993 resultados para Horticulture -- Catalonia -- Canet de Mar
In this article, I firstly offer a synthesis of a brief set of analytical elements of the theory of democracy and federalism established in the recent debate which identify a number of flaws in the normative and institutional bases of plurinational democracies. It is necessary to overcome these flaws in order to achieve a true political and constitutional recognition and accommodation of the national pluralism of this kind of liberal democracies (section 1). Secondly, we will focus on the Spanish case of the “Estado de las Autonomías” taking into account the recent reform of the Catalan constitutional law (Estatut d’autonomia 2006) (section 2). A final section makes a number of concluding remarks relating the previously highlighted elements of the theory of democracy and federalism with the analysis of the Catalan case (section 3).
This paper lays down some theoretical framework for further research to be made on the subject of how identity of young Slovenian and Catalan users is forming within the social networking website Facebook. The author pursues his interest based on observation of how communicationand thus interaction between users is changing and how this is reflected in everyday practices. In so doing he tries to identify the connections between the individual, society and technology, asthese are more and more interwoven, and we cannot think one without the other in thecontemporary globalised world.
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. État du Maharashtra. Dhule]
Reliable and long-term expression of transgenes remain significant challenges for gene therapy and biotechnology applications, especially when antibiotic selection procedures are not applicable. In this context, transposons represent attractive gene transfer vectors because of their ability to promote efficient genomic integration in a variety of mammalian cell types. However, expression from genome-integrating vectors may be inhibited by variable gene transcription and/or silencing events. In this study, we assessed whether inclusion of two epigenetic control elements, the human Matrix Attachment Region (MAR) 1-68 and X-29, in a piggyBac transposon vector, may lead to more reliable and efficient expression in CHO cells. We found that addition of the MAR 1-68 at the center of the transposon did not interfere with transposition frequency, and transgene expressing cells could be readily detected from the total cell population without antibiotic selection. Inclusion of the MAR led to higher transgene expression per integrated copy, and reliable expression could be obtained from as few as 2-4 genomic copies of the MAR-containing transposon vector. The MAR X-29-containing transposons was found to mediate elevated expression of therapeutic proteins in polyclonal or monoclonal CHO cell populations using a transposable vector devoid of selection gene. Overall, we conclude that MAR and transposable vectors can be used to improve transgene expression from few genomic transposition events, which may be useful when expression from a low number of integrated transgene copies must be obtained and/or when antibiotic selection cannot be applied.
Fables (Douze) de Fleuves ou Fontaines (1585)
Ladam (Nicaise). La Paix faicte a Chambray (1508)
Ladam (Nicaise). Epistre de la cité de Rodes (1522)
Ladam (Nicaise). Epistel van de stadt van Rodes (1522)
Charles Quint, roi d'Espagne et empereur d'Allemagne, d'abord archiduc d'Autriche. Le Voyage et Expedition de Charles le quint en Africque contre la ville de Argiere (1542)
Bossuet (Jacques-Bénigne). Conference avec M. Claude (1682)
In this paper we portray the features of the Catalan textiles labour market in a period of technological change. Supply and demand for labour as well as a gendered view of living standards are presented. A first set of results is that labour supply adjusts to changes in labour demand trough the spread of new demographic attitudes. In this respect we imply that labour economic agents (or labour population) were able to modify the economic condition of their children. A second set of results refers to living standards and income distribution inequality. In this respect we see that unemployment and protectionism were the main sources breeding income inequality. A third set of results deals with the extreme labour market segmentation according to gender. Since women s real wages did not obey to an economic rationale we conclude that women were outside the labour market.
The demographic shift underway in Southern Europe requires a revision of some of the fundamental principles of the traditional welfare state. We analyze the evolution of several aspects of welfare and social expenditure over the last two decades. We find that in the context of the present demographic changes and real estate boom current social and pension policy leads to a new distribution of benefits and burdens which is highly intergenerationally unequal. We argue for a revised definition of public policy based on Musgrave's proposition as a possible rule for an intergenerationally fair distribution.
O presente trabalho enquadra-se no âmbito do Mestrado em Recursos Marinhos e Gestão Costeira, na disciplina de Métodos Participativos e Inquéritos, e tem como objectivo fazer uma abordagem da problemática da perda de covos na pescaria de lagosta rosa em Cabo Verde, seus possíveis impactes e possíveis formas de os minimizar. Com base numa recolha e análise geral de informação disponível sobre a pescaria, das recomendações de gestão responsável do recurso, bem assim dos conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo da sua vida profissional sobre o assunto, o autor propõe realizar um ensaio com um covo melhorado, feito utilizando algum material biodegradável e cuja estrutura permite a sua abertura, de forma a que, em tempo aceitável, deixe de funcionar como armadilha nefasta ao ambiente ecológico circundante através da captura de organismos vivos, passando a constituir um refugio para as lagostas e para outros organismos constituintes do mesmo ecossistema. O documento propõe avaliar o perigo que de facto os covos tradicionais constituem aos organismos através de uma estimação do tempo que se mantêm capturando organismos. Propõe igualmente que a mesma avaliação seja feita para o covo concebido para a experiência bem como uma análise comparativa dos resultados obtidos em ambos os casos.
O presente trabalho enquadra-se no âmbito do Mestrado em Recursos Marinhos e Gestão Costeira, na disciplina de Métodos Participativos e Inquéritos, e tem como objectivo fazer uma abordagem da problemática da perda de covos na pescaria de lagosta rosa em Cabo Verde, seus possíveis impactes e possíveis formas de os minimizar. Com base numa recolha e análise geral de informação disponível sobre a pescaria, das recomendações de gestão responsável do recurso, bem assim dos conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo da sua vida profissional sobre o assunto, o autor propõe realizar um ensaio com um covo melhorado, feito utilizando algum material biodegradável e cuja estrutura permite a sua abertura, de forma a que, em tempo aceitável, deixe de funcionar como armadilha nefasta ao ambiente ecológico circundante através da captura de organismos vivos, passando a constituir um refugio para as lagostas e para outros organismos constituintes do mesmo ecossistema. O documento propõe avaliar o perigo que de facto os covos tradicionais constituem aos organismos através de uma estimação do tempo que se mantêm capturando organismos. Propõe igualmente que a mesma avaliação seja feita para o covo concebido para a experiência bem como uma análise comparativa dos resultados obtidos em ambos os casos.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2010. L’objectiu del treball ha estat l’estudi de la població major de 65 anys al municipi de Vilassar de Mar, de les seves necessitats i les futures en relació a la dependència. A més, s’estudien les demències senils i l'Alzheimer en particular.