220 resultados para mentality


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El presente proyecto ha sido realizado con la mentalidad de la “Elaboración de un suplemento turístico-cultural para Diario Portada de la ciudad de Azogues”, complemento representativo para la ciudad mediante varios temas como: reportajes, artículos y entretenimiento. De acuerdo con las encuestas realizadas, la gente no conoce ningún medio de comunicación dentro de la ciudad que posea un suplemento, es por eso que se lo creó, para la distribución de dos ediciones. Cada una de las fotografías y la redacción fueron realizadas por las ejecutoras del proyecto, con la idea de que vaya evidencia del trabajo realizado. Este trabajo está complementado con la investigación teórica de varios y prestigiosos autores que han sido y son expertos en la materia de la comunicación social y el periodismo, y que debidamente han sido citadas en cada uno de los capítulos. Logramos el objetivo con el apoyo de varias personas; la ciudadanía y del medio de comunicación en conjunto con sus directivos. Así como también con el apoyo del Sr. Rafael Santos, quién con su asesoría complementó el proyecto con la diagramación del suplemento en sus dos ediciones, el mismo que no tendrá ningún costo económico para los lectores, pues circulará como un aporte adicional en el Diario y al mismo costo.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2015.


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Esta investigación se centra en el análisis de las tres actividades turísticas principales que se desarrollan a lo largo del BiocorredorYanuncay, perteneciente a la parroquia San Joaquín, Cantón Cuenca, provincia del Azuay. La restauración, el cultivo de huertos orgánicos y la cestería, serán estudiadas desde el punto de vista de la sostenibilidad, considerando a esta como parte fundamental para la gestión de todo tipo de emprendimiento. La aplicación de la sostenibilidad al turismo ha contribuido para que los prestadores de servicios y los turistas opten por una mentalidad más consciente, no únicamente en el ámbito ambiental sino también en el sociocultural y económico, que unidos forman un modelo de desarrollo equilibrado en el cual todos resultan beneficiados. La guía de “Buenas Prácticas de Turismo Sostenible” elaborada por la organización RainforestAliance, ha sido primordial para realizar el análisis. Dentro de este documento se encuentran expuestas buenas prácticas que se relacionan a cada pilar de la sostenibilidad, las mismas que deben ser consideradas por todos los emprendimientos turísticos para que puedan permanecer en el tiempo. Al identificar las falencias de los prestadores de servicios turísticos del Biocorredor en el área de la sostenibilidad, se plantea trabajar en propuestas que ayuden a los emprendedores a mejorar la experiencia del turista, aprovechando los recursos culturales y naturales de la zona.


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The thesis here presented, entitled “PAINTED” GARDENS BY ÉMILE ZOLA, MEETING PLACES OF LITERATURE AND ART, aims to analyze the treatment of the theme of garden in La Curée, the second of the twenty novels that make up the cycle of Les Rougon-Macquart, series published between 1871 and 1893. In this story, the author, an ardent republican, bluntly attacks the imperial regime, emphasizing the confusion of high society, the immorality of speculation occurred under the Haussmann's renovation of Paris, the profusion of luxury and pleasure, and, in short, a dynamism geared exclusively to the sense of destruction or perversion. Hence we have devoted an entire chapter to argue the presentation of this novel as a chronicle of Parisian society of the Second Empire. Also, because reading Zola is to recognize the profusion of metaphorical language, the analysis of the poetic discourse has played an important role in the body of this thesis. This analysis focuses on the two major descriptions of the greenhouse of hôtel Saccard, in chapters I and IV, both aiming to present this garden as a disturbing space, favorable to the discovery of unsuspected amorous capabilities, according to the mentality of the nineteenth century, so full of puritan principles, for which the tropical world of greenhouses meant a sexual freedom which did not understand bans or limitations. The sexual corruption that occurs in this greenhouse, is not only indicative of moral laxity in personal relationships, but also works as a symbolic image of decay and breakdown of society as a whole...


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O presente trabalho de Investigação Aplicada subordinado à temática de a “Adaptação a uma nova realidade, a cavalaria portuguesa e o contato com a arma blindada – Divisão Nun’Álvares 1949-1959”.Os meios blindados em Portugal, foram uma valência, que devido às politicas nacionais, bem como aos seus elevados custos de aquisição e manutenção, não tiveram a sua devida atenção até à década de quarenta. Pelo que a mecanização quantitativa e alargada ao Exército apenas se efetuou na década de cinquenta, com os acordos da Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte, e onde foram atribuídos, meios blindados, de forma significativa à arma de Cavalaria. E é neste ponto que o presente trabalho foca a sua investigação, fazendo um enquadramento da situação nacional no período pré-aliança e prosseguindo para uma descrição das alterações efetuadas no exército, e na arma de cavalaria mais concretamente, em termos da sua modernização. A análise realizada teve em conta as instalações, os meios e a sua forma de emprego. Os objetivos, definidos para o trabalho pretendem obter respostas para as perguntas derivadas, culminando assim na resposta à pergunta de partida. O trabalho de investigação apresenta-se estruturado em quatro capítulos, sendo que no primeiro capítulo é realizada a revisão de literatura e o enquadramento histórico, de maneira a enquadrar a situação nacional e contextualizar o porquê de as alterações terem sido realizadas naquele âmbito, tal como fornecer uma base de comparação para as mesmas, realizando uma análise da realidade do Exército e da Arma de Cavalaria no período pré-aliança atlântica. No segundo capítulo é descrita a metodologia utilizada, de forma a orientar e estruturar o trabalho, bem como a justificação das opções adotadas durante a investigação. No terceiro capítulo são expostos os resultados, descrevendo o projeto e a evolução do levantamento da Divisão Nun’Álvares, tanto a nível estrutural como nos seus meios e emprego dos mesmos. No quarto capítulo, onde é realizada a comparação entre os meios, orgânica e forma de emprego de um exército com uma mentalidade puramente regimental, e um exército possuidor de meios sofisticados, integrados numa Grande Unidade e sob a orgânica e doutrina americana.


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Objectives: Serra da Estrela native (SEN) breed of sheep is one of the most important in Portugal, standing responsible for the production of one of the most internationally recognized cheeses in the world, "Queijo Serra da Estrela” (protected designation of origin). One of the major risks to the sustainability of SEN dairy flocks if footrot, an infectious diseases that causes lameness, decrease in milk production, weight loss and decrease in fertility. The aim of this work was to determine which parameters become decisive for the appearance of footrot in SEN dairy flocks, while establishing associations with environmental and nutritional variables. Materials and Methods: The present study was carried out by performing an especially designed 27 multiple choice questionnaire, based on the underlying causes of lameness in livestock and in the clinical diagnosis performed by the vet techinichian of the clinical cases evaluated at the moment of the inquiry. The survey was performed during the execution of the oficial veterinary health program between February and September of 2014 by a veterinarian team from the Association of SEN Sheep Breeders (ANCOSE). The ovine producers (N=30, with a total of 1270 animals) were randomly selected from the extense area of production of “Queijo Serra da Estrela”. The parameters evaluated in the study were: season and consequent weather changes during the period of the study, floor types, hygiene conditions, bed types, the existence and use of footbaths, location of footbaths, foot trimming and foot hygiene procedures. After the construction of the database and using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 16.0 the frequency response for each item was calculated. Results: All SEN livestock producers are proactive in the treatment of lameness (70%). About 99.7% of lameness was related with footroot and most appeared in winter (36.7%). In some occasions there was not a specific season distribution (56.7% rainiest years). From the analyzed farms, 70% use straw as a floor bed, followed by bush (21%). 45.6% of animals were clinically diagnosed with footrot and were sheltered in straw floor. Bed quality is good in 40%, however frequent changes in the floor bed in the preceding 15 days had a higher rate of footroot diagnosed cases (33,23%) compared to monthly changes. Regarding sheepfold animal number, the distribution is proper in 36.7%, elevated in 30%, overcrowded in 6.7% and low in 23.3%. Clinically ill diagnosed animals in last category were the lowest observed (3%). Concerning hoof trimming, 76.7% trims while 23.3% reported not to perform that task. From those that perform trimming, 73.9% do it only when necessary, 21.7% at the time of clipping and 4.4% when the animal is affected. One curious result was that animals who perform trimming at clipping had higher footrot cases (52.6%), unlike those who trim only when necessary (40.2%) or even when animals are clinically ill (0.91%). Mostly all in the presence of footrot choose a local treatment (95.2%) using antibiotic sprays, instead of parenteral antibiotic treatment. Footbath is rarely used in the prevention (13.3%) of this disease and when it is misconceived (25%) and incorrectly formulated (100%). Conclusions: This study was the first performed in Portugal focusing footrot caracterization in native SEN flocks.Economic impact in SEN dairy flocks is atributed to factors such as direct decrease in milk and meat production,early slaughter of affected animals due to non responsive treatment and medical expenses.The most effective eradication method combines first of all the ability to understand the problems of SEN producers and implementation of preventive measures and treatment of footrot.Often linked to lack of formation, the advance age of portuguese producers the mentality and social factors block the advance of veterinarian intervention itself.


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Objectives: Serra da Estrela native (SEN) breed of sheep is one of the most important in Portugal, standing responsible for the production of one of the most internationally recognized cheeses in the world, "Queijo Serra da Estrela” (protected designation of origin). One of the major risks to the sustainability of SEN dairy flocks if footrot, an infectious diseases that causes lameness, decrease in milk production, weight loss and decrease in fertility.The aim of this work was to determine which parameters become decisive for the appearance of footrot in SEN dairy flocks, while establishing associations with environmental and nutritional variables. Materials and methods: The present study was carried out by performing an especially designed 27 multiple choice questionnaire, based on the underlying causes of lameness in livestock and in the clinical diagnosis performed by the vet techinichian of the clinical cases evaluated at the moment of the inquiry. The survey was performed during the execution of the oficial veterinary health program between February and September of 2014 by a veterinarian team from the Association of SEN Sheep Breeders (ANCOSE). The ovine producers (N=30, with a total of 1270 animals) were randomly selected from the extense area of production of “Queijo Serra da Estrela”. The parameters evaluated in the study were: season and consequent weather changes during the period of the study, floor types, hygiene conditions, bed types, the existence and use of footbaths, location of footbaths, foot trimming and foot hygiene procedures. After the construction of the database and using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 16.0 the frequency response for each item was calculated. Results: All SEN livestock producers are proactive in the treatment of lameness (70%). About 99.7% of lameness was related with footroot and most appeared in winter (36.7%). In some occasions there was not a specific season distribution (56.7% rainiest years). From the analyzed farms, 70% use straw as a floor bed, followed by bush (21%). 45.6% of animals were clinically diagnosed with footrot and were sheltered in straw floor. Bed quality is good in 40%, however frequent changes in the floor bed in the preceding 15 days had a higher rate of footroot diagnosed cases (33,23%) compared to monthly changes. Regarding sheepfold animal number, the distribution is proper in 36.7%, elevated in 30%, overcrowded in 6.7% and low in 23.3%. Clinically ill diagnosed animals in last category were the lowest observed (3%). Concerning hoof trimming, 76.7% trims while 23.3% reported not to perform that task. From those that perform trimming, 73.9% do it only when necessary, 21.7% at the time of clipping and 4.4% when the animal is affected. One curious result was that animals who perform trimming at clipping had higher footrot cases (52.6%), unlike those who trim only when necessary (40.2%) or even when animals are clinically ill (0.91%). Mostly all in the presence of footrot choose a local treatment (95.2%) using antibiotic sprays, instead of parenteral antibiotic treatment. Footbath is rarely used in the prevention (13.3%) of this disease and when it is misconceived (25%) and incorrectly formulated (100%). Conclusion: This study is the first performed in Portugal focusing on footrot caracterization in native SEN flocks. The economic impact in SEN dairy flocks is atributed to factors such as the direct decrease in milk and meat production, the early slaughter of affected animals due to a non responsive treatment, and medical expenses. The most effective eradication method combines first of all the ability to understand the problems of SEN producers and then the implementation of preventive measures and treatment of footrot. Often linked to the lack of formation, and the advanced age of portuguese producers, the mentality and social factors block the advance of veterinarian intervention itself.


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The literature clearly links the quality and capacity of a country’s infrastructure to its economic growth and competitiveness. This thesis analyses the historic national and spatial distribution of investment by the Irish state in its physical networks (water, wastewater and roads) across the 34 local authorities and examines how Ireland is perceived internationally relative to its economic counterparts. An appraisal of the current status and shortcomings of Ireland’s infrastructure is undertaken using key stakeholders from foreign direct investment companies and national policymakers to identify Ireland's infrastructural gaps, along with current challenges in how the country is delivering infrastructure. The output of these interviews identified many issues with how infrastructure decision-making is currently undertaken. This led to an evaluation of how other countries are informing decision-making, and thus this thesis presents a framework of how and why Ireland should embrace a Systems of Systems (SoS) methodology approach to infrastructure decision-making going forward. In undertaking this study a number of other infrastructure challenges were identified: significant political interference in infrastructure decision-making and delivery the need for a national agency to remove the existing ‘silo’ type of mentality to infrastructure delivery how tax incentives can interfere with the market; and their significance. The two key infrastructure gaps identified during the interview process were: the need for government intervention in the rollout of sufficient communication capacity and at a competitive cost outside of Dublin; and the urgent need to address water quality and capacity with approximately 25% of the population currently being served by water of unacceptable quality. Despite considerable investment in its national infrastructure, Ireland’s infrastructure performance continues to trail behind its economic partners in the Eurozone and OECD. Ireland is projected to have the highest growth rate in the euro zone region in 2015 and 2016, albeit that it required a bailout in 2010, and, at the time of writing, is beginning to invest in its infrastructure networks again. This thesis proposes the development and implementation of a SoS approach for infrastructure decision-making which would be based on: existing spatial and capacity data of each of the constituent infrastructure networks; and scenario computation and analysis of alternative drivers eg. Demographic change, economic variability and demand/capacity constraints. The output from such an analysis would provide valuable evidence upon which policy makers and decision makers alike could rely, which has been lacking in historic investment decisions.


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Desde o decorrer dos séculos que a arquitetura se tem apresentado de diferentes formas perante o seu público. As sucessivas mudanças na mentalidade social foram em consequência provocando alterações no posicionamento do arquiteto na relação com o utilizador, resultando no distanciamento entre ambos. O processo social da arquitetura acabou por sofrer continuas alterações na sua forma de atuar, perdendo o seu caráter de serviço prestado à sociedade, e funcionando como um instrumento de afirmação e demonstração de poder. Através de uma análise da complexidade nas componentes da sociologia e da espacialidade, pretende-se chegar à essência da conceção do espaço e da forma como este organiza e estrutura a sociedade. A questão primordial encontra-se no assumir do utilizador como um elemento primordial para a modelação do espaço, expondo os efeitos da componente participativa na conceção do programa e do projeto. Na presente dissertação tenta-se perceber de que forma a participação na conceção do projeto arquitetónico, pode exponenciar o processo social da arquitetura. Através da análise de três obras internacionais, procura-se compreender de que forma o pensamento arquitetónico e a metodologia de trabalho dos seus autores representam instrumentos importantes para restabelecer a conexão perdida entre o arquiteto e o utilizador. O que se pretende não é obtenção de uma resposta Universal, mas a exposição de um caminho, e dos instrumentos que podem constituir uma importante ferramenta para a afirmação do processo social da arquitetura, dando a origem a um projeto arquitetónico que represente a visão da sua sociedade e responda às suas necessidades. Uma arquitetura estruturada pela sociedade, onde o arquiteto assume não como um criador, mas como um gestor de recursos.


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This article deals with the notion of belonging in today’s multi-ethnic Sweden and hints at perpectives of future European identity-building. On the basis of Frantz Fanon’s understanding of colonialism and the colonized mentality as theoretical, the article deals with the situation of Roma in Sweden – and Europe. With the story of a young Roma woman that has migrated to Sweden from Hungary as point of departure, the article addresses the situation for Romani people, but also for other migrants in Europe, with particular focus on who are allowed to belong to the community of Swedish and European citizens, and who are not