819 resultados para Performance Management


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In the wake of the “9-11” terrorists' attacks, the U.S. Government has turned to information technology (IT) to address a lack of information sharing among law enforcement agencies. This research determined if and how information-sharing technology helps law enforcement by examining the differences in perception of the value of IT between law enforcement officers who have access to automated regional information sharing and those who do not. It also examined the effect of potential intervening variables such as user characteristics, training, and experience, on the officers' evaluation of IT. The sample was limited to 588 officers from two sheriff's offices; one of them (the study group) uses information sharing technology, the other (the comparison group) does not. Triangulated methodologies included surveys, interviews, direct observation, and a review of agency records. Data analysis involved the following statistical methods: descriptive statistics, Chi-Square, factor analysis, principal component analysis, Cronbach's Alpha, Mann-Whitney tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Scheffe' post hoc analysis. ^ Results indicated a significant difference between groups: the study group perceived information sharing technology as being a greater factor in solving crime and in increasing officer productivity. The study group was more satisfied with the data available to it. As to the number of arrests made, information sharing technology did not make a difference. Analysis of the potential intervening variables revealed several remarkable results. The presence of a strong performance management imperative (in the comparison sheriff's office) appeared to be a factor in case clearances and arrests, technology notwithstanding. As to the influence of user characteristics, level of education did not influence a user's satisfaction with technology, but user-satisfaction scores differed significantly among years of experience as a law enforcement officer and the amount of computer training, suggesting a significant but weak relationship. ^ Therefore, this study finds that information sharing technology assists law enforcement officers in doing their jobs. It also suggests that other variables such as computer training, experience, and management climate should be accounted for when assessing the impact of information technology. ^


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Il lavoro presentato in questo elaborato tratterà lo sviluppo di un sistema di alerting che consenta di monitorare proattivamente una o più sorgenti dati aziendali, segnalando le eventuali condizioni di irregolarità rilevate; questo verrà incluso all'interno di sistemi già esistenti dedicati all'analisi dei dati e alla pianificazione, ovvero i cosiddetti Decision Support Systems. Un sistema di supporto alle decisioni è in grado di fornire chiare informazioni per tutta la gestione dell'impresa, misurandone le performance e fornendo proiezioni sugli andamenti futuri. Questi sistemi vengono catalogati all'interno del più ampio ambito della Business Intelligence, che sottintende l'insieme di metodologie in grado di trasformare i dati di business in informazioni utili al processo decisionale. L'intero lavoro di tesi è stato svolto durante un periodo di tirocinio svolto presso Iconsulting S.p.A., IT System Integrator bolognese specializzato principalmente nello sviluppo di progetti di Business Intelligence, Enterprise Data Warehouse e Corporate Performance Management. Il software che verrà illustrato in questo elaborato è stato realizzato per essere collocato all'interno di un contesto più ampio, per rispondere ai requisiti di un cliente multinazionale leader nel settore della telefonia mobile e fissa.


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Understanding how the relationship between a subordinate and manager develops over time has been a critical matter both for academics and for business. In both academic journals and industry publications, some writers have argued that the relationship is driven by perceptions of fairness and treatment, and that developing the relationship can lead to better performance. Others have argued that higher performers get better treatment and resources, which results in superior relationships with their managers. There is really no clear answer of what comes first—perceptions of fairness, satisfaction with the supervisor, or job performance—and which leads to which.


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Contexto: O trabalho que a seguir se apresenta foi elaborado no âmbito de um novo conceito na gestão do desempenho organizacional, a gestão estratégica multidimensional, onde a neuroeconomia foi associada à perspetiva teórica da gestão estratégica de recursos humanos (Dessler, 2005) e à aplicação do sistema de gestão da qualidade (SGQ), da NP 9001: 2008 (Saraiva e tal, 2009), para formar um método eficaz de conceção dos percursos de operacionalização da organização Objetivos: Pretendeu-se construir uma forma anatómica de gestão de desempenho organizacional através dos três conceitos mencionados, num contexto de gestão estratégica multidimensional, possibilitando a sua quantificação pelo nível de implementação dos requisitos para um sistema de gestão de qualidade, com o intuito de verificar sua viabilidade, sendo a resiliência organizacional dependente em grande medida dos recursos humanos, Método: Pelo conjunto das três áreas mencionadas foi criado um guia de atuação abrangendo as bases fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de uma estrutura organizacional: verificação dos níveis de incidência da gestão do desempenho organizacional; caracterização de diferentes tipos de estratégias de intervenção; implementação de estratégias preventivas e estratégias corretivas; utilização das quatro dimensões PIPE – performance, inovação, processos e empenhamento – como estratégias corretivas; integração das estratégias preventivas com as estratégias corretivas; diagnóstico contínuo de situações problema na gestão do desempenho organizacional; conceção de percursos de intervenção na gestão do desempenho organizacional; conceção de um projeto de gestão estratégica. A amostra final é constituída por uma organização do 3ºsetor, nomeadamente uma IPSS, a Associação Recreativa Cultural e Social das Gândaras, na Lousã, no distrito de Coimbra. Resultados: Com efeito, acredita-se que com este trabalho seja possível quantificar o nível de implementação dos requisitos para um SGQ num contexto de gestão estratégica multidimensional. / Context: The work presented below was prepared as part of a new concept in the management of organizational performance, the multidimensional strategic management, which was associated the neuroeconomics perspetive with the human resourses strategic management (Dessler, 2005) and the application of the quality management system (QMS), NP 9001: 2008 (and such Saraiva, 2009), to form an effective method of conception paths of operation of the organization Objetives: It was intended to build an anatomical shape organizational performance management across the three concepts mentioned in the context of multidimensional strategic management, enabling to quantify the level of implementation of the requirements for a quality management system, in order to verify their viability , and the organizational resilience largely dependent on human resources. Method: For all the three areas mentioned has created an action guide covering the fundamentals for developing an organizational structure: the verification of the incidence levels of organizational performance management; characterization of different types of intervention strategies; implementation of preventive strategies and corrective strategies, using the four dimensions PIPE - performance, innovation, processes and commitment - as corrective strategies; integration of preventive strategies with remedial strategies; diagnosis of problem situations in the ongoing management of organizational performance; conception pathways of intervention in the management of organizational performance; conception of a project of strategic management. The final sample consists of an organization of the 3rd setor, an IPSS, the Associação Recreativa Cultural e Social das Gândaras, in Lousã, in the district of Coimbra. Results: In fact, it is believed that this work is possible to quantify the level of implementation of the requirements for a QMS in a multidimensional context of strategic management.


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Num mundo competitivo com alterações profundas nos processos de trabalho e desempenho, surgem necessidades de novas formas de avaliação e competências profissionais. Estas necessidades promovem um ambiente nem sempre justo e saudável, algo imprescindível para o bem-estar de uma organização. O presente estudo objetiva verificar perceções de justiça organizacional da avaliação de desempenho de duas empresas do sector farmacêutico (empresa A e empresa B). Do mesmo modo verifica-se de que forma as variáveis sociodemográficas afetam ou fragmentam a avaliação de desempenho. Este tema é pouco explorado em Portugal, contribuindo para o aprofundamento da compreensão da multidimensionalidade da perceção de justiça nas forças de vendas destas organizações. A pesquisa descritiva foi realizada por meio de levantamento, com assertivas extraídas da pesquisa de Sotomayor (2006), para investigar as perceções de justiça distributiva, processual, interpessoal e informacional. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam perceção de justiça organizacional na avaliação de desempenho por parte da força de vendas em todas as quatro dimensões distintas, apresentando a justiça procedimental um score de destaque, seguida da justiça distributiva. A organização B apresenta níveis mais elevados de prevalência de justiça distributiva, procedimental, interpessoal e informacional face à organização A. No que respeita à relação entre as variáveis sociodemográficas e à perceção de justiça na avaliação de desempenho, a mesma não é suportada nesta amostra não comprometendo a perceção de justiça. Do presente estudo retira-se o quanto determinante nas organizações que envolvem forças de venda são as políticas e práticas de gestão de desempenho, acautelando o sucesso estratégico sustentado da organização, percecionando que com estas a organização as valoriza e cuida do seu bem-estar, com perceções positivas de justiça na avaliação de desempenho. / In a competitive world with profound changes in work processes and performance needs arise new forms of evaluation and professional skills. These needs foster an environment not always fair and healthy, something essential for the well-being of an organization. This study aims to verify perception of organizational justice evaluation of performance of two companies in the pharmaceutical sector (company A and company B). Likewise there is how sociodemographic varia-bles affect or fragmenting the performance appraisal. This theme is underexplored in Portugal, contributing to the deepening of understanding of the multidimensionality of perception of justice in these organizations sales forces. The descriptive research was conducted through survey, with the extracted assertions Sotomayor research (2006), to investigate the perceptions of distributive, procedural, interpersonal and informational justice. The results of this study indicate organizational justice perception on performance appraisal by the sales force in all four different dimensions, presenting procedural justice an outstanding score, followed by distributive justice. The organization B has higher levels of prevalence of distributive justice, procedural, interpersonal and informational face the organization A. As regards the relationship between sociodemographic variables and the perception of justice in performance appraisal, it is not supported in this sample does not compromising the perception of justice. The present study withdraws how decisive in organizations involving sales force policies and performance management practices, cautioning sustained strategic success of the organization, perceived that the organization values and cares for your well-being, with positive perceptions justice in performance appraisal.


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Based on a two-stage analysis of a panel of data on 12 outlets of a high-end retailer for 24 months, we investigate how the level of supervisory monitoring affects retail sales productivity. In the first stage, we use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to compute the relative productivity of retail outlets in using their labor and capital resources to generate store sales. In the second stage, we regress the logarithm of DEA scores on contextual variables to obtain consistent estimators of the impact of contextual variables on productivity (Banker and Natarajan in Operation Research 56:48-58, 2008). Contrary to agency theoretic prediction that supervisory monitoring leads to an increase in retail sales productivity, our empirical results indicate that the higher the level of supervisory monitoring, the lower is the retail sales productivity for high-end retail outlets.


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This research examined the personnel policies of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), aimed at the middle area, implemented by the President's Office of Personnel Management (PROGEP), through the Performance Management and Development from 2006 to 2009 period, in which Institutional Plan was implemented for Technical and administrative (PIDT) with a view to ascertaining whether these actions were developed in line with the ideas of managerialism or New Public Management (NPM). The study opted for qualitative research using interview as a tool to collect data. The informants were managers PROGEP / UFPA who acted in that period. Data interpretation was based on analysis of content from the collation of speeches and documents produced during the period with the managerial categories. Data analysis revealed that the management of people, UFPA has the characteristics of a hybrid management, observing the period studied two models of management: a bureaucratic, rational, focused on processes, contemporary face of public organizations, and other managerialist, adopted by PROGEP in obedience to the mandatory policies of the federal government, being much more present the characteristics of a personnel policy-oriented processes. Concludes that the personnel policy of the UFPA has not been fully tuned to managerialism in the surveyed period


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Most economic transactions nowadays are due to the effective exchange of information in which digital resources play a huge role. New actors are coming into existence all the time, so organizations are facing difficulties in keeping their current customers and attracting new customer segments and markets. Companies are trying to find the key to their success and creating superior customer value seems to be one solution. Digital technologies can be used to deliver value to customers in ways that extend customers’ normal conscious experiences in the context of time and space. By creating customer value, companies can gain the increased loyalty of existing customers and better ways to serve new customers effectively. Based on these assumptions, the objective of this study was to design a framework to enable organizations to create customer value in digital business. The research was carried out as a literature review and an empirical study, which consisted of a web-based survey and semi-structured interviews. The data from the empirical study was analyzed as mixed research with qualitative and quantitative methods. These methods were used since the object of the study was to gain deeper understanding about an existing phenomena. Therefore, the study used statistical procedures and value creation is described as a phenomenon. The framework was designed first based on the literature and updated based on the findings from the empirical study. As a result, relationship, understanding the customer, focusing on the core product or service, the product or service quality, incremental innovations, service range, corporate identity, and networks were chosen as the top elements of customer value creation. Measures for these elements were identified. With the measures, companies can manage the elements in value creation when dealing with present and future customers and also manage the operations of the company. In conclusion, creating customer value requires understanding the customer and a lot of information sharing, which can be eased by digital resources. Understanding the customer helps to produce products and services that fulfill customers’ needs and desires. This could result in increased sales and make it easier to establish efficient processes.


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The efficient indirect office work brings competitive advantage for companies in a rapidly changing business environment. The direct work methods in factory floors have been developed already for decades, but the office work is an area where the potential to improve the value add has not been studied and utilized systematically so far. The first objective of the thesis work is to find useful method for identifying and managing value add using literature. The usefulness of the method is validated in the case company`s environment. The second objective of the work is to understand what kind of effort is required to create more efficient target setting for the white collar employees. The operative level targets should be linked more tightly to the company strategy. Lean methods are selected as a tool for the improvement, since they are widely used in all kinds of industries and they are already familiar in other functions in the case company. Based on the literature review, suitable improvement methods are selected. The core of the lean is to identify the value add of a customer and eliminate the waste. Also visual control, cross functional work team, flow office and continuous improvement are used. The methods are tested in one production line and the results and feedback indicate that methods are useful in the studied environment.


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This research examined the personnel policies of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), aimed at the middle area, implemented by the President's Office of Personnel Management (PROGEP), through the Performance Management and Development from 2006 to 2009 period, in which Institutional Plan was implemented for Technical and administrative (PIDT) with a view to ascertaining whether these actions were developed in line with the ideas of managerialism or New Public Management (NPM). The study opted for qualitative research using interview as a tool to collect data. The informants were managers PROGEP / UFPA who acted in that period. Data interpretation was based on analysis of content from the collation of speeches and documents produced during the period with the managerial categories. Data analysis revealed that the management of people, UFPA has the characteristics of a hybrid management, observing the period studied two models of management: a bureaucratic, rational, focused on processes, contemporary face of public organizations, and other managerialist, adopted by PROGEP in obedience to the mandatory policies of the federal government, being much more present the characteristics of a personnel policy-oriented processes. Concludes that the personnel policy of the UFPA has not been fully tuned to managerialism in the surveyed period


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Para fazer face às exigências da sociedade, as organizações têm a necessidade de desenvolver esforços de modo a aumentar a sua performance, através de práticas de gestão estratégica de recursos humanos. Nesta dissertação iremos aprofundar o estudo do modelo proposto por Marr (2009) para explicar a Cultura Orientada para o Desempenho e demonstrar os efeitos que a cultura tem nos Sistemas de Gestão de Desempenho, utilizando os Modelos de Equações Estruturais, através da análise de respostas obtidas sobre 325 colaboradores de empresas portuguesas do sector público e privado. Desta análise resultou a confirmação das quatro dimensões latentes de Cultura Organizacional propostas pelo autor, através da Análise Factorial Confirmatória, revelando também a sua importância e contributos diferenciados no Sistema de Gestão de Desempenho de uma organização. De um modo geral, verificou-se que as dimensões da Cultura contribuem de forma positiva para o aumento da eficácia de um Sistema de Gestão de Desempenho, alinhado com o modelo conceptual proposto e enfatizando a importância de se estudar as dimensões de Cultura e de Sistemas de Gestão de Desempenho de forma simultânea.


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La pianificazione e la gestione dei processi è diventata un elemento critico a causa della crescente complessità delle attività all’interno delle organizzazioni. Nell’era dell’impresa digitale, la gestione dei processi di businesss viene coadiuvata mediante l’utilizzo di sistemi software che sono in grado di gestire una grande quantità di informazioni ovvero i sistemi BPM. Il Business Performance Management è una disciplina gestionale che si occupa di descrivere e gestire i processi di business di una organizzazione. L’obiettivo della seguente tesi è verificare se il modello del processo realizzato precedentemente all’implementazione del sistema reale possa permettere una più dettagliata analisi del sistema e anticipare relative problematiche che talvolta si evincono solamente durante il mero sviluppo. Inoltre si vuole verificare se il modello realizzato in fase di discussione di un nuovo progetto cliente possa poi migliorare anche lo scambio di informazioni nel team di sviluppo. A supporto di questa tesi è stato sviluppato un caso di studio reale in una società di gestione del risparmio specializzata in fondi di investimento immobiliare. Inizialmente si è proceduto con una prima fase di raccolta dei requisiti dell’applicativo che si è conclusa con la realizzazione dei modelli creati utilizzando due linguaggi che sono il Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) e il Decision Model and Notation (DMN); il medesimo applicativo è stato successivamente implementato seguendo i modelli realizzati. I tempi globali di sviluppo del sistema e la migliore comprensione del modello da parte del team di sviluppo hanno fatto evincere l’utilità della modellazione a fronte di maggiori giornate uomo. Inoltre è stata riscontata maggiore manutenibilità complessiva del sistema.


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BACKGROUND: Conceptualization of quality of care - in terms of what individuals, groups and organizations include in their meaning of quality, is an unexplored research area. It is important to understand how quality is conceptualised as a means to successfully implement improvement efforts and bridge potential disconnect in language about quality between system levels, professions, and clinical services. The aim is therefore to explore and compare conceptualization of quality among national bodies (macro level), senior hospital managers (meso level), and professional groups within clinical micro systems (micro level) in a cross-national study. METHODS: This cross-national multi-level case study combines analysis of national policy documents and regulations at the macro level with semi-structured interviews (383) and non-participant observation (803 hours) of key meetings and shadowing of staff at the meso and micro levels in ten purposively sampled European hospitals (England, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, and Norway). Fieldwork at the meso and micro levels was undertaken over a 12-month period (2011-2012) and different types of micro systems were included (maternity, oncology, orthopaedics, elderly care, intensive care, and geriatrics). RESULTS: The three quality dimensions clinical effectiveness, patient safety, and patient experience were incorporated in macro level policies in all countries. Senior hospital managers adopted a similar conceptualization, but also included efficiency and costs in their conceptualization of quality. 'Quality' in the forms of measuring indicators and performance management were dominant among senior hospital managers (with clinical and non-clinical background). The differential emphasis on the three quality dimensions was strongly linked to professional roles, personal ideas, and beliefs at the micro level. Clinical effectiveness was dominant among physicians (evidence-based approach), while patient experience was dominant among nurses (patient-centered care, enough time to talk with patients). Conceptualization varied between micro systems depending on the type of services provided. CONCLUSION: The quality conceptualization differed across system levels (macro-meso-micro), among professional groups (nurses, doctors, managers), and between the studied micro systems in our ten sampled European hospitals. This entails a managerial alignment challenge translating macro level quality definitions into different local contexts.


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El objetivo que tiene este proyecto es revisar los conceptos básicos acerca de las relaciones que crean los líderes con sus colaboradores dentro de las organizaciones, dichas relaciones y vínculos pueden afectar positiva o negativamente el desempeño de sus actividades diarias dentro de una organización. Para darle inicio a la investigación se estudió como primer paso el concepto de liderazgo transformacional, capital psicológico y que componentes hacían parte de este factor. El desarrollo de la investigación se enfatizó entre el liderazgo transformacional y la autoeficacia ya que son factores claves dentro del desarrollo de las actividades organizacionales debido a que afectan claramente el capital humano de las compañías y están directamente relacionados con el crecimiento de las mismas, lo que nos llevó a preguntarnos ¿qué relación tendrá el liderazgo transformacional y la autoeficacia en la productividad de las empresas? Es aquí donde radica la importancia de esta investigación ya que el cambio de pensamiento de las organizaciones hacia un liderazgo transformacional podría lograr una maximización del desempeño del personal de trabajo en relación al objetivo de la compañía. Como conclusión llegamos a que efectivamente hay un efecto positivo en los individuos que desarrollan un capital psicológico específicamente en el factor de autoeficacia para lograr un desempeño destacable, productivo y eficiente dentro de las organizaciones.