Biomimicking natural nanopatterned topology by 3D laser lithography

Autoria(s): Bandara, Chaturanga D.; Cheng, Han-Hao; Singh, Sanjleena; Tesfamichael, Tuquabo; Oloyede, Adekunle



Natural nanopatterned surfaces (nNPS) present on insect wings have demonstrated bactericidal activity [1, 2]. Fabricated nanopatterned surfaces (fNPS) derived by characterization of these wings have also shown superior bactericidal activity [2]. However bactericidal NPS topologies vary in both geometry and chemical characteristics of the individual features in different insects and fabricated surfaces, rendering it difficult to ascertain the optimum geometrical parameters underling bactericidal activity. This situation calls for the adaptation of new and emerging techniques, which are capable of fabricating and characterising comparable structures to nNPS from biocompatible materials. In this research, CAD drawn nNPS representing an area of 10 μm x10 μm was fabricated on a fused silica glass by Nanoscribe photonic professional GT 3D laser lithography system using two photon polymerization lithography. The glass was cleaned with acetone and isopropyl alcohol thrice and a drop of IP-DIP photoresist from Nanoscribe GmbH was cast onto the glass slide prior to patterning. Photosensitive IP-DIP resist was polymerized with high precision to make the surface nanopatterns using a 780 nm wavelength laser. Both moving-beam fixedsample (MBFS) and fixed-beam moving-sample (FBMS) fabrication approaches were tested during the fabrication process to determine the best approach for the precise fabrication of the required nanotopological pattern. Laser power was also optimized to fabricate the required fNPS, where this was changed from 3mW to 10mW to determine the optimum laser power for the polymerization of the photoresist for fabricating FNPS...





Bandara, Chaturanga D., Cheng, Han-Hao, Singh, Sanjleena, Tesfamichael, Tuquabo, & Oloyede, Adekunle (2015) Biomimicking natural nanopatterned topology by 3D laser lithography. In 41st Micro and Nano Engineering, 21-24 September, 2015, The Hauge, The Netherlands. (Unpublished)


Copyright 2015 [Please consult the author]


School of Chemistry, Physics & Mechanical Engineering; Creative Industries Faculty; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #3D micro printing #photopolymerisation #maskless lithography

Conference Item