985 resultados para Sandwich plates


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This paper analyzes the thermal storage characteristics of aluminum plates in furnaces during their heating for lamination under two sources of heat: an electrical resistance bank and a combustion process carried out with natural gas. The set of equations to model the furnace under operation with electrical energy, for air as the fluid, is presented. This supports the theoretical analysis for the system under operation with natural gas combustion products. A numerical procedure, using the software ANSYS, is applied to determine the convection heat transfer coefficients for heating by the air flow. Temperatures measured in a plate inside a real furnace are used as parameters to determine these coefficients. Then convection and radiation heat transfer coefficients are determined for the natural gas combustion products. Results are compared, indicating a possible gain of 5.5 h in relation to a 19.5 h period of conventional electrical heating per plate.


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The study of algorithms for active vibrations control in flexible structures became an area of enormous interest, mainly due to the countless demands of an optimal performance of mechanical systems as aircraft, aerospace and automotive structures. Smart structures, formed by a structure base, coupled with piezoelectric actuators and sensor are capable to guarantee the conditions demanded through the application of several types of controllers. The actuator/sensor materials are composed by piezoelectric ceramic (PZT - Lead Zirconate Titanate), commonly used as distributed actuators, and piezoelectric plastic films (PVDF-PolyVinyliDeno Floride), highly indicated for distributed sensors. The design process of such system encompasses three main phases: structural design; optimal placement of sensor/actuator (PVDF and PZT); and controller design. Consequently, for optimal design purposes, the structure, the sensor/actuator placement and the controller have to be considered simultaneously. This article addresses the optimal placement of actuators and sensors for design of controller for vibration attenuation in a flexible plate. Techniques involving linear matrix inequalities (LMI) to solve the Riccati's equation are used. The controller's gain is calculated using the linear quadratic regulator (LQR). The major advantage of LMI design is to enable specifications such as stability degree requirements, decay rate, input force limitation in the actuators and output peak bounder. It is also possible to assume that the model parameters involve uncertainties. LMI is a very useful tool for problems with constraints, where the parameters vary in a range of values. Once formulated in terms of LMI a problem can be solved efficiently by convex optimization algorithms.


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The aim of this paper consists in presenting a method of simulating the warpage in 7xxx series aluminium alloy plates. To perform this simulation finite element software MSC.Patran and MSC.Marc were used. Another result of this analysis will be the influence on material residual stresses induced on the raw material during the rolling process upon the warpage of primary aeronautic parts, fabricated through machining (milling) at Embraer. The method used to determinate the aluminium plate residual stress was Layer Removal Test. The numerical algorithm Modified Flavenot Method was used to convert layer removal and beam deflection in stress level. With such information about the level and profile of residual stresses become possible, during the step that anticipate the manufacturing to incorporate these values in the finite-element approach for modelling warpage parts. Based on that warpage parameter surely the products are manufactured with low relative vulnerability propitiating competitiveness and price. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Atrophic mandible fractures are frequently a challenge to stabilize. This study evaluated, through mechanical testing in vitro, the number of locking screws that is sufficient to withstand loading when applied with a locking reconstruction plate in the fixation of atrophic mandible fractures. Polyurethane mandibles with a simulated linear fracture at the midline were used as substratum. Results show that resistance of the fixation is poor when one and two screws are used on each side of the fracture. Three screws on each side of the fracture significantly increases the resistance to displacement. However, no additional strength is added to the construct when more than three screws per side are used. © 2013 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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O Estado do Pará é um dos responsáveis pela maioria das notificações de malária na Região Amazônica. Plasmodium vivax é a espécie mais freqüente e a avaliação da sensibilidade do mesmo à cloroquina é essencial para verificar se tal droga mantém sua eficácia. Entretanto, isso não era factível em função da não disponibilidade de metodologia de cultivo de curto prazo e da dificuldade de avaliação da maturação desse parasito. Recentemente, um sistema para cultivo de curto prazo de P. vivax foi introduzido, assim como uma metodologia de mensuração (DELIteste) da maturação/crescimento do parasito baseada na detecção da enzima Lactato Desidrogenase do parasito (pLDH), permitindo estudos de sensibilidade dessa especie plasmodial aos antimaláricos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi então avaliar o desempenho dessa metodologia para avaliar a quimiossensibilidade de P. vivax a cloroquina em condições de campo no município de Tucuruí, no Estado do Para. Foram utilizados 44 pacientes positivos para malária vivax, diagnosticados pelo exame de gota espessa, dos quais, após consentimento, foram coletados 5mL de sangue. Uma suspensão de hemácias de cada paciente, preparada em meio de cultura especial (meios RPMI e Waymouth, soro AB+, hematocrito de 1,8%), foi colocada em cultivo in vitro de curto prazo (48 horas), a 37°C e microaerofilia, frente a uma gama de concentrações (2,34-600ng/mL) de cloroquina. As placas foram então congeladas e, posteriormente, os parasitos foram lisados por congelamento e descongelamento, liberando a pLDH. A mensuração da pLDH foi feita por ELISA-sanduiche (DELI-teste), utilizando como anticorpos de captura os monoclonais 6C9 (anti-pLDH de Plasmodium) e 11D (anti-LDH de P. vivax) e como anticorpo de detecção o monoclonal 19G (anti-pLDH de Plasmodium). Os valores de densidade ótica obtidos permitiram, na maioria dos casos, traçar curvas de sensibilidade a droga e o conseqüente calculo da concentração inibitória de 50% (IC50). Do total de amostras, 53,8% apresentaram melhores curvas com o monoclonal 11D e 46,1% com o monoclonal 6C9. Das 44 amostras, 26 (59,2%) permitiram traçar curvas interpretáveis de sensibilidade a cloroquina. O rendimento de 59% pode ser considerado satisfatório em função da conhecida dificuldade de se cultivar P. vivax in vitro, e das precárias condições de infra-estrutura para realização das culturas. Doze (46,2%) dessas 26 amostras apresentaram IC50 superior ao limiar de 100nM, sendo consideradas resistentes. Esse elevado percentual de amostras com perda e sensibilidade a cloroquina é preocupante e indica que esse tipo de avaliação deve ser continuada e estendida a outras localidades para se ter uma caracterização mais clara dessa situação. O DELIteste é o único capaz de avaliar a resistência in vitro do P. vivax e sua utilização em condições de campo pode contribuir para direcionar estratégias terapêuticas para malária em nosso País.


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ABSTRACT: The thermal entry region in laminar forced convection of Herschel-Bulkley fluids is solved analytically through the integral transform technique, for both circular and parallel-plates ducts, which are maintained at a prescribed wall temperature or at a prescribed wall heat flux. The local Nusselt numbers are obtained with high accuracy in both developing and fully-developed thermal regions, and critical comparisons with previously reported numerical results are performed.


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Background: The sandwich technique is an endovascular off-the-shelf solution for patients with thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms (TAAAs). In a sandwich configuration, the chimney stent runs in the middle of a space created by two or three aortic endografts.Methods: All patients with TAAAs who were treated with the sandwich technique were included in the study. Self-expanding Viabahn grafts (W. L. Gore and Associates Inc, Flagstaff, Ariz) were used as parallel grafts in the renal arteries and visceral vessels. Caudad-facing chimney grafts were used for the visceral arteries and cephalad-facing periscope grafts for the renal arteries.Results: During the study period, 32 patients with TAAAs were treated with sandwich grafts. Indication for the procedure in 43% was an acute onset of symptoms, including two patients with a rupture and a retroperitoneal hematoma. Three patients required an additional debranching procedure. A total of 104 chimney grafts were implanted. Two patients died postoperatively because of the operation. Major adverse events were recorded in five patients, including one patient with persistent paraplegia and two with permanent renal failure requiring dialysis. The incidence of chimney graft occlusion was higher in patients with three or four parallel grafts than in those with two chimney grafts only. Patients with chronic dissections had a 12-times higher incidence of chimney graft occlusion than aneurysm patients. The number of patients with type I or III endoleaks was higher in the group with three or four parallel grafts.Conclusions: The sandwich technique is an off-the-shelf endovascular alternative to treat patients with TAAAs in an emergent setting. The combination of chimney grafts with a periscope configuration enables a rapid endovascular aneurysm exclusion with acceptable midterm results.


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This work reports the study of an attractive interfacial wave for application in ultrasonic NDE techniques for inspection and fluid characterization. This wave, called quasi-Scholte mode, is a kind of flexural wave in a plate in contact with a fluid which presents a good sensitivity to the fluid properties. In order to explore this feature, the phase velocity curve of quasi-Scholte mode is experimentally measured in a plate in contact with a viscous fluid, showing a good agreement with theory.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this study was to perform a physicochemical and morphological characterization and compare the mechanical behavior of an experimental Ti-Mo alloy to the analogous metallic Ti-based fixation system, for mandibular angle fractures. Twenty-eight polyurethane mandibles were uniformly sectioned on the left angle. These were divided into 4 groups: group Eng 1P, one 2.0-mm plate and 4 screws 6 mm long; group Eng 2P, two 2.0-mm plates, the first fixed with 4 screws 6 mm long and the second with 4 screws 12 mm long. The same groups were created for the Ti-15Mo alloy. Each group was subjected to linear vertical loading at the first molar on the plated side in a mechanical testing unit. Means and standard deviations were compared with respect to statistical significance using ANOVA. The chemical composition of the Ti-15Mo alloy was close to the nominal value. The mapping of Mo and Ti showed a homogeneous distribution. SEM of the screw revealed machining debris. For the plates, only the cpTi plate undergoes a surface treatment. The metallographic analysis reveals granular microstructure, from the thermomechanical trials. A statistically significant difference was found (P < 0.05) when the comparison between both internal fixation techniques was performed. The 2P technique showed better mechanical behavior than 1P.


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Hybrid composites combining metal plates and laminates with continuous fiber reinforced polymer, called fiber-metal (CHMF), have been particularly attractive for aerospace applications, due mainly to their high mechanical strength and stiffness associated with low density. These laminates (CHMF) consist of a sandwich structure consisting of layers of polymer composites and metal plates, stacked alternately. This setting allows you to combine the best mechanical performance of polymer composites reinforced with long fibers, to the high toughness of metals. Environmental effects should always be considered in the design of structural components, because these materials in applications are submitted to the effects of moisture in the atmosphere, the large cyclical variations of temperature around 82 ° C to -56 ° C, and high effort mechanical. The specimens of fibermetal composite were prepared at EMBRAER with titanium plates and laminates of carbon fiber/epoxy resin. This study aims to evaluate the effect of different environmental conditions (water immersion, hygrothermal chamber and thermal shock) of laminate hybrid titanium/carbon fiber/epoxy resin. The effects of conditioning were evaluated by interlaminar shear tests - ILSS, tensile, and vibration free


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The present study aims to compare three types of internal fixation for fractures of the mandibular angle. Mechanical testing was performed on replicas of polyurethane hemimandibles sectioned at the angle region to simulate a fracture and fixed with three different hardwares. Fixation devices enrolled on this survey included the grid plates with and without an intermediate bar and the method described by Champy and colleagues in 1978 and the sample consisted of 10 hemimandibles for each group. Vertical loadings were applied on each hemimandible and recorded after a vertical displacement of 3 and 5 mm. Statistical analysis was made by means of the variance analysis (ANOVA) and the Duncan test with a significance level of 5%. The Champy technique showed a statistically significant increased resistance when compared to the grid plates after vertical displacements of 3 and 5 mm. The results of this survey suggest that the Champy technique, when compared to the grid plate positioned at the middle of the mandibular bone (placement site selected for this study), is more resistant than the grid plate and that the inclusion or not of an intermediate bar to the grid plates does not improve its resistance after linear vertical loadings.


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The aim of this study was to analyze, through Vickers hardness test and photoelasticity analysis, pre-bent areas, manually bent areas, and areas without bends of 10-mm advancement pre-bent titanium plates (Leibinger system). The work was divided into three groups: group I-region without bend, group II-region of 90° manual bend, and group III-region of 90° pre-fabricated bends. All the materials were evaluated through hardness analysis by the Vickers hardness test, stress analysis by residual images obtained in a polariscope, and photoelastic analysis by reflection during the manual bending. The data obtained from the hardness tests were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's tests at a significance level of 5 %. The pre-bent plate (group III) showed hardness means statistically significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those of the other groups (I-region without bends, II-90° manually bent region). Through the study of photoelastic reflection, it was possible to identify that the stress gradually increased, reaching a pink color (1.81 δ / λ), as the bending was performed. A general analysis of the results showed that the bent plate region of pre-bent titanium presented the best results.


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This paper shows the results of an experimental investigation carried out on a connection element of glulam and concrete composite structures, through double-sided push-out shear tests. The connection system was composed of perforated steel plates glued with epoxy adhesive. Five specimens were made and tested under shear forces. This innovative connection system showed an average initial slip modulus equivalent to 339.4 kN/mm. In addition, the connection system was evaluated by means of numerical simulations and the software ANSYS was used for this purpose. The numerical simulations demonstrated good agreement with the experimental data, especially in the regime of elastic-linear behavior of materials. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The uplift capacity of helical anchors normally increases with the number of helical plates. The rate of capacity gain is variable, considering that the disturbance caused by the anchor installation is generally more pronounced in the soil mass above the upper plates than above the lower plates, because the upper soil layers are penetrated more times. The present investigation examines the effect of the number of helices on the performance of helical anchors in sand, based on the results of centrifuge model tests. Uplift loading tests were performed on 12 different types of piles installed in two containers of dry sand prepared with different densities. The measured fractions of the uplift capacity related to each individual helical plate of multi-helix anchors were compared with the fractions predicted by the individual bearing method. The results of this investigation indicate that in double- and triple-helix anchors, the contributions of the second and third plate to the total anchor uplift capacity decreased with the increase of sand relative density and plate diameter. In addition, these experiments demonstrated that the variation of the anchor load-displacement behavior with the number of helices also depends on these parameters.