830 resultados para Pre-school Children


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Background: Indices predictive of central obesity include waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR). The aims of this study were 1) to establish a Colombian youth smoothed centile charts and LMS tables for WC and WHtR and 2) to evaluate the utility of these parameters as predictors of overweight and obesity. Method: A cross-sectional study whose sample population comprised 7954 healthy Colombian schoolchildren [boys n=3460 and girls n=4494, mean (standard deviation) age 12.8 (2.3) years old]. Weight, height, body mass index (BMI), WC and WHtR and its percentiles were calculated. Appropriate cut-offs point of WC and WHtR for overweight and obesity, as defined by the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) definitions, were selected using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. The discriminating power of WC and WHtR was expressed as area under the curve (AUC). Results: Reference values for WC and WHtR are presented. Mean WC increased and WHtR decreased with age for both genders. We found a moderate positive correlation between WC and BMI (r= 0.756, P < 0.01) and WHtR and BMI (r= 0.604, P < 0.01). The ROC analysis showed a high discrimination power in the identification of overweight and obesity for both measures in our sample population. Overall, WHtR was slightly a better predictor for overweight/obesity (AUC 95% CI 0.868-0.916) than the WC (AUC 95% CI 0.862-0.904). Conclusion: This paper presents the first sex- and age-specific WC and WHtR percentiles for both measures among Colombian children and adolescents aged 9–17.9 years. By providing LMS tables for Latin-American people based on Colombian reference data, we hope to provide quantitative tools for the study of obesity and its comorbidities.


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The purpose of this study was to identify the quality of life profile, overweight-obesity and sedentary behavior in a group of elementary and high school children of Guanacaste. 635 students participated in the study. The participants completed a protocol by which they were anthropometrically evaluated, and also filled up a questionnaire related to sedentary behavior and quality of life. In general, the findings reflected a prevalence of overweight and obesity of 13, 9%. The most important sedentary activities were, in descending order, the small screen (watching TV, video games, computer), and certain social and cultural activities. The self-reported quality of life index was within acceptable limits but not exceeding 80 points on a scale of 1-100. There was no significant relationship between the rate of the overall quality of life, overweight, obesity and some sedentary behaviors, although some anthropometric parameters like percentage of body fat and body weight showed significant correlation with sedentary behavior and specific aspects belonging to quality of life. The study provides valuable information to health authorities, directors of educational institutions and parents about key issues related to child development.


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Nutritional intervention in pre-school children using cookies prepared with wheat fl our enriched with iron and folic acid (CWFFeFA) and cookies prepared with cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) fl our fortifi ed with iron and zinc and wheat fl our enriched with iron and folic acid (CCFFeZn + WFFeFA).


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We present a clinic-epidemiological study of two patients and meta-analysis (period 1977-2000 ) of the co-morbidity of the Down syndrome (DS) and moyamoya syndrome (MMS). Among the 42 patients listed in this survey, meta-analysis permitted to find the highest number of publications by researchers from Japan and United States, followed by Brazil and Italy; prevalence of cerebrovascular disease in suckling and pre school children; first symptomatology was hemiparesis (78.6%), speech disorders (26.2%); ischemic infarction (76.2%); recurring ischemic episodes (62%); bilateral impairment (83.3%). This analysis led to the conclusion that in the clinic-neurological investigation of DS patients with acute hemiparesis episodes, MMS should be included as the most probable diagnosis.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação do sobrepeso e da obesidade com o aleitamento materno e a alimentação complementar em pré-escolares. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal envolvendo 566 crianças matriculadas em escolas particulares no município de São Paulo, SP, 2004-2005. A variável dependente foi sobrepeso e obesidade. Para a classificação do estado nutricional das crianças foram utilizadas as curvas de percentis do Índice de Massa Corporal para idade, classificando como sobrepeso valores e"P85 e


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The aim of this study was to investigate the association between false belief comprehension, the exhibition of pretend play and the use of mental state terms in pre-school children. Ferry children, aged between 36 and 54 months were videotaped engaging in free play with each parent. The exhibit-ion of six distinct acts of pretend play and the expression of 16 mental sr:ate terms were coded during play. Each child was also administered a pantomime task and three standard false belief casks. Reliable associations were also found between false belief performance and the pretence categories of object substitution and role assignment, and the exhibition of imaginary object pantomimes. Moreover, the use of mental state terms was positively correlated with false belief and the pretence categories of object substitution, imaginary play and role assignment, and negatively correlated with the exhibition of body part object pantomimes. These findings indicate that the development of a mental state lexicon and some, bur not all, components of pretend play are dependent on the capacity for metarepresentational cognition.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the hypothesis that work burden, the simultaneous engagement in paid work and unpaid family housework, is a potential risk factor for psychiatric symptoms among women. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 460 women randomly selected from a poor area of the city of Salvador, Brazil. Women between 18 to 70 years old, who reported having a paid occupation or were involved in unpaid domestic activities for their families, were eligible. Work burden-related variables were defined as: a) double work shift, i.e., simultaneous engagement in a paid job plus unpaid housework; and b) daily working time. Psychiatric symptoms were collected through a validated questionnaire, the QMPA. RESULTS: Positive, statistically significant associations between high (>7 symptoms) QMPA scores and either double work shift (prevalence ratio -- PR=2.04, 95% confidence interval -- CI: 1.16, 2.29) or more than 10 hours of daily work time (PR=2.29, 95% CI: 1.96, 3.43) were found after adjustment for age, marital status and number of pre-school children. CONCLUSIONS: Major correlates of high QMPA scores are work burden variables. Being married or having pre-school children are also associated with high QMPA scores only when associated with work burden.


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Relatório Final da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em educação pré-escolar


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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O objectivo deste estudo é comparar programas de intervenção de escritas inventadas de natureza construtivista ou transmissiva. Participaram nesta investigação 78 crianças de idade pré-escolar, cujas escritas não representavam ainda os sons, tendo sido distribuídas por cinco grupos, quatro experimentais e um de controlo, equivalentes quanto à idade, inteligência, número de letras conhecidas e consciência fonológica. Entre o pré e o pós teste, as crianças dos grupos experimentais participaram num programa de intervenção de escritas inventadas de natureza construtivista ou transmissiva, manipulando-se ainda variáveis relacionadas com as características das palavras de treino e o tipo de instruções. Só se verifi cou uma evolução signifi cativa da qualidade das escritas inventadas nas crianças que participaram nos programas de intervenção de natureza construtivista.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Biologia


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Background: Few studies have been performed in children withs uspected betalactam allergy.We aimed to assess the role of the drug provocation test(DPT)with betalactams in a paediatric setting and to study the association between allergy to betalactam antibiotics and other allergic diseases. Methods:We included all the patients under 15 years old who were consecutively referred to the Immunoallergy Department, Dona Estefânia Hospital,Portugal(January 2002 to April 2008)for a compatible history of allergic reaction to betalactam. All were submitted to a DPT.Children were proposed to performs kintests(ST)to betalactam antibiotics followed by DPT. If they decline ST,a DPT with the culprit drug was performed. Results: We studied 161 children,60%were boys,with a median age of 5years old at the time of the DPT.Thirty-three patients(20.5%)had an immediate reaction and 33(20.5%)a non-immediate reaction. These verity of there porte dreactions was low in most cases. Skin tests to betalactams were performed in 47 children and were positive in 8.DPT was positive inonlyone(3.4%)of the patients skin tested and in 11(13.4%)of those not skin tested. These verity of the DPT reaction was low.Asthma and food allergy were associated with a positive DPT in the later group. Conclusions: DPT seems a safe procedure even in the absence of ST in non-severe cases. This could be a practical optionin infants and pre-school children,where ST are painful and difficult to perform.Additional caution should be taken in children with asthma and food allergy.


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Davant dels nous reptes educatius que planteja l’augment de la diversitat lingüística i cultural al conjunt del Sistema Educatiu Català, el present treball descriu els resultats i experiències obtinguts en les tres primeres fases d’un projecte de recerca centrat en la identificació d’indicadors vàlids que permetin dissenyar i implementar estratègies educatives inclusives adequades per atendre la diversitat lingüística i cultural present als nostres centres. La part central de la memòria descriu les primeres dades d’un estudi quantitatiu , realitzat en diferents moments del període d’escolarització (Pàrvuls 5 anys , segon i sisè de Primària i segon d’ESO) a quatre centres públics de Vilafranca del Penedès a finals del curs 2009-2010 , sobre el coneixement de català i de castellà i les possibles influències que en aquest hi juguen els factors de diversitat lingüística i cultural. El segon bloc d’aquest projecte presenta un seguit d’experiències i propostes d’assessorament centrades en el procés de sensibilització inicial sobre les implicacions educatives a nivell d’aula i de centre de la diversitat lingüística i cultural. També es presenta, com a annex final, un recull dels principals materials emprats en aquest procés d’intervenció en centre. A la part final del treball, s’hi desenvolupa una reflexió sobre les condicions que poden afavorir la implementació d’aquestes estratègies a nivell de centre i de sistema educatiu; i sobre el paper que , en aquests processos de canvi i millora educativa , hi podrien jugar els Serveis Educatius de Zona del Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya.


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Laurencetown, Lenaderg & Tullylish Community Association (LLT) manage a community centre which serves the surrounding rural areas. Programmes include: parent & toddler, youth group, older peopleï¿_s group (offering 1-1 support) and supports other outlying rural groups. LLT has completed 3 Level 2 projects in the past.The first 3 projects have helped develop better understanding and promoted better access to pharmacy services etc (3 miles away), have raised the profile of LLT and put health on the agenda and has worked well with a range of specific groups including men, older people, pre schoolers etc and is currently seeking to target teenagers and parents. A good working relationship has developed between the pharmacist and LLT. They want to continue a similar approach developed through their Level 2 applications but with an increased focus on pre-school children and young people (teenagers) with their parents. Year 1 includes a health fair, 6 talks to local groups, 10 consultations for older people, 4 sessions for mothers, 4 sessions for fathers and 3 sessions with young people. Most of these, apart from the Health Fair, will be repeated in Year 2 & 3.


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Today the Public Health Agency is launching a new resource pack designed to assist nursery schools and playgroups deliver a healthy breaks scheme.All nursery schools and playgroups in Northern Ireland will receive the pack - 'Healthy breaks for pre-school children' - which includes a poster and information leaflets for parents explaining why a healthy break is so important for pre-school children and some tips and ideas for healthy nutritious breaks.Judith Hanvey, Regional Food in Schools Co-ordinator, appointed jointly by the PHA and the Department of Education, said: "Break-time snacking schemes currently operate in many pre-school settings across Northern Ireland, however they are implemented in different ways. The PHA has developed this new guidance so that any existing or future schemes have the information that they need to deliver a healthy break programme."Judith explained why a healthy break is so important for pre-school pupils."Young children have small stomachs but high requirements for energy (calories) and nutrients. This means that healthy snacks between meals are very important to make sure that they get all the nourishment they need."Childhood is also an important time to establish good eating and drinking habits for later life."Healthy eating schemes give children the knowledge and opportunity to make healthier choices."The Department of Education and Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety recently launched 'Healthy Food for Healthy Outcomes: Food in Schools Policy', which builds on the nutritional standards which were introduced in 2007 by the Department of Education.The policy encourages a 'whole school approach' to all food and drink provided and consumed in schools. This ensures that children have the opportunity to benefit from a healthy balanced diet, which can aid learning, leading to improved educational outcomes. It also requires that every school should have their own whole-school food policy in place by September 2014. Nursery schools that receive funding from the Department of Education must follow this policy.This is also in line with the position taken by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety's 10 year obesity prevention strategy, A Fitter Future for All, which aims to take a consistent approach to healthy food within early years settings.