928 resultados para Kruger, Barbara


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The research reported here draws on a study of five teenagers from a Dinka-speaking community of Sudanese settling in Australia. A range of factors including language proficiency, social network structure and language attitudes are examined as possible causes for the variability of language use. The results and discussion illustrate how the use of a triangular research approach captured the complexity of the participants' language situation and was critical to developing a full understanding of the interplay of factors influencing the teens' language maintenance and shift in a way that no single method could. Further, it shows that employment of different methodologies allowed for flexibility in data collection to ensure the fullest response from participants. Overall, this research suggests that for studies of non-standard communities, variability in research methods may prove more of a strength that the use of standardised instruments and approaches.


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When English-learning children begin using words the majority of their early utterances (around 80%) are nouns. Compared to nouns, there is a paucity of verbs or non-verb relational words, such as 'up' meaning 'pick me up'. The primary explanations to account for these differences in use either argue in support of a 'cognitive account', which claims that verbs entail more cognitive complexity than nouns, or they provide evidence challenging this account. In this paper I propose an additional explanation for children's noun/verb asymmetry. Presenting a 'multi-modal account' of word-learning based on children's gesture and word combinations, I show that at the one-word stage English-learning children use gestures to express verb-like elements which leaves their words free to express noun-like elements.


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A graph H is said to divide a graph G if there exists a set S of subgraphs of G, all isomorphic to H, such that the edge set of G is partitioned by the edge sets of the subgraphs in S. Thus, a graph G is a common multiple of two graphs if each of the two graphs divides G.


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Nearest–neighbour balance is considered a desirable property for an experiment to possess in situations where experimental units are influenced by their neighbours. This paper introduces a measure of the degree of nearest–neighbour balance of a design. The measure is used in an algorithm which generates nearest–neighbour balanced designs and is readily modified to obtain designs with various types of nearest–neighbour balance. Nearest–neighbour balanced designs are produced for a wide class of parameter settings, and in particular for those settings for which such designs cannot be found by existing direct combinatorial methods. In addition, designs with unequal row and column sizes, and designs with border plots are constructed using the approach presented here.


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Sulfonation is an important metabolic process involved in the excretion and in some cases activation of various endogenous compounds and xenobiotics. This reaction is catalyzed by a family of enzymes named sulfotransferases. The cytosolic human sulfotransferases SULT1A1 and SULT1A3 have overlapping yet distinct substrate specificities. SULT1A1 favors simple phenolic substrates such as p-nitrophenol, whereas SULT1A3 prefers monoamine substrates such as dopamine. In this study we have used a variety of phenolic substrates to functionally characterize the role of the amino acid at position 146 in SULT1A1 and SULT1A3. First, the mutation A146E in SULT1A1 yielded a SULT1A3-like protein with respect to the Michaelis constant for simple phenols. The mutation E146A in SULT1A3 resulted in a SULT1A1-like protein with respect to the Michaelis constant for both simple phenols and monoamine compounds. When comparing the specificity of SULT1A3 toward tyramine with that for p-ethylphenol (which differs from tyramine in having no amine group on the carbon side chain), we saw a 200-fold preference for tyramine. The kinetic data obtained with the E146A mutant of SULT1A3 for these two substrates clearly showed that this protein preferred substrates without an amine group attached. Second, changing the glutamic acid at position 146 of SULT1A3 to a glutamine, thereby neutralizing the negative charge at this position, resulted in a 360-fold decrease in the specificity constant for dopamine. The results provide strong evidence that residue 146 is crucial in determining the substrate specificity of both SULT1A1 and SULT1A3 and suggest that there is a direct interaction between glutamic acid 146 in SULT1A3 and monoamine substrates.


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Previous research has examined the relationship between the Modern Sexism Scale (Swim, Aikin, Hall & Hunter, 1995) and the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI; Glick & Fiske, 1996) or the relationship between the Modern Sexism Scale and the Neosexism Scale (Campbell, Schellenberg, & Senn, 1997; Tougas, Brown, Beaten, & Joly, 1995). The present study examined the relationship between the ASI and the Neosexism Scale. Across three samples (N = 907), neosexism was found to be associated primarily with the hostile rather than the benevolent component of ambivalent sexism. Hostile sexism, benevolent sexism, and neosexism were all significantly associated with attitudes toward lesbians' and gay men's rights, and both hostile sexism and neosexism were significantly associated with attitudes toward women's rights. Neosexism and hostile sexism were negatively associated with a humanitarian-egalitarian orientation, whereas benevolent sexism was positively associated with a Protestant-ethic orientation. It is concluded that, although both the Neosexism Scale and ASI measure contemporary sexism, only the Benevolent Sexism subscale of the ASI taps the subjectively positive side of contemporary sexism.


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Recent research (Kuhl, 1991) has suggested that the internal structure of vowel categories is graded in terms of stimulus goodness. It has been proposed that a best instance stimulus reflects a central point or prototype, which effectively renders within-category members perceptually more similar. Discrimination experiments suggest a nonlinear relationship between acoustic and perceptual space near category centers (Iverson & Kuhl, 1995b). This phenomenon has been described as the perceptual magnet effect. The present study investigated the presence of the perceptual magnet effect in five Australian vowel categories. Australian English speakers identified, rated, and discriminated between a pool of 32 vowel stimuli that varied in F1 and F2 values. The results from Experiments 1 and 2 showed that subjects were able to judge the quality and identity of each stimulus and that a general grading of stimulus quality was reported. This was not symmetrical, and the subjects' responses varied considerably. In Experiment 3, closer control of the methodology in the discrimination task and of contextual factors influencing the test materials was exercised. Despite this, evidence of the warping of perceptual space in discrimination data was not found. In general, these results do not provide support for the existence of the perceptual magnet effect, and explanations for this finding are discussed.


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A 1-factorisation of a graph is perfect if the union of any two of its 1-factors is a Hamiltonian cycle. Let n = p(2) for an odd prime p. We construct a family of (p-1)/2 non-isomorphic perfect 1-factorisations of K-n,K-n. Equivalently, we construct pan-Hamiltonian Latin squares of order n. A Latin square is pan-Hamiltoilian if the permutation defined by any row relative to any other row is a single Cycle. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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Perceived depth was measured for three-types of stereograms with the colour/texture of half-occluded (monocular) regions either similar to or dissimilar to that of binocular regions or background. In a two-panel random dot stereogram the monocular region was filled with texture either similar or different to the far panel or left blank. In unpaired background stereograms the monocular region either matched the background or was different in colour or texture and in phantom stereograms the monocular region matched the partially occluded object or was a different colour or texture. In all three cases depth was considerably impaired when the monocular texture did not match either the background or the more distant surface. The content and context of monocular regions as well as their position are important in determining their role as occlusion cues and thus in three-dimensional layout. We compare coincidence and accidental view accounts of these effects. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Differential scanning calorimetry was used to evaluate the effect of storage at 10degreesC, 20degreesC and 30degreesC, and 40% and 65% relative humidity (RH) on adzuki bean starch gelatinisation and protein denaturation temperatures. Storage for 6 months at an elevated storage temperature (30degreesC) caused increases in the starch gelatinisation onset temperature (T-o) and gelatinisation peak temperature (T-p) for both Bloodwood and Erimo varieties. Storage at 40% RH resulted in higher T-o and T-p values than storage at 65% RH. The T-o of starch from Bloodwood and Erimo beans stored for up to 1.5 months at 10degreesC and 65% were similar to those of fresh beans. The changes in the salt-soluble protein component were less clear cut than those of the starch. Nonetheless, protein extracted from beans stored at 40% RH exhibited significantly lower T-o and T-p values compared with those stored at 65% RH. This indicates some destabilisation of the protein at the higher RH. These results suggest that detrimental changes occur in starch and, to a lesser extent protein, of adzuki beans stored under unfavourable conditions. On the basis of these results, the best storage conditions to maintain the characteristics of fresh beans are low temperatures (e.g. 10degreesC) and high RH (e.g. 65%). (C) 2003 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Perceived slant was measured for horizontal lines aligned on one side and of varying lengths whose length disparity was either a constant linear amount for all lines (consistent with uniocular occlusion) or proportional to line length (consistent with global slant). Although the disparity of any line was ambiguous with respect to these two possibilities, slant of individual lines did not occur in the former case, but a subjective contour in depth was reported along the alignment. For proportional disparity of the set, global slant was seen. Adding a constant length to each line on the invalid eye for occlusion resulted in multiple slants. Smooth uniocular variations in alignment shape elicited subjective contours slanting or curving in depth. Global context can disambiguate the depth status of individual disparate lines. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The 19-amino acid conopeptide (rho-TIA) was shown previously to antagonize noncompetitively alpha(1B)-adrenergic receptors (ARs). Because this is the first peptide ligand for these receptors, we compared its interactions with the three recombinant human alpha(1)-AR subtypes (alpha(1A), alpha(1B), and alpha(1D)). Radioligand binding assays showed that rho-TIA was 10-fold selective for human alpha(1B)- over alpha(1A)- and alpha(1D)-ARs. As observed with hamster alpha(1B)-ARs, rho-TIA decreased the number of binding sites (B-max) for human alpha(1B)-ARs without changing affinity (K-D), and this inhibition was unaffected by the length of incubation but was reversed by washing. However, rho-TIA had opposite effects at human alpha(1A)-ARs and alpha(1D)-ARs, decreasing KD without changing Bmax, suggesting it acts competitively at these subtypes. rho-TIA reduced maximal NE-stimulated [H-3] inositol phosphate formation in HEK293 cells expressing human alpha(1B)-ARs but competitively inhibited responses in cells expressing alpha(1A)- or alpha(1D)-ARs. Truncation mutants showed that the amino-terminal domains of alpha(1B)- or alpha(1D)-ARs are not involved in interaction with rho-TIA. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis of rho-TIA showed F18A had an increased selectivity for alpha(1B)-ARs, and F18N also increased subtype selectivity. I8A had a slightly reduced potency at alpha(1B)-ARs and was found to be a competitive, rather than noncompetitive, inhibitor in both radioligand and functional assays. Thus rho-TIA noncompetitively inhibits alpha(1B)-ARs but competitively inhibits the other two subtypes, and this selectivity can be increased by mutation. These differential interactions do not involve the receptor amino termini and are not because of the charged nature of the peptide, and isoleucine 8 is critical for its noncompetitive inhibition at alpha(1B)-ARs.


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infections have been little studied in wild and/or domestic animals, which may represent an important indicator of the presence of the pathogen in nature. Road-killed wild animals have been used for surveillance of vectors of zoonotic pathogens and may offer new opportunities for eco-epidemiological studies of paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM). The presence of P. brasiliensis infection was evaluated by Nested-PCR in tissue samples collected from 19 road-killed animals; 3 Cavia aperea (guinea pig), 5 Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating-fox), 1 Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo), 1 Dasypus septemcinctus (seven-banded armadillo), 2 Didelphis albiventris (white-eared opossum), 1 Eira barbara (tayra), 2 Gallictis vittata (grison), 2 Procyon cancrivorus (raccoon) and 2 Sphiggurus spinosus (porcupine). Specific P. brasiliensis amplicons were detected in (a) several organs of the two armadillos and one guinea pig, (b) the lung and liver of the porcupine, and (c) the lungs of raccoons and grisons. P. brasiliensis infection in wild animals from endemic areas might be more common than initially postulated. Molecular techniques can be used for detecting new hosts and mapping `hot spot` areas of PCM.