starke und eindeutige Marktpräsenz besitzt. Daher gibt es immer mehr Menschen, die sich für die Darstellung von Aufbau, Funktionsweise und Einsatzszenarien maschineller Übersetzung und für die Nutzung online verfügbarer Ressourcen für maschinelle Übersetzung interessieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die Anwendungsbereiche, Anwendungsverfahren und die Möglichkeiten der Nutzung online verfügbarer Ressourcen der maschinellen Übersetzung, so dass sich im Beruf stehende Übersetzer mit dieser Technologie und ihren Möglichkeiten und Grenzen vertraut machen können. Auch im Rahmen eines Fernstudiums können die in der Arbeit vorgestellten Informationsquellen und Ressourcen eingesetzt werden, um die Grundlagen der MÜ zu erlernen. Zu diesem Zweck werden die weiteren Aufgabenfelder und Kombinationsmöglichkeiten in naher Zukunft prognostiziert.


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We study markets where the characteristics or decisions of certain agents are relevant but not known to their trading partners. Assuming exclusive transactions, the environment is described as a continuum economy with indivisible commodities. We characterize incentive efficient allocations as solutions to linear programming problems and appeal to duality theory to demonstrate the generic existence of external effects in these markets. Because under certain conditions such effects may generate non-convexities, randomization emerges as a theoretic possibility. In characterizing market equilibria we show that, consistently with the personalized nature of transactions, prices are generally non-linear in the underlying consumption. On the other hand, external effects may have critical implications for market efficiency. With adverse selection, in fact, cross-subsidization across agents with different private information may be necessary for optimality, and so, the market need not even achieve an incentive efficient allocation. In contrast, for the case of a single commodity, we find that when informational asymmetries arise after the trading period (e.g. moral hazard; ex post hidden types) external effects are fully internalized at a market equilibrium.


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Avui en dia la venda de productes, mitjançant les possibilitats que ens ofereix Internet, es troba en ple creixement. Aquest projecte pretén posar en funcionament una pàgina Web dedicada a la venda de fruita, concretament kiwis. Des de fa un temps, la població comença a ser conscient del desequilibri entre l'agent productor i l'agent comercial. Com passa també en altres sectors, el productor ven a un preu molt inferior respecte al que després es ficarà de cara al comprador final. En el cas de la fruita, el client acaba comprant un producte més car i normalment de menys qualitat. L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte és promoure la venda online a partir d'una mercaderia de qualitat i més econòmica, aconseguint un major benefici tant per part del productor com del client.


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Aquesta memòria tracta sobre el desenvolupament d’una aplicació web, amb tecnologia Ajax, per la gestió d’avaluacions de manera online. L’aplicació està destinada a facilitar la creació i correcció de proves i lliuraments per part dels usuaris professors i per automatitzar el procés de realització d’una prova i lliurament per part de l’alumne.


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Este proyecto propone crear un sistema inteligente y autónomo de emisión conjunta por Internet y FM. A través de una interfaz Web cómoda y sencilla, el oyente podrá interactuar con la emisora e influir en la emisión, exponiendo sus preferencias. El sistema tomará de forma autónoma y dinámica las decisiones pertinentes que garantizarán que la emisión cumple las preferencias definidas.


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In a market in which sellers compete by posting mechanisms, we study how the properties of the meeting technology affect the mechanism that sellers select. In general, sellers have incentive to use mechanisms that are socially efficient. In our environment, sellers achieve this by posting an auction with a reserve price equal to their own valuation, along with a transfer that is paid by (or to) all buyers with whom the seller meets. However, we define a novel condition on meeting technologies, which we call “invariance,” and show that the transfer is equal to zero if and only if the meeting technology satisfies this condition.


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The behavior of commodities is critical for developing and developed countries alike. This paper contributes to the empirical evidence on the co-movement and determinants of commodity prices. Using nonstationary panel methods, we document a statistically significant degree of co-movement due to a common factor. Within a Factor Augmented VAR approach, real interest rate and uncertainty, as postulated by a simple asset pricing model, are both found to be negatively related to this common factor. This evidence is robust to the inclusion of demand and supply shocks, which both positively impact on the co-movement of commodity prices.