959 resultados para Er-doped silica glass
The new Bern cyclotron laboratory aims at industrial radioisotope production for PET diagnostics and multidisciplinary research by means of a specifically conceived beam transfer line, terminated in a separate bunker. In this framework, an innovative beam monitor detector based on doped silica and optical fibres has been designed, constructed, and tested. Scintillation light produced by Ce and Sb doped silica fibres moving across the beam is measured, giving information on beam position, shape, and intensity. The doped fibres are coupled to commercial optical fibres, allowing the read-out of the signal far away from the radiation source. This general-purpose device can be easily adapted for any accelerator used in medical applications and is suitable either for low currents used in hadrontherapy or for currents up to a few μA for radioisotope production, as well as for both pulsed and continuous beams.
Development of new silica membranes properties, e.g., molecular sieving properties, has been increasingly gaining importance in the last few years. A novel unsupported silica membrane, referred to as hydrophobic metal-doped silica, was developed by cobalt-doping within the organic templated silica matrix. The novel material was prepared by the acid-catalyzed hydrolysis and condensation process of tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and methyltriethoxysilane (MTES), which is the precursor for methyl ligand covalently bounded to the silica matrix. The synthesis and surface properties of the novel unsupported silica membrane as well as the unsupported blank silica and modified silica membranes were revealed by surface and microstructural techniques, such as water contact angle measurement, FTIR, X-ray, Solid-state 29Si MAS NMR, TGA and N2 and CO2 adsorption measurements. The results showed that the thermal stability of the organic templated silica matrix was enhanced by cobalt-doping process. A hydrophobic microporous silica membrane material with high thermal stability up to ∼560 °C in oxidizing atmosphere and a narrow pore size distribution centered at 1.1 nm was obtained. Therefore, a novel precursor material for molecular sieve silica membranes applications has been achieved and developed.
A detector based on doped silica and optical fibers was developed to monitor the profile of particle accelerator beams of intensity ranging from 1 pA to tens of µA. Scintillation light produced in a fiber moving across the beam is measured, giving information on its position, shape and intensity. The detector was tested with a continuous proton beam at the 18 MeV Bern medical cyclotron used for radioisotope production and multi-disciplinary research. For currents from 1 pA to 20 µA, Ce3+ and Sb3+ doped silica fibers were used as sensors. Read out systems based on photodiodes, photomultipliers and solid state photomultipliers were employed. Profiles down to the pA range were measured with this method for the first time. For currents ranging from 1 pA to 3 µA, the integral of the profile was found to be linear with respect to the beam current, which can be measured by this detector with an accuracy of ∼1%. The profile was determined with a spatial resolution of 0.25 mm. For currents ranging from 5 µA to 20 µA, thermal effects affect light yield and transmission, causing distortions of the profile and limitations in monitoring capabilities. For currents higher than ∼1 µA, non doped optical fibers for both producing and transporting scintillation light were also successfully employed.
We combine all the known experimental demonstrations and spectroscopic parameters into a numerical model of the Ho3+ -doped fluoride glass fiber laser system. Core-pumped and cladding-pumped arrangements were simulated for all the population-bottlenecking mitigation schemes that have been tested, and good agreement between the model and the previously reported experimental results was achieved in most but not in all cases. In a similar way to Er3+ -doped fluoride glass fiber lasers, we found that the best match with measurements required scaled-down rate parameters for the energy transfer processes that operate in moderate to highly concentrated systems. The model isolated the dominant processes affecting the performance of each of the bottlenecking mitigation schemes and pump arrangements. It was established that pump excited-state absorption is the main factor affecting the performance of the core-pumped demonstrations of the laser, while energy transfer between rare earth ions is the main factor controlling the performance in cladding-pumped systems.
The development of ultra-long (UL) cavity (hundreds of meters to several kilometres) mode-locked fibre lasers for the generation of high-energy light pulses with relatively low (sub-megahertz) repetition rates has emerged as a new rapidly advancing area of laser physics. The first demonstration of high pulse energy laser of this type was followed by a number of publications from many research groups on long-cavity Ytterbium and Erbium lasers featuring a variety of configurations with rather different mode-locked operations. The substantial interest to this new approach is stimulated both by non-trivial underlying physics and by the potential of high pulse energy laser sources with unique parameters for a range of applications in industry, bio-medicine, metrology and telecommunications. It is well known, that pulse generation regimes in mode-locked fibre lasers are determined by the intra-cavity balance between the effects of dispersion and non-linearity, and the processes of energy attenuation and amplification. The highest per-pulse energy has been achieved in normal-dispersion UL fibre lasers mode-locked through nonlinear polarization evolution (NPE) for self-modelocking operation. In such lasers are generated the so-called dissipative optical solitons. The uncompensated net normal dispersion in long-cavity resonatorsusually leads to very high chirp and, consequently, to a relatively long duration of generated pulses. This thesis presents the results of research Er-doped ultra-long (more than 1 km cavity length) fibre lasers mode-locked based on NPE. The self-mode-locked erbium-based 3.5-km-long all-fiber laser with the 1.7 µJ pulse energy at a wavelength of 1.55 µm was developed as a part of this research. It has resulted in direct generation of short laser pulses with an ultralow repetition rate of 35.1 kHz. The laser cavity has net normal-dispersion and has been fabricated from commercially-available telecom fibers and optical-fiber elements. Its unconventional linear-ring design with compensation for polarization instability ensures high reliability of the self-mode-locking operation, despite the use of a non polarization-maintaining fibers. The single pulse generation regime in all-fibre erbium mode-locking laser based on NPE with a record cavity length of 25 km was demonstrated. Modelocked lasers with such a long cavity have never been studied before. Our result shows a feasibility of stable mode-locked operation even for an ultra-long cavity length. A new design of fibre laser cavity – “y-configuration”, that offers a range of new functionalities for optimization and stabilization of mode-locked lasing regimes was proposed. This novel cavity configuration has been successfully implemented into a long-cavity normal-dispersion self-mode-locked Er-fibre laser. In particular, it features compensation for polarization instability, suppression of ASE, reduction of pulse duration, prevention of in-cavity wave breaking, and stabilization of the lasing wavelength. This laser along with a specially designed double-pass EDFA have allowed us to demonstrate anenvironmentally stable all-fibre laser system able to deliver sub-nanosecond high-energy pulses with low level of ASE noise.
We propose a simple Er-doped fiber laser configuration for achieving stable dual-wavelength oscillation at room temperature, in which a high birefringence fiber Bragg grating was used as the wavelength-selective component. Stable dual-wavelength oscillation at room temperature with a wavelength spacing of 0.23nm and mutually orthogonal polarisation states was achieved by utilising the polarisation hole burning effect. An amplitude variation of less than 0.7dB over 80s period was obtained for both wavelengths.
We demonstrate an all-fiber Tm3+-doped silica fiber laser operating at a wide selectable wavelength range by using different fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) as wavelength selection elements. With a specifically designed high reflective (HR) FBG and the fiber end as an output coupler, the lasing in the range from 1975 nm to 2150 nm with slope efficiency of >30% can be achieved. By employing a low reflective (LR) FBG as the output coupler, the obtainable wavelengths were extended to the range between 1925 nm and 2200 nm which is the reported longest wavelength from the Tm3+-doped silica fiber lasers. Furthermore, by employing a FBG array in the laser cavity and inducing bend loss between adjacent FBGs in the array, six switchable lasing wavelengths were achieved. © 2014 Optical Society of America.
Operation of a single-clad Dy 3+-doped ZrF 4-BaF 2-LaF 3-AlF 3-NaF (ZBLAN) fiber laser operating at mid-infrared near 3 μm is presented. The laser is pumped by an Yb 3+-doped silica fiber laser centered at 1088 nm. An output of near 0.1 W with a slope efficiency of up to 23% with respect to absorbed pump power was measured. The laser performance, theoretical modeling and laser spectrum of Dy fiber laser system with respect to various cavity losses are studied. The experimental slope efficiency is more than 4.5 times higher than the previous demonstration, and is 64% of the Stokes efficiency limit. The efficiency was improved by using cavity mirrors of reflectivities of 99 and 50%. The emission central wavelength and spectral width are found to be dependent on the pump power and output coupler, reflectivity. © 2011 by Astro Ltd., published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
Au cours des années une variété des compositions de verre chalcogénure a été étudiée en tant qu’une matrice hôte pour les ions Terres Rares (TR). Pourtant, l’obtention d’une matrice de verre avec une haute solubilité des ions TR et la fabrication d’une fibre chalcogénure dopée au TR avec une bonne qualité optique reste toujours un grand défi. La présente thèse de doctorat se concentre sur l’étude de nouveaux systèmes vitreux comme des matrices hôtes pour le dopage des ions TR, ce qui a permis d’obtenir des fibres optiques dopées au TR qui sont transparents dans l’IR proche et moyenne. Les systèmes vitreux étudiés ont été basés sur le verre de sulfure d’arsenic (As2S3) co-dopé aux ions de Tm3+ et aux différents modificateurs du verre. Premièrement, l’addition de Gallium (Ga), comme un co-dopant, a été examinée et son influence sur les propriétés d’émission des ions de Tm a été explorée. Avec l’incorporation de Ga, la matrice d’As2S3 dopée au Tm a montré trois bandes d’émission à 1.2 μm (1H5→3H6), 1.4 μm (3H4→3F4) et 1.8 μm (3F4→3H6), sous l’excitation des longueurs d’onde de 698 nm et 800 nm. Les concentrations de Tm et de Ga ont été optimisées afin d’obtenir le meilleur rendement possible de photoluminescence. À partir de la composition optimale, la fibre Ga-As-S dopée au Tm3+ a été étirée et ses propriétés de luminescence ont été étudiées. Un mécanisme de formation structurale a été proposé pour ce système vitreux par la caractérisation structurale des verres Ga-As-S dopés au Tm3+, en utilisant la spectroscopie Raman et l’analyse de spectrométrie d’absorption des rayons X (EXAFS) à seuil K d’As, seuil K de Ga et seuil L3 de Tm et il a été corrélé avec les caractéristiques de luminescence de Tm. Dans la deuxième partie, la modification des verres As2S3 dopés au Tm3+, avec l’incorporation d’halogénures (Iode (I2)), a été étudiée en tant qu’une méthode pour l’adaptation des paramètres du procédé de purification afin d’obtenir une matrice de verre de haute pureté par distillation chimique. Les trois bandes d’émission susmentionnées ont été aussi bien observées pour ce système sous l’excitation à 800 nm. Les propriétés optiques, thermiques et structurelles de ces systèmes vitreux ont été caractérisées expérimentalement en fonction de la concentration d’I2 et de Tm dans le verre, où l’attention a été concentrée sur deux aspects principaux: l’influence de la concentration d’I2 sur l’intensité d’émission de Tm et les mécanismes responsables pour l’augmentation de la solubilité des ions de Tm dans la matrice d’As2S3 avec l’addition I2.
Le développement au cours des dernières décennies de lasers à fibre à verrouillage de modes permet aujourd’hui d’avoir accès à des sources fiables d’impulsions femtosecondes qui sont utilisées autant dans les laboratoires de recherche que pour des applications commerciales. Grâce à leur large bande passante ainsi qu’à leur excellente dissipation de chaleur, les fibres dopées avec des ions de terres rares ont permis l’amplification et la génération d’impulsions brèves de haute énergie avec une forte cadence. Cependant, les effets non linéaires causés par la faible taille du faisceau dans la fibre ainsi que la saturation de l’inversion de population du milieu compliquent l’utilisation d’amplificateurs fibrés pour l’obtention d’impulsions brèves dont l’énergie dépasse le millijoule. Diverses stratégies comme l’étirement des impulsions à des durées de l’ordre de la nanoseconde, l’utilisation de fibres à cristaux photoniques ayant un coeur plus large et l’amplification en parallèle ont permis de contourner ces limitations pour obtenir des impulsions de quelques millijoules ayant une durée inférieure à la picoseconde. Ce mémoire de maîtrise présente une nouvelle approche pour l’amplification d’impulsions brèves utilisant la diffusion Raman des verres de silice comme milieu de gain. Il est connu que cet effet non linéaire permet l’amplification avec une large bande passante et ce dernier est d’ailleurs couramment utilisé aujourd’hui dans les réseaux de télécommunications par fibre optique. Puisque l’adaptation des schémas d’amplification Raman existants aux impulsions brèves de haute énergie n’est pas directe, on propose plutôt un schéma consistant à transférer l’énergie d’une impulsion pompe quasi monochromatique à une impulsion signal brève étirée avec une dérive en fréquence. Afin d’évaluer le potentiel du gain Raman pour l’amplification d’impulsions brèves, ce mémoire présente un modèle analytique permettant de prédire les caractéristiques de l’impulsion amplifiée selon celles de la pompe et le milieu dans lequel elles se propagent. On trouve alors que la bande passante élevée du gain Raman des verres de silice ainsi que sa saturation inhomogène permettent l’amplification d’impulsions signal à une énergie comparable à celle de la pompe tout en conservant une largeur spectrale élevée supportant la compression à des durées très brèves. Quelques variantes du schéma d’amplification sont proposées, et leur potentiel est évalué par l’utilisation du modèle analytique ou de simulations numériques. On prédit analytiquement et numériquement l’amplification Raman d’impulsions à des énergies de quelques millijoules, dont la durée est inférieure à 150 fs et dont la puissance crête avoisine 20 GW.
Linewidth measurement of a femtosecond laser direct-written distributed feedback (DFB) waveguide laser (WGL) is reported. The WGL was fabricated in Yb-doped phosphate glass using the femtosecond laser direct-write technique. The linewidth was measured using a loss-compensated recirculating delayed self-heterodyne interferometer. By recirculating the output signal in a 10.2-km fiber delay loop, the linewidth was measured to be 35.4±1.4 kHz at a delay time of 306 μs , which is comparable with that of narrow-linewidth fiber DFB lasers.
Natural nanopatterned surfaces (nNPS) present on insect wings have demonstrated bactericidal activity [1, 2]. Fabricated nanopatterned surfaces (fNPS) derived by characterization of these wings have also shown superior bactericidal activity [2]. However bactericidal NPS topologies vary in both geometry and chemical characteristics of the individual features in different insects and fabricated surfaces, rendering it difficult to ascertain the optimum geometrical parameters underling bactericidal activity. This situation calls for the adaptation of new and emerging techniques, which are capable of fabricating and characterising comparable structures to nNPS from biocompatible materials. In this research, CAD drawn nNPS representing an area of 10 μm x10 μm was fabricated on a fused silica glass by Nanoscribe photonic professional GT 3D laser lithography system using two photon polymerization lithography. The glass was cleaned with acetone and isopropyl alcohol thrice and a drop of IP-DIP photoresist from Nanoscribe GmbH was cast onto the glass slide prior to patterning. Photosensitive IP-DIP resist was polymerized with high precision to make the surface nanopatterns using a 780 nm wavelength laser. Both moving-beam fixedsample (MBFS) and fixed-beam moving-sample (FBMS) fabrication approaches were tested during the fabrication process to determine the best approach for the precise fabrication of the required nanotopological pattern. Laser power was also optimized to fabricate the required fNPS, where this was changed from 3mW to 10mW to determine the optimum laser power for the polymerization of the photoresist for fabricating FNPS...
New glasses of 16.66SrO–16.66[(1 − x)Bi2O3–xSm2O3]–16.66Nb2O5–50Li2B4O7 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5, in molar ratio), i.e., the pseudo-binary Sm2O3-doped SrBi2Nb2O9–Li2B4O7 glass system, giving the crystallization of Sm3+-doped SrBi2Nb2O9 nanocrystals are developed. It is found that the thermal stability of the glasses against the crystallization and the optical band gap energy increases with increasing Sm2O3 content. The formation of fluorite-type Sm3+-doped SrBi2Nb2O9 nanocrystals (diameters: 13–37 nm) with a cubic structure is confirmed in the crystallized (530 °C, 3 h) samples from X-ray powder diffraction analyses, Raman scattering spectrum measurements, and transmission electron microscope observations. The effect of Sm3+-doping on the microstructure, Raman scattering peak positions, and dielectric properties of composites comprising of fluorite-type SrBi2Nb2O9 nanocrystals and the Li2B4O7 glassy phase is clarified. It is found that fluorite-type SrBi2Nb2O9 nanocrystals transform to stable perovskite-type SrBi2Nb2O9 crystals with an orthorhombic structure by heat treatments at around 630 °C.
Strain and temperature sensitivities of a type I Bragg grating inscribed in a germania doped silica fiber, fabricated under normal conditions and zero strain, are compared with that of a Bragg grating inscribed under pre-strained condition. The results obtained reveal that the strain and temperature sensitivities of the two gratings are different. Based on these results, we demonstrate a technique which enables discrimination of strain and temperature in a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) with a linear response. The present technique allows for an easy implementation of the sensor by providing a direct access to the grating region in the fiber and demands only a simple interrogation system.
In this paper, we briefly summarize two typical morphology characteristics of the self-organized void array induced in bulk of fused silica glass by a tightly focused femtosecond laser beam, such as the key role of high numerical aperture in the void array formation and the concentric-circle-like structure indicated by the top view of the void array. By adopting a physical model which combines the nonlinear propagation of femtosecond laser pulses with the spherical aberration effect (SA) at the interface of two mediums of different refractive indices, reasonable agreements between the simulation results and the experimental results are obtained. By comparing the fluence distributions of the case with both SA and nonlinear effects included and the case with only consideration of SA, we suggest that spherical aberration, which results from the refractive index mismatch between air and fused silica glass, is the main reason for the formation of the self-organized void array. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.