861 resultados para Tangible technologies


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The high sensitivity and excellent timing accuracy of Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes makes them ideal sensors as pixel detectors for particle tracking in high energy physics experiments to be performed in future linear colliders. Nevertheless, it is well known that these sensors suffer from dark counts and afterpulsing noise, which induce false hits (indistinguishable from event detection) as well as an increase of the necessary area of the readout system. In this work, we present a comparison between APDs fabricated in a high voltage 0.35 µm and a high integration 0.13 µm commercially available CMOS technologies that has been performed to determine which of them best fits the particle collider requirements. In addition, a readout circuit that allows low noise operation is introduced. Experimental characterization of the proposed pixel is also presented in this work.


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Avalanche photodiodes operated in the Geiger mode present very high intrinsic gain and fast time response, which make the sensor an ideal option for those applications in which detectors with high sensitivity and velocity are required. Moreover, they are compatible with conventional CMOS technologies, allowing sensor and front-end electronics integration within the pixel cell. Despite these excellent qualities, the photodiode suffers from high intrinsic noise, which degrades the performance of the detector and increases the memory area to store the total amount of information generated. In this work, a new front-end circuit that allows low reverse bias overvoltage sensor operation to reduce the noise in Geiger mode avalanche photodiode pixel detectors is presented. The proposed front-end circuit also enables to operate the sensor in the gated acquisition mode to further reduce the noise. Experimental characterization of the fabricated pixel with the conventional HV-AMS 0.35µm technology is also presented in this article.


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Efficient designs and operations of water and wastewater treatment systems are largely based on mathematical calculations. This even applies to training in the treatment systems. Therefore, it is necessary that calculation procedures are developed and computerised a priori for such applications to ensure effectiveness. This work was aimed at developing calculation procedures for gas stripping, depth filtration, ion exchange, chemical precipitation, and ozonation wastewater treatment technologies to include them in ED-WAVE, a portable computer based tool used in design, operations and training in wastewater treatment. The work involved a comprehensive online and offline study of research work and literature, and application of practical case studies to generate ED-WAVE compatible representations of the treatment technologies which were then uploaded into the tool.


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The electronic learning has become crucial in higher education with increased usage of learning management systems as a key source of integration on distance learning. The objective of this study is to understand how university teachers are influenced to use and adopt web-based learning management systems. Blackboard, as one of the systems used internationally by various universities is applied as a case. Semi-structured interviews were made with professors and lecturers who are using Blackboard at Lappeenranta University of Technology. The data collected were categorized under constructs adapted from Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and interpretation and discussion were based on reviewed literature. The findings suggest that adoption of learning management systems by LUT teachers is highly influenced by perceived usefulness, facilitating conditions and gained experience. The findings also suggest that easiness of using the system and social influence appear as medium influence of adoption for teachers at LUT.


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This dissertation considers the impact of technology foresight in innovation within the context of a technology driven development. The main hypothesis made was that by using different methods of foresight in the industry level significant value could be created. The question was approached through a case study in portable fuel cell technology. The theoretical background of the study draws from Innovation, Product Development, Management of Technology, and Technology Foresight. The connection within the topics is made by analyzing foresight, not in a policy view as often done in Europe, but in a micro-level. Focusing mostly on how a technology driven development scenario could be analyzed. The study is based on a bibliometric, extrapolation and patent analysis within the context of a case study. In addition, a large two-year Delphi study was conducted. The study was finalized with a scenario work on the future possibilities of the case study technology. Original publications also consider several methodological issues. In the context of the case study, the study questions the practicality of establishing a portable fuel cell technology in Finland showing several impractical assumptions has been made. In a more conceptual level, the study makes notions on two underlying factors: policy-push technologies and growth of data. Policy-push questions in which level a policy effort towards a single technology is practical. The European foresight effort is more directed towards policy decisions in contrast to US foresight, which is to some extent corporate driven. Although the policy-based foresight has produced significant results in the European context, policy led efforts towards a single technology are challenging. Growth of data argues on the challenges produced by the large-scale application of quantitative measures of foresight. Bibliometric studies and trend extrapolations have been taken advantage of the increasing number of databases made available, and used these as the basis for forecasts. However, the relationship with actual development and quantitative evidence is still unproven.


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Swine manure agricultural use is a common practice in Brazil. Their physic-chemical characteristics favor its use as biofertilizer, but the presence of pathogens may become a risk to human health. This research presents a qualitative study of the main alternatives of pig manure disinfection, analyzing efficiency, advantages and limitations of each procedure. The disinfection studies reported in literature are based on the following treatments: alkaline, thermal, biological, chemical, and physical. The greater efficiencies are in thermal treatment (> 4 log: 60 °C), chemical treatment (3 to 4 log: 30mg Cl- L-1; 3 to 4 log: 40 mg O3 L-1) and physical treatment (3 a 4 log: 220 mJ UV radiation cm-2). The biological treatment (anaerobiosis) also promotes the pathogen reduction of swine manure, however with lower efficiency (1 to 2 log). The selection of the treatment should consider: implementation and operation cost, necessity of preliminary treatment, efficiency obtained and destination of the treated manure (agricultural use, water reuse). Brazilian regulation does not have specific guidelines for the microbiological quality of animal production effluents that is very important to be considered due to confined animal feeding operation transformation in the last years in the country.


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Ilmavoimien johtamisjärjestelmä on osa Ilmavoimien järjestelmäkokonaisuutta, jonka kaksi muuta osaa ovat taistelujärjestelmä ja tukeutumisjärjestelmä. Ilmavoimien materiaalista suorituskykyä rakennetaan tämän järjestelmäajattelun pohjalta. tässä tutkimuksessa Ilmavoimien johtamisjärjestelmää tutkitaan kolmen kokonaisuuden, ilmavalvontajärjestelmän, ilmatilannekuvan muodostamisjärjestelmän ja tulenkäytön johtamisjärjestelmän, näkökulmasta. Ilmavoimien johtamisjärjestelmän laajuuden vuoksi tutkimusaluetta on jouduttu rajaamaan. Tutkimus perustuu evoluutioparadigmaan, jonka mukaisesti kaikki olevainen on evolutionaarista. Mikään tässä ajassa oleva ilmiö ei ole historiaton. Jokaisella ilmiöllä on nykyisyytensä lisäksi historia ja tulevaisuus. Evoluutioparadigman avulla laajennetaan Ilmavoimien johtamisjärjestelmän nykyisyyden ymmärtämistä kuvaamalla ja analysoimalla sen evoluutiota. Tutkimusaineistoa analysoidaan käyttäen hyväksi polkuriippuvuutta evolutionaarisena mallina. tätä mallia on käytetty uusinstitutionaalisessa ja evolutionaarisessa taloustieteessä ja taloushistoriassa tutkittaessa yritysten, toimialojen tai tuotteiden pysyvyyttä markkinoilla sekä erilaisten innovaatioiden vaikuttavuutta menestymiseen eri markkinatilanteissa. Tutkimusasetelman lähtökohtana on Ilmavoimien johtamisjärjestelmäevoluution kuvaaminen kolmen tekijän tasapainoasetelman suhteen, joita ovat instituutiot, ilmasotateoria ja kansainvälinen ilmavoimien johtamisjärjestelmän kehitys. tutkimuksen tavoitteena on löytää institutionaalinen logiikka Ilmavoimien johtamisjärjestelmän evoluutiolle sekä sen eri kehitysprosesseihin liittyvä mahdollinen polkuriippuvuuden logiikka. Tutkittavina instituutioina ovat kansallinen poliittinen päätöksenteko, joka ilmentyy erilaisina komiteamietintöjä, raportteina ja selontekoina. Sotilaallista instituutiota edustavat eri operatiiviset ohjeet, ohjesäännöt ja doktriinit, jotka ovat ohjanneet johtamisjärjestelmäkehitystä. Ilmasotateorian vaikuttavuuden analyysiä varten tutkimuskohteiksi on valittu seitsemän merkittävää ilmasotateoreetikkoa. Kenraalimajuri Giulio douhet, ilmamarsalkka Hugh Trenchard ja kenraalimajuri William Mitchell edustavat ilmasotateorian varhaista kautta. Kansallista ilmasotateorian kehitystä edustavat eversti Richard Lorentz ja kenraalimajuri Gustaf Erik Magnusson. Yhdysvaltalaiset everstit John Boyd ja John Warden III ovat uuden ajan ilmasotateoreetikkoja. Näiden henkilöiden tuottamien teorioiden avulla voidaan piirtää kuva muutoksesta, jota ilmasodankäynnin teoreetti- sessa ajattelussa on tapahtunut. Ilmavoimien johtamisjärjestelmän evoluutiolle haetaan vertailua kehityksestä, jota on tapahtunut Yhdysvalloissa, Isossa-Britanniassa ja Saksassa. Ilmavoimat on saanut vaikutteita muistakin maista, mutta näiden maiden kehityksen avulla voidaan selittää Suomessa tapahtunutta kehitystä. Tutkimuksessa osoitetaan, että kansainvälisellä johtamisjärjestelmäevoluutiolla on ollut merkittävä vaikutus suomalaiseen kehitykseen. Tämä tutkimus laajentaa prosessuaalista tutkimusteoriaa ja polkuriippuvuusmallin käyttöä sotatieteelliseen tutkimuskenttään. tutkimus yhdistää toisiinsa aivan uudella tavalla sotilasorganisaation institutionaalisia tekijöitä pitkässä evoluutioketjussa. Tutkimus luo pohjaa prosessuaaliseen, havaintoihin perustuvaan evoluutioajatteluun, jossa eri tekijöiden selitysmalleja ja kausaalisuutta eri periodien aikana voidaan kuvata. Tutkimuksen tuloksena ilmavoimien johtamisjärjestelmäevoluutiossa paljastui merkittäviä piirteitä. Teknologia on ollut voimakas katalysaattori ilmapuolustuksen evoluutiossa. Uusien teknologisten innovaatioiden ilmestyminen taistelukentälle on muuttanut oleellisesti taistelun kuvaa. Sodankäynnin revoluutiosta huolimatta sodankäynnin tai operaatiotaidon ja taktiikan perusperiaatteissa ei ole tapahtunut perustavanlaatuista muutosta. Ilmavoimien johtamisjärjestelmän kehitys on voimakkaasti linkittynyt ulkomaiseen johtamisjärjestelmäkehitykseen, jossa teknologiaimplementaatiot perustuvat usean eri ilmiön paljastumiseen ja hyväksikäyttöön. Sotilas- ja siviili-instituutiot ovat merkittävästi vaikuttaneet Ilmavoimien johtamisjärjestelmän kansalliseen kehitykseen. Ne ovat antaneet poliittisen ohjauksen, taloudellisten resurssien ja strategis-operatiivisten käskyjen ja suunnitelmien avulla perusteet, joiden pohjalta johtamisjärjestelmää on kehitetty. Tutkimus osoittaa, että Suomen taloudellisten resurssien rajallisuus on ollut merkittävin institutionaalinen rajoite Ilmavoimien johtamisjärjestelmää kehitettäessä. Useat poliittiset ohjausasiakirjat ovat korostaneet, ettei Suomella pienenä kansakuntana ole taloudellisia resursseja seurata kansainvälistä sotilasteknologiakehitystä. Lisäksi ulko- ja turvallisuuspoliittinen liikkumavapaus on vaikuttanut kehittämismahdollisuuksiin. Ilmasotateorian evoluutio on luonut johtamisjärjestelmän kehitykselle välttämättömän konseptuaalisen viitekehyksen, jotta ilmasota on voitu viedä käytännön tasolle. Teoria, doktriini ja instituutiot toimivat vuorovaikutuksessa, jossa ne interaktiivisesti vaikuttavat toinen toisiinsa. Tutkimus paljasti kuusi merkittävää sokkia, jotka saivat aikaan radikaaleja muutoksia johtamisjärjestelmän evoluutiopolulla. tutkimuksen perusteella vaikuttavimmat muutoksia aiheuttavat sokit olivat radikaalit turvallisuuspoliittiset muutokset kuten sota ja voimakkaat kansantalouden muutokset kuten lama. Sokkeja aiheuttaneet kuusi ajankohtaa olivat: 1. Puolustusvoimien rakentamisen aloittaminen vapaussodan jälkeen 1918 2. Maailmanlaajuinen lama 1929–1933 ja eurooppalainen rauhanaate 1928–1933 3. Talvi- ja jatkosota 1939–1944 4. Uusi alku Pariisin rauhansopimuksen 1947 ja YYA-sopimuksen 1948 varjossa 5. Kylmän sodan päättyminen ja Suomen lama 1990–1993 6. Maailmanlaajuinen lama 2008- Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että Suomen ilmavoimien johtamisjärjestelmän kehittäminen on perustunut rationaalisiin päätöksiin, jotka ovat saaneet vaikutteita ulkomaisesta ilmasotateorian ja -doktriinien kehityksestä sekä kansainvälisestä johtamisjärjestelmäkehityksestä. Johtamisjärjestelmän evoluutioon on vaikuttanut globaali konvergenssi, johon on tehty kansallisen tason ratkaisuja järjestelmien adaptaation ja implementaation yhteydessä.


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Rapid depletion of easy-to-access fossil fuel, predominantly, oil and gas resources has now necessitated increase in need to develop new oil and gas sources in ever more remote and hostile environments. This is necessary in order to explore more oil and gas resources to meet rapidly rising long-term energy demand in the world, both at present and in the nearest future. Arctic is one of these harsh environments, where enormous oil and gas resources are available, containing about 20% of the world total oil and gas, but the environmental conditions are very harsh and hostile. However, virtually all the facilities required for the exploration and development of this new energy source are constructed with metals as well as their alloys and are predominantly joined together by welding processes and technologies. Meanwhile, due to entirely different environment from the usual moderate temperate region, conventional welding technologies, common metals and their alloys cannot be applied as this Arctic environment demand metals structures with very high toughness and strength properties under extremely low temperature. This is due to the fact that metals transit from ductility to brittleness as the temperature moves toward extreme negative values. Hence, this research work investigates and presents the advanced welding technologies applicable to Arctic metal structures which can give satisfactory weldments under active Arctic service conditions. .


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Cleaner technologies include products, services, technologies, processes and systems that in use create less environmental hazard than the existing alternatives. Rapidly growing cleantech sector possesses an essential competitive advantage in the future. However, no profound research has been conducted on the characteristics of cleaner technologies and their effect on the commercialization process. This thesis aims at synthesizing scattered information and creating a basis for accelerating cleaner technology commercialization in Finnish context. Two research questions are defined: 1. What are the key challenges and success factors in the commercialization of cleaner technologies based on the existing literature? 2. What kind of lessons can be learned from the Finnish success stories of cleantech commercialization? The research was conducted as a literature review and supported with three case interviews. The results suggest that literature-based challenges are mostly related to, for example, difficulty in gathering customer information, unrealistic customer expectations, lack of resources, networks and proper success indicators, legislation, and unstructured strategy planning stemming from company culture. Handling the barriers require, above all, open communication from all stakeholders, management commitment and accurate goal setting, government-driven funding and incentives, and cooperation with educational facilities. Finnish success cases emphasize especially customer attention: listening to customers and receiving feedback from them during the whole commercialization process to correct the errors early and save resources, visionary in fulfilling customer needs, ability to question company’s own business performance, not being afraid of making mistakes but learning from them, and continuously observing and evaluating the commercialization process.


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Information gained from the human genome project and improvements in compound synthesizing have increased the number of both therapeutic targets and potential lead compounds. This has evolved a need for better screening techniques to have a capacity to screen number of compound libraries against increasing amount of targets. Radioactivity based assays have been traditionally used in drug screening but the fluorescence based assays have become more popular in high throughput screening (HTS) as they avoid safety and waste problems confronted with radioactivity. In comparison to conventional fluorescence more sensitive detection is obtained with time-resolved luminescence which has increased the popularity of time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) based assays. To simplify the current TR-FRET based assay concept the luminometric homogeneous single-label utilizing assay technique, Quenching Resonance Energy Transfer (QRET), was developed. The technique utilizes soluble quencher to quench non-specifically the signal of unbound fraction of lanthanide labeled ligand. One labeling procedure and fewer manipulation steps in the assay concept are saving resources. The QRET technique is suitable for both biochemical and cell-based assays as indicated in four studies:1) ligand screening study of β2 -adrenergic receptor (cell-based), 2) activation study of Gs-/Gi-protein coupled receptors by measuring intracellular concentration of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cell-based), 3) activation study of G-protein coupled receptors by observing the binding of guanosine-5’-triphosphate (cell membranes), and 4) activation study of small GTP binding protein Ras (biochemical). Signal-to-background ratios were between 2.4 to 10 and coefficient of variation varied from 0.5 to 17% indicating their suitability to HTS use.


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The iron ore pelletizing process consumes high amounts of energy, including nonrenewable sources, such as natural gas. Due to fossil fuels scarcity and increasing concerns regarding sustainability and global warming, at least partial substitution by renewable energy seems inevitable. Gasification projects are being successfully developed in Northern Europe, and large-scale circulating fluidized bed biomass gasifiers have been commissioned in e.g. Finland. As Brazil has abundant biomass resources, biomass gasification is a promising technology in the near future. Biomasses can be converted into product gas through gasification. This work compares different technologies, e.g. air, oxygen and steam gasification, focusing on the use of the product gas in the indurating machine. The use of biosynthetic natural gas is also evaluated. Main parameters utilized to assess the suitability of product gas were adiabatic flame temperature and volumetric flow rate. It was found that low energy content product gas could be utilized in the traveling grate, but it would require burner’s to be changed. On the other hand, bio-SGN could be utilized without any adaptions. Economical assessment showed that all gasification plants are feasible for sizes greater than 60 MW. Bio-SNG production is still more expensive than natural gas in any case.


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The aim of this work is to perform an in-depth overview on the sustainability of several major commercialized technologies for water desalination and to identify the challenges and propose suggestions for the development of water desalination technologies. The overview of those technologies mainly focuses on the sustainability from the viewpoint of total capital investment, total product cost, energy consumption and global warming index. Additionally, a systematic sustainability assessment methodology has been introduced to validate the assessment process. Conclusions are:1) Reverse osmosis desalination (RO) plants are better than multi-stage flash distillation (MSF) desalination plants and multiple-effect distillation (MED) desalination plants from the viewpoint of energy consumption, global warming index and total production cost; 2)Though energy intensive, MSF plants and MED plants secure their advantages over RO plants by lower total capital investment, wider applicability and purer water desalted and they are still likely to flourish in energy-rich area;3) Water production stage and wastewater disposal stage are the two stages during which most pollutant gases are emitted. The water production stage alone contributes approximately 80~90% of the total pollutant gases emission during its life cycle; 4)The total capital cost per m3 desalted water decreases remarkably with the increasing of plant capacity. The differences between the capital cost per m3 desalted water of RO and other desalination plants will decrease as the capacity increases; 5) It is found that utilities costs serve as the major part of the total product cost, and they account for 91.16%, 85.55% and 71.26% of the total product cost for MSF, MED and RO plants, respectively; 6) The absolute superiority of given technology depends on the actual social-economic situation (energy prices, social policies, technology advancements).


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In this report, information is published concerning Russian water and wastewater treatment plants. The information is based on a questionnaire sent to 70 water and wastewater treatment plants in 2012-2013. The questionnaire was prepared by the International Advanced Water Technologies Centre (IAWTC) and Lahti Development Company (LADEC). The questions dealt with an assessment of the present state, the need for changes, renovation, investments, and how to improve the efficiency of the operation by training and investments. A significant need to renew the old pipelines, constructions, and processes was clearly evident. The aggregated answers can be utilized in Russia as internal benchmarking in order to arrange training and plant visits, which were requested in many of the answers. Sharing this open report with the respondents can aid networking and awareness of HELCOM requirements which relate to waste water treatment plants discharging their waste water directly or indirectly into the Baltic Sea. The aim of this report is to provide information for Finnish small and medium size companies (SMEs) as regards possible water related exportation to different parts of Russia.