548 resultados para Toluene dioxygenase


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In the pre—laser era it was difficult to believe that the optical properties of a medium depend upon the intensity of the radiation incident on it. The basis for this conclusion is that the electric field strength associated with the conventional light sources used before the advent of lasers was much smaller than (103 V/cm) the field sttrengths of atomic or interatomic fields (2 107 —- 10” V/cm). The radiation with such low intensity is not able to affect atomic fields to the extent of changing optical parameters. The invention of laser in 1960 was a turning point. The high degree of coherence of the laser radiation provides high spatial concentration of optical power. With the availability of the femtosecond lasers it has become possible to get extremely high peak powers 2 1013 W/cmz). At such high fields, the relationship between electric ‘polarization P and the electric field strength E ceases to be linear and several nonlinear effects begin to occur. Nonlinear absorption, a branch of nonlinear optics, refers to the interaction between radiation and matter accompanied by absorption of more than one photon. Nonlinear absorption has acquired great importance after the invention of high power lasers. One of the objectives of the present work is to investigate the nonlinear absorption processes occurring in fullerene, selected organic solvents and laser dyes. Fullerenes and laser dyes were chosen because of their highly nonlinear behaviour. Fullerenes, the most beautiful among molecules, offer fascinating field of research owinglto their significant structural properties. As toluene, benzene and carbon disulphide are themost widely used solvents for fullerenes, it seems important to study the nonlinear properties of these liquids as well. Like fullerenes, laser dyes also possess highly delocalized 7r electrons which are responsible for their nonlinear absorption. Dye lasers were the fulfillment of an experimenter’s pipe dream - to have a laser that is easily tunable over a wide range of wavelengths. A better understandingof the photophysical properties of laser dyes can significantly enhance the development and technology of dye lasers. We studied the nonlinear absorption properties of two rhodamine dyes to have some insight into their nonlinear optical properties.


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The toluene diisocyanate based optically active chiral polyurethanes were synthesized according to the symmetry conditions. The noncentrosymmetric (both charge asymmetry and spatial asymmetry) environment were attained by the incorporation of the chiral units (diethyl-(2R,3R)(þ)-tartrate) and donor-acceptor building blocks in the main chain which induce a helical conformation in the macromolecular chain. A series of optically active polyurethanes containing chiral linkages in the polymer back bone have been synthesized by using DBTDL catalyst by incorporating the amido diols which were obtained by the aminolysis of e-caprolactone by using the diamines, diaminoethane, diaminobutane, and diaminohexane respectively. The effect of incorporation of the chiral molecule diethyl-(2R,3R)(þ)-tartrate on the properties of polyurethanes was studied by changing the chromophores and also by varying the chiral-chromophore composition. Various properties of polyurethanes were investigated by UV, Fluorescence, TG/DTA, XRD, polarimetric techniques, Kurtz-Perry powder techniques, etc.


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A new class of chiral polyurethanes containing amido linkages in the polymer backbone have been synthesized by reacting toluene diisocyanate with isosorbide (IS) chiral moiety and the chromophores [N,N0-ethane- 1,2-diyl bis(6-hydroxy hexanamide), N,N0-butane-1,4-diyl bis(6-hydroxy hexanamide) and N,N0-hexane-1,6-diyl bis (6-hydroxy hexanamide)]. The corresponding chromophores were obtained by the aminolysis of e-caprolactone by using the diamines, diaminoethane, diaminobutane and diaminohexane, respectively. All the polymers were synthesized according to the symmetry conditions so as to obtain the non-centrosymmetric environment. A series of polyurethanes were synthesized by varying the chiral– chromophore composition. The polyurethanes developed were characterized by optical and thermal methods.


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Rubber ferrite composites were prepared by incorporating nickel ferrite in a neoprene rubber matrix. Kinetics of the cure reaction were determined from the rheometric torque values and found to follow first-order kinetics. Analysis of the swelling behavior of the rubber ferrite composites in toluene elucidates the mechanism of solvent penetration and sorption characteristics, and reveals the extent of the physical interaction of the ferrite particles with the neoprene rubber matrix. Mechanical properties of rubber ferrite composites were determined, which support the reinforcing nature of nickel ferrite to the neoprene rubber matrix. These results show that magnetic composites with the required processing safety can be prepared economically by incorporating higher amounts of nickel ferrite in the neoprene rubber matrix


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Unsaturated polyester resins (UPRs) are extensively used by the fiber-reinforced plastic (FRPs) industry. These resins have the disadvantages of brittleness and poor resistance to crack propagation. In this study, UPRs were chemically modified by reactive blending with polyurethane prepolymers having terminal isocyanate groups. Hybrid networks were formed by copolymerisation of unsaturated polyesters with styrene and simultaneous reaction between terminal hydroxyl groups of unsaturated polyester and isocyanate groups of polyurethane prepolymer. The prepolymers were based on toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and each of hydroxy-terminated natural rubber (HTNR), hydroxy- terminated polybutadiene (HTPB), polyethylene glycol (PEG), and castor oil. Properties like tensile strength, toughness, impact resistance, and elongation-at-break of the modified UPRs show considerable improvement by this modification. The thermal stability of the copolymer is also marginally better


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Ziel dieser Arbeit war, ausgehend von alpha-Aminoaldehyden eine kurze und effiziente Synthese zur Darstellung von Aminosäuren mit alpha-quartären Zentren in enantiomerenreiner Form und davon ableitbare wichtige Synthone in der organischen Synthese zu entwickeln. Der enantiomerenreine 2-tert-Butyl-4-methyl-1,3-oxazolidin-4-carbaldehyd ist via kupfer-katalysierter Aziridinierung des enantiomerenangereicherten 2-tert-Butyl-5-methyl-4H-1,3-dioxins mit der Nitrenquelle (N-Tosylimino)phenyliodinan zugänglich. Eine anschließende Oxidation mit Natriumhyperchlorid und Wasserstoffperoxid führt zur korrespondierenden Carbonsäure, die via sauer katalysierter Acetalspaltung und nachfolgender Abspaltung der Tosyl-Schutzgruppe in enantiomerenreines alpha-Methylserin in sehr guten Ausbeuten umgewandelt werden kann. Mit dem Einsatz von in C5-Position Ethyl-substituiertem 2-tert-Butyl-4H-1,3-dioxin ist analog das N-Tosyl geschützte alpha-Ethylserin darstellbar. Um die bestehende Lösungsmittelabhängigkeit in weniger polaren Losungsmitteln wie Dichlormethan oder Diethylether der Aziridinierung in Bezug auf ihre Diastereoselektivität und Reaktivität zu minimieren, wurden unterschiedliche Nitrenquellen untersucht. [N-(p-Methoxybenzolsulfonyl)imino]methoxyphenyliodinan stellte sich als die potenteste Nitrenquelle heraus und die Ausbeute konnte auf bis zu 70% gesteigert werden. Die Anwendbarkeit des N-Tosyl geschützten alpha-Methylserins konnte mit der Synthese des β-Lactons und 2-Carboxylethylether-2-aziridin unter Mitsunobu-Bedingungen gezeigt werden. Dabei ist die Reaktion durch einfache Variation des Lösungsmittels und der Reaktionstemperatur zu beiden Produkten in sehr guten Ausbeuten hin steuerbar. Das β-Lacton konnte anschließend erfolgreich in das N-Tosyl- und S-Acetyl- geschützte alpha-Methylcystein überführt werden.


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En este estudio se revisaron recomendaciones nacionales e internacionales donde se evidencio que no hay un modelo estándar que permita establecer un seguimiento de las condiciones de trabajo y las condiciones de salud que afectan los trabajadores expuestos a hidrocarburos aromáticos BTX. Para este propósito este estudio señalara las directrices a seguir para implementar el programa de vigilancia médica incorporando los aspectos clínicos y de diagnóstico de laboratorio para generar estrategias oportunas que conllevan al mantenimiento de adecuadas condiciones de salud de los trabajadores y que permitirá detectar las alteraciones producidas por los mismos en un estadio reversible; esta vigilancia médica debe ajustarse a las distintas necesidades y los recursos de las industrias en cuyos procesos se utilizan los hidrocarburos aromáticos. (Benceno, tolueno y xileno).


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Introducción. Los pintores de vehículos automotores están expuestos a solventes puros o mezclas de estos, los cuales se han asociado con efectos neurológicos y mutacarcinogénicos. Materiales y Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal para caracterizar las condiciones de salud y trabajo de individuos expuestos a solventes orgánicos en talleres de lámina y pintura en Bogotá. Se comparó un grupo de expuestos a solventes orgánicos con un grupo no expuestos. Se determinaron concentraciones de benceno, tolueno y xileno (BTX) en aire, se aplicó una encuesta individual y se midieron en orina, los ácidos fenil mercaptúrico, hipúrico, orto-para metilhipúrico como metabolitos de benceno, tolueno y xileno. Los resultados de las mediciones y de la encuesta se correlacionaron para establecer el panorama de exposición. Resultados: hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la población expuesta y la población no expuesta a solventes (p = 0,00) para los tres metabolitos de BTX. Se encontraron correlaciones positivas entre el tolueno en aire y ácido hipúrico en orina de los expuestos, (Spearman de 0,82) y entre el xileno en aire y el ácido o-metilhipúrico (Spearman de 0,76). Se encontraron valores de ácido hipúrico por encima de los límites permisibles en 11 2 trabajadores y de ácido p-metilhipúrico en 8 de ellos. No hubo valores para ácido fenilmercapturico fuera de límite. Discusión: los pintores de carros se encuentran expuestos a niveles altos de solventes orgánicos en sus sitios de trabajo y no cuentan con condiciones adecuadas de higiene y seguridad industrial para realizar sus labores.


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Los solventes orgánicos son sustancias químicas que por sus propiedades físico-químicas son fácilmente inhalados o absorbidos por la piel, pueden causar daños de diversa índole en la salud. En Colombia existen normas que contemplan las medidas de protección, sin embargo persiste la informalidad en el sector de pintores de autos, por lo cual los trabajadores expuestos, a largo plazo pueden ver afectada su salud. En este estudio se analizó la relación entre individuos expuestos laboralmente a los solventes orgánicos versus no expuestos con respecto a la longitud de sus telómeros y formación de fragilidades. Se emplearon muestras de sangre extraídas por venopunción, recolectada en dos tubos: uno con Heparina, destinado al cultivo de linfocitos, para obtener cromosomas metafásicos y evaluar en ellos la presencia de fragilidades; el otro tubo con EDTA, fue empleado para la extracción de ADN y se utilizó para obtener los valores de longitud telomérica mediante la técnica de PCR cuantitativa. Los análisis estadísticos se realizaron aplicando la prueba de rangos de Wilcoxon, en el caso de la presencia de fragilidades se analizó la razón No.Fragilidades/No.Metafases, aplicando el método de Wilcoxon se encontró que existe diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre expuestos y no expuestos (p = 0,036), en donde los expuestos presentan mayor frecuencia de fragilidades. Por otra parte el valor relativo de longitud telomérica del grupo de expuestos fue mayor que el observado en el grupo de no expuestos, esta diferencia fue estadísticamente significativa (Wilcoxon, p = 0.002).


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Introducción: la pérdida auditiva inducida por ruido es el efecto nocivo del ruido más comúnmente estudiado, sin embargo, el ruido también produce trastornos digestivos y del sueño, cambios en los niveles de cortisol, efectos cardiovasculares e hipertensión arterial (HTA), entre otros. Objetivo: determinar si la exposición laboral a ruido induce hipertensión arterial. Materiales y métodos: se siguieron las recomendaciones del método PRISMA para revisiones sistemáticas. Se hizo una búsqueda de estudios en PUBMED utilizando los términos “occupational and noise and hypertension” y aplicando los filtros: 1) publicaciones incluidas entre 2005-2015; 2) estudios publicados en inglés; 3) revisión de títulos y resúmenes; 4) revisión completa de los textos para un total final de 32 estudios. Se hizo la revisión, análisis y resumen de todos los estudios. Resultados: los estudios concluyeron que aquellos portadores de los polimorfismos de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina expuestos a ruido, tuvieron una mayor susceptibilidad genética a tener HTA. Los estudios reportaron una asociación positiva entre ruido e HTA. Hay controversia acerca de la relación que existe entre HTA, ruido y coexposición a otros factores como calor, trabajo por turnos, presencia de solventes o plomo en el lugar de trabajo y carga física. Conclusiones: Se presume que solo los niveles de ruido ≥ 85 dBA tienen efectos negativos sobre la salud, pero se ha encontrado que los efectos no auditivos del ruido se producen por debajo de este parámetro. Recomendaciones: se sugiere el uso de la pérdida auditiva inducida por ruido entre población trabajadora como un método de tamizaje para detectar personas prehipertensas, con el fin prevenir la generación de HTA.


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Foams are cellular structures, produced by gas bubbles formed during the polyurethane polymerization mixture. Flexible PU foams meet the following two criteria: have a limited resistance to an applied load, being both permeable to air and reversibly deformable. There are two main types of flexible foams, hot and cold cure foams differing in composition and processing temperatures. The hot cure foams are widely applied and represent the main composition of actual foams, while cold cure foams present several processing and property advantages, e.g, faster demoulding time, better humid aging properties and more versatility, as hardness variation with index changes are greater than with hot cure foams. The processing of cold cure foams also is attractive due to the low energy consumption (mould temperature from 30 degrees to 65 degrees C) comparatively to hot cure foams (mould temperature from 30 degrees to 250 degrees C). Another advantage is the high variety of soft materials for low temperature processing moulds. Cold cure foams are diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) based while hot cure foams are toluene diisocyanate (TDI) based. This study is concerned with Viscoelastic flexible foams MDI based for medical applications. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was used to characterize the cure kinetics and Dynamical Mechanical Analisys to collect mechanical data. The data obtained from these two experimental procedures were analyzed and associated to establish processing/properties/operation conditions relationships. These maps for the selection of optimized processing/properties/operation conditions are important to achieve better final part properties at lower costs and lead times.


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This review summarizes the recent discovery of the cupin superfamily (from the Latin term "cupa," a small barrel) of functionally diverse proteins that initially were limited to several higher plant proteins such as seed storage proteins, germin (an oxalate oxidase), germin-like proteins, and auxin-binding protein. Knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of two vicilins, seed proteins with a characteristic beta-barrel core, led to the identification of a small number of conserved residues and thence to the discovery of several microbial proteins which share these key amino acids. In particular, there is a highly conserved pattern of two histidine-containing motifs with a varied intermotif spacing. This cupin signature is found as a central component of many microbial proteins including certain types of phosphomannose isomerase, polyketide synthase, epimerase, and dioxygenase. In addition, the signature has been identified within the N-terminal effector domain in a subgroup of bacterial AraC transcription factors. As well as these single-domain cupins, this survey has identified other classes of two-domain bicupins including bacterial gentisate 1, 2-dioxygenases and 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoate dioxygenases, fungal oxalate decarboxylases, and legume sucrose-binding proteins. Cupin evolution is discussed from the perspective of the structure-function relationships, using data from the genomes of several prokaryotes, especially Bacillus subtilis. Many of these functions involve aspects of sugar metabolism and cell wall synthesis and are concerned with responses to abiotic stress such as heat, desiccation, or starvation. Particular emphasis is also given to the oxalate-degrading enzymes from microbes, their biological significance, and their value in a range of medical and other applications.


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Reaction of a group of N-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)benzaldimines, derived from 2-aminophenol and five para-substituted benzaldehydes (the para substituents are OCH3, CH3, H, Cl and NO2), with [Rh(PPh3)(3)Cl] in refluxing toluene in the presence of a base (NEW afforded a family of organometallic complexes of rhodium(III). The crystal structure of one complex has been determined by X-ray crystallography. In these complexes the benzaldimine ligands are coordinated to the metal center, via dissociation of the phenolic proton and the phenyl proton at the ortho position of the phenyl ring in the imine fragment, as dianionic tridentate C,N,O-donors, and the two PPh3 ligands are trans. The complexes are diamagnetic (low-spin d(6), S = 0) and show intense MLCT transitions in the visible region. Cyclic voltammetry shows a Rh(III)-Rh(IV) oxidation within 0.63-0.93 V vs SCE followed by an oxidation of the coordinated benzaldimine ligand. A reduction of the coordinated benzaldimine is also observed within -0.96 to -1.04 V vs SCE. Potential of the Rh(Ill)-Rh(IV) oxidation is found to be sensitive to the nature of the para-substituent. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of eight synthetic self-assembling terminally blocked tripeptides have been studied for gelation. Some of them form gels in various aromatic solvents including benzene, toluene, xylene, and chlorobenzene. It has been found that the protecting groups play an important role in the formation of organogels. It has been observed that, if the C-terminal has been changed from methyl ester to ethyl ester the gelation property does not change significantly (keeping the N-terminal protecting group same), while the change of the protecting group from ethyl ester to isopropyl ester completely abolishes the gelation property. Similarly, keeping the identical C-terminal protecting group (methyl ester) the results of the gelation study indicate that the substitution of N-terminal protection Boc-(tert-butyloxycarbonyl) to Cbz-(benzyloxycarbonyl) does change the gelation property insignificantly, while the change from Boc- to pivaloyl (Piv-) or acetyl (Ac-) group completely eliminates the gelation property. Morphological studies of the dried gels of two of the peptides indicate the presence of an entangled nano-fibrillar network that might be responsible for gelation. FTIR studies of the gels demonstrate that an intermolecular hydrogen bonding network is formed during gelation. Results of X-ray powder diffraction studies for these gelator peptides in different states (dried gels, gel, and bulk solids) reflected that the structure in the wet gel is distinctly different from the dried gel and solid state structures. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies of a non-gelator peptide, which is structurally similar to the gelator molecules reveal that the peptide forms an antiparallel beta-sheet structure in crystals. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A series of self-assembling terminally blocked tripeptides (containing coded amino acids) form gels in various aromatic solvents including benzene, toluene, xylenes at low concentrations. However these tripeptides do not form gels in aliphatic hydrocarbons like n-hexane, cyclohexane, n-decane etc. Morphological studies of the dried gel indicate the presence of an entangled fibrous network, which is responsible for gelation. Differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) studies of the gels produced by peptide 1 clearly demonstrates thermoreversible nature of the gel and tripeptide-solvent complex may be produced during gel formation. FT-IR and H-1 NMR studies of the gels demonstrate that an intermolecular hydrogen-bonding network is formed during gelation. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies for peptides 1, 2 and 3 have been performed to investigate the molecular arrangement that might be responsible for forming the fibrous network of these self-assembling peptide gelators. It has been found that the morph responsible for gelation of peptides 1, 2 and 3 in benzene is somewhat different from that of its xerogel.