725 resultados para hybrid robot


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Mussel populations on the Irish Atlantic coast comprise an interbreeding mixture of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis (L.) and the Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lmk.). The occurrence of hybrid genotypes varies between sites but can be as high 80%. This study compares the reproductive cycle of M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis and their hybrids to determine if the extensive hybridisation observed at Irish Atlantic coast sites is linked to spawning synchrony between the two taxa. Mussels (40-45 mm size class) were collected monthly from a sheltered shore in Galway Bay from January to December 2005. Two major spawning events (March- June and September-October) were observed and gametogenesis took place throughout the year. The spawning cycles of the three taxa were largely overlapping. Small differences were observed in the timing of peak spawning which occurred in March and October in M. galloprovincialis and in May-June and September in M.edulis. Spawning of hybrid individuals was intermediate between the parental genotypes. Fecundity was slightly higher in M. galloprovincialis females compared to the other taxa (up to 30% difference, p<0.05). This apparent advantage is not shared by the sexes and is likely being offset by high numbers of hybrid genotypes releasing gametes during peak spawning of M. galloprovincialis. There was no evidence for increased mortality in hybrid males; sex ratios did not deviate from the 1:1 ratio. The results show that in this region of the hybrid zone the timing of reproduction does not present a barrier to gene flow between M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis. Nonetheless, small differences in the timing of peak spawning may increase the likelihood of conspecific fertilisation at certain times of the year. Hybrids outnumber the parental genotypes, undergo complete gametogenesis and show no evidence of depressed fitness (i.e. hybrids are reproductively competent suggesting a high degree of introgression.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2012


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2014


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2015


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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Univ., Dissertation, 2015


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The occurrence of hybrid dysgenesis was investigated in Drosophila sturtevanti Duda, 1927 using diagnostic crosses similar to those used for induction of dysgenics traits in D. melanogaster. Reciprocal test crosses were made, at 27° C, between an old laboratory strain of D. sturtevanti (COL, from Colombia), assumed to be an M'-like strain, and eight freshly collected strains from several natural populations. The gonadal dysgenesis indices were under 10% in most of crosses, except in hybrids of COL with I27, a strain from Minas Gerais (Brazil), in which the index values were moderate in both directions of crosses (25.71 and 12.87). The smallest productivity was also observed in hybrids of females COL mated to I27 males. No causal relationship between the observed gonadal dysgenesis and mobilization of P element or another transposable element could be effectively established.


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In this paper, we present a first approach to evolve a cooperative behavior in ad hoc networks. Since wireless nodes are energy constrained, it may not be in the best interest of a node to always accept relay requests. On the other hand, if all nodes decide not to expend energy in relaying, then network throughput will drop dramatically. Both these extreme scenarios are unfavorable to the interests of a user. In this paper we deal with the issue of user cooperation in ad hoc networks by developing the algorithm called Generous Tit-For-Tat. We assume that nodes are rational, i.e., their actions are strictly determined by self-interest, and that each node is associated with a minimum lifetime constraint. Given these lifetime constraints and the assumption of rational behavior, we study the added behavior of the network.


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El robot Aibo disposa de la llibreria Aibo Remote Framework per controlar-lo remotament mitjançant un PC i una xarxa inalàmbrica, també per accedir a informació d'estat del robot, o per veure les imatges que l'Aibo capta. Combinant Remote Framework i php s'ha creat una aplicació web que permet controlar Aibos diferents remotament per Internet, així com tenir accés a les imatges subjectives de cadascun dels Aibos. A més, la tecnologia existent d'streaming permet que l'aplicació web tingui un vídeo incrustat que possibilita veure en directe els Aibos mitjançant una càmera web enfocada cap a ells.


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En aquest projecte, s'ha dissenyat, construït i programat un robot autònom, dotat de sistema de locomoció i sensors que li permeten navegar sense impactar en un entorn controlat. Per assolir aquests objectius s'ha dissenyat i programat una unitat de control que gestiona el hardware de baix volum de dades amb diferents modes d'operació, abstraient-lo en una única interfície. Posteriorment s'ha integrat aquest sistema en l'entorn de robòtica Pyro. Aquest entorn permet usar i adaptar, segons es necessiti, eines d'intel·ligència artificial ja desenvolupades.


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This paper contributes to the on-going empirical debate regarding the role of the RBC model and in particular of technology shocks in explaining aggregate fluctuations. To this end we estimate the model’s posterior density using Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) methods. Within this framework we extend Ireland’s (2001, 2004) hybrid estimation approach to allow for a vector autoregressive moving average (VARMA) process to describe the movements and co-movements of the model’s errors not explained by the basic RBC model. The results of marginal likelihood ratio tests reveal that the more general model of the errors significantly improves the model’s fit relative to the VAR and AR alternatives. Moreover, despite setting the RBC model a more difficult task under the VARMA specification, our analysis, based on forecast error and spectral decompositions, suggests that the RBC model is still capable of explaining a significant fraction of the observed variation in macroeconomic aggregates in the post-war U.S. economy.


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En aquest projecte s’ha estudiat el disseny d’una plataforma robòtica mòbil per un PBL (Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes) en enginyeria informàtica. El principal objectiu és introduir aquest model en l’ensenyament universitari, com a complement de diferents assignatures de primer curs. Per arribar a aconseguir aquests objectius, s’ha dissenyat i construït una plataforma robòtica, dirigida per un microcontrolador i dotada de diversos sensors per interactuar amb l’entorn. El robot permet diferents tipus de programació i esta especialment dissenyada per ser una bona experiència educativa.


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The rise and consequences of polyploidy in vertebrates, whose origin was associated with genome duplications, may be best studied in natural diploid and polyploid populations. In a diploid/tetraploid (2n/4n) geographic contact zone of Palearctic green toads in northern Kyrgyzstan, we examine 4ns and triploids (3n) of unknown genetic composition and origins. Using mitochondrial and nuclear sequence, and nuclear microsatellite markers in 84 individuals, we show that 4n (Bufo pewzowi) are allopolyploids, with a geographically proximate 2n species (B. turanensis) being their maternal ancestor and their paternal ancestor as yet unidentified. Local 3n forms arise through hybridization. Adult 3n mature males (B. turanensis mtDNA) have 2n mothers and 4n fathers, but seem distinguishable by nuclear profiles from partly aneuploid 3n tadpoles (with B. pewzowi mtDNA). These observations suggest multiple pathways to the formation of triploids in the contact zone, involving both reciprocal origins. To explain the phenomena in the system, we favor a hypothesis where 3n males (with B. turanensis mtDNA) backcross with 4n and 2n females. Together with previous studies of a separately evolved, sexually reproducing 3n lineage, these observations reveal complex reproductive interactions among toads of different ploidy levels and multiple pathways to the evolution of polyploid lineages.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit cientí­fic del Jovent l'any 2009. L'NXT és un robot creat per l'empresa Lego que disposa d'un controlador, de diversos servo motors i de sensors (tacte, llum, ultrasons, so...). Es programa mitjançant un programa especial, pensat per nois i noies de catorze anys, anomenat Lego Mindstorms. S'estudia el funcionament d'aquest programa i les parts del sistema de control del robot. L'estudi engloba el controlador, quatre sensors i els servomotors.