544 resultados para Triangle fémoral
The use of bovine rumen protein (raw and extruded) as a replacement for extruded soy protein concentrate in three meat products (pork sausage, chicken hamburger, and kibbe) was investigated. Similarity between rumen and soy protein meat products was assessed using triangle tests and sensory acceptability evaluated by consumer panelists using a nine-point hedonic scale. The addition of raw rumen protein was detected in all meat product types tested, while extruded rumen protein was only detected in kibbe. The addition of raw rumen protein decreased the acceptability of pork sausage aroma and flavor, but improved kibbe appearance, texture and overall acceptability. The addition of extruded rumen protein reduced the acceptability of chicken hamburger texture, but improved pork sausage flavor. Replacement of soy protein by bovine rumen protein is feasible based upon sensory results, but depended upon its form and the type of meat product to which it was added. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Generating quadrilateral meshes is a highly non-trivial task, as design decisions are frequently driven by specific application demands. Automatic techniques can optimize objective quality metrics, such as mesh regularity, orthogonality, alignment and adaptivity; however, they cannot make subjective design decisions. There are a few quad meshing approaches that offer some mechanisms to include the user in the mesh generation process; however, these techniques either require a large amount of user interaction or do not provide necessary or easy to use inputs. Here, we propose a template-based approach for generating quad-only meshes from triangle surfaces. Our approach offers a flexible mechanism to allow external input, through the definition of alignment features that are respected during the mesh generation process. While allowing user inputs to support subjective design decisions, our approach also takes into account objective quality metrics to produce semi-regular, quad-only meshes that align well to desired surface features. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This paper describes a novel template-based meshing approach for generating good quality quadrilateral meshes from 2D digital images. This approach builds upon an existing image-based mesh generation technique called Imeshp, which enables us to create a segmented triangle mesh from an image without the need for an image segmentation step. Our approach generates a quadrilateral mesh using an indirect scheme, which converts the segmented triangle mesh created by the initial steps of the Imesh technique into a quadrilateral one. The triangle-to-quadrilateral conversion makes use of template meshes of triangles. To ensure good element quality, the conversion step is followed by a smoothing step, which is based on a new optimization-based procedure. We show several examples of meshes generated by our approach, and present a thorough experimental evaluation of the quality of the meshes given as examples.
For a fixed family F of graphs, an F-packing in a graph G is a set of pairwise vertex-disjoint subgraphs of G, each isomorphic to an element of F. Finding an F-packing that maximizes the number of covered edges is a natural generalization of the maximum matching problem, which is just F = {K(2)}. In this paper we provide new approximation algorithms and hardness results for the K(r)-packing problem where K(r) = {K(2), K(3,) . . . , K(r)}. We show that already for r = 3 the K(r)-packing problem is APX-complete, and, in fact, we show that it remains so even for graphs with maximum degree 4. On the positive side, we give an approximation algorithm with approximation ratio at most 2 for every fixed r. For r = 3, 4, 5 we obtain better approximations. For r = 3 we obtain a simple 3/2-approximation, achieving a known ratio that follows from a more involved algorithm of Halldorsson. For r = 4, we obtain a (3/2 + epsilon)-approximation, and for r = 5 we obtain a (25/14 + epsilon)-approximation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a new framework for generating triangular meshes from textured color images. The proposed framework combines a texture classification technique, called W-operator, with Imesh, a method originally conceived to generate simplicial meshes from gray scale images. An extension of W-operators to handle textured color images is proposed, which employs a combination of RGB and HSV channels and Sequential Floating Forward Search guided by mean conditional entropy criterion to extract features from the training data. The W-operator is built into the local error estimation used by Imesh to choose the mesh vertices. Furthermore, the W-operator also enables to assign a label to the triangles during the mesh construction, thus allowing to obtain a segmented mesh at the end of the process. The presented results show that the combination of W-operators with Imesh gives rise to a texture classification-based triangle mesh generation framework that outperforms pixel based methods. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This report presents an algorithm for locating the cut points for and separatingvertically attached traffic signs in Sweden. This algorithm provides severaladvanced digital image processing features: binary image which representsvisual object and its complex rectangle background with number one and zerorespectively, improved cross correlation which shows the similarity of 2Dobjects and filters traffic sign candidates, simplified shape decompositionwhich smoothes contour of visual object iteratively in order to reduce whitenoises, flipping point detection which locates black noises candidates, chasmfilling algorithm which eliminates black noises, determines the final cut pointsand separates originally attached traffic signs into individual ones. At each step,the mediate results as well as the efficiency in practice would be presented toshow the advantages and disadvantages of the developed algorithm. Thisreport concentrates on contour-based recognition of Swedish traffic signs. Thegeneral shapes cover upward triangle, downward triangle, circle, rectangle andoctagon. At last, a demonstration program would be presented to show howthe algorithm works in real-time environment.
A 1946 graduate of the Sheet Metal Department, Thomas Carlough is pictured at work at the Triangle Sheet Metal Works, Inc. Original caption reads, "Thomas Carlough - Sheet Metal 1946. The Sheet Metal Draftsman lays out the duct work etc, for the ventilation and Air Conditioning of buildings." Black and white photograph with caption adhered to reverse.
John Loonie, a graduate of the Sheet Metal Department of the New York Trade School, is pictured welding at work in the Triangle Sheet Metal Works Inc. Original caption reads, "John Loonie - Sheet Metal 1955, one of the Sheet Metal workers employed at the Triangle Sheet Metal Works, qualified to weld." Black and white photograph with caption adhered to reverse.
David Harning graduated from the Sheet Metal Department in 1957 and is shown in his position as Sheet Metal Cutter at the Triangle Sheet Metal Works Inc. Original caption reads, "David Harning - Sheet Metal 1957, is shown at his bench where he lays out all types of Sheet Metal pieces. These pieces will be constructed by other Sheet Metal Workers." Black and white photograph with captioned adhered to reverse.
A tentativa de buscar uma nova dimensão para o desempenho satisfatório das atividades humanas em situações de trabalho resume o objetivo primeiro desse estudo. A proposta básica consiste em que as ações humanas podem ser programadas mentalmente antes de serem objetivamente executadas e que essa programação se verifica a partir de e em função de imagens. O conceito de imagem operatória como o processo psicológico capaz de permitir aprioristicamente a simulação imagina da dessas realizações assume, assim, importância vital para essa dissertação. Da percepção de que toda e qualquer atividade se desenvolve num espaço de localização e movimentação corporal próprio de cada sujeito e da necessidade de se encontrar um referencial teórico que melhor situasse o constructo citado, chegou-se a inclusão dos termos espaço pessoal e esquema corporal como susceptíveis de explicitarem a relação proposta. Estabelecido o triângulo conceitual explicativo, capaz de elucidar algumas questões relativas ao binômio homem-trabalho, partiu-se para o levantamento e discussão de algumas das variáveis possivelmente envolvidas na construção da imagem operatória. Como parte final, algumas implicações lógico-formais, são levantadas, considerando-se os conceitos envolvidos a partir de uma perspectiva, que mais se aproxime de um caráter global.
A sociedade de hoje, não se contenta mais em cobrar das Organizações apenas o triângulo consagrado que trata especificamente da qualidade, custo e prazo. Consciente de seu papel no mundo globalizado, ela exige o envolvimento e o comprometimento dessas Organizações com as questões sociais e ambientais. Neste contexto, faz-se necessário investir na preservação da natureza, na sua relação com a sociedade e no estreito relacionamento com os envolvidos direta e indiretamente nesta difícil empreitada. Em respostas a essas demandas, a ciência contábil, frente às exigências deste mercado globalizado e em lugar do modelo gestão corporativa utilizado até recentemente, que tratava apenas dos resultados econômicos, criou o Balanço Social. Como instrumento estratégico de desenvolvimento corporativo, o Balanço Social permite que a sociedade visualize os resultados de seu comprometimento com o futuro da humanidade. Quem não procura se adaptar às novas exigências da sociedade global, tende ao fracasso. Esta pesquisa tem como agente principal apresentar se as empresas no Brasil aplicam o conceito de Responsabilidade Social em suas atividades, propondo a cidadania de forma séria e responsável. Foram observados os dados divulgados pela Petrobras, - Petróleo Brasileiro SA, Vale e Gerdau S.A,, descrevendo informações entre seus demonstrativos e relatórios com a aplicação a partir dos propostos pelo Instituto ETHOS. Foi investigado o quanto estas empresas atendem aos quesitos propostos e, com base nos resultados obtidos, indicar, o nível de seriedade que estas companhias praticam a questão. A preferência pelas empresas supracitadas como objeto de pesquisa se dá pela posição de destaque no cenário econômico nacional e mundial; por sua atuação em setores considerados de alto nível de degradação e consumo de recursos naturais; e pelo alto impacto social gerado pela organização no local onde está introduzida. Os resultados mostram que as empresas começam a visualizar as questões socioambientais, verifica-se esta informação devido aos montantes absolutos investidos, todavia esta preocupação não atingiu a idéia principal deste conceito de responsabilidade social, ao atender interesses estratégicos superficiais de promoção e auto-imagem.
O presente estudo buscou analisar a viabilidade econômica, agronômica e ambiental de um sistema que está em execução em uma propriedade no norte do estado de Goiás. Esse sistema, denominado Sistema Triângulo, vai de encontro com a Integração Lavoura-Pecuária e busca formas alternativas para o uso dos restos culturais (fardos) de soja fornecendo esse material como volumoso para o gado no sistema de confinamento. Para o estudo da viabilidade, foram usadas as informações da própria fazenda num estudo de caso. Para tal, realizou-se uma revisão quanto à adoção de sistema de produção na área agrícola, quanto às interações dos macronutrientes que seriam retirados das áreas por intermédio dos fardos, o papel da matéria orgânica quanto à sustentabilidade do sistema, o cenário atual dos confinamentos no Brasil e os custos que compõem e determinam a lucratividade dessa atividade. Por ser um estudo de caráter incremental, a viabilidade econômica ficou focada à redução dos custos alimentares. Foram utilizadas informações produzidas pela Fazenda Triângulo que é produtora de soja desde 2002. Sendo assim, foi possível acompanhar a evolução dos teores de macronutrientes (nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio e enxofre) e do carbono em uma área total de 351 ha. Os resultados mostraram uma estabilidade nos níveis dos macroelementos após o início da retirada dos restos culturais mas, apresentou-se inconclusivo no caso do carbono. Foi estimada também a exportação dos macronutrientes por intermédio da retirada dos fardos das áreas de soja. Levantada a composição química dos fardos, foram estabelecidos seis cenários de reposição via adubação específica e esses custos foram acrescidos de custos de processamento dos fardos e o custo dos outros componentes da dieta no confinamento. Calculado o valor presente líquido para cada um dos cenários e comparando com a alternativa tradicional de dieta de confinamento, onde se usa a silagem de milho como 100% do volumoso, mostrou-se uma redução de até 5,02% nos custos alimentares. Com as práticas agronômicas da produção de soja vigentes hoje, recomenda-se a adoção do Sistema Triângulo com a ressalva de uma necessidade de maiores estudos quando seu impacto nos teores de carbono orgânico no solo.
Lucas (2000) estimates that the US welfare costs of inflation are around 1% of GDP. This measurement is consistent with a speci…c distorting channel in terms of the Bailey triangle under the demand for monetary base schedule (outside money): the displacement of resources from the production of consumption goods to the household transaction time à la Baumol. Here, we consider also several new types of distortions in the manufacturing and banking industries. Our new evidences show that both banks and firms demand special occupational employments to avoid the inflation tax. We de…ne the concept of ”the foat labor”: The occupational employments that are aflected by the in‡ation rates. More administrative workers are hired relatively to the bluecollar workers for producing consumption goods. This new phenomenon makes the manufacturing industry more roundabout. To take into account this new stylized fact and others, we redo at same time both ”The model 5: A Banking Sector -2” formulated by Lucas (1993) and ”The Competitive Banking System” proposed by Yoshino (1993). This modelling allows us to characterize better the new types of misallocations. We …nd that the maximum value of the resources wasted by the US economy happened in the years 1980-81, after the 2nd oil shock. In these years, we estimate the excess resources that are allocated for every speci…c distorting channel: i) The US commercial banks spent additional resources of around 2% of GDP; ii) For the purpose of the firm foating time were used between 2.4% and 4.1% of GDP); and iii) For the household transaction time were allocated between 3.1% and 4.5 % of GDP. The Bailey triangle under the demand for the monetary base schedule represented around 1% of GDP, which is consistent with Lucas (2000). We estimate that the US total welfare costs of in‡ation were around 10% of GDP in terms of the consumption goods foregone. The big di¤erence between our results and Lucas (2000) are mainly due to the Harberger triangle in the market for loans (inside money) which makes part of the household transaction time, of the …rm ‡oat labor and of the distortion in the banking industry. This triangle arises due to the widening interest rates spread in the presence of a distorting inflation tax and under a fractionally reserve system. The Harberger triangle can represent 80% of the total welfare costs of inflation while the remaining percentage is split almost equally between the Bailey triangle and the resources used for the bank services. Finally, we formulate several theorems in terms of the optimal nonneutral monetary policy so as to compare with the classical monetary theory.
AIRES, Kelson R. T. ; ARAÚJO, Hélder J. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. . Plane Detection from Monocular Image Sequences. In: VISUALIZATION, IMAGING AND IMAGE PROCESSING, 2008, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Proceedings..., Palma de Mallorca: VIIP, 2008
Nowdays, recycling became a relevant social and educational aim among many other factors, which involve balance between man and nature. This study relates the experiences with the production of recycled handmade paper directed at the teaching in Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, and through workshops of carnauba recycled handcrafts papers as a pioneer activity accomplished at the Felix Rodrigues Foundation, in the city of Pendências, Açu Valley, Rio Grande do Norte. A bibliographic review was done about the history of handmade paper and a discussion about carnauba´s paper artistic possibilities in art-education. Analyses within the context of art teaching, accordingly to Ana Mae Barbosa´s triangle propose and, also, Buoro, Ostrower and Nachmanovitch´s pedagogy of art. It deals with a group of artisans in order to establish the nature of their relationship and the possibilities of achieving more ecological awareness. Finally, we intend to realize a dialogue with Morin and other authors