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Manapság, amikor a legfontosabb történések a Föld virtuális idegrendszerét jelentő számítógép-hálózatokon, azaz sehol és mindenhol zajlanak, mond-e valamit a címben jelzett két, nagyon is megfogható hely: az elegáns palota a Belváros szívében és az óriásreklámmal éktelenkedő betonszörny a balatoni autópálya torkolatában? A közgazdászok számára (kiváltképpen, ha idősebbek, mint a jubileumát ünneplő Közgazdaságtudományi Intézet) mindenképpen. Az INTÉZET – így csupa nagybetűvel – megalakulásától kezdve fogalom volt, a falai között zajló vitáknak hírértéket tulajdonítottak a szakmában. Néhány évtizede még a viccek is úgy kezdődtek, két közgazdász sétál a Nádor (akkor még Münnich Ferenc) utcában …
Several tests that evaluate the quality of seeds are destructive and require time, which is considered long and expensive in the processes that involves the production and marketing of seed. Thus, techniques that allow reducing the time related to assess the quality of seed lots is very favorable, considering the technical, economic and scientific point of view. The techniques images of seed analyzed both by X-ray such as digital images, represent alternative for this sector, and are considered reproducible and fast, giving greater flexibility and autonomy to the activities of production systems. Summarily, the objective was to analyze the internal morphology of seeds of this species through x-rayed images and the efficiency of weed seed area increased during soaking through image analysis and compare them with the results of germination tests and force the evaluation of physiological seed quality. For X-ray tests, the seeds were exposed for 0.14 seconds at radiation 40kV and 2.0 mAs. Were analyzed images using the ImageJ program and subsequently put to germinate in B.O.D chamber at 27 ° C, in which there was the comparison of results for germination. To determine the test area increase (% IA), seeds were used with and without seed coat, maintained the B.O.D chamber at 15 ° to 20 ° C, the seeds were photographed before and after the soaking period, the results were compared to the germination rates. For the X-ray test, it was observed that seeds with empty area greater than 20%, showed a higher percentage of abnormal seedlings. And the area increment analysis showed that it is possible to rank the batch after 8 hours of imbibition at 15 ° C according to the germination and vigor tests
The theoretical and experimental developments in the biomaterials area have been directly applied to different fields of Medicine (odontology, regenerative medicine and radiotherapy). These advances have focused both for diagnosing diseases such as for quantifying degrees of progression. From the perspective of these studies, biomaterials are being designed and manufactured for application in various areas of science, provided advances in diagnostic radiology, radiotherapy dosimetry and calibration of radiotherapy equipment. Develop a phantom from a biomaterial has become a great ally of medicine in the treat patients with oncological diseases, allowing better performance of the equipment in order to reduce damage to healthy tissue due to excessive exposure to radiation. This work used polymers: chitosan and gelatin, for making the polymeric structures and controlled for different types of production and processing, characterizing and evaluating the biopolymer by physical techniques (STL, SEM and DEI) and therefore analyze applicability as phantom mouse lung. It was possible to evaluate the morphology of biomaterials quantitatively by scanning electron microscopy associated with imaging technique. The relevance of this work focuses on developing a phantom from polymeric biomaterials that can act as phantom providing high image contrast when subjected to analysis. Thus, the choice of DEI technique is satisfactory since it is an imaging technique of X-ray high resolution. The images obtained by DEI have shown the details of the internal microstructure of the biomaterial produced which have ≈ 10 μm dimension. The phantoms had made density ranging from 0.08 a 0.13 g/cm3.
Chagas disease, caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, is the cause of Chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy (CCC). The prospection of innovative therapeutic agents against CCC is a major task. The recombinant form of 21 (rP21), a secreted T. cruzi protein involved in host cell invasion and on progression of chronic inflammatory processes have been studied as a potential novel therapeutic target. Our present work aimed to verify and investigate the impact of rP21 in the formation of blood vessels in vitro and in vivo. First, tEnd cells were treated with different concentrations of rP21 or bacterial extract and viability and cellular adhesion were evaluated by MTT and angiogenesis inhibition by Matrigel tube formation assay and murine model. To verify the proteolytic activity of rP21 on extracellular matrix (ECM) components, fibrinogen, matrigel and fibronectin was incubated with rP21 or not. In addition, we performed proliferation assays and cell cycle analysis. Furthermore, the accumulation and distribution of F-actin was determined by Phalloidin staining using ImageJ software. Finally, tEnd cells were incubated with rP21 and the mRNA levels were analyzed by real-time PCR. Our results showed that rP21 did not alter cell viability and adhesion, but strongly inhibited vessel formation in vitro and in vivo. Tube formation assay showed that angiogenesis inhibition was dependent of the CXCR4-rP21 binding. In addition to these results, we observed that the rP21 was able to inhibit cell proliferation and promoted a significant reduction in the number of 4n cells (G2/M phase). Moreover, we found that rP21 significantly increased F-actin levels and this protein was able to modulate expression of genes related to angiogenesis and actin cytoskeleton. However, rP21 showed no significant activity on the matrix components. In this sense, we conclude that the rP21-endothelial cells (ECs) interaction via CXCR4 promotes inhibition of vessel formation through a cascade of intracellular events, such as inhibition of ECs proliferation and modulation of the expression of molecules associated with angiogenic processes and actin cytoskeleton.
We thank Frans Bianchi and Franz Ho for assistance with molecular cloning, Tim Rasmussen for providing the pTRC-MscK plasmid, Andrew Robinson for providing the pBAD-mEos3.2 plasmid, Matthias Heinemann for assistance with the flow cytometry measurements, Paul Schavemaker for performing Smoldyn simulations and Michiel Punter for programming ImageJ plugins for PALM reconstructions and single-particle tracking. We thank Ian Booth for critical reading of the manuscript, and Christoffer Åberg and Matteo Gabba for valuable discussions. The authors would like to thank David Dryden and Marcel Reuter for performing preliminary experiments from which this work has been built. The work was funded by the EU FP7 ITN-network program NICHE.
Ocean acidification, as a result of increased atmospheric CO2, has the potential to adversely affect the larval stages of many marine organisms and hence have profound effects on marine ecosystems. This is the first study of its kind to investigate the effects of ocean acidification on the early life-history stages of three echinoderms species, two asteroids and one irregular echinoid. Potential latitudinal variations on the effects of ocean acidification were also investigated by selecting a polar species (Odontaster validus), a temperate species (Patiriella regularis), and a tropical species (Arachnoides placenta). The effects of reduced seawater pH levels on the fertilization of gametes, larval survival and morphometrics on the aforementioned species were evaluated under experimental conditions. The pH levels considered for this research include ambient seawater (pH 8.1 or pH 8.2), levels predicted for 2100 (pH 7.7 and pH 7.6) and the extreme pH of 7.0, adjusted by bubbling CO2 gas into filtered seawater. Fertilization for Odontaster validus and Patiriella regularis for the predicted scenarios for 2100 was robust, whereas fertilization was significantly reduced in Arachnoides placenta. Larval survival was robust for the three species at pH 7.8, but numbers declined when pH dropped below 7.6. Normal A. placenta larvae developed in pH 7.8, whereas smaller larvae were observed for O. validus and P. regularis under the same pH treatment. Seawater pH levels below 7.6 resulted in smaller and underdeveloped larvae for all three species. The greatest effects were expected for the Antarctic asteroid O. validus but overall the tropical sand dollar A. placenta was the most affected by the reduction in seawater pH. The effects of ocean acidification on the asteroids O. validus and P. regulars, and the sand dollar A. placenta are species-specific. Several parameters, such as taxonomic differences, physiology, genetic makeup and the population's evolutionary history may have contributed to this variability. This study highlights the vulnerability of the early developmental stages and the complexity of ocean acidification. However, future research is needed to understand the effects at individual, community and ecosystem levels.
This paper draws on some of the preliminary findings of a small pilot study which aimed to discover what evidentiary challenges a range of practitioners with experience of different international trials faced in the cases they were involved in, and what practices were developed to deal with these challenges. The findings in this study are based on the data collected from The Hague-based institutions, the ICC, the ICTY, the ICTY and ICTR Appeals Chamber, and the Special Tribunal for the Lebanon (STL). It is argued that professionals moving from institution to institution are engaged in a process of cross-pollination which itself influences the practices that develop, although a common understanding of certain evidentiary issues in international trials remains fragmented and at times elusive.
La tesi presenta un'attività di ottimizzazione per forme di dirigibili non convenzionali al fine di esaltarne alcune prestazioni. Il loop di ottimizzazione implementato comporta il disegno automatico in ambiente CAD del dirigibile, il salvataggio in formato STL, la elaborazione del modello al fine di ridurre il numero di triangoli della mesh, la valutazione delle masse aggiunte della configurazione, la stima approssimata dell'aerodinamica del dirigibile, ed infine il calcolo della prestazione di interesse. Questa tesi presenta inoltre la descrizione di un codice di ottimizzazione euristica (Particle Swarm Optimization) che viene messo in loop con il precedente ciclo di calcolo, e un caso di studio per dimostrare la funzionalità della metodologia.
Purpose: To evaluate if physical measures of noise predict image quality at high and low noise levels. Method: Twenty-four images were acquired on a DR system using a Pehamed DIGRAD phantom at three kVp settings (60, 70 and 81) across a range of mAs values. The image acquisition setup consisted of 14 cm of PMMA slabs with the phantom placed in the middle at 120 cm SID. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and Contrast-tonoise ratio (CNR) were calculated for each of the images using ImageJ software and 14 observers performed image scoring. Images were scored according to the observer`s evaluation of objects visualized within the phantom. Results: The R2 values of the non-linear relationship between objective visibility score and CNR (60kVp R2 = 0.902; 70Kvp R2 = 0.913; 80kVp R2 = 0.757) demonstrate a better fit for all 3 kVp settings than the linear R2 values. As CNR increases for all kVp settings the Object Visibility also increases. The largest increase for SNR at low exposure values (up to 2 mGy) is observed at 60kVp, when compared with 70 or 81kVp.CNR response to exposure is similar. Pearson r was calculated to assess the correlation between Score, OV, SNR and CNR. None of the correlations reached a level of statistical significance (p>0.01). Conclusion: For object visibility and SNR, tube potential variations may play a role in object visibility. Higher energy X-ray beam settings give lower SNR but higher object visibility. Object visibility and CNR at all three tube potentials are similar, resulting in a strong positive relationship between CNR and object visibility score. At low doses the impact of radiographic noise does not have a strong influence on object visibility scores because in noisy images objects could still be identified.
A combined Short-Term Learning (STL) and Long-Term Learning (LTL) approach to solving mobile robot navigation problems is presented and tested in both real and simulated environments. The LTL consists of rapid simulations that use a Genetic Algorithm to derive diverse sets of behaviours. These sets are then transferred to an idiotypic Artificial Immune System (AIS), which forms the STL phase, and the system is said to be seeded. The combined LTL-STL approach is compared with using STL only, and with using a handdesigned controller. In addition, the STL phase is tested when the idiotypic mechanism is turned off. The results provide substantial evidence that the best option is the seeded idiotypic system, i.e. the architecture that merges LTL with an idiotypic AIS for the STL. They also show that structurally different environments can be used for the two phases without compromising transferability.
Exogenous mechanical perturbations on living tissues are commonly used to investigate whether cell effectors can respond to mechanical cues. However, in most of these experiments, the applied mechanical stress and/or the biological response are described only qualitatively. We developed a quantitative pipeline based on microindentation and image analysis to investigate the impact of a controlled and prolonged compression on microtubule behaviour in the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem, using microtubule fluorescent marker lines. We found that a compressive stress, in the order of magnitude of turgor pressure, induced apparent microtubule bundling. Importantly, that response could be reversed several hours after the release of compression. Next, we tested the contribution of microtubule severing to compression-induced bundling: microtubule bundling seemed less pronounced in the katanin mutant, in which microtubule severing is dramatically reduced. Conversely, some microtubule bundles could still be observed 16 hours after the release of compression in the spiral2 mutant, in which severing rate is instead increased. To quantify the impact of mechanical stress on anisotropy and orientation of microtubule arrays, we used the nematic tensor based FibrilTool ImageJ/Fiji plugin. To assess the degree of apparent bundling of the network, we developed several methods, some of which were borrowed from geostatistics. The final microtubule bundling response could notably be related to tissue growth velocity that was recorded by the indenter during compression. Because both input and output are quantified, this pipeline is an initial step towards correlating more precisely the cytoskeleton response to mechanical stress in living tissues.
Several studies show that morphological changes of microglia over the course of inflammation are tightly coupled to function. However the progressive transformation into activated microglia is poorly characterized. AIMS: This study aimed to establish a spatiotemporal correlation between quantifiable morphological parameters of microglia and the spread of an acute ventricular inflammatory process. METHODS: Inflammation was induced by a single injection of the enzyme neuraminidase within the lateral ventricle of rats. Animals were sacrificed 2, 4 and 12 hours after injection. Coronal slices were immunostained with Iba1 to label microglia and with IL1β to delimit the spread of inflammation. Digital images were obtained by scanning the labelled sections. Single microglia images were randomly selected from periventricular areas of caudate putamen, hippocampus and hypothalamus. FracLac for ImageJ software was used to measure the following morphological parameters: fractal dimension, lacunarity, area, perimeter and density. RESULTS: Significant differences were found in fractal dimension, lacunarity, perimeter and density of microglia cells of neuraminidase injected rats compared to sham animals. However no differences were found in the parameter “area”. In hipoccampus there was a delay in the significant change of the measured parameters. These morphological changes correlated with IL1β-expression in the same areas. CONCLUSIONS: Ventricular inflammation induced by neuraminidase provokes quantifiable morphological changes in microglia restricted to areas labelled with IL1β. Morphological parameters of microglia such as fractal dimension, lacunarity, perimeter and density are sensitive and valuable tools to quantify activation. However, the extensively used parameter “area” did not change upon microglia activation.
A interacção dos humanos com os computadores envolve uma combinação das tarefas de programação e de utilização. Nem sempre é explícita a diferença entre as duas tarefas. Introduzir comandos num programa de desenho assistido por computador é utilização ou programação numa linguagem interpretada? Modificar uma folha de cálculo com macros é utilização ou programação? Usar um “Integrated Development Environment” ou IDE para inserir dados num ficheiro é utilização (do IDE) ou programação? A escrita de um texto usando LaTeX ou HTML é utilização ou programação numa “markup language”? Recorrer a um programa de computação simbólica é utilização ou programação? Utilizar um processador de texto é utilização ou programação visual? Ao utilizador não se exige um conhecimento completo de todos os comandos, todos os menus, todos os símbolos do software que utiliza. Nem a memorização da sintaxe e de todos os pormenores de funcionamento de um programa é um atributo necessário ou sequer útil ao utilizador; a concretização desse conhecimento não assegura maior eficiência na utilização. Quando se começa, apenas algumas instruções elementares são recebidas, por vezes de um colega, de um Professor, ou obtidas recorrendo à pesquisa na Internet. Com a familiarização, o utilizador exige mais do Software que usa e de si próprio: um manual passa a ser um recurso de grande utilidade. A confiança conquistada gera, periodicamente, a necessidade de auto-exame e de aumento do âmbito do conhecimento. Desta forma, quem utiliza computadores acaba por ser confrontado com uma tarefa que, efectivamente, pode ser considerada ou requer programação. Põe-se uma questão no imediato (se ninguém decidiu por si) que é a da selecção da linguagem de programação. A abordagem multiparadigma e longa experiência de utilização do C++ tornam-no atractivo para aplicações onde a eficiência se combina com a disponibilidade de estruturas de dados e algoritmos adoptados pela indústria (o que coloquialmente se denomina STL, Standard Template Library, cf. [#breymann, #josuttis], mais geralmente biblioteca Standard). Adicionalmente, linguagens populares como o Java, C# e PHP possuem sintaxes inspiradas e em muitas partes coincidentes com as do C e C++. Por exemplo, um ciclo “for” em Java é parcialmente coincidente com o do C99, que é um sub-conjunto do “for” do C++. São os pormenores, a eficiência e as capacidades do C++ que permitem a criação de software Profissional. Todos os sistemas operativos clássicos (Unix, Microsoft Windows, Linux) dispõem de compiladores, IDE, bibliotecas e são em grande parte construídos recorrendo a C e C++. Relativamente a outras linguagens, a quantidade de ferramentas disponível e o conhecimento adquirido durante décadas é difícil de ignorar. Esse conhecimento faz com que a sintaxe do C++ pareça muito maior do que o estritamente necessário e afaste potenciais interessados. A longa evolução do C++ introduziu também uma diferença no estilo muito marcada. Código dos anos 80 e 90 do século XX é frequentemente menos legível do que o que correntemente se produz. Muitos tutoriais disponíveis online fazem parecer a linguagem menos rigorosa (e mais complexa) do que na realidade é, já que raramente é apresentado o caso geral da sintaxe. Constata-se que muitos autores ainda usam os cabeçalhos do C, quando já não são necessários. Scott Meyers afirma que o C++ é uma federação de linguagens [#scottmeyers] e por esse facto requer perspectivas de abordagem distintas de outras linguagens. Sem alguma sistematização é difícil apreciar a sua compacidade e coerência. Porém, a forma harmoniosa como as componentes sintácticas se encaixam é uma grande mais-valia do C++ só constatada com experimentação e leitura atenta. A presente monografia dirige-se a quem pretenda utilizar o C++ como ferramenta profissional de Software. Em termos de pré-requisitos Académicos, dir-se-á que um curso (1º Ciclo) de Ciência ou de Engenharia aumentará o interesse por certos aspectos mais técnicos da linguagem mas qualquer indivíduo com gosto pela experimentação tirará proveito do conteúdo. Este texto não busca a exaustividade enciclopédica na cobertura do tema. Neste texto forneço, de forma directa, uma introdução ao C++ a qual permite começar a produzir código sem os custos da dispersão de fontes e notações na recolha de informação. Antecipo assim a sua utilização nos Países de Língua Portuguesa, uma vez que os textos que encontrei são ora mais exigentes ora menos completos, frequentemente ambos.