747 resultados para Education the MST
This paper presents an analysis of the capacity of design centric methodologies to prepare engineering students to succeed in the market. Gaps are brainstormed and analyzed with reference to their importance. Reasons that may lead the newly graduated engineers not to succeed right from the beginning of their professional lives have also been evaluated. A comparison among the two subjects above was prepared, reviewed and analyzed. The influence of multidisciplinary, multicultural and complex environmental influences created in the current global business era is taken into account. The industry requirements in terms of what they expect to 'receive' from their engineers are evaluated and compared to the remaining of the study above. An innovative approach to current engineering education that utilizes traditional design-centric methodologies is then proposed, aggregating new disciplines to supplement the traditional engineering education. The solution encompasses the inclusion of disciplines from Human Sciences and Emotional Intelligence fields willing to better prepare the engineer of tomorrow to work in a multidisciplinary, globalized, complex and team working environment. A pilot implementation of such an approach is reviewed and conclusions are drawn from this educational project.
In dieser interdisziplinären, translationswissenschaftlichen Studie wird die Integration von Curriculum und Evaluierung in der Dolmetscherausbildung theoretisch fundiert und im Rahmen einer Fallstudie empirisch untersucht. Dolmetschkompetenz wird als ein durch zweckgerechte und messgenaue (valid and reliable) Bewertungsmethoden dokumentiertes Ergebnis der Curriculumanwendung betrachtet. Definitionen, Grundlagen, Ansätze, Ausbildungs- und Lernziele werden anhand der Curriculumtheorie und Dolmetschwissenschaft beschrieben. Traditionelle und alternative Evaluierungsmethoden werden hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendbarkeit in der Dolmetscherausbildung erprobt. In der Fallstudie werden die Prüfungsergebnisse zweier Master-Studiengänge-MA Konferenzdolmetschen und MA Dolmetschen und Übersetzen-quantitativ analysiert. Die zur Dokumentation der Prüfungsergebnisse eingesetzte Bewertungsmethodik wird qualitativ untersucht und zur quantitativen Analyse in Bezug gesetzt. Die Fallstudie besteht aus 1) einer chi-square-Analyse der Abschlussprüfungsnoten getrennt nach Sprachkombination und Prüfungskategorie (n=260), 2) einer Umfrage unter den Jurymitgliedern hinsichtlich der Evaluierungsansätze, -verfahren, und -kriterien (n = 45; 62.22% Rücklaufrate); und 3) einer Analyse des ausgangssprachlichen Prüfungsmaterials ebenfalls nach Sprachkombination und Prüfungskategorie. Es wird nachgewiesen, dass Studierende im MA Dolmetschen und Übersetzen tendenziell schlechtere Prüfungsleistungen erbringen als Studierende im MA Konferenzdolmetschen. Die Analyseergebnisse werden jedoch als aussageschwach betrachtet aufgrund mangelnder Evaluierungsvalidität. Schritte zur Curriculum- und Evaluierungsoptimierung sowie ein effizienteres Curriculummodell werden aus den theoretischen Ansätzen abgeleitet. Auf die Rolle der Ethik in der Evaluierungsmethodik wird hingewiesen.
MiTEP, the Michigan Teacher Excellence Program, provides current teachers the opportunity to partner with Michigan Technological University to obtain graduate credit towards a Master’s degree in applied science education. In exchange, the university collects data on the implementation of inquiry and earth science concepts into science classrooms. This paper documents my experience within this program, including how it has affected my personal and professional learning.
Medical institutions have established medical education fellowships to equip faculty to meet the challenge of constant educational change and to empower faculty to assume programmatic leadership roles in medical education. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and focus of these programs. [See PDF for complete abstract]
Background: The use of podcasts has emerged as an important tool for use in education. This is especially relevant in nursing schools with the shortage of nursing faculty. The use of podcasts allows the instructor to provide lectures and other course content to students. [See PDF for complete abstract]
Despite an impressive amount of research and policy intervention no robust pattern of neighborhood effects on educational attainment has previously been identified. Adequate theoretical modeling and the sensitivity of the results to the method of the study are the major challenges in this area of research. This paper elaborates the social mechanisms of neighborhood effects and applies various methodological approaches to test them. Using data from Switzerland, the research reported here has detected heterogeneous effects of neighborhood on elementary school students’ educational achievement in Zurich. Although modest in comparison with the effects of classroom composition, these effects appear to be mediated primarily through social integration into a local peer network and are differentiated according to students’ gender and their social origin.
The medical education community is working-across disciplines and across the continuum-to address the current challenges facing the medical education system and to implement strategies to improve educational outcomes. Educational technology offers the promise of addressing these important challenges in ways not previously possible. The authors propose a role for virtual patients (VPs), which they define as multimedia, screen-based interactive patient scenarios. They believe VPs offer capabilities and benefits particularly well suited to addressing the challenges facing medical education. Well-designed, interactive VP-based learning activities can promote the deep learning that is needed to handle the rapid growth in medical knowledge. Clinically oriented learning from VPs can capture intrinsic motivation and promote mastery learning. VPs can also enhance trainees' application of foundational knowledge to promote the development of clinical reasoning, the foundation of medical practice. Although not the entire solution, VPs can support competency-based education. The data created by the use of VPs can serve as the basis for multi-institutional research that will enable the medical education community both to better understand the effectiveness of educational interventions and to measure progress toward an improved system of medical education.
This work proposes to seek for the factors related to the choices that people with special educational needs make as the result of the visual impairment, during the transition stage from high school to advanced education. Therefore, we have taken into consideration that Vocational Guidance and the transition towards adulthood get specific characteristics in case of visually impaired young people, particularly in what's related to continue with advanced education. The focus of this work is to be able to clarify the existence of factors that make this transition stage easier or harder, through the observation of visually impaired and blind people who complete high school. This matter has aroused interest and concern about the strategies to follow to ensure the successful entrance and remaining in the selected advanced education. However, if we don?t know the factors involved in the described fact, it's difficult to design an appropriate intervention strategy. Then, in order to take acknowledge about the specific issues of visually impaired young people who complete high school, we chose a special school for this disability and some students who will join this project
This work proposes to seek for the factors related to the choices that people with special educational needs make as the result of the visual impairment, during the transition stage from high school to advanced education. Therefore, we have taken into consideration that Vocational Guidance and the transition towards adulthood get specific characteristics in case of visually impaired young people, particularly in what's related to continue with advanced education. The focus of this work is to be able to clarify the existence of factors that make this transition stage easier or harder, through the observation of visually impaired and blind people who complete high school. This matter has aroused interest and concern about the strategies to follow to ensure the successful entrance and remaining in the selected advanced education. However, if we don?t know the factors involved in the described fact, it's difficult to design an appropriate intervention strategy. Then, in order to take acknowledge about the specific issues of visually impaired young people who complete high school, we chose a special school for this disability and some students who will join this project
This work proposes to seek for the factors related to the choices that people with special educational needs make as the result of the visual impairment, during the transition stage from high school to advanced education. Therefore, we have taken into consideration that Vocational Guidance and the transition towards adulthood get specific characteristics in case of visually impaired young people, particularly in what's related to continue with advanced education. The focus of this work is to be able to clarify the existence of factors that make this transition stage easier or harder, through the observation of visually impaired and blind people who complete high school. This matter has aroused interest and concern about the strategies to follow to ensure the successful entrance and remaining in the selected advanced education. However, if we don?t know the factors involved in the described fact, it's difficult to design an appropriate intervention strategy. Then, in order to take acknowledge about the specific issues of visually impaired young people who complete high school, we chose a special school for this disability and some students who will join this project