758 resultados para Industry-based Research
The study of societal transformation in response to environmental change has become established, yet little consensus exists regarding the conceptual basis of transformation. This paper aims to provide structure to the dialog on transformation, and to reflect on the challenges of social research in this area. Concepts of transformation are identified through a literature review, and examined using four analytical criteria. It is found that the term ‘transformation’ is frequently used merely as a metaphor. When transformation is not used as a metaphor, eight concepts are most frequently employed. They differ with respect to (i) system conceptualization, (ii) notions of social consciousness (deliberate/emergent), and (iii) outcome (prescriptive/descriptive). Problem-based research tends to adopt concepts of deliberate transformation with prescriptive outcome, while concepts of emergent transformation with no prescriptive outcome tend to inform descriptive-analytical research. Dialog around the complementarities of different concepts and their empirical testing are priorities for future research.
Cognitive theories of social anxiety indicate that negative cognitive biases play a key role in causing and maintaining social anxiety. On the basis of these cognitive theories, laboratory-based research has shown that individuals with social anxiety exhibit negative interpretation biases of ambiguous social situations. Cognitive Bias Modification for interpretative biases (CBM-I) has emerged from this basic science research to modify negative interpretative biases in social anxiety and reduce emotional vulnerability and social anxiety symptoms. However, it is not yet clear if modifying interpretation biases via CBM will have any enduring effect on social anxiety symptoms or improve social functioning. The aim of this paper is to review the relevant literature on interpretation biases in social anxiety and discuss important implications of CBM-I method for clinical practice and research.
Although the effects of personality traits on complaining behaviour emerged in the early 1980s, there is limited research in the service industry. The purpose of this study is to examine whether consumer personality traits influence intentions to complain and whether product price and product types moderate the relationship between personality traits and intentions to complain in the retail industry. The research model is tested by logistic regression analysis on two groups of consumers who report passive and active complaining intentions. The study reveals that conscientious consumers who are open to new experiences tend to have higher intentions to complain. Being extroverted does not have any influence on complaining behaviour. Whilst price levels (low/high) and product types (grocery, clothing and electronics) improve the predictive ability of the complaining behaviour, the interaction effects relating to the three personality traits are statistically insignificant. Theoretical and managerial implications of the study findings are discussed.
Reflecting on the strategic commitment outlined in the Plan of Action for Gender Equality (2005-2015) and the priority issues of the Commonwealth Women’s Forum, this article assesses the extent to which the Commonwealth as an institution is supporting troop and police-contributing member states in addressing the gender imbalance in peacekeeping operations. Drawing on desk-based research, interviews with international policymakers and a statistical analysis of the International Peace Institute Peacekeeping Database, the article first outlines the Commonwealth’s gender and security policy perspective before examining data sets to determine the success of Commonwealth member states in integrating women into uniformed peacekeeping contingencies between 2009 and 2015. The article observes that, in spite of a renewed optimism and drive to propel women into leadership positions in politics, the judiciary, public bodies and private companies, security sector reform and the implementation of pillar one of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325, is notably absent from the Commonwealth’s gender agenda. It is argued that this policy gap suggests that national and international security architecture is regarded as an accepted domain of masculine privilege. A lack of political will among Commonwealth Heads of Government to mainstream gender equality and facilitate structural transformation of national security organs, and a chronically under resourced Commonwealth Secretariat limits the influence of the institution to that of arms-length promoter of international norms on women, peace and security.
A fast, high-yielding synthesis of diaryl ethers with use of mild and metal-free conditions has been developed. The scope includes bulky ortho-substituted diaryl ethers, which are difficult to obtain by metal-catalyzed protocols. Halo-substituents, racemization-prone amino acid derivatives, and heteroaromatics are also tolerated. The methodology is expected to be of high utility in the synthesis of complex molecules and in the pharmaceutical industry.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på hur lokala kommunikationskonsulter i Falun/Borlänge-regionen ser på opinionsbildning via professionella konsulter. De centrala begrepp som avhandlas är PR, opinionsbildning och lobbying.Den teoretiska ram som omger undersökningen består av de teoribyggen som skapats av Jürgen Habermas, James E. Grunig och Larsåke Larsson. Habermas ställer sig tveksam till den demokratiska nyttan av professionell opinionsbildning, Grunig är mer positiv och Larsson ser både för- och nackdelar med PR-verksamheten. Larssons undersökning av opinionskonsulter från 2005 refereras också.Undersökningen bygger på intervjuer med ett antal kommunikationskonsulter verksamma i Falun och Borlänge. Den lokala marknaden för opinionsbildande uppdrag diskuteras, men också huruvida politiska uppdrag förser byråerna med politisk färg. Huruvida medarbetarnas engagemang är viktigt och hur hög statusen på opinionsbildande uppdrag är ventileras, samt vilka arbetsmetoder som används. Intervjuerna behandlar också förekomsten av lobbying på lokal nivå. Till slut redogör de intervjuade för sin syn på hur opinionsbildning, PR och lobbying via konsulter påverkar demokratin.Under slutsatser diskuteras resultatet i relation till den teoretiska ramen. Att PR- och reklambranscherna alltmer växer samman och att opinionsbildning är ett vanligt inslag i många projekt är ett faktum som också skymtat fram i den teoretiska ramen. Men reklam- och PR-metoder integreras också i politiken, på gott och ont. Följaktligen växer den gråzon som finns mellan de olika typerna av kommunikation och mellan opinionsbildande och icke-opinionsbildande uppdrag. Det försvårar gränsdragning och tydlighet, men skapar nya kreativa möjligheter.Att den ökade användningen av kommunikationskonsulter kanske kan bidra till en orättvis fördel för resursstarka organisationer diskuteras. Ny teknik, t.ex. Internet, kan dock eventuellt vara den motvikt som gör det möjligt även för resurssvaga grupper att höras i det offentliga samtalet. Kommunikation som maktfaktor tas även upp utifrån termer som lobbying och medias dagordningsfunktion.Några aspekter av den outnyttjade potential som PR har ventileras också. PR som metod är en outnyttjad resurs på det lokala planet, något som kan bero både på okunskap hos de lokala kunderna och ett traditionellt arbetssätt hos byråerna. Utifrån intervjusvaren framkommer att både byråerna, deras kunder och media på landsorten skulle gynnas av ett större samarbete.Resultaten av intervjuerna stöder mycket i den teoretiska ramen, medan somligt förkastas. Som sammanfattning kan sägas att opinionsbildning via konsulter kan användas för både gott och ont. Vilket som blir resultatet handlar som oftast om etik, ansvar, öppenhet och professionalitet.ABSTRACTThe primary target for this report is to find out how communication consultants in the region of Falun and Borlänge views the practice of establishing public opinions by using professional public relations consultants. The concepts in focus are PR, the moulding of public opinion and lobbying.The theoretical framework surrounding this report is the writings by Jürgen Habermas, James E. Grunig and Larsåke Larsson. Habermas has doubts as to the democratic use of professional consultants working with public opinions, Grunig has a somewhat more positive approach and Larsson sees both advantages and disadvantages in a democratic sense with the PR industry. Larssons research concerning consultants working with the moulding of public opinions from 2005 is also reviewed. The research is carried out by interviewing some communication consultants working in the Falun /Borlänge- area. The local market for commissions concerning public opinions is discussed, but also if and how political commissions are forcing a political stamp upon the firms engaging in such commissions. The importance of personal commitment in the consultants and the level of prominence commissions concerning public opinion has in the business is discussed, but also which methods is used and preferred. The interviews also deal with the practice of lobbying in the local arena. Finally the participants state their views on how the moulding of public opinion, PR and lobbying effects the democracy. Conclusively, the result is put in relation to the theories earlier mentioned. The public relations market is merging with the advertising business, that is a fact, and establishing public opinion is a common element in a lot of projects. But methods used for advertising and PR are also integrated in the political sphere, for good and bad. That has made the distinction between different kinds of communication harder, thereby enhancing the difficulties of establishing boundaries and achieving clarity. Yet at the same time it facilitates new creative opportunities.The growing use of communication consultants may contribute to unfair advantages for organisations with large economic resources. New technical development though, such as the Internet for example, may prove to simplify communication for groups with lesser economic power. Communication as an aspect of power is being discussed in terms of lobbying and the agenda setting power of media.Some aspects of the unused potential that lies within PR are also in focus in this report. PR as a method is an unused resource in the local market, which can be due to the local clients lack of knowledge but also to the traditional work carried out by the communication firms. The findings of the interviews show that both communication firms, their clients and the local media would benefit from greater cooperation.The theoretical base in this work is mostly supported by the interviews, though a few of the findings does not agree. The moulding of public opinions by professional consultants can be used for both good and bad. What the result will be is, not surprisingly, a question of ethics, responsibility, openness and professionalism.
Reader-Response Criticism and the Internet: A Methodological Discussion This article explores connections between Internet-based research and reader-response criticism, aiming to critically discuss the methodologies used in this particular field of research. First, the history of reader-response studies is briefly presented, with reference to theorists such as Richards, Rosenblatt, Robbe-Grillet, Iser and Jauss. It is noted that, for the past 15 years, people have utilised the Internet as a basis for the discussion of literary and reading-related topics. Researchers in this field may access reviews and commentaries on open web-based venues such as personal homepages, blogs and online forums (i.e. message boards and discussion sites). The material available on these sites is interesting because of its "spontaneous" nature; that is, such material has been formulated and uploaded without the interference of the researcher. The article presents one concrete example of an Internet-based reader-response study, discussing a number of pros and cons of the chosen methodology– including some important ethical considerations that arise when the researcher’s corpus is composed of material taken from the Internet. One of the conclusions of the paper is that many aspects of the general public’s web-based responses to literature are yet to be explored by the research community.
Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 2 är en folksjukdom och kan förebyggas eller fördröjas genom hälsosamma levnadsvanor. Att informera och motivera patienterna på ett hälsofrämjande och preventivt sätt är distriktssköterskans ansvar. Distriktssköterskans nyckelroll är att kritiskt granska evidensbaserad forskning för att uppnå en säker vård av god kvalitet som kan implementeras i praktiken. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskors upplevelser av att motivera patienter med diabetes typ 2 till hälsosammare levnadsvanor genom evidensbaserad vård. Metod: En kvalitativ ansats användes. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sju distriktssköterskor. Materialet analyserades utifrån Graneheim och Lundmans innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet i föreliggande studie visar att distriktssköterskorna måste utgå från patientens situation och individanpassa informationen. Genom stöd från distriktssköterskan ska patienten kunna motivera sig själv till att genomföra förändringar. Informanterna i studien belyste vikten av att informera patienten om diabetes samt vilka komplikationer som kan uppstå. För att uppnå en patientsäker vård av hög kvalitet ansåg distriktssköterskorna att evidensbaserad kunskap var en förutsättning. Konklusion: För att motivera patienterna till förändrade levnadsvanor krävs det att distriktssköterskorna informerar och undervisar patienterna om diabetes och hur förändrade levnadsvanor påverkar hälsan. Distriktssköterskan måste finna olika metoder för att motivera patienterna. Det som förmedlas ska grunda sig på vetenskap och evidensbaserad kunskap.
This dissertation aims at analysing the patterns of competition from the period of 1997-2005 in the Brazilian roasted and grounded market. For the development of this research, a questionary elaborated by the researchers Maria Sylvia M. Saes and Elizabeth M. M. Q. Farina, that was utilized with the firms associated to the Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Café (ABIC) in 1997, will be used. The same questionary will be replicated in the year 2006 in order to capture changes within the patterns of competition along those 9 years. The methodology applied in this study is the case study, with unit of analysis being the Brazilian roasted and grounded industry. The research will be descripitive, since it will describe the pattern of competition in the Brazilian roasted and grounded market. However, the study is also exploratory due to the fact that there isn't any research that analyzes the specific object of study. The results obtained suggest that, taking into consideration the relevant variables of structure, conduct and performance of the industry of roasted and grounded coffee, the pattern of competition remained the same throughout the period 1997-2005.
This dissertation is concerned with the implications of the learning process on the technological capabilities accumulation. This relationship was examined at the Electrolux do Brasil S/A ¿ Guabirotuba Unity ¿ in Curitiba/PR, over the period of 1980 to 2000. The Brazilian factory products White Goods destined to the Brazilian market as well as to exportation. The Swedish group Electrolux, to which the Brazilian factory belongs to, produces and sell goods to more then 150 countries. Regardless their importance, studies on the accumulation of technological capabilities and the underlying learning process are still scarce in Brazil, especially those focusing on the eletrodomestics products, and more specifically on the refrigerators and freezers industry. Based on a case study in the Electrolux do Brasil S/A, from 1980 to 2000, this investigation examined the influence of the learning process in the paths of the technological capabilities accumulation in the firm. The learning processes were analyzed in the light of the analytical framework proposed by Figueiredo (2001). This framework consists in four key features: variety, intensity, functioning and interaction. The technological capabilities accumulation were studied considering two technological functions: Process and Production Organization Activities and Products Activities. The evidences to classify and describe the paths of technological capabilities accumulation as well as to analyse the learning were mainly qualitative. This investigation joins other previous studies, in which there was noticed that the learning process have great involvement on technical changes, playing a relevant role on the technological capabilities of a company. Based on the investigation done and on the practical utilization of the analytical structure proposed by Figueiredo (2001), we infer that the way and the speed of technological capabilities accumulation are related to how the various learning processes were used by the company. One implied that, in levels from one to six, the studied company cumulated capabilities to level (5). Regarding technological competence, it approached industrialized countries firms, which present level (6), advanced.
Este trabalho analisa, sob uma perspectiva quantitativa, a retenção de clientes durante o processo de renegociação de créditos inadimplentes. O foco principal é entender quais são as variáveis que explicam a retenção destes clientes e, portanto, aprimorar o processo de cobrança de uma instituição financeira no Brasil. O tema se torna relevante à medida em que vários fatores tornam a competitividade mais difícil no ambiente de crédito no país: a concentração bancária vivida na última década, o aumento da oferta de crédito nos últimos anos, a redução dos spreads bancários, e por fim a crise econômica global que afeta em especial o setor financeiro. A pesquisa procura investigar quais variáveis melhor explicam o fenômeno da retenção. Para tanto, foram segregados clientes projetados como rentáveis pela cadeia de Markov. Em seguida, testou-se a aderência de variáveis cadastrais e contratuais à variável-resposta retenção, por duas metodologias: o algoritmo CHAID da árvore de decisão e o método stepwise da regressão logística. Os resultados indicam que o método CHAID selecionou 7 e o stepwise 8 variáveis, sendo algumas de natureza cadastral e outras que vêm do próprio contrato de renegociação. Dado que as condições do contrato influenciam a retenção e portanto o valor do cliente, sugere-se que o processo de oferta incorpore operacionalmente a noção de retenção na atividade da cobrança.
Este estudo pretende abordar os impactos que a multiculturalidade pode provocar nas relações comerciais, influenciando a qualidade das negociações e aproveitamento das oportunidades, bem como a realização de contratos mais inovadores e vantajosos para ambas as partes. Através do estudo do setor petrolífero no mundo e no Brasil e da identificação do alto grau de internacionalização desta indústria, procura-se verificar quais são as principais dificuldades que diferenças culturais podem criar na relação de confiança dos investidores estrangeiros sobre a estrutura e estilo de condução de negócios geridos por executivos brasileiros. Pretende-se verificar possíveis características específicas nas relações comerciais deste setor, observando o efeito que diferentes estilos, crenças, comportamentos e práticas venham exercer, e o grau de atenção e importância com que as empresas lidam com esta questão.
Organizations are seeking new ideas, tools and methods aiming to improve management process and performance. On the other hand, system performance measurement needs to portray organizational changes and provide managers with a set of true and more appropriate information for the decision-making process. This work aims to propose a performance measurement system in the academic field regarding Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) in the oil and gas industry. The research performed a bibliographic review in a descriptive exploratory manner. A field research was conducted with an expert focus group in order to gather new indicators. As for the validation of these indicators, a survey with experienced professional was also realized. The research surveyed four segments in and outside of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil such as oil and gas project coordinators, staff at Academic Planning Offices, FUNPEC employees as well as coordinators from Petrobrás. The performance measuring system created from this study features three interrelated performance indicators pointed out as: process indicators, outcome indicators and global indicators. The proposal includes performance indicators that seek to establish more appropriate strategies for effective institution management. It might help policy making of university-industry interaction policies
Os testes de vigor e o teste de germinação são componentes essenciais no controle de qualidade das empresas de produção de sementes. Com o objetivo de verificar a eficiência de diferentes testes de vigor e de variações de suas metodologias na avaliação da qualidade de sementes de couve-brócolos visando diferenciação de lotes e previsão de emergência em bandeja, cinco lotes de sementes do híbrido Flórida foram submetidos aos seguintes testes: germinação; primeira contagem de germinação; emissão de raiz primária (após 48, 56, 72, 80 e 96 h após a instalação do teste de germinação); emergência de plântulas em substrato; envelhecimento acelerado com água (1g de sementes mantidas a 41ºC por 48 e 72 h a 100%UR); envelhecimento acelerado com solução saturada de sal (mesmo procedimento do item anterior, porém usando solução de NaCl, 40% e 76%UR); condutividade elétrica (50 sementes em 25 mL de água destilada a 25ºC e leituras após 2, 4, 6, 8 e 24 h). Todos os testes apresentaram correlação significativa com a porcentagem de emergência de plântulas em substrato, a 1% de probabilidade. Os testes de envelhecimento acelerado com solução saturada de sal por 48 h e de condutividade elétrica após 8 e 24 h de embebição foram eficientes e tiveram resultados semelhantes aos da emergência em substrato. Os testes da primeira contagem de germinação, emissão da raiz primária após 56 h e envelhecimento acelerado com solução saturada de sal por 72 h, apresentaram-se mais eficientes que a emergência de plântulas em substrato na diferenciação do vigor dos lotes.
Formal methods and software testing are tools to obtain and control software quality. When used together, they provide mechanisms for software specification, verification and error detection. Even though formal methods allow software to be mathematically verified, they are not enough to assure that a system is free of faults, thus, software testing techniques are necessary to complement the process of verification and validation of a system. Model Based Testing techniques allow tests to be generated from other software artifacts such as specifications and abstract models. Using formal specifications as basis for test creation, we can generate better quality tests, because these specifications are usually precise and free of ambiguity. Fernanda Souza (2009) proposed a method to define test cases from B Method specifications. This method used information from the machine s invariant and the operation s precondition to define positive and negative test cases for an operation, using equivalent class partitioning and boundary value analysis based techniques. However, the method proposed in 2009 was not automated and had conceptual deficiencies like, for instance, it did not fit in a well defined coverage criteria classification. We started our work with a case study that applied the method in an example of B specification from the industry. Based in this case study we ve obtained subsidies to improve it. In our work we evolved the proposed method, rewriting it and adding characteristics to make it compatible with a test classification used by the community. We also improved the method to support specifications structured in different components, to use information from the operation s behavior on the test case generation process and to use new coverage criterias. Besides, we have implemented a tool to automate the method and we have submitted it to more complex case studies