927 resultados para Conflicts of competence


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Mestrado em Ciências Jurídicas Empresariais


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In the context of the activity developed by securities investment funds (hereinafter referred to “SIF”) the holders of investment units have a very tiny power to intervene. Aware of the risks that a decoupling between ownership and control may pose, the legislator has foreseen a number of impositions and limitations to the activity of the managing entities, namely to prevent or prohibit the performance of acts in situations of potential conflicts of interests. Accordingly, the purpose of the dissertation on – “Os diferentes níveis de regulação legal dos conflitos de interesses no âmbito da gestão de FIM” – is exactly to determine the field of application of the several levels of legal regulation of the conflicts of interests that arise within the scope of the management of SIF, both at the level of the new legal requirements governing collective investment undertakings, and at the level of the legal requirements governing the conflicts of interests foreseen in the Portuguese Securities Code, in order to clarify the articulation of these different levels of conflicts of interests regulations.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Estudos da Criança (Área do Conhecimento em Estudos da Língua Portuguesa)


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo fundamental a construção, aplicação e avaliação dos efeitos de um programa de educação parental universal, numa vertente preventiva, designado como – Pacifier – visando a sua implementação nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários, a pais de crianças dos 0 aos 6 meses e com carácter domiciliário. Foi construído com base numa revisão da literatura e práticas baseadas em evidência sobre parentalidade positiva e programas de educação parental e posteriormente aplicado a quatro mães e dois pais – dois casais e duas mães –, sendo que os efeitos foram avaliados de acordo com um modelo de estudos de caso múltiplos, constituídos por quatro famílias. Neste sentido, de modo a medir os objetivos que definimos para o programa, realizámos uma avaliação inicial e final com os instrumentos adaptados Sentido de Competência Parental e Inventário sobre o Conhecimento de Desenvolvimento Infantil. Ainda incluímos um questionário final relativo à Satisfação dos Pais com o Programa. No que respeita aos resultados, nos quatro estudos de caso verificaram-se melhorias nos resultados de ambos os instrumentos aplicados, o que nos permite considerar que o programa foi eficaz e melhorou o sentido de competência parental assim como o conhecimento do desenvolvimento infantil nestes pais. Por último, os pais mostraram uma grande satisfação com o programa.


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Résumé La mondialisation des marchés, les mutations du contexte économique et enfin l'impact des nouvelles technologies de l'information ont obligé les entreprises à revoir la façon dont elles gèrent leurs capitaux intellectuel (gestion des connaissances) et humain (gestion des compétences). II est communément admis aujourd'hui que ceux-ci jouent un rôle particulièrement stratégique dans l'organisation. L'entreprise désireuse de se lancer dans une politique gestion de ces capitaux devra faire face à différents problèmes. En effet, afin de gérer ces connaissances et ces compétences, un long processus de capitalisation doit être réalisé. Celui-ci doit passer par différentes étapes comme l'identification, l'extraction et la représentation des connaissances et des compétences. Pour cela, il existe différentes méthodes de gestion des connaissances et des compétences comme MASK, CommonKADS, KOD... Malheureusement, ces différentes méthodes sont très lourdes à mettre en oeuvre, et se cantonnent à certains types de connaissances et sont, par conséquent, plus limitées dans les fonctionnalités qu'elles peuvent offrir. Enfin, la gestion des compétences et la gestion des connaissances sont deux domaines dissociés alors qu'il serait intéressant d'unifier ces deux approches en une seule. En effet, les compétences sont très proches des connaissances comme le souligne la définition de la compétence qui suit : « un ensemble de connaissances en action dans un contexte donné ». Par conséquent, nous avons choisi d'appuyer notre proposition sur le concept de compétence. En effet, la compétence est parmi les connaissances de l'entreprise l'une des plus cruciales, en particulier pour éviter la perte de savoir-faire ou pour pouvoir prévenir les besoins futurs de l'entreprise, car derrière les compétences des collaborateurs, se trouve l'efficacité de l'organisation. De plus, il est possible de décrire grâce à la compétence de nombreux autres concepts de l'organisation, comme les métiers, les missions, les projets, les formations... Malheureusement, il n'existe pas réellement de consensus sur la définition de la compétence. D'ailleurs, les différentes définitions existantes, même si elles sont pleinement satisfaisantes pour les experts, ne permettent pas de réaliser un système opérationnel. Dans notre approche; nous abordons la gestion des compétences à l'aide d'une méthode de gestion des connaissances. En effet, de par leur nature même, connaissance et compétence sont intimement liées et donc une telle méthode est parfaitement adaptée à la gestion des compétences. Afin de pouvoir exploiter ces connaissances et ces compétences nous avons dû, dans un premier temps, définir les concepts organisationnels de façon claire et computationnelle. Sur cette base, nous proposons une méthodologie de construction des différents référentiels d'entreprise (référentiel de compétences, des missions, des métiers...). Pour modéliser ces différents référentiels, nous avons choisi l'ontologie, car elle permet d'obtenir des définitions cohérentes et consensuelles aux concepts tout en supportant les diversités langagières. Ensuite, nous cartographions les connaissances de l'entreprise (formations, missions, métiers...) sur ces différentes ontologies afin de pouvoir les exploiter et les diffuser. Notre approche de la gestion des connaissances et de la gestion des compétences a permis la réalisation d'un outil offrant de nombreuses fonctionnalités comme la gestion des aires de mobilités, l'analyse stratégique, les annuaires ou encore la gestion des CV. Abstract The globalization of markets, the easing of economical regulation and finally the impact of new information and communication technologies have obliged firms to re-examine the way they manage their knowledge capital (knowledge management) and their human capital (competence management). It is commonly admitted that knowledge plays a slightly strategical role in the organization. The firms who want to establish one politic of management of these capitals will have to face with different problems. To manage that knowledge, a long process of capitalization must be done. That one has different steps like identification, extraction and representation of knowledge and competences. There are some different methods of knowledge management like MASK, CommonKADS or KOD. Unfortunately, those methods are very difficult to implement and are using only some types of knowledge and are consequently more limited in the functionalities they can offer. Knowledge management and competence management are two different domain where it could be interesting to unify those to one. Indeed, competence is very close than knowledge as underline this definition: "a set of knowledge in action in a specified context". We choose in our approach to rely on the concept of competence. Indeed, the competence is one of crucial knowledge in the company, particularly to avoid the loss of know-how or to prevent future needs. Because behind collaborator's competence, we can find company efficiency. Unfortunately, there is no real consensus on the definition of the concept of competence. Moreover, existing different definitions don't permit to develop an operational system. Among other key concept, we can find jobs, mission, project, and training... Moreover, we approach different problems of the competence management under the angle of the knowledge management. Indeed, knowledge and competence are closely linked. Then, we propose a method to build different company repositories (competence, jobs, projects repositories). To model those different repositories we choose ontology because it permits to obtain coherent and consensual definitions of the concepts with support of linguistics diversities too. This building repositories method coupled with this knowledge and competence management approach permitted the realization of a tool offering functionalities like mobility management, strategical analysis, yellow pages or CV management.


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Aquest projecte neix per facilitar l’ús de la “Guia per a l’avaluació de competències als treballs de final de grau i màster a les enginyeries” elaborada per un grup de professors de sis universitats públiques catalanes, de tres titulacions d’Enginyeria (Enginyeria Informàtica, Enginyeria de Telecomunicacions i Enginyeria Química). Per facilitar l'ús de la Guia s’ha implementat aquesta aplicació web que permet definir de forma senzilla i efectiva els procediments per a realitzar l'avaluació de competències en els Treballs de Fi de Grau (TFG) i de Fi de Màster (TFM).


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Amb aquest projecte s'ha treballat en la direcció de: 1) Implementar un nou recurs en un projecte global de millora de la qualitat docent i d’aplicació de les TIC a l’ensenyament de les diferents assignatures de la matèria d’Història de la Música a la UdL en curs des de fa alguns anys. Concretament, diverses eines per a l’autoavaluació de l’alumnat a través d’un banc de preguntes segons el format de les proves psicomètriques (proves objectives en l’avaluació del rendiment acadèmic dels estudiants o d’elecció múltiple). 2) Arribar a disposar d’un extens banc de preguntes d’elecció múltiple i correcció objectiva en diferents formats, ordenades per blocs, temes, nivells de dificultat, etc., que reuneixin els criteris mínims de fiabilitat, objectivitat i validesa necessaris per a una correcta avaluació del rendiment acadèmic. Entenem que l’avaluació ha de tenir utilitats diferents que van més enllà de la simple puntuació de l’alumnat. Ha de servir també per millorar la docència, per facilitar l’aprenentatge de l’alumne, per assegurar un nivell de competència mínim, per discriminar entre estudiants o per informar la pròpia institució. 3) Aconseguir que l’alumne, a través de l’autoavaluació, entengui que aquest tipus de proves són instruments per continuar aprenent. En aquest sentit les proves d’elecció múltiple permeten tot un seguit d’opcions que ho afavoreixen. 4) Elaborar una eina amb capacitat de generar estadístiques, índex de discriminació i de fer l’anàlisi d’items, tot permetent anar redefinint i millorant els ítems.


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Si La notion de Bien commun paraît de prime abord trop ambitieuse, trompeuse en ses promesses excessives et inaccessibles, elle est néanmoins nécessaire au débat éthique dans l'espace public contemporain. Dans cette contribution, nous voudrions montrer comment une compréhension critique de la notion controversée de Bien commun peut s'avérer compatible avec une prise en compte réaliste et responsable des conflits d'intérêts et de la délibération éthique. L'exemple du débat français sur la laïcité permet à cet égard de comprendre la nécessité de dépasser l'opposition stérile entre un communautarisme poussé à l'extrême et un universalisme vidé de sa pertinence historique et dialectique. If, at the first look, the notion of the common Good seems too ambitious, making excessive and unaccessible promises, it is nevertheless necessary to use it in the ethical public discussion. This paper aims to show that a critical understanding of this controversial idea of the common Good may help to solve some conflicts of interests. The example of the french debate on laicity should help us to overcome the fallacious opposition between extreme communitarianism and abstract universalism.


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BACKGROUND Only multifaceted hospital wide interventions have been successful in achieving sustained improvements in hand hygiene (HH) compliance. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS Pre-post intervention study of HH performance at baseline (October 2007-December 2009) and during intervention, which included two phases. Phase 1 (2010) included multimodal WHO approach. Phase 2 (2011) added Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) tools and was based on: a) Increase of alcohol hand rub (AHR) solution placement (from 0.57 dispensers/bed to 1.56); b) Increase in frequency of audits (three days every three weeks: "3/3 strategy"); c) Implementation of a standardized register form of HH corrective actions; d) Statistical Process Control (SPC) as time series analysis methodology through appropriate control charts. During the intervention period we performed 819 scheduled direct observation audits which provided data from 11,714 HH opportunities. The most remarkable findings were: a) significant improvements in HH compliance with respect to baseline (25% mean increase); b) sustained high level (82%) of HH compliance during intervention; c) significant increase in AHRs consumption over time; c) significant decrease in the rate of healthcare-acquired MRSA; d) small but significant improvements in HH compliance when comparing phase 2 to phase 1 [79.5% (95% CI: 78.2-80.7) vs 84.6% (95% CI:83.8-85.4), p<0.05]; e) successful use of control charts to identify significant negative and positive deviations (special causes) related to the HH compliance process over time ("positive": 90.1% as highest HH compliance coinciding with the "World hygiene day"; and "negative":73.7% as lowest HH compliance coinciding with a statutory lay-off proceeding). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE CQI tools may be a key addition to WHO strategy to maintain a good HH performance over time. In addition, SPC has shown to be a powerful methodology to detect special causes in HH performance (positive and negative) and to help establishing adequate feedback to healthcare workers.


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Actualment la situació del mercat espanyol i català del biodièsel es caracteritza per les grans importacions d’oli de palma africana. Per a produir aquesta matèria primera s’estan establint plantacions a gran escala d’Elaeis guineensis (palma africana) a Indonèsia. El monocultiu d’Elaeis guineensis i la producció de l’oli tenen associats grans impactes ambientals i socials. Per una banda, els impactes ambientals són principalment la desforestació, el canvi d’ús del sòl, la pèrdua de biodiversitat, l’erosió del sòl i la contaminació de l’aire, del sòl de l’aigua. Per altra banda, els impactes socials més destacats són la violació dels drets humans dels pobles indígenes, els conflictes d’adquisició de terres i que es compromet la seguretat alimentària del país. Per tant, l’ús del biodièsel produït amb oli de palma africana redueix les emissions de GEH a Espanya i a Catalunya provocant un gran impacte ambiental i social a Indonèsia.


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Biotherapies are recent treatments, which target molecules implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. In pediatric rheumatology, we use anti-TNF-alpha and abatacept in JIA patients with polyarticular involvement, whereas anti-IL-6 and anti-IL-1 blockers are efficacious in the systemic form of JIA and other auto-inflammatory conditions. These new treatments have significantly improved the control of articular and systemic inflammation and the prognosis of rheumatic diseases. Their effect and their safety on the long-term need to be assessed on large cohorts of patients. Due to the impact of these chronic illnesses on the young patient and its family, and the required specific knowledge, the care of these children should be provided by a multidisciplinary team linked to a centre of competence.


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Protective T cell responses againstpersistent viruses like Epstein-Barrvirus in healthy individuals are characterizedby a remarkable stability ofthe T cell receptor (TCR) clonotypicrepertoire, with highly preservedclonotype selection and persistenceover time. Here, we extended recentwork to the study of EBV-specificCD8 T cell responses in melanomapatients treated by short-term chemotherapyfor transient lymphodepletion,followed by adoptive cell transfer(ACT) and immune reconstitutionfor cancer therapy. After this treatment,we observed increased proportionsof virus-specific T cells in 3/5patients, accompanied by a more differentiatedphenotype (EMRA/CD28neg), compared to specific cells ofhealthy individuals. Yet, similarly tohealthy donors, clonotype selectionand composition of virus-specific Tcells varied along the pathway of celldifferentiation, with some clonotypesthat were selected with late differentiation,while others were not. Aftertreatment, we did not observe noveldominant clonotypes, likely related toabsence of EBV reactivation measuredas viral load levels by quantitativePCR in PBMCs and antibody levelsin plasma samples. Furthermore,public TCR BV signatures were frequentlyfound within T cell clonotypesthat dominated the repertoiresof patients, in line with those observedin healthy individuals. Ourfindings indicate that even in situationswhere the immune system isstrongly challenged such as followinglymphodepletion and homeostatic repopulation,cytotoxic T cells specificfor EBV remain strikingly stable interms of clonotype selection and com-position along T cell differentiation.We are currently characterizing theclonotype selection and gene expressionprofiles of single EBV-specificCD8 T lymphocytes sorted ex-vivo inone patient who underwent two cyclesof lymphodepletion with escaladingdoses of chemotherapy overone-year interval. Observations madefrom this setting will provide additionalinsight into the degree of stabilityof virus specific T cells, and changesin the expression levels of genesimportant for cytolytic function andlong-term survival of T cells. Thiswork is supported by the Swiss NationalCenter of Competence in Research(NCCR) Molecular Oncology,and the Swiss National Science Foundation.


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Objective: To identify the frequency and intensity of moral distress experienced by nurses, technicians and nursing assistants who worked in hospitals in the South of Rio Grande do Sul State. Method: A survey research was conducted with 334 nursing workers from three institutions, through a questionnaire of moral distress. Constructs were validated through factorial analysis and Cronbach’s alpha: lack of competence of the working team, disrespect to the patient’s autonomy, insufficient working conditions and therapeutic obstinacy. Results: With descriptive statistics and analysis of variance, it was found that nurses and nursing assistants have higher perception of moral distress when compared to nursing technicians. Organizational questions and ways of communication influence lower perception of moral distress.Conclusion: Implementation of actions to favor coping, decision making and autonomy exercise from those workers.


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The empirical literature on the asset allocation and medical expenditures of U.S. households consistently shows that risky portfolio shares are increasing in both wealth and health whereas health investment shares are decreasing in these same variables. Despite this evidence, most of the existing models treat financial and health-related choices separately. This paper bridges this gap by proposing a tractable framework for the joint determination of optimal consumption, portfolio and health investments. We solve for the optimal rules in closed form and show that the model can theoretically reproduce the empirical facts. Capitalizing on this closed-form solution, we perform a structural estimation of the model on HRS data. Our parameter estimates are reasonable and confirm the relevance of all the main characteristics of the model.


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The concept of danger signals as important triggers of inflammation and immune activation has passed from fanciful hypothesis to a widely accepted biological process with receptors, signalling cascades and mediators. Products of cell death or cell stress are prime examples of DAMPs. They interact with receptors on the cell surface such as TLRs as well as cytoplasmic proteins such as the NLRs to modulate cellular metabolism and activation. Recently, the identification of the inflammasomes and their role in processing IL-1b and IL18 provided further insights into how DAMPs provoke inflammation. A class of substances that are potent activators of the inflammasome is microcrystals. All three microcrystals associated with joint disease in man : urate, CPP and hydroxyapatite require the NLRP3 inflammasome to process and release IL-1b from leucocytes. This mechanism most probably explain the inflammatory phase of acute crystal arthritis. However, microcrystals can also induce apoptosis, cell death as well as cell activation, depending on the cell type they are in contact with. These different cellular effects could well explain the role crystals can play in degenerative joint diseases, where inflammation is not as prominent. Our understanding of the intracellular pathways linking microcrystals to inflammation and cell activation is currently still very sketchy, and we hope that the detailed analysis of these pathways may lead to better comprehension and treatment of microcrystal induced joint diseases.Disclosures : The author has declared no conflicts of interest.