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The treatment of membranous lupus nephritis (MLN) is still controversial in the literature. We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients in two medical centers of Sao Paulo-Brazil in order to evaluate the clinical response in patients submitted to either a regimen with prednisone alone or to a double immunosuppressive regimen (prednisone plus cyclophosphamide or prednisone plus azathioprine). Methods: MLN female patients were enrolled in this retrospective study conducted from February 1999 to June 2007. Data were collected from the patients` medical charts. Race distribution was similar in both groups: Caucasian (72.3%) and Afro-Latin-American (27.7%). The prednisone regimen consisted of 1 mg/kg/day for 8 weeks and tapering until 0.1 mg/kg/day (n = 29). The double immunosuppressive treatment consisted of the same doses of prednisone plus monthly intravenous cyclophosphamide or azathioprine for 6 months (n = 24). Criteria for remission (complete and partial) and renal function loss as well as flare criteria followed those used in the literature. Results: There was no difference between the prednisone group and the double immunosuppressive group regarding age (33.2 +/- 9.4 vs. 29.1 +/- 9.1 y), estimated GFR (76.5 +/- 26.6 vs. 74.1 +/- 39.6 ml/min/1.73 m(2)), serum albumin (2.8 +/- 0.7 vs. 2.6 +/- 0.3 g/dl), positive ANA (87.5 vs. 90.0%), positive anti-dsDNA (47.6 vs. 44.0%), renal SLEDAI indices (6.6 +/- 2.6 vs. 7.0 +/- 3.1), follow-up time (71 +/- 46 vs. 62 +/- 45 months), as well as proteinuria (3.1 +/- 1.9 vs. 4.8 +/- 2.4 g/day) and number of non-nephrotic patients (6 in the prednisone group vs. 3 in the double immunosuppressive group). The prednisone group presented higher C3 values (85.2 +/- 31.5 vs. 62.3 +/- 41.6 U/ml, p = 0.04). Clinical and laboratory characteristics at 6 months and at last follow-up did not reveal any differences between treatment regimens. Renal survival after an 8-year follow-up did not differ in both groups (prednisone group 86.2% vs. double immunosuppressive group 75%), and patients in both groups showed a high rate of renal flares (prednisone group 51.7% vs. double immunosuppressive group 62.5%). Univariate analysis showed that only patient age predicted flares (r = -0.048, p = 0.04). Borderline significance was obtained for proteinuria analysis (p = 0.07). Adverse effects did not differ between the groups. Conclusions: A regimen of corticosteroids in MLN induced a high remission rate after 6 months. Both treatment regimens showed a high flare rate and age was the only predictive parameter (r = -0.048, p = 0.04). Renal survival after 8 years did not differ between the groups.
Introduction: Glossodynia or burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a common and poorly understood disorder. Its treatment is uncertain. Otherwise, there is some evidence of the importance of psychological factors in the genesis of this disease. Objectives: Verify the usefulness of group psychotherapy as an adjuvant therapeutic method in the treatment of BMS. Casuistics and Methods: The study group consisted of 64 consecutive patients with a clinical diagnosis of BMS seen at the Stomatology Outpatient Clinic, ENT Department, Sao Paulo University Medical School, between May 2002 and May 2007. All the patients were submitted to physical examination, laboratorial screening tests, psychological assessment (Crown-Crisp Experimental Inventory), and answered a short form of the McGill Pain Questionnaire. Only 44 patients who did not show any abnormality in the protocol exams entered the study. Twenty-four of them underwent group psychotherapy. Twenty patients received placebo. Chi-square test was applied to compare the results of treatment with or without psychotherapy. Results: There were 15 men and 29 women in the study group. Tongue burning was the main complaint of the patients. Improvement of symptoms was reported by 17 (70.8%) of the patients undergoing psychotherapy, while among those who did not eight (40%) had improvement of symptoms (P=.04). Conclusion: Psychological assessment demonstrated a close correlation between symptoms and psychological factors, suggesting that group psychotherapy is an important alternative to conventional treatment methods. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Recurrent 15q13.3 microdeletions were recently identified with identical proximal (BP4) and distal (BP5) breakpoints and associated with mild to moderate mental retardation and epilepsy. Methods: To assess further the clinical implications of this novel 15q13.3 microdeletion syndrome, 18 new probands with a deletion were molecularly and clinically characterised. In addition, we evaluated the characteristics of a family with a more proximal deletion between BP3 and BP4. Finally, four patients with a duplication in the BP3-BP4-BP5 region were included in this study to ascertain the clinical significance of duplications in this region. Results: The 15q13.3 microdeletion in our series was associated with a highly variable intra-and inter-familial phenotype. At least 11 of the 18 deletions identified were inherited. Moreover, 7 of 10 siblings from four different families also had this deletion: one had a mild developmental delay, four had only learning problems during childhood, but functioned well in daily life as adults, whereas the other two had no learning problems at all. In contrast to previous findings, seizures were not a common feature in our series (only 2 of 17 living probands). Three patients with deletions had cardiac defects and deletion of the KLF13 gene, located in the critical region, may contribute to these abnormalities. The limited data from the single family with the more proximal BP3-BP4 deletion suggest this deletion may have little clinical significance. Patients with duplications of the BP3-BP4-BP5 region did not share a recognisable phenotype, but psychiatric disease was noted in 2 of 4 patients. Conclusions: Overall, our findings broaden the phenotypic spectrum associated with 15q13.3 deletions and suggest that, in some individuals, deletion of 15q13.3 is not sufficient to cause disease. The existence of microdeletion syndromes, associated with an unpredictable and variable phenotypic outcome, will pose the clinician with diagnostic difficulties and challenge the commonly used paradigm in the diagnostic setting that aberrations inherited from a phenotypically normal parent are usually without clinical consequences.
Background Disease management programs (DMPs) are developed to address the high morbi-mortality and costs of congestive heart failure (CHF). Most studies have focused on intensive programs in academic centers. Washington County Hospital (WCH) in Hagerstown, MD, the primary reference to a semirural county, established a CHF DMP in 2001 with standardized documentation of screening and participation. Linkage to electronic records and state vital statistics enabled examination of the CHF population including individuals participating and those ineligible for the program. Methods All WCH inpatients with CHF International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision code in any position of the hospital list discharged alive. Results Of 4,545 consecutive CHF admissions, only 10% enrolled and of those only 52.2% made a call. Enrollment in the program was related to: age (OR 0.64 per decade older, 95% CI 0.58-0.70), CHF as the main reason for admission (OR 3.58, 95% CI 2.4-4.8), previous admission for CHF (OR 1.14, 95% CI 1.09-1.2), and shorter hospital stay (OR 0.94 per day longer, 95% CI 0.87-0.99). Among DMP participants mortality rates were lowest in the first month (80/1000 person-years) and increased subsequently. The opposite mortality trend occurred in nonenrolled groups with mortality in the first month of 814 per 1000 person-years in refusers and even higher in ineligible (1569/1000 person-years). This difference remained significant after adjustment. Re-admission rates were lower among participants who called consistently (adjusted incidence rate ratio 0.62, 95% CI 0.52-0.77). Conclusion Only a small and highly select group participated in a low-intensity DMP for CHF in a community-based hospital. Design of DMPs should incorporate these strong selective factors to maximize program impact. (Am Heart J 2009; 15 8:459-66.)
The morphologic appearance and clinical behavior of the human urinary bladder papillary transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) probably result from a complex interaction between carcinogenic insults and host resistance during the patient`s life. While the main recognized risk factors are of environmental origin (e.g. smoking), relatively little information exists about the susceptibility to TCC development. The human leukocyte antigen G (HLA-G) molecule plays an important role in immune response regulation and has been implicated in the inhibition of the cytolytic function of natural killer and cytotoxic T cells. Several lines of evidence indicate that HLA-G polymorphisms influence the expression level and production of different HLA-G isoforms. The aim of this study was to explore a possible influence of the HLA-G polymorphism on the susceptibility to urinary bladder TCC development and progression in smokers and nonsmokers Brazilian subjects. The HLA-G locus was found to be associated with susceptibility to TCC development and progression. The G*0104 allelic group (specially the G*010404 allele) and the G*0103 allele were associated with a tobacco-dependent influence on TCC development. The G*0104 group was associated with progression to high-grade tumors, irrespective of smoking habit, while the G*0103 allele was associated to high-grade tumor only in smoking patients. Our results are an evidence that the HLA-G locus itself, or as part of an extended haplotype encompassing this chromosome region (particularly the HLA-A given the high linkage disequilibrium observed between them in this data series), may be associated with TCC susceptibility and tumor progression, suggesting a tobacco-dependent influence of these polymorphisms.
We previously reported a Vietnamese-American family with isolated autosomal dominant occipital cephalocele. Upon further neuroimaging studies, we have recharacterized this condition as autosomal dominant Dandy-Walker with occipital cephalocele (ADDWOC). A similar ADDWOC family from Brazil was also recently described. To determine the genetic etiology of ADDWOC, we performed genome-wide linkage analysis on members of the Vietnamese-American and Brazilian pedigrees. Linkage analysis of the Vietnamese-American family identified the ADDWOC causative locus on chromosome 2q36.1 with a multipoint parametric LOD score of 3.3, while haplotype analysis refined the locus to 1.1 Mb. Sequencing of the five known genes in this locus did not identify any protein-altering mutations. However, a terminal deletion of chromosome 2 in a patient with an isolated case of Dandy-Walker malformation also encompassed the 2q36.1 chromosomal region. The Brazilian pedigree did not show linkage to this 2q36.1 region. Taken together, these results demonstrate a locus for ADDWOC on 2q36.1 and also suggest locus heterogeneity for ADDWOC.
Report of a submission being made to a major international software engineering standards group, the Object Management Group which ties together OMG standards with World-Wide Web Consortium and International Standards Organization standards. Major industry bodies including IBM are collaborating, and the submission has the support of 24 companies. OMG, W3C and ISO standards strongly influence the industry, especially in combination. Colomb was a major contributor, responsible for 30% of the submission, and the primary author of the paper.
Purpose To describe event-free survival (EFS) and toxicities in children with low-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) assigned to receive either continuous 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) and weekly methotrexate (MIX) or intermittent 6-MP with intermediate-dose MTX, as maintenance treatment. Patients and Methods Between October 1, 2000, and December 31, 2007, 635 patients with low-risk ALL were enrolled onto Brazilian Childhood Cooperative Group for ALL Treatment (GBTLI) ALL-99 protocol. Eligible children (n=544) were randomly allocated to receive either continuous 6-ME/MIX (group 1, n 272) or intermittent 6-MP (100 mg/m(2)/d for 10 days, with 11 days resting) and MIX (200 mg/m(2) every 3 weeks; group 2, n = 272). Results The 5-year overall survival (OS) and EFS were 92.5% +/- 1.5% SE and 83.6% +/- 2.1% SE, respectively. According to maintenance regimen, the OS was 91.4% +/- 2.2% SE (group 1) and 93.6% +/- 2.1% SE (group 2; P=.28) and EFS 80.9% +/- 3.2% SE (group 1) and 86.5% +/- 2.8% SE (group 2; P=.089). Remarkably, the intermittent regimen led to significantly higher EFS among boys (85.7% v 74.9% SE; P=027), while no difference was seen for girls (87.0% v 88.8% SE; P=.78). Toxic episodes were recorded in 226 and 237 children, respectively. Grade 3 to 4 toxic events for groups 1 and 2 were, respectively, 273 and 166 for hepatic dysfunction (P=.002), and 772 and 636 for hematologic episodes (P=.005). Deaths on maintenance were: seven (group 1) and one (group 2). Conclusion The intermittent use of 6-MP and MIX in maintenance is a less toxic regimen, with a trend toward better long-term EFS. Boys treated with the intermittent schedule had significantly better EFS.
The HLA-G gene is predominantly expressed at the maternal-fetal interface. It has been associated with maternal-fetal tolerance and in the inhibition of cytotoxic T lymphocyte and natural killer cytolytic functions. At least two variations in the 3` untranslated region (UTR) of HLA-G locus are associated with HLA-G expression levels, the 14-bp deletion/insertion polymorphism and the +3142 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). However, this region has not been completely characterized yet. The variability of the 3`UTR of HLA-G gene and its haplotype structure were characterized in 155 individuals from Brazil, as well as HLA-G alleles associated with each of the 3`UTR haplotype. The following eight variation sites were detected: the 14-bp polymorphism and SNPs at the positions +3003T/C, +3010C/G, +3027A/C, +3035C/T, +3142G/C, +3187A/G and +3196C/G. Similarly, 11 different 3`UTR haplotypes were identified and several HLA-G alleles presented only one 3`UTR haplotype. In addition, a high linkage disequilibrium among the variation sites was detected, especially among the 14-bp insertion and the alleles +3142G and +3187A, all previously associated with low mRNA availability, demonstrating that their effects are not independent. The detailed analyses of 3`UTR of the HLA-G locus may shed some light into mechanisms underlying the regulation of HLA-G expression. Genes and Immunity (2010) 11, 134-141; doi: 10.1038/gene.2009.74; published online 1 October 2009