866 resultados para Quantitative-qualitative approach


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Urban violence, manifestly public and free, has changed the standard of sociability of townspeople. The city is an increasingly private space of hopes of reducing the risk of victimization, due to the fear of violence that separates and distances the classes in expectation of concealing this behavior. However, violence has many facets and, in one way or another, will always be present as a product of social friction. It is in the urban context and using drug trafficking as a backdrop that this work raises questions about the territorial violence in Montes Claros - MG. The objective was to analyze the dynamics of illicit drug trafficking from the concepts of territory, observing to what extent the appropriation of space contributes to the use of violence, especially in interpersonal disputes. Methodologically, it seeks from quantitative and qualitative techniques make the spatial distribution of criminal indicators, defining and creating hierarchy territories of violence in urban areas. From the qualitative approach seeks to organize and analyze data together to the Civil and Military Police, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics -IBGE, João Pinheiro Foundation and the System of the Ministry of Health Mortality Information - SIM. The opportunity of miscegenation between the knowledge of the survey respondents and the official data has introduced qualitative part. The city of Montes Claros has been taken as an object of observation due to a set of conditions, which stood its medium size, your importance in the regional context and their socioeconomic disparities. The results point to the existence of multiple territoriality of violence involving the trafficking of illicit drugs in urban space. Territorial disputes by the traffickers have victimized people with socioeconomic characteristics and urban spatial origin similar. The dynamism of the established boundaries from the cohesion and / or rupture of the interests of those involved creates and destroys territories in the power struggle.


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The effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy (ART) transformed the pediatric HIV epidemic. The disease changed significantly over the course of three decades: while early in the epidemic it was almost always fatal, it has become a chronic condition. This study examined how perinatally-infected youth experience the impact of HIV in their lives. A qualitative study using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was conducted. Twenty in-depth interviews were carried out among 12 women and 8 men aged 18 to 30 years in Puerto Rico. These were conducted in Spanish, audio-recorded, transcribed and translated into English. While narrating their experiences, participants were interpreting what the situation meant to them and how they make sense of it. Three topics emerged: (1) perception and response to treatment and illness, particularly their lived experiences with ART; (2) disclosure experiences; and (3) family matters. Most participants challenged their therapy, in most cases to force their caregivers to disclose their status. Problems with adherence were attributed to busy schedules or forgetfulness. Participants experienced the disfiguring adverse effects of ART, which they endured for years without being informed that ART was the cause of these. Participants’ experiences with disclosure demonstrated the importance of validating them as individuals capable of managing their health. The paternalistic approach of withholding their diagnosis to spare them suffering resulted in increased anxiety. Participants acknowledged the difficulties of revealing their HIV status to their partners. They referred to family and friends as essential in coping with HIV. However, some encountered discrimination and stigma within their families. Participants who had suffered the loss of their parents found other parental figures such as adoptive parents or other family members. Most participants expressed a desire to have children. Perinatally HIV-infected youth will require health services for the rest of their lives. The adult health care into which they transition should consider their needs and journey. Services should consider including family members. This study underscores the need for improved access to mental health services. It is also essential to transcend medical treatment and develop a broader perspective of health care. Health care services should include reproductive decision-making counselling services.


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This paper focuses on the ties between social and digital inequalities among Argentinean youth. It uses a qualitative approach to explore different aspects of the everyday lives of adolescents, such as sociability, leisure time and family use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), in order to assess the impact of the Connecting Equality Program (Programa Conectar Igualdad, PCI) on reducing digital inequalities and fostering social inclusion. What were the existing conditions of access for students and their families when the PCI was first implemented? What influence does the implementation of the PCI have on the individual, family and scholastic appropriation of ICTs? How does the use of computers and the Internet vary among youth? Has this large-scale incorporation of netbooks in schools, and especially homes and free time changed it in any way? Does the appropriation of ICTs through student participation in the PCI contribute to material and symbolic social inclusion? In order to answer these questions, we compare the processes of ICT appropriation among lower and middle class adolescents, focusing on the distinctive uses and meanings assigned to computers and the Internet by boys and girls in their daily lives. For this purpose we analyze data collected through semi-structured interviews in two schools in Greater La Plata, Argentina during 2012. The main findings show that in terms of access, skills and types of use, the implementation of the PCI has had a positive impact among lower class youth, guaranteeing access to their first computers and promoting the sharing of knowledge and digital skills with family members. Moreover, evidence of more diverse and intense use of ICTs among lower class students reveals the development of digital skills related to educational activities. Finally, in terms of sociability, having a personal netbook enables access to information and cultural goods which are very significant in generating ties and strengthening identities and social integration


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This paper focuses on the ties between social and digital inequalities among Argentinean youth. It uses a qualitative approach to explore different aspects of the everyday lives of adolescents, such as sociability, leisure time and family use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), in order to assess the impact of the Connecting Equality Program (Programa Conectar Igualdad, PCI) on reducing digital inequalities and fostering social inclusion. What were the existing conditions of access for students and their families when the PCI was first implemented? What influence does the implementation of the PCI have on the individual, family and scholastic appropriation of ICTs? How does the use of computers and the Internet vary among youth? Has this large-scale incorporation of netbooks in schools, and especially homes and free time changed it in any way? Does the appropriation of ICTs through student participation in the PCI contribute to material and symbolic social inclusion? In order to answer these questions, we compare the processes of ICT appropriation among lower and middle class adolescents, focusing on the distinctive uses and meanings assigned to computers and the Internet by boys and girls in their daily lives. For this purpose we analyze data collected through semi-structured interviews in two schools in Greater La Plata, Argentina during 2012. The main findings show that in terms of access, skills and types of use, the implementation of the PCI has had a positive impact among lower class youth, guaranteeing access to their first computers and promoting the sharing of knowledge and digital skills with family members. Moreover, evidence of more diverse and intense use of ICTs among lower class students reveals the development of digital skills related to educational activities. Finally, in terms of sociability, having a personal netbook enables access to information and cultural goods which are very significant in generating ties and strengthening identities and social integration


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This paper focuses on the ties between social and digital inequalities among Argentinean youth. It uses a qualitative approach to explore different aspects of the everyday lives of adolescents, such as sociability, leisure time and family use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), in order to assess the impact of the Connecting Equality Program (Programa Conectar Igualdad, PCI) on reducing digital inequalities and fostering social inclusion. What were the existing conditions of access for students and their families when the PCI was first implemented? What influence does the implementation of the PCI have on the individual, family and scholastic appropriation of ICTs? How does the use of computers and the Internet vary among youth? Has this large-scale incorporation of netbooks in schools, and especially homes and free time changed it in any way? Does the appropriation of ICTs through student participation in the PCI contribute to material and symbolic social inclusion? In order to answer these questions, we compare the processes of ICT appropriation among lower and middle class adolescents, focusing on the distinctive uses and meanings assigned to computers and the Internet by boys and girls in their daily lives. For this purpose we analyze data collected through semi-structured interviews in two schools in Greater La Plata, Argentina during 2012. The main findings show that in terms of access, skills and types of use, the implementation of the PCI has had a positive impact among lower class youth, guaranteeing access to their first computers and promoting the sharing of knowledge and digital skills with family members. Moreover, evidence of more diverse and intense use of ICTs among lower class students reveals the development of digital skills related to educational activities. Finally, in terms of sociability, having a personal netbook enables access to information and cultural goods which are very significant in generating ties and strengthening identities and social integration


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This paper deals with the conceptions of the different school actors about the meaning and the implications of mediation in their schools, drawing on data from a qualitative approach carried out as part of a wider project to map mediation perspectives and practices in Catalonia. The authors analyze the scope of the situations regarded as suitable or unsuitable for the introduction of restorative practices, as well as the resistance to change in the practice of conflict resolutions and in the democratization of school culture.


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Bakgrund: Endometrios är en sjukdom där livmoderslemhinnan förekommer på andra platser än i livmoderhålan. Den ektopiska vävnaden följer menstruationscykeln och blöder därför som livmoderslemhinnan vanligtvis gör vid menstruation. Detta kan leda till inflammationer och smärtsamma sammanväxningar i bukhålan. Kvinnorna kan i och med detta få lov att utstå mycket lidande. Sjuksköterskans kommunikativa förmåga är en viktig del i strävan mot att lindra lidande. Syfte: Att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med endometrios samt hur de upplever vårdpersonalens bemötande. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Databaser CINAHL, PubMED och PsycINFO användes för att söka vetenskapliga artiklar. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar var av kvalitativ ansats, två vetenskapliga artiklar var av kvantitativ ansats och en vetenskaplig artikel var av mixad design. Resultat: Tre domäner identifierades utifrån studierna: Sjukdomens inverkan på livet, Vårdpersonalens bemötande och Positiva aspekter i samband med sjukdomen. Kvinnornas symtom togs sällan på allvar. Kvinnorna antog att deras symtom och smärtor var “normala”. Endometriosen påverkade livet negativt, såväl kärleksrelationer samt arbetsliv och ekonomi påverkades av sjukdomen. Många kvinnor använde sig av egenvård för att hantera sin sjukdom, dock kände sig en del kvinnor stressade då de inte klarade av att leva upp till livsstilsförändringarna. Kvinnorna beskrev att de ofta kände sig avfärdade av vårdpersonal då de sökte vård. Många blev misstrodda och deras symtom klassades som psykosomatiska. Slutsats: Kvinnorna ansåg att bemötandet de fick av vårdpersonalen var bristfälligt och att deras symtom blev normaliserade. Sjuksköterskor behöver bli medvetna om kvinnornas situation för att kunna bekräfta deras upplevelser.


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Bakgrund: Övervikt och fetma bland barn och ungdomar har ökat kraftigt under de senaste 20 åren. I Sverige har förekomsten av fetma ökat från 1 % till 4 %. Det finns flertalet orsaker till övervikt och fetma hos barn och ungdomar. Några av dem är genetiska faktorer, livsmedelskonsumtion, miljöfaktorer samt livsstilsfaktorer. Syfte: Att beskriva de faktorer som påverkar vårdmötet mellan sjuksköterskan och föräldrar till barn och ungdomar med övervikt eller fetma. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en litteraturöversikt och bestod av 13 artiklar. 10 med kvalitativ ansats och tre med kvantitativ ansats. Dessa hämtades i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Resultat: Det identifierades både hinder och möjligheter som kan uppstå i vårdmötet mellan sjuksköterskan och föräldrar. Dessa hinder och möjligheter presenteras i två kategorier med totalt fem subkategorier; Skuld och skamkänslor hos föräldrarna, förnekelse hos föräldrarna angående barnets vikt, öka medvetenheten om fördelarna med viktminskning, långsiktigt förtroende underlättar vårdmötet och anpassad kommunikation i vårdmötet mellan sjuksköterska och förälder. Slutsats: Flera faktorer identifierades som har betydelse för vårdmötet mellan sjuksköterska och föräldrar. De faktorer som utgjorde hinder i vårdmötet kan båda parter påverka så att förbättringar kan ske.


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Det gemensamma intresset för konflikter grundade idén att studera väl ansedda ledares perspektiv på arbetsplatskonflikter och hur dessa ledare löser konflikter konstruktivt. I grunden finns en undran om väl ansedda ledare har förmågor som gör att de löser konflikter mer konstruktivt. Konflikter utgör en stor del av en ledares arbetstid. Konflikter kan förmodligen inte undvikas men hur konflikter hanteras är avgörande för att en organisation och dess anställda skall mogna och utvecklas. Det har utövats forskning inom konflikthantering utifrån ett ledarskapsperspektiv men de studierna har haft en kvantitativ ansats. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur väl ansedda chefer ser på arbetsplatskonflikter och hur dessa chefer hanterar konflikter. Ett delsyfte är att erhålla kunskap om vilka metoder ansedda ledare använder i konflikthantering. För att besvara syftet har följande frågeställningar använts: Vilka typer av arbetsplatskonflikter uppstår i en organisation? Vad är avgörande om konflikter blir konstruktiva eller destruktiva? Vad har ledarskapet för inverkan på konflikthantering och hur ska ledaren ta sig an konflikter? Vilka förmågor och egenskaper har ledare som hanterar konflikter effektivt? Studien grundar sig på en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer som insamlingsmetod. Det införskaffade materialet kodades och tematiserades. Resultaten analyserades med hjälp av teoriramen. Slutligen användes Rahims (2002) teori om conflict management i diskussion då det i resultatet framkom stöd för modellen, dock med en utveckling vilket presenteras i slutsatsen. I studiens analys framkom att ledare som hanterar konflikter konstruktivt behärskar tre huvudområden. Dessa förmågor är människoorienterad, uppgiftsorienterad och lärande- och kulturorienterad. Väl ansedda ledare manövrerar emellan dessa förmågor beroende på situation. I studiens resultat framkom också att undvikande och dominant ledarskapsbeteende skapar barriärer i konflikthantering.


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No quadro da teoria da vinculação, é possível estabelecer relações de vinculação ao longo de toda a vida, sendo que, apesar dos jovens institucionalizados rejeitarem estabelecer novas relações de vinculação numa fase inicial, acabam por procurá-las, desde que essa figura desempenhe funções de cuidador responsivo, de modo estável e apoiante. Este estudo tem como objetivo principal perceber se as crianças e jovens acolhidos em Lares de Infância e Juventude (LIJ) estabelecem relações de vinculação com os cuidadores formais e compreender como essa relação foi construída. Foram utilizados os questionários Important People Interview (IPI; Kobak e Rosenthal, 2010) e Hierarquização das Figuras Significativas por Campos de Vida (HFSCV), criado para incluir os jovens que consideram não terem desenvolvido relações de vinculação com os cuidadores formais do LIJ. Foi, ainda, realizada uma entrevista semiestruturada. Apesar de usarmos uma metodologia quantitativa para análise dos resultados dos dois primeiros questionários, esta investigação prima sobretudo pela abordagem qualitativa, através do recurso à técnica de análise conteúdo das entrevistas. O estudo foi realizado no LIJ “Comunidade Juvenil de São Francisco de Assis”, localizado em Coimbra, contando com a participação de 16 jovens de ambos os géneros, com idades entre os 13 e os 19 anos (M=16; DP=1,8), com tempo de permanência no LIJ igual ou superior a 2 anos contínuos. Estes 16 jovens constituem a amostra total da investigação, sobre a qual incidiu a primeira parte do estudo (abordagem quantitativa), ao que se seguiu a segunda parte do estudo (abordagem qualitativa), que contou com a participação de uma subamostra de 11 jovens, pertencentes à amostra total. Os resultados sugerem que a maioria dos jovens estabeleceu relações de vinculação com os cuidadores formais do LIJ, sendo que a maioria das hierarquias das figuras de vinculação foram constituídas com base nos laços de familiaridade e na ligação afetiva com os seus cuidadores formais. Os jovens destacaram a compreensibilidade, confiabilidade e disponibilidade para o auxílio como sendo as características que determinaram a sua preferência em relação aos cuidadores formais do LIJ. Refira-se, ainda, que as situações que ativam a procura destas figuras estão relacionadas com a necessidade de apoio e proteção. O presente estudo sugere que é possível um LIJ promover relações semelhantes às desenvolvidas em meio familiar e atuar de forma reparadora ao nível das relações de vinculação. / In the attachment theory framework, one can establish attachment relationships throughout one's life. In the case of institutionalized youngsters, even though at first they seem to refuse new attachment relationships, these adolescents end up looking for them, if the person is perceived as a responsive, stable and supportive caregiver. The main goal of this study is to understand whether children and young people taken into Child and Youth Residential Care establish attachment relationships with formal caregivers and, if so, understand how that relationship is built. We have used the questionnaires Important People Interview (IPI; Kobak & Rosenthal, 2010) and Hierarquização das Figuras Significativas por Campos de Vida (HFSCV) (Hierarchization of Significant Figures by Life Fields), created to include the youngsters who consider not have developed attachment relations with Residential Care's formal caregivers. We have also conducted a semi-structured interview. Even though we used a quantitative methodology to process the results of the two inquiries, this research nevertheless privileges a qualitative approach, thorough the technique of analysis of interview content. The study was conducted at the “Comunidade Juvenil de São Francisco de Assis” residential care institution, in Coimbra, Portugal. It had the participation of 16 youngsters of both genders, with ages between 13 and 19 (M=16; DP=1,8), who had been staying at the home for two or more years, non-interrupted. These 16 adolescents are therefore the total sample for this study, and all of them were submitted to the first part (the quantitative approach) of the research. For the second part (the qualitative approach) we worked with a subsample of 11 youngsters, chosen from the initial sample of 16. Results suggest that most young people have indeed developed attachment relationships with residential care's formal caregivers, and most hierarchies of attachment figures were built based on familiarity and affection bonds with their formal caregivers. The subjects have highlighted understanding, trustworthiness and helpfulness as the features that best determine their preference regarding formal caregivers. We must note that the need for protection and support is what enables young people to look out for attachment figures the most. The current study suggests that it is possible for Child and Youth Residential Care to promote relationships similar to those developed in family environment and acts as repairing in what concerns attachment relationships.


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Purpose The aim of the study is to explore the role of confluent learning in supporting the development of change management knowledge, skills and attitudes and to inform the creation of a conceptual model based upon a priori and a posteriori knowledge gained from literature and the research. Design/methodology/approach The research adopts qualitative approach based on reflective inquiry methodology. There are two primary data sources, interviews with learners and the researchers’ reflective journals on learners’ opinions. Findings The confluent learning approach helped to stimulate affective states (e.g. interest and appreciation) to further reinforce cognitive gains (e.g. retention of knowledge) as a number of higher order thinking skills were further developed. The instructional design premised upon confluent learning enabled learners to further appreciate the complexities of change management. Research implications/ limitations The confluent learning approach offers another explanation to how learning takes place, contingent upon the use of a problem solving framework, instructional design and active learning in developing inter- and trans-disciplinary competencies. Practical implications This study not only explains how effective learning takes place but is also instructive to learning and teaching, and human resource development (HRD) professionals in curriculum design and the potential benefits of confluent learning. Social implications The adoption of a confluent learning approach helps to re-naturalise learning that appeals to learners affect. Originality/value This research is one of the few studies that provide an in-depth exploration of the use of confluent learning and how this approach co-develops cognitive abilities and affective capacity in the creation of a conceptual model.


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The central research question was to search for data to ratify the theory and discourse of the so-called practitioners of economic solidarity, by defending the substantive rationality should guide the principles of economic solidary, designing the space economy incidental and not the primacy of relations in determining social as well, reflecting the predominance of dimensions of social management in administrative practices of ESS's. For both analyzed the theoretical dimensions of social management - sociopolitical, economic, organizational and environmental - manifested in organizational practices supportive of economic organization Potiguar West. For the success of the research realized the triangulation involving a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches. At first the research will use a quantitative approach, from the cluster analysis, to verify the behavior of the sample chosen for this study. In the second stage of the qualitative study was carried out focus group technique (FLICK, 2002) for further analysis of the dimensions of social management on organizational practices supportive of economic organization, related to the principles of Solidary Economy, established in a quantitative approach. In quantitative analysis, the socio-political dimension, it was clear that the more equity instruments of internal and external, from the purposeful living in public spaces, the best monetary results. Another point worth stressing concerns the economic dimension, with the practice reciprocity prevailing in market. Thus, the qualitative approach was possible to understand the processes of exchange of product or service. Rural enterprises surveyed in the allocation of the agro-ecological products have the following scale of priority, sequentially: self-consumption (domestic), market and exchange. The research leads to the fact that training and practices that enhance the socio-political dimension (knowledge, empowerment, sense of belonging) become the guiding principle for the strengthening of the social management in the context of other dimensions, leading to gains sociopolitical, economic, organizational and environmental. Despite the weaknesses found in the organizational dimension and environment, both in a quantitative as in qualitative, we determined that the practices of ESS's Potiguar West incorporate predominantly elements of social management and economic solidarity, with a preponderance of substantive rationality in the primacy of the instrumental. Finally, research has brought information that the participants of the ESS's do not give the money economy primacy in determining social relations, which in turn leads to the confirmation that, in practice the solidarity economy, prevailing the dominance of substantive rationality, as a guide for organizational practices


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This study aims to understand the changes in the improvement of economic and social conditions of small entrepreneurs who participate in solidarity groups linked to the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) "X" in Fortaleza city, Ceará, through the use of productive-guided microcredit. It is come a research in exploratory and descriptive nature, with a quantitative and qualitative approach. Data were collected from the small entrepreneurs by applying a questionnaire, as well as through structured interviews with group leaders. They were worked on issues relating to income generation, employment generation, housing and health conditions, dietary pattern and leisure activities of small entrepreneurs and their families before and after the union to solidarity groups and use of productive-guided microcredit. The research showed that the use of microcredit has interfered with social and economic life of these small entrepreneurs, generating positive effects


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The education of the radiography profession is based within higher education establishments, yet a critical part of all radiography programmes is the clinical component where students learn the practical skills of the profession. Assessments therefore not only have to assess a student’s knowledge, but also their clinical competence and core skills in line with both Health and Care Professions Council and the Society and College of Radiographers requirements. This timely thesis examines the possibility of using the Virtual Environment for RadioTherapy (VERT) as an assessment tool to evaluate a student’s competence so giving the advantage of a standard assessment and relieving time pressures in the clinical department. A mixed methods approach was taken which can be described as a Quantitative Qualitative design with the emphasis being on the Quantitative element; a so called QUAN  qual design. The quantitative evaluation compared two simulations, one in the virtual reality environment and another in the department using a real treatment machine. Students were asked to perform two electron setups in each simulation; the order being randomly decided and so the study would be described as a randomised cross-over design. Following this, qualitative data was collected in student focus groups to explore student perspectives in more depth. Findings indicated that the performance between the two simulators was significantly different, p < 0∙001; the virtual simulation scoring significantly lower than the hospital based simulation overall and in virtually all parameters being assessed. Thematic analysis of the qualitative data supported this finding and identified 4 main themes; equipment use, a lack of reality, learning opportunities and assessment of competence. One other sub-theme identified for reality was that of the environment and senses.


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The evaluation of public policies that promote Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) it s a multidisciplinary activity extremely relevant to the effectiveness of actions to legitimize the Human Right to Adequate Food (HRAF). This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the unit project Natal-RN Café do Trabalhador in promoting SAN to its users. The theoretical framework is based on the public and political and on the dimensions of the concept of FSN (quantity and quality-regularity). Through a qualitative approach, methodologically this was the work of an evaluation of efficiency of the unit Natal-RN of Café do Trabalhador project in light of the assumptions of the concept of SAN. Data collection was conducted through retrospective archival research in official documents of the project, semi-structured interviews with managers involved in its implementation (representative of the Secretary of State for Employment, Housing and Care of RN SETHAS and third party), socioeconomic questionnaire applied to the users of the unit, check the amount, regularity and quality of meals offered for 15 days (menu routine) using the descriptive form menu and form filling type checklist for verification of compliance with good practices . Methods of analysis, we used content analysis, descriptive statistics and compared to previously established parameters for the project. As categories of analysis were defined organizational arrangement, access, user, food quantity-regularity and food quality. The results show that, it was found in the category arrangement that will implement the project dismissed technical criteria for choosing the districts and the quantitative distribution of meals for each location. It was found that the valuation of the shares of the company outsources technical SETHA has not been performed. We observed in the access category, the unit has a strategic location, but lack of space in the refectory. The main obstacle to economic access for users is the lack of a register for the beneficiaries. In the category of users, it was identified that the clientele of the project it is predominantly men, with more than 51 years, low education, earning wages less 1 obtained through informal employment, which they move up through the unit transport collective, go to all days of operation due primarily to price. About the meals category quantity-regularity of food showed that the menu serves 95% of the desired needs, and that holidays and weekends are periods of disrupting the regularity of supply of meals. Regarding the category of food quality, it was found that the nutritional aspect on the menu are food sources rich in sodium, nitrates and low in fiber. In the aspect of hygiene and sanitation are the main limitations related to waste management, lack of exposure controls of food prepared and inadequacies of the physical structure. The results showed that in general and the institutional arrangement of the organs attached to the project should establish a systematic evaluation project is to establish as a promoter of and FSN overcome these obstacles