993 resultados para X-ray photoelectron microscopy


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In this work the electrochemical formation of porous Cu/Ag materials is reported via the simple and quick method of hydrogen bubble templating. The bulk and surface composition ratio between Ag and Cu was varied in a systematic manner and was readily controlled by the concentration of precursor metal salts in the electrolyte. The incorporation of Ag within the Cu scaffold only affected the formation of well-defined pores at high Ag loading whereas the internal pore wall structure gradually transformed from dendritic to cube like and finally needle like structures, which was due to the concomitant formation of Cu2O within the structure. The materials were characterised by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Their surface properties were further investigated by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) and electrochemically probed by recording the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) which is highly sensitive to the nature of the surface. The effect of surface composition was then investigated for its influence on two catalytic reactions namely the reduction of ferricyanide ions with thiosulphate ions and the reduction of 4-nitrophenol with NaBH4 in aqueous solution where it was found that the presence of Ag had a beneficial effect in both cases but more so in the case of nitrophenol reduction. It is believed that this material may have many more potential applications in the area of catalysis, electrocatalysis and photocatalysis.


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Purpose: This study investigated the effect of chemical conjugation of the amino acid L-leucine to the polysaccharide chitosan on the dispersibility and drug release pattern of a polymeric nanoparticle (NP)-based controlled release dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulation. Methods: A chemical conjugate of L-leucine with chitosan was synthesized and characterized by Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy, Elemental Analysis and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Nanoparticles of both chitosan and its conjugate were prepared by a water-in-oil emulsification – glutaraldehyde cross-linking method using the antihypertensive agent, diltiazem (Dz) hydrochloride as the model drug. The surface morphology and particle size distribution of the nanoparticles were determined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). The dispersibility of the nanoparticle formulation was analysed by a Twin Stage Impinger (TSI) with a Rotahaler as the DPI device. Deposition of the particles in the different stages was determined by gravimetry and the amount of drug released was analysed by UV spectrophotometry. The release profile of the drug was studied in phosphate buffered saline at 37 ⁰C and analyzed by UV spectrophotometry. Results: The TSI study revealed that the fine particle fractions (FPF), as determined gravimetrically, for empty and drug-loaded conjugate nanoparticles were significantly higher than for the corresponding chitosan nanoparticles (24±1.2% and 21±0.7% vs 19±1.2% and 15±1.5% respectively; n=3, p<0.05). The FPF of drug-loaded chitosan and conjugate nanoparticles, in terms of the amount of drug determined spectrophotometrically, had similar values (21±0.7% vs 16±1.6%). After an initial burst, both chitosan and conjugate nanoparticles showed controlled release that lasted about 8 to 10 days, but conjugate nanoparticles showed twice as much total drug release compared to chitosan nanoparticles (~50% vs ~25%). Conjugate nanoparticles also showed significantly higher dug loading and entrapment efficiency than chitosan nanoparticles (conjugate: 20±1% & 46±1%, chitosan: 16±1% & 38±1%, n=3, p<0.05). Conclusion: Although L-leucine conjugation to chitosan increased dispersibility of formulated nanoparticles, the FPF values are still far from optimum. The particles showed a high level of initial burst release (chitosan, 16% and conjugate, 31%) that also will need further optimization.


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This study extends the ‘zero scan’ method for CT imaging of polymer gel dosimeters to include multi-slice acquisitions. Multi slice CT images consisting of 24 slices of 1.2 mm thickness were acquired of an irradiated polymer gel dosimeter, and processed with the zero scan technique. The results demonstrate that zero scan based gel readout can be successfully applied to generate a three dimensional image of the irradiated gel field. Compared to the raw CT images the processed figures and cross gel profiles demonstrated reduced noise and clear visibility of the penumbral region. Moreover these improved results further highlight the suitability of this method in volumetric reconstruction with reduced CT data acquisition per slice. This work shows that 3D volumes of irradiated polymer gel dosimeters can be acquired and processed with x-ray CT.


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X-ray diffraction structure functions for water flowing in a 1.5 mm diameter siphon in the temperature range 4 – 63 °C were obtained using a 20 keV beam at the Australian Synchrotron. These functions were compared with structure functions obtained at the Advanced Light Source for a 0.5 mm thick sample of water in the temperature range 1 – 77 °C irradiated with an 11 keV beam. The two sets of structure functions are similar, but there are subtle differences in the shape and relative position of the two functions suggesting a possible differences between the structure of bulk and siphon water. In addition, the first structural peak (Q0) for water in a siphon, showed evidence of a step-wise increase in Q0 with increasing temperature rather than a smoothly varying increase. More experiments are required to investigate this apparent difference.


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Stereotactic radiosurgery treatments involve the delivery of very high doses for a small number of fractions. To date, there is limited data in terms of the skin dose for the very small field sizes used in these treatments. In this work, we determine relative surface doses for small size circular collimators as used in stereotactic radiosurgery treatments. Monte Carlo calculations were performed using the BEAMnrc code with a model of the Novalis 15 Trilogy linear accelerator and the BrainLab circular collimators. The surface doses were calculated at the ICRU skin dose depth of 70 m all using the 6 MV SRS x-ray beam. The calculated surface doses varied between 15 – 12% with decreasing values as the field size increased from 4 to 30 mm. In comparison, surface doses were measured using Gafchromic EBT3 film positioned at the surface of a Virtual Water phantom. The absolute agreement between calculated and measured surface doses was better than 2.5% which is well within the 20 uncertainties of the Monte Carlo calculations and the film measurements. Based on these results, we have shown that the Gafchromic EBT3 film is suitable for surface dose estimates in very small size fields as used in SRS.


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Different amounts of Ru were implanted into thermally evaporated WO3 thin films by ion implantation. The films were subsequently annealed at 600oC for 2 hours in air to remove defects generated during the ion implantation. The Ru concentrations of four samples have been quantified by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry as 0.8, 5.5, 9 and 11.5 at%. The un-implanted WO3 films were highly porous but the porosity decreased significantly after ion implantation as observed by Transmission Electron Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The thickness of the films also decreased with increasing Ru-ion dose, which is mainly due to densification of the porous films during ion implantation. From Raman spectroscopy two peaks at 408 and 451 cm-1 (in addition to the typical vibrational peaks of the monoclinic WO3 phase) associated with Ru were observed. Their intensity increased with increasing Ru concentration. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy showed a metallic state of Ru with binding energy of Ru 3d5/2 at 280.1 eV. This peak position remained almost unchanged with increasing Ru concentration. The resistances of the Ru-implanted films were found to increase in the presence of NO2 and NO with higher sensor response to NO2. The effect of Ru concentration on the sensing performance of the films was not explicitly observed due to reduced film thickness and porosity with increasing Ru concentration. However, the results indicate that the implantation of Ru into WO3 films with sufficient film porosity and film thickness can be beneficial for NO2 sensing at temperatures in the range of 250°C to 350°C.


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Two sources of uncertainty in the X ray computed tomography imaging of polymer gel dosimeters are investigated in the paper.The first cause is a change in postirradiation density, which is proportional to the computed tomography signal and is associated with a volume change. The second cause of uncertainty is reconstruction noise.A simple technique that increases the residual signal to noise ratio by almost two orders of magnitude is examined.


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Time- and position-resolved synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering data were acquired from samples of two Australian coal seams: Bulli seam (Bulli 4, Ro=1.42%, Sydney Basin), which naturally contains CO2 and Baralaba seam (Ro=0.67%, Bowen Basin), a potential candidate for sequestering CO2. This experimental approach has provided unique, pore-size-specific insights into the kinetics of CO2 sorption in the micro- and small mesopores (diameter 5 to 175 Å) and the density of the sorbed CO2 at reservoir-like conditions of temperature and hydrostatic pressure. For both samples, at pressures above 5 bar, the density of CO2 confined in pores was found to be uniform, with no densification in near-wall regions. In the Bulli 4 sample, CO2 first flooded the slit pores between polyaromatic sheets. In the pore-size range analysed, the confined CO2 density was close to that of the free CO2. The kinetics data are too noisy for reliable quantitative analysis, but qualitatively indicate faster kinetics in mineral-matter-rich regions. In the Baralaba sample, CO2 preferentially invaded the smallest micropores and the confined CO2 density was up to five times that of the free CO2. Faster CO2 sorption kinetics was found to be correlated with higher mineral matter content but, the mineral-matter-rich regions had lower-density CO2 confined in their pores. Remarkably, the kinetics was pore-size dependent, being faster for smaller pores. These results suggest that injection into the permeable section of an interbedded coal-clastic sequence could provide a viable combination of reasonable injectivity and high sorption capacity.


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Novel nano zero-valent iron/palygorskite composite materials prepared by evaporative and centrifuge methods are tested for the degradation of bisphenol A in an aqueous medium. A systematic study is presented which showed that nano zero-valent iron material has little effect on bisphenol A degradation. When hydrogen peroxide was added to initiate the reaction, some percentage of bisphenol A removal (∼20%) was achieved; however, with the aid of air bubbles, the percentage removal can be significantly increased to ∼99%. Compared with pristine nano zero-valent iron and commercial iron powder, nano zero-valent iron/palygorskite composite materials have much higher reactivity towards bisphenol A and these materials are superior as they have little impact on the solution pH. However, for pristine nano zero-valent iron, it is difficult to maintain the reaction system at a favourable low pH which is a key factor in maintaining high bisphenol A removal. All materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, elemental analysis, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The optimum conditions were obtained based on a series of batch experiments. This study has extended the application of nano zero-valent iron/palygorskite composites as effective materials for the removal of phenolic compounds from the environment.


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Introduction The dose to skin surface is an important factor for many radiotherapy treatment techniques. It is known that TPS predicted surface doses can be significantly different from actual ICRP skin doses as defined at 70 lm. A number of methods have been implemented for the accurate determination of surface dose including use of specific dosimeters such as TLDs and radiochromic film as well as Monte Carlo calculations. Stereotactic radiosurgery involves delivering very high doses per treatment fraction using small X-ray fields. To date, there has been limited data on surface doses for these very small field sizes. The purpose of this work is to evaluate surface doses by both measurements and Monte Carlo calculations for very small field sizes. Methods All measurements were performed on a Novalis Tx linear accelerator which has a 6 MV SRS X-ray beam mode which uses a specially thin flattening filter. Beam collimation was achieved by circular cones with apertures that gave field sizes ranging from 4 to 30 mm at the isocentre. The relative surface doses were measured using Gafchromic EBT3 film which has the active layer at a depth similar to the ICRP skin dose depth. Monte Carlo calculations were performed using the BEAMnrc/EGSnrc Monte Carlo codes (V4 r225). The specifications of the linear accelerator, including the collimator, were provided by the manufacturer. Optimisation of the incident X-ray beam was achieved by an iterative adjustment of the energy, spatial distribution and radial spread of the incident electron beam striking the target. The energy cutoff parameters were PCUT = 0.01 MeV and ECUT = 0.700 - MeV. Directional bremsstrahlung splitting was switched on for all BEAMnrc calculations. Relative surface doses were determined in a layer defined in a water phantom of the same thickness and depth as compared to the active later in the film. Results Measured surface doses using the EBT3 film varied between 13 and 16 % for the different cones with an uncertainty of 3 %. Monte Carlo calculated surface doses were in agreement to better than 2 % to the measured doses for all the treatment cones. Discussion and conclusions This work has shown the consistency of surface dose measurements using EBT3 film with Monte Carlo predicted values within the uncertainty of the measurements. As such, EBT3 film is recommended for in vivo surface dose measurements.


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Carbon nanoflakes (CNFLs) are synthesized on silicon substrates deposited with carbon islands in a methane environment using hot filament chemical vapor deposition. The structure and composition of the CNFLs are studied using field emission scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results indicate that the CNFLs are composed of multilayer graphitic sheets and the area and thickness of CNFs increase with the growth time. The photoluminescence (PL) of CNFLs excited by a 325 nm He-Cd laser exhibits three strong bands centered at 408, 526, and 699 nm, which are related to the chemical radicals terminated on the CNFLs and the associated interband transitions. The PL results indicate that the CNFLs are promising as an advanced nano-carbon material capable of generating white light emission. These outcomes are significant to control the electronic structure of CNFLs and contribute to the development of next-generation solid-state white light emission devices. © 2014 the Partner Organisations.


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Graphene films with different structures were catalytically grown on the silicon substrate pre-deposited with a gold film by hot filament chemical vapor deposition under different conditions, where methane, hydrogen and nitrogen were used as the reactive gases. The morphological and compositional properties of graphene films were studied using advanced instruments including field emission scanning electron microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results indicate that the structure and composition of graphene films are changed with the variation of the growth conditions. According to the theory related to thermodynamics, the formation of graphene films was theoretically analyzed and the results indicate that the formation of graphene films is related to the fast incorporation and precipitation of carbon. The electron field emission (EFE) properties of graphene films were studied in a high vacuum system of ∼10-6 Pa and the EFE results show that the turn-on field is in a range of 5.2-5.64 V μm-1 and the maximum current density is about 63 μ A cm-2 at the field of 7.7 V μm-1. These results are important to control the structure of graphene films and have the potential applications of graphene in various nanodevices.


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In this study, we improve the insulation performance of polymeric nano-dielectrics by using plasma pre-treatment on the filled nanoparticles. Non-equilibrium atmospheric-pressure plasma is employed to modify a commercial type of silane-coated SiO2 nanoparticles. The treated nanoparticles and the synthesized epoxy-based nanocomposites are characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The plasma-treated SiO2 nanoparticles can disperse uniformly and form strong covalent bonds with the molecules of the polymer matrix. Moreover, the electrical insulation properties of the synthesized nanocomposites are investigated. Results show that the nanocomposites with plasma-treated SiO2 nanoparticles obtain improved dielectric breakdown strength and extended endurance under intense electrical ageing process.


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Nitrogenated carbon nanotips (NCNTPs) have been synthesized using customized plasma-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition. The morphological, structural, and photoluminescent properties of the NCNTPs are investigated using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The photoluminescence measurements show that the NCNTPs predominantly emit a green band at room temperature while strong blue emission is generated at 77 K. It is shown that these very different emission behaviors are related to the change of the optical band-gap and the concentration of the paramagnetic defects of the carbon nanotips. The studies shed light on the controversies on the photoluminescence mechanisms of carbon-based amorphous films measured at different temperatures. The relevance of the results to the use of nitrogenated carbon nanotips in light-emitting optoelectronic devices is discussed.


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Nitrogenated carbon nanotips (NCNTPs) are synthesized by plasma-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition from the hydrogen, methane, and nitrogen gas mixtures with different flow rate ratios of hydrogen to nitrogen. The morphological, structural, compositional, and electron field emission (EFE) properties of the NCNTPs were investigated by field emissionscanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, x ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and EFE high-vacuum system. It is shown that the NCNTPs deposited at an intermediate flow rate ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen feature the best size/shape and pattern uniformity, the highest nanotip density, the highest nitrogen concentration, as well as the best electron field emission performance. Several factors that come into play along with the nitrogen incorporation, such as the combined effect of the plasma sputtering and etching, the transition of sp 3carbon clusters to sp 2carbon clusters, the increase of the size of the sp 2 clusters, as well as the reduction of the work function, have been examined to interpret these experimental findings. Our results are highly relevant to the development of the next generation electron field emitters, flat panel displays, atomic force microscope probes, and several other advanced applications.