923 resultados para TYPOLOGY


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L'ús de les noves tecnologies de la informació ha fet possible la creació de biblioteques virtuals universitàries que, no solament són part integrant del model pedagògic, sinó que poden introduir els seus continguts i serveis en llocs fins ara insospitats: a les aules virtuals formant parteix de les assignatures, en els espais virtuals de suport a la docència, en les àrees de recerca i, sens dubte, en l'apartat de Biblioteca que li és propi. Aquestes facilitats derivades de l'organització de Campus Virtuals, permeten al professional bibliotecari/documentalista personalitzar continguts i serveis, i crear biblioteques a mida de cada necessitat. També permeten desenvolupar tècniques "push" per notificar i disseminar els serveis més adequats a cada tipologia d'usuari.


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This paper attempts to study and analyze the tools and the information and communication services developed and offered by an evolving digital environment, as are virtual communities. It also seeks to observe the use that is made of all of this in function of to the objectives set out in different kinds of communities. In this way we want to verify whether virtual communities in Spain have reached maturity as tools for the creation and management of digital content. Specifically, we have looked at the diverse typology of these communities (leisure, business, and scientific-academic) and selected a sample of consolidated or paradigmatic cases in Spanish casuistry (Telepolis, CiudadFutura, RedIRIS, ICT) for each type.


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SAVIA (Servei d'AVIsos Adhoc) és un sistema compost per una sèrie de programes en PERL desenvolupats per la Biblioteca de la UOC que gestionen la tramesa per correu electrònic dels avisos de retorn de préstec dels documents de la Biblioteca, mitjançant els programes de l'aplicatiu VTLS destinats a la creació de les notificacions impreses. Aquests programes flexibilitzen la comunicació entre la Biblioteca i els usuaris donat que permeten el tractament individualitzat de les trameses per tipologies d'usuari i la incorporació d'addendes temporals als missatges, definides i controlades per la persona propietària del procés del préstec.


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L'article transcriu el que va ser una sessió del seminari 'Medi ambient, trajectòries de vida i interdisciplinarietat'. Nous reptes en geografia del gènere, inserit en el programa de tercer cicle en geografia humana de la UAB, corresponent al curs 1991-1992. S'hi presenta una àmplia panoràmica d'un enfocament de gènere per a l'anàlisi dels problemes del medi ambient; això es concreta, d'una banda, en la presentació d'un esbós de la situació de les dones en relació el medi ambient; diferenciant, segons les seves especificitats d'índole diversa, entre països desenvolupats i subdesenvolupats, i, d'altra banda, en un intent de sistematització de les línies de recerca i acció que són impulsades per les estudioses i les activistes en matèria de medi ambient i gènere


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Entre l'abril de 2007 i l'abril del 2011 vaig gaudir d'un ajut FI al Departament de Traducció i Ciencies del Llenguatge de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Gràcies a aquest ajut i en el marc del programa de doctorat en Comunicació Multilingüe vaig poder dur a terme un projecte de recerca sobre la recepció de la narrativa catalana traduïda a l'alemany des de 1975 fins a l’actualitat. El primer resultat d'aquest projecte és el nou treball de recerca, llegit el novembre de 2010, en el qual intento fer un balanç de les obres de narrativa d'autors catalans publicades en alemany durant els darrers 30 anys: a partir del catàleg de totes les obres da narrativa catalana traduïdes en el període estudiat, he establert una tipologia per classificar els textos en generes i per comprovar quins autors i quines obres s'han traduït majoritàriament, per quins autors i per quins generes s'han interessat més els editors alemanys i fins a quin punt es pot considerar que aquestes traduccions representen d'una manera equilibrada narrativa catalana d'aquests anys. En el treball també he analitzat les característiques de les editorials on s'han publicat les obres traduïdes i he intentat avaluar la seva recepció, a partir de la traducció dels títols i els textos de presentació de les obres. Fet aquest primer balanç, ara estic preparant quatre articles que aprofundeixen en temes plantejats al treball de recerca i que junts han de formar la meva tesi doctoral, actualment en curs d'elaboració. A banda de la meva recerca personal, l'ajut FI també m'ha permès formar-me com a investigadora, amb la publicació d'articles, la docència al departament, la participació en congressos i, sobretot, la col•laboració amb el grup de recerca TRILCAT, d'estudis de traducció, recepció i literatura catalana.


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Cette thèse entend apporter un éclairage sur l'histoire politique et sociale de la Suisse des années 68, en étudiant l'articulation entre les mouvements anti-impérialistes et la nouvelle gauche radicale, alors foisonnante. Il s'agit d'analyser cette période de contestation au prisme de l'anti-impérialisme révolutionnaire, lequel, dans le contexte de l'opposition à la guerre du Vietnam, a fortement imprégné le mouvement protestataire, en assignant notamment au tiers-monde le rôle de sujet de l'émancipation mondiale. Combinant une triple approche - chronologique, thématique et biographique - ce travail est structuré en quatre parties. La première partie esquisse un panorama des mouvements anti-impérialistes des années 1960 et 1970 en Suisse, avec une focalisation sur les «années anti-imp», entre 1968 et 1975. La deuxième interroge le rapport entre anti¬impérialisme et nouvelle gauche radicale, en proposant une typologie des principaux courants. La troisième partie s'attache à examiner le système de représentations du monde et de la Suisse véhiculé par le discours de l'extrême gauche. Prenant pour objet le militantisme, la dernière partie esquisse un portrait de groupe de la « génération anti-imp », fondé sur une enquête prosopographique et sur un corpus d'entretiens réalisés avec des militants de l'époque. L'étude révèle que l'anti-impérialisme a fourni à la contestation soixante-huitarde un cadre conceptuel et analytique, un facteur de structuration, ainsi qu'un vecteur de mobilisation. Il a en particulier permis à la gauche radicale suisse d'inscrire sa lutte anticapitaliste locale dans un horizon global d'émancipation. L'analyse de l'anti-impérialisme révolutionnaire, qui a connu son apogée dans les années 68 avant de connaître un déclin rapide et presque total, invite à appréhender cette « décennie mouvementée » comme la fin d'un long cycle politique. -- This thesis aims to shed light on the social and political history of Switzerland in the 1960s and 1970s by studying the relationship between anti-imperialist movements and the emerging new radical left. It analyses this time of rebellion through the prism of revolutionary anti-imperialism. In the context of opposition to the Vietnam War, anti-imperialism strongly influenced protest movements, notably by assigning to the Third World the role of main actor in the fight for global emancipation. Combining a threefold approach - chronological, thematic and biographical - this work is structured in four parts. The first part provides a panorama of the anti-imperialist movements of the long 1960s in Switzerland with a focus on the « anti-imp years » between 1968 and 1975. The second part questions the relationship between anti-imperialism and the new radical left and proposes a typology of its main currents. The third part examines how the radical left's discourse represented the world, and Switzerland in particular. The last part addresses the question of activism and outlines a group portrait of the « anti-imp generation » based on a prosopographical study and on a body of interviews with former activists. This study reveals that anti-imperialism, besides serving as an agent of mobilization, provided a conceptual and ideological framework, as well as a structuring factor, to the protest movements. In particular, it enabled the Swiss radical left to fit its local anti-capitalist struggle into a global horizon of emancipation. This analysis of revolutionary anti- imperialism, which had its heyday in the 1960s and 1970s before experiencing a rapid and almost total decline, thus invites us to see this « turbulent decade » as the end of a long political cycle.


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Esta investigación es una tesis doctoral que tiene como objetivo el estudio de la evolución semántica de los verbos entrar y salir desde el punto de vista diacrónico en español medieval mediante la aplicación de las herramientas teóricas proporcionadas por la Lingüística cognitiva. A través de un corpus de documentaciones extraídas del Corpus del nuevo diccionario histórico del español de la Real Academia Española y que abarcan el intervalo desde el siglo XIII al XV, se analizan los valores semánticos de ambos verbos con la finalidad de determinar cómo fue desarrollándose su uso, qué significados generaron otros nuevos y cómo se relacionan entre sí los significados de un mismo verbo. Para llevar a cabo esta tarea se ha partido de la Teoría de los prototipos aplicada a la categorización léxica, así como de la Teoría de la metáfora y la metonimia. Asimismo, se ha analizado la estructura sintáctica de cada ejemplo, la selección léxica de los argumentos verbales y la tradición discursiva a la que pertenece cada documentación. De esta forma, es posible, no sólo describir la evolución semántica de ambos verbos, sino completar la información sobre las causas de su desarrollo diacrónico. Finalmente, se establecen las relaciones semánticas de carácter diacrónico existentes entre ambos verbos en tanto que miembros de un mismo grupo léxico, los verbos de movimiento, y se corrobora su vinculación más allá de una relación de antonimia de tipo primario.


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In this project, we want to implement a theoretical typology of a converter, the Boost converter, which is also named “Step-up converter”. We also want to bring it to the practical area, where we could work and obtain a useful service, particularly our objective is to obtain a power supply for a notebook. We will give the possibility to work, charge etc. our device in the car and obtain another work station


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The tools of visualisation occupy a central place in medicine. Far from being simple accessories of glance, they literally constitute objects of medicine. Such empirical acknowledgement and epistemological position open a vast field of investigation: visual technologies of medical knowledge. This article studies the development and transformation of medical objects which have permitted to assess the role of temporality in the epistemology of medicine. It firstly examines the general problem of the relationships between cinema, animated image and medicine and secondly, the contribution of the German doctor Martin Weiser to medical cinematography as a method. Finally, a typology is sketched out organising the variety of the visual technology of movement under the perspective of the development of specific visual techniques in medicine.


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BACKGROUND: Chlamydia is the most commonly reported bacterial sexually transmitted infection in Europe. The objective of the Screening for Chlamydia in Europe (SCREen) project was to describe current and planned chlamydia control activities in Europe. METHODS: The authors sent a questionnaire asking about different aspects of chlamydia epidemiology and control to public health and clinical experts in each country in 2007. The principles of sexually transmitted infection control were used to develop a typology comprising five categories of chlamydia control activities. Each country was assigned to a category, based on responses to the questionnaire. RESULTS: Experts in 29 of 33 (88%) invited countries responded. Thirteen of 29 countries (45%) had no current chlamydia control activities. Six countries in this group stated that there were plans to introduce chlamydia screening programmes. There were five countries (17%) with case management guidelines only. Three countries (10%) also recommended case finding amongst partners of diagnosed chlamydia cases or people with another sexually transmitted infection. Six countries (21%) further specified groups of asymptomatic people eligible for opportunistic chlamydia testing. Two countries (7%) reported a chlamydia screening programme. There was no consistent association between the per capita gross domestic product of a country and the intensity of chlamydia control activities (P = 0.816). CONCLUSION: A newly developed classification system allowed the breadth of ongoing national chlamydia control activities to be described and categorized. Chlamydia control strategies should ensure that clinical guidelines to optimize chlamydia diagnosis and case management have been implemented before considering the appropriateness of screening programmes.


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ABSTRACT The interorganizational cooperation, through joint efforts with various actors, allows the high-tech companies to complement resources, especially in R&D projects. Collaborative projects have been identified in many studies as an important strategy to produce complex products and services in uncertain and competitive environments. Thus, this research aims at deepening the understanding of how the development dynamics of a collaborative R&D project in an industry of high technology occur. In order to achieve the proposed objective, the R&D project of the first microcontroller in the Brazilian semiconductor industry was defined as the object of analysis. The empirical choice is justified by the uniqueness of the case, besides bringing a diversity of actors and a level of complementarity of resources that were significant to the success of the project. Given the motivation to know who the actors were and what the main forms of interorganizational coordination were used in this project, interviews were carried out and a questionnaire was also made, besides other documents related to the project. The results presented show a network of nine actors and their roles in the interorganizational collaboration process, as well as the forms of social and temporal overlapping, used in the coordination of collective efforts. Focusing on the mechanisms of temporal and social integration highlighted throughout the study, the inclusion of R&D projects in the typology for interorganizational projects is proposed in this paper, which was also proposed by Jones and Lichtenstein (2008).


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The aim of this study was to present the initial validation of a new questionnaire, the Transition to Retirement Questionnaire (TRQ) and to study its relationship with resistance to change and personality dimensions. Based on Schlossberg's typology of the retired, the TRQ is designed to assess five dimensions related to personal perceptions of transition to retirement, retirement, and personal plans and activities. The sample consisted of 1,054 professionally active or retired adults from the Swiss French-speaking Canton of Vaud. Exploratory principal components and confirmatory factor analyses highlighted a five-factor solution that fit coherently with Schlossberg's typology. Moreover, TRQ dimensions were related to resistance to change tendencies and personality dimensions. The TRQ seems to be an interesting tool for use in research but also for interventions with young retirees or people preparing for retirement.


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Intersectionality has been adopted as the preferred term to refer to and to analyze multiple axes of oppression in feminist theory. However, less research examines if this term, and the political analyses it carries, has been adopted by women's rights organizations in various contexts and to what effect. Drawing on interviews with activists working in a variety of women's rights organizations in France and Canada, I show that intersectionality is only one of the repertoires that a women's rights organization might use to analyze the social experience and the political interests of women situated at the intersection of several axes of domination. I propose a typology of four repertoires that activists use to reflect on intersectionality and inclusiveness. Drawing on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the interview data, I show that hegemonic repertoires about racial or religious identity in one national context shape the way activists and organizations understand intersectionality and its challenges. The identity of organizations, as well as their main function (advocacy or providing service), also shape their understanding of intersectional issues.


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A character network represents relations between characters from a text; the relations are based on text proximity, shared scenes/events, quoted speech, etc. Our project sketches a theoretical framework for character network analysis, bringing together narratology, both close and distant reading approaches, and social network analysis. It is in line with recent attempts to automatise the extraction of literary social networks (Elson, 2012; Sack, 2013) and other studies stressing the importance of character- systems (Woloch, 2003; Moretti, 2011). The method we use to build the network is direct and simple. First, we extract co-occurrences from a book index, without the need for text analysis. We then describe the narrative roles of the characters, which we deduce from their respective positions in the network, i.e. the discourse. As a case study, we use the autobiographical novel Les Confessions by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. We start by identifying co-occurrences of characters in the book index of our edition (Slatkine, 2012). Subsequently, we compute four types of centrality: degree, closeness, betweenness, eigenvector. We then use these measures to propose a typology of narrative roles for the characters. We show that the two parts of Les Confessions, written years apart, are structured around mirroring central figures that bear similar centrality scores. The first part revolves around the mentor of Rousseau; a figure of openness. The second part centres on a group of schemers, depicting a period of deep paranoia. We also highlight characters with intermediary roles: they provide narrative links between the societies in the life of the author. The method we detail in this complete case study of character network analysis can be applied to any work documented by an index. Un réseau de personnages modélise les relations entre les personnages d'un récit : les relations sont basées sur une forme de proximité dans le texte, l'apparition commune dans des événements, des citations dans des dialogues, etc. Notre travail propose un cadre théorique pour l'analyse des réseaux de personnages, rassemblant narratologie, close et distant reading, et analyse des réseaux sociaux. Ce travail prolonge les tentatives récentes d'automatisation de l'extraction de réseaux sociaux tirés de la littérature (Elson, 2012; Sack, 2013), ainsi que les études portant sur l'importance des systèmes de personnages (Woloch, 2003; Moretti, 2011). La méthode que nous utilisons pour construire le réseau est directe et simple. Nous extrayons les co-occurrences d'un index sans avoir recours à l'analyse textuelle. Nous décrivons les rôles narratifs des personnages en les déduisant de leurs positions relatives dans le réseau, donc du discours. Comme étude de cas, nous avons choisi le roman autobiographique Les Confessions, de Jean- Jacques Rousseau. Nous déduisons les co-occurrences entre personnages de l'index présent dans l'édition Slatkine (Rousseau et al., 2012). Sur le réseau obtenu, nous calculons quatre types de centralité : le degré, la proximité, l'intermédiarité et la centralité par vecteur propre. Nous utilisons ces mesures pour proposer une typologie des rôles narratifs des personnages. Nous montrons que les deux parties des Confessions, écrites à deux époques différentes, sont structurées autour de deux figures centrales, qui obtiennent des mesures de centralité similaires. La première partie est construite autour du mentor de Rousseau, qui a symbolisé une grande ouverture. La seconde partie se focalise sur un groupe de comploteurs, et retrace une période marquée par la paranoïa chez l'auteur. Nous mettons également en évidence des personnages jouant des rôles intermédiaires, et de fait procurant un lien narratif entre les différentes sociétés couvrant la vie de l'auteur. La méthode d'analyse des réseaux de personnages que nous décrivons peut être appliquée à tout texte de fiction comportant un index.


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Among the large number of granitic intrusions within the Dora-Maira massif, several main types can be distinguished. In this study we report field, petrographic and geochemical investigations as well as zircon typology and conventional U-Pb zircon dating of plutons representing these types. The main results are as follows: the Punta Muret augengneiss is a polymetamorphosed peraluminous granite of anatectic origin. It is 457 +/- 2 Ma old and represents one of the numerous Caledonian orthogneisses of the Alpine basement. All other dated granites are of Late Variscan age. The Cavour leucogranite is an evolved granite of probably calc-alkaline affiliation, dated at 304 +/- 2 Ma. The dioritic and granodioritic facies of the Malanaggio diorite (auct.) are typical calc-alkaline rocks, whose respective age of 290 +/- 2 and 288 +/- 2 Ma overlap within errors. The Sangone and Freidour granite types have very similar alkali-calcic characteristics; their ages are poorly constrained between 267-279 and 268-283 Ma, respectively. The new data for the Dora-Maira granites are in keeping with models of the overall evolution of the Late- to Post-Variscan magmatism in the Alpine area in terms of age distribution and progressive geochemical evolution towards alkaline melts. In a first approximation, granitic rocks across the Variscan belt seem to be increasingly younger towards the internal (southern) parts of the orogen. A Carboniferous, distensive Basin and Range situation is thought to be responsible for the magmatic activity. This tectonic context is comparable to the back-are opening of an active continental margin. The observed southward migration of the magmatism could be linked to the roll-back of the subducting Paleotethyan oceanic plate along the Variscan cordillera.