928 resultados para Classes sociais - Brasil


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The present work is an exercise of analysis from the cultural exercises related to movie high one of its raised status more with the deity, the human being surrenders it Religion leaving puzzleds the prophets of its end. The purpose of this work is to show that the religious phenomenon is one of the essential components of the socialization human being. The religious dimension, although to have been kept out of society in modernity - it was cybernetics, is an indispensable compassing to guide the human being in the discovery of its true existencial direction. For this, to attenuate the legacy without appropriate title, overwhelming and despairing of the producing and consumer goods society, it is indispensable to add as basic part to the practical one of the religion. And this practice is specify at the acquirement as of commodities objects , than it is to they are consecrate, exercising um magical power under the assistants from the religion. The fair religious Expo Religious, like the Expo Crest (fair as of commodities and service of the Evangelist) and the one Expo Catholic (fair as of commodities and service of the Catholics), appears at the I initiate from the century 21 at the association Brazilian about to cater the litigation of the market religious at every their segments. The and objective of this research is bring forward those two fairs in the format as of Expo and your contribution at the dynamic from the religion crest at the association he acts


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This study aims to examine the contemporary viewer and also propose a review of the literature surrounding the spanish researcher Jésus Martín-Barbero. The proposed review, based on Martín-Barbero observations and the Latin American Cultural Studies analysis, observes the individual as part of the processes of communication and research on the concept of cultural mediation, the viewer as component/agent/object of the production of meaning. The study will perceive it as an element of inaccuracy/inadequacy and understand it as a subject of these reactive processes that contain complex and involve communication and culture, in contrast the impressions that resulted from a discussion between a television professional and a communication researcher and of these findings on the same viewer. The work also aims to point the viewer as a component of the possible mapping desired by Martín-Barbero to massive contemporary interpretation of the processes and its concept of night map


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This study critically examines the effects of public policies, implemented by Fundação Estadual da Criança e do Adolescente (FUNDAC/RN), along with adolescents of both sexes, perpetrators of illegal acts in compliance by court order, by socio-educative measures , identifying the contradictions that permeate the understanding and treatment of issue. The aim is to investigate the chances that youths have by living in Centro Educacional Pitimbu and Centro Educacional Padre. João Maria (CEDUC), to become subjects in the exercise of their citizenship. The methodology adopted is the verbal history of life (MEIHY, 2005) of youths that had life experiences in these institutions from 2002 to 2005, allowing researchers to access directly to investigated individuals, through the place where they currently reside, and enabling the reconstitution of their life story, from semi-structured interviews. The young people s statements interviewed were grouped and analyzed from the following categories of analysis: the egress and family, the school and egress, the community and egress, the egress and work, the egress and CEDUC, the egress and experience infringement. The results indicate that, despite the advances in Brazilian legislation for the sector, the actions promoted by these institutions generally would have produced innocuous and stigmatized consequences. Moreover, they show in essence that they carry on their inner contradictions which fundamentally correspond to the interests of the dominant system and a society which uses mechanisms of social policy, in addition to favoring the control and repression. And thus, while such actions remain unable to produce important changes in the conditions of existence of young people who meet by social deprivation of liberty, it is possible to say that the chances are minimal so that they become autonomous subjects in a society that, preferring their punishment, denies them, stubbornly, access to their basic rights. In theory, the researcher dialogues with authors as Foucault, Goffman, Bourdieu, Offe, Bauman, Boaventura Santos, Takeuti, Germano, Ariès, Wacquant, among others


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The present work analyses and discusses the sociability in the culture of contemporary cities focusing on the theme of fear and violence in the daily life of squares in the city of João Pessoa-PB. We analyse the relations between places in town and make correlations of history and setting of neighborhoods with the process of urban growth, including recent interventions of public authorities in their public spaces. We observed in this dynamics social attitudes and actions that range from a desired peaceful coexistence to social exclusion. Thus, we discuss, based upon the imaginary vision, that the squares exist as a locus of equality, citizenship and political, and, also, as a space for everyone, despite the existence of symbolic forces working towards segregation and privatization, ruled in fear and violence. We aimed to investigate the different symbolic logics from the issue of fear and violence that allows the exclusion and the inclusion of groups and individuals in the quotidian use of public spaces of contemporary cities. We believe that the social action is demarcated by violence ant its corollary, the social fear, and operates based on the logic of a relational game always confrontational but experienced in different forms according to the social segment or group under study. We used a qualitative and quantitative methodology relating data and statistical analysis with categories created for the understanding of subjective factors. Our analyses combined ethnographic elements, periodics research and images of the city and its spaces, with the contribution of a survey that allowed comparisions of five squares of neighborhood based on the daily life under investigation. Our proposal was to deepen the investigations related to the public space of contemporary cities, expanding the look on João Pessoa and its cultural dynamics with an analysis of discourses, images, the collective imaginary and the social appropriation of the spaces based on fear and violence. The research accomplished in different areas and the analysis of images and speeches published in newspapers reports, books, advertising etc. allowed the approach of differentiated patterns of sociability in the same urban process. The neighborhoods in study are indeed spatially and economically distanced and the process of creation and construction of squares occurred in very different ways in the respective location. We defend the thesis that neighborhood community squares provide reinvigorated spaces and public spheres in the urban process and in the dynamics of sociability in the cities. These squares are also social spaces par excellence for the perception of the logic of individualism and segregation so marked by fear and violence in contemporary cities


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This research has the goal to analyze the urban setting of the Planalto neighborhood, in Natal /RN, seeking to unravel the processes, agents and contradictions associated with the production of the space. The choice of neighborhood is justified by the observation that changes in its urban setting have been growing in speedy way. We highlight the performance of the housing market, in partnership with the state, and the construction of condominiums and buildings closed by the housing program Minha Casa, Minha Vida. This has favored the reproduction of a new " urban reality in the neighborhood, setting an urban standard that differs from the original morphology, seen as peripheral within the urban dynamics of the city. The research is a qualitative study, through documents, interviews with stakeholders, and photographic documentation. In this perspective , we seek to understand the current phase (2000s) the production of space in the neighborhood process through the development of the housing market , as an extension of the urban development in central zone of Natal/RN, analyzing the performance of agents and their producers the "new " uses redefining the "old ". Thus, it can be seen that there is in the neighborhood, urban reality in a pluralistic constitution, from the existence of different social classes inhabiting the same space. On this way, the city is produced from the appropriation of space by different social classes, although due to the economic condition of each of them


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Apesar do aumento na quantidade de trabalhos que visam a abordar a morte como tema de investigação, observa-se que ainda prevalece a interdição do assunto morte, dificultando que ela seja abordada e discutida. Este estudo buscou ampliar a compreensão de como pessoas, em diferentes etapas desenvolvimentais, lidam com perdas e com a própria finitude. Para isso, 7 adolescentes, 14 adultos de meia-idade e 10 idosos foram entrevistados, e os dados foram compreendidos mediante análise de conteúdo. Entre os participantes, os adultos foram os que mostraram mais aflição e inquietação, ao falarem sobre a própria finitude e sobre a possibilidade da morte de pessoas queridas. Os adolescentes abordaram-na como um acontecimento distante e impessoal, enquanto os idosos se referiram a ela com maior proximidade e aceitação. Sugere-se a realização de estudos que aprofundem tais compreensões, relacionando-as às diferentes religiões, classes sociais e experiências com perdas.


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Nowadays, the urban chaos brings some problems to the citizens such as mental fatigue, irritability and lack of attention, emphasizing the need for open urban spaces, capable to contribute to the restoration of physical and mental balance of people. By the variety of alternative uses available, many of them related to the stimulus of entertainment activities, the squares have been identified as restorative environments, especially by its potential as a place of leisure. In this context, the objective of this dissertation is to understand the use of the square as leisure environment, by a square in Natal RN, establishing the relationship between environmental and behavioral characteristics. More specifically, I attempt to identify the major activities that happen there, the people that develop them and the spatial and temporal configurations of this occupation. Among the 290 squares available in the city, the Kalina Maia Square was selected, which is located in the district of Lagoa Nova. The case study chosen was based on criteria relating to scale, shape, location on the urban environment, variability of uses and conservation status. In the study were used behavioral mapping place-centered and people-centered, behavior trace analysis and 14 interviews. The results show that the square is used by people from different ages and social classes, subdivided into groups with specific days and times. These users are usually engaged in activities related to various types of leisure, with sports predominance. The relationship between spatial configuration and behavior shows that there is a sectorization of uses, being possible to identify the environmental characteristics that most favor observed activities, especially in relation to shading and presence of furniture and equipment. Moreover, throughout the day it appears that the affordances inherent to the various fixed objects on the square are decoded differently by various categories of users, by giving them insights that help the development of leisure activities that characterize each group


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Patriarchy is a dominating system that establishes male power in social relations as the social-ideological system and the structuring element of several ways of men‟s domination on gender social relations, on organization of social life, on private relations, and on political decision spaces. In this study we enlarge our reflection about patriarchy from the analysis of Forró lyrics, more specifically the variation known as stylized. Of late decades, it is a kind of music that has been receiving a large acceptance all over the national territory, making use of everyday expressions that propagate and make apology to many forms of discrimination, oppression and violence against women. We emphasize that over this study 14 Forró lyrics were analyzed of different styles besides stylized, like the traditional and the double meaning ones. However, we dwelled on the content analysis, particularly in three Stylized Forró lyrics, they are: Tapa na Cara (2008) by Saia Rodada Band; Mulher Roleira (2004), Aviões do Forró Band; and Bomba no Cabaré (2007), Matruz com Leite Band. In order to make a critical analysis of the elements in the lyrics content, we support ourselves on the theoretic-methodological references of the dialectical materialism, a method that allowed us to get closer to the totality of the reality that includes the popular involvement of the analyzed lyrics in a qualitative way. In that sense, we hold onto the theoretic-methodological categories: gender social relations, patriarchy, violence against women, ideology and cultural industry. As from the lyrics compilation, they were arranged by theme, we classified and analyzed the content, which allowed us to comprehend the messages in the lyrics, beyond the text shows at first sight. Today, there are many mechanisms of propagation and perpetuation of patriarchal ideology. A very relevant mechanism of this phenomenon is the sexual violence. The violence against women is a form to propagate and keep sexism, which may occur in different ways, like physical, psychological, sexual, patrimonial and social. Through our study we established that the propagation of the violence against women as being something natural and banal, giving reinforcement to the asymmetric construction of gender relations that priorizes male to the detriment of female. This banalization is perhaps, one of the strongest allies of this phenomenon‟s perpetuation, that affects women all over the world from different social classes


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This study sprang from the hypothesis that spatial variations in the morbidity rate for dengue fever within the municipality of Natal are related to intra-city socioeconomic and environmental variations. The objective of the project was to classify the different suburbs of Natal according to their living conditions and establish if there was any correlation between this classification and the incidence rate for dengue fever, with the aim of enabling public health planners to better control this disease. Data on population density, access to safe drinking water, rubbish collection, sewage disposal facilities, income level, education and the incidence of dengue fever during the years 2001 and 2003 was drawn from the Brazilian Demographic Census 2000 and from the Reportable Disease Notification System -SINAN. The study is presented here in the form of two papers, corresponding to the types of analysis performed: a classification of the urban districts into quartiles according to the living conditions which exist there, in the first article; and the incidence of dengue fever in each of these quartiles, in the second. By applying factorial analysis to the chosen socioeconomic and environmental indicators for the year 2000, a compound index of living condition (ICV) was obtained. On the basis of this index, it was possible to classify the urban districts into quartiles. On undertaking this grouping (paper 1), a heterogeneous distribution of living conditions was found across the city. As to the incidence rate for dengue fever (paper 2), it was discovered that the quartile identified as having the best living conditions presented incidence rates of 15.62 and 15.24 per 1000 inhabitants respectively in the years 2001 and 2003; whereas the quartile representing worst living conditions showed incidence rates of 25.10 and 10.32 for the comparable periods. The results suggest that dengue fever occurs in all social classes, and that its incidence is not related in any evident way to the chosen formula for living conditions


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Discute-se a determinação social da saúde materno-infantil nas Américas, a partir de inúmeras publicações e recomendações oficiais. Observou-se que nem todos os estudos valorizam apropriadamente as variáveis sociais e que muitos deles as consideram no mesmo nível de importância das variáveis biológicas. Como conseqüência, a compreensão final dos achados fica prejudicada e as conclusões e recomendações extraídas ficam longe de tocar a raiz dos problemas. Diferentes variáveis sociais (como escolaridade materna ou assistência médica) encontram-se freqüentemente associadas com variáveis biológicas (como peso ao nascer ou estado nutricional). Esta associação, no entanto, pode não representar uma relação causai, mas tão somente a ocorrência simultânea de características pertencentes a uma única classe social. Reitera-se a necessidade de estudos que reconheçam as classes sociais e analisem os resultados sobre saúde materno-infantil em relação às mesmas. Estes estudos provavelmente evidenciarão a importância social da saúde materno-infantil e evitarão as habituais diretrizes e recomendações restritas ao plano puramente técnico.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA