990 resultados para Cis-acting regulatory variants
ZusammenfassungKeratin 20 (K20) ist ein Intermediärfilament, das als Strukturelement in den Epithelien des Intestinaltrakts und den Merkelzellen der Haut exprimiert wird. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene K20 Expressionsvektoren generiert, mit denen regulatorische Elemente des humanen Gens für K20 charakterisiert wurden. Analysiert wurde der Bereich von 4,8 kb bzw. 21,5 kb bis 12,9 kb vom Transkriptionsstart. Die Vektoren, welche die Sequenz von 21,5 kb bis 12,9 kb umfassten, konnten die Expression des EGFP Reportergens in HT-29 Zellen signifikant steigern. Zwei Enhancer-Elemente zwischen 21,5 und 18,4 kb bzw. 18,4 und 14,9 kb verstärkten die Expression der Reporterkonstrukte in vitro signifikant. Die Analyse der Vektoren in transgenen Mäusen zeigte, dass diese das Transgen gewebespezifisch exprimieren. Mit dem Bereich von 4,8 kb bis 12,9 kb ließ sich transgenspezifische mRNA Expression in intestinalen Geweben mittels RT-PCR nachweisen. Die Verwendung der Sequenz von 21,5 kb bis 21,8 kb steigerte die Expression in vivo nicht weiter.Für die gewebespezifische Expression des K20 Vektors reicht die 4,8 kb 5´upstream Sequenz aus, der Bereich bis 21,5 kb verstärkt die Expression in vitro, allerdings fehlen für die starke gewebespezifische Expression von Transgenen in vivo noch weitere Kontrollelemente.
153 Nachkommen einer Kreuzung aus der pilzresistenten Rebsorte ‘Regent‘ und ‘Lemberger‘ als klassischer pilzsensitiver Sorte zeigen quantitative Merkmalsvariation bezüglich der Resistenz gegen Plasmopara viticola und Uncinula necator sowie für weitere Eigenschaften, die z.B. das Eintreten der Beerenreife betreffen. Auf dem Weg über die genetische Kartierung mit molekularen Markern und der Lokalisierung von QTL-Effekten konnten Hinweise auf weinbaulich relevante Genomregionen gewonnen werden; dies liefert z.B. die Basis für markergestützte Selektion bei Zuchtvorhaben mit dem Resistenzträger ‘Regent’ (vgl. auch FISCHER et al., 2004). Ein Major-QTL für die Resistenz gegen den Echten Mehltau Uncinula necator sowie zwei Major QTL für die Resistenz gegen den Erreger des Falschen Mehltau, Plasmopara viticola, traten mit hoher Signifikanz auf drei verschiedenen Kopplungsgruppen von ‘Regent‘ auf. Auch Regionen mit Relevanz für das Eintreten der Beerenreife wurden beschrieben. Über die Isolierung, Sequenzierung und anschließende Analyse einzelner Markerfragmente mit Methoden der Bioinformatik ist es gelungen, ein putatives T10P12.4-Ortholog der Weinrebe (ein thioredoxinähnliches Protein) in enger Kopplung zu einem Major-QTL-Maximum für Plasmopara viticola-Resistenz zu identifizieren, das als Kandidat für die Beteiligung an der Pathogenantwort in Frage kommt. Es konnte exemplarisch gezeigt werden, dass die eingesetzten Methoden der Kartierung und QTL-Analyse unter Verwendung PCR-basierter Markertypen wie SSR und AFLP und einer beschleunigten Analyse über computergestützte Kapillargelelektrophorese in vertretbarem Zeitrahmen bis zur Isolation potentieller Schlüsselgene führen können. Die grundsätzliche Eignung der QTL-Analyse als effizientes Werkzeug gezielter Züchtungsplanung für den Weinbau bestätigte sich. Ihre Anwendung im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation hat die Basis für die Nutzung von QTL-Information bei dem Vergleich etablierter und der Entwicklung neuer Sorten gelegt und zum Verständnis von Prozessen beigetragen, die den betrachteten Eigenschaften wie der Pilzresistenz möglicherweise zu Grunde liegen. Ein großer Teil der gewonnenen Daten bringt auch die Untersuchungen anderer Kultivare voran und ist intervarietal übertragbar. Darüber hinaus haben sich Chancen für vergleichende Studien zwischen der Weinrebe einerseits und der Modellpflanze Arabidopsis thaliana sowie weiteren Kulturpflanzen andererseits abgezeichnet. Die Hinweise auf die zentrale Rolle und universelle Natur des Redox-Signalling haben interessante Perspektiven zum Verständnis organismenübergreifender physiologischer Zusammenhänge eröffnet. Dies betrifft z.B. auch die Reaktion auf Verwundung oder die Pathogenantwort.
Die räumliche und zeitliche Organisation von Genexpression ist für die Entwicklung und das Funktionieren eines jeden Lebewesens von immenser Bedeutung. Dazu laufen eine Vielzahl von Regulationsprozessen auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen ab. In dieser Arbeit wurden im ersten Teil Untersuchungen zur Genregulation des Drosophila optomotor-blind Genes und zur Funktion des Omb Proteins durchgeführt. Eine Mutante, der ein großer Teil der upstream regulatory region (URR) fehlt wurde erzeugt, aus einer Vielzahl von Linien isoliert und molekular charakterisiert. Die biologischen Auswirkungen dieser Deletion werden in Shen et al. (2008) beschrieben. Plasmide zur Erzeugung transgener Fliegen, mit deren Hilfe eine bereits von Sivasankaran et al. (2000) durchgeführte Enhancer-reporter-Analyse vervollständigt werden sollte, wurden hergestellt. Die bereits bekannte Inversion In(1)ombH31 wurde molekular kartiert. Eine Reihe von Konstrukten mit Punktmutationen in der Omb T-Domäne wurden generiert, die unter anderem über deren Funktion hinsichtlich DNA-Protein Interaktion und einer potentiellen Metallionenbindefähigkeit (ATCUN) hin Aufschluss geben sollen. Des Weiteren wurde eine Reihe von P-Element-Deletionslinien auf den Verlust eines alternativen omb Transkriptionsstartpunktes hin untersucht, mit dem Ziel eine vollständige Protein-Nullmutante zur Verfügung zu haben. Der zweite Abschnitt dieser Arbeit befasste sich mit der Erzeugung von Dpp-GFP-Fusionskonstrukten, mit deren Hilfe weitere Erkenntnisse über den Dpp-Langstreckentransport erhofft werden. Es wurde außerdem damit begonnen bei einem weitern Drosophila T-Box Transkriptionsfaktor, Optomotor-blind related gene-1 (Org-1), eine Reihe von Varianten mit homopolymeren polyAlanin und polyGlutamin Expansionen unterschiedlicher Länge herzustellen. Durch Experimente mit diesen Konstrukten soll Aufschluss darüber gewonnen werden, ob Glutamin-Expansionen, wie in der Literatur vorgeschlagen, aktivierend und Alanin-Expansionen in Transkriptionsfaktoren vielleicht reprimierend auf Genaktivität wirken. Letztlich wurden in dieser Arbeit im Rahmen des DROSDEL Projektes (Ryder et al., 2004, 2007) Deletionen in der distalen Hälfte des Chromosomenarms 3R hergestellt. Der DROSDEL Deletionskit, der durch eine Kooperation europäischer Labore entstand stellt der Drosophila Forschung einen umfassenden Satz molekular basengenau definierter Defizienzen zur Verfügung.
Die zeitliche und räumliche Expression von Genen trägt zu einem entscheidenden Ausmaß zu der Entwicklung eines Organismus bei. Unter vielen Faktoren spielt dabei die transkriptionelle Regulation eine wichtige Rolle. Diese basiert auf Anwesenheit und Binden von regulatorischen Proteinen an cis-regulatorischen Sequenzen (CRMs) und deren Einfluss auf die Transkriptionsmaschinerie am Promotor. Veränderungen der CRMs können zu Veränderungen der Genexpression führen, und somit einen Beitrag zur morphologischen Evolution leisten. rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde die transkriptionelle Regulation des Drosophila melanogaster Gens optomotor-blind insbesondere in den pupalen Tergiten untersucht. In einem Enhancer-Reporter screen wurde eine regulatorische Region in Intron IV, die Reportergen-Expression in den pupalen Tergiten treibt, identifiziert. Große Teile dieser Region (ombTU10 und ombTU11) trieben Reportergen-Expression in einem omb-ähnlichen Muster. Eine weitere Region (ombTU12) trieb Expression in einem für Hh-Zielgene typischen Expressionsmuster. Für ombTU12 konnte eine Hh-Abhängigkeit nachgewiesen werden. Die für Hh-Zielgene typische Enhanceraktivität konnte in dem Subfragment ombTU12Amin lokalisiert werden, welches zwei konservierte Bindestellen des Effektors der Hh-Signaltransduktionskaskase, Cubitus interruptus (Ci), enthält. Eine deutliche Abhängigkeit der Expression dieses Fragments von den Ci-Bindestellen konnte bisher aber noch nicht nachgewiesen werden.rnDeletionen verschiedener Bereiche dieser Tergitenenhancer-Region aus dem endogenen Gen sollten Aufschluss über deren Notwendigkeit in der Regulation von omb geben. Die Deletion des Fragments ombTU10 (ΔombTU10-2) führte zu einer Variabilität in der Pigmentierung der Abdominalsegmente A5 und A6 der Weibchen. Eine Deletion von Teilen des hh-responsiven Fragments ombTU12 (ΔombTU12A) zeigte keinen abdominalen Phänotyp. Dies deutet auf eine redundante Wirkung der Fragmente untereinander, oder mit einem weiteren bisher nicht identifizierten Tergitenenhancer im omb-Locus hin.rnFragmente, die in den pupalen Tergiten Reportergen-Expression trieben, waren zum Teil auch in Imaginalscheiben von Larven aktiv. Desweiteren wurde gezeigt, dass Fragmente, die in Isolation Reportergen-Expression trieben, als Fusionskonstrukt mit benachbarten genomischen Sequenzen keine Expression zeigten und somit im genomischen Kontext inaktiv sein können. Demzufolge sind nicht nur Aktivator- sondern auch Repressorregionen für die korrekte Expression eines Gens von Bedeutung.rnDie Analyse von omb Enhancer-Trap Insertionen zeigte, dass von drei untersuchten Typen (PlacW, PGalW und PGawB) nur Insertionen vom letzteren in den pupalen Tergiten aktiv waren. Von vier PGawB Insertionen waren nur drei aktiv. Es ist denkbar, dass die Orientierung der inaktiven Insertion für die mangelnde Responsivität verantwortlich ist.rn
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Intellectual Disability (ID) are complex neuropsychiatric disorders characterized by extensive clinical and genetic heterogeneity and with overlapping risk factors. The aim of my project was to further investigate the role of Copy Numbers Variants (CNVs), identified through genome-wide studies performed by the Autism Geome Project (AGP) and the CHERISH consortium in large cohorts of ASD and ID cases, respectively. Specifically, I focused on four rare genic CNVs, selected on the basis of their impact on interesting ASD/ID candidate genes: a) a compound heterozygous deletion involving CTNNA3, predicted to cause the lack of functional protein; b) a 15q13.3 duplication containing CHRNA7; c) a 2q31.1 microdeletion encompassing KLHL23, SSB and METTL5; d) Lastly, I investigated the putative imprinting regulation of the CADPS2 gene, disrupted by a maternal deletion in two siblings with ASD and ID. This study provides further evidence for the role of CTNNA3, CHRNA7, KLHL23 and CADPS2 as ASD and/or ID susceptibility genes, and highlights that rare genetic variation contributes to disease risk in different ways: some rare mutations, such as those impacting CTNNA3, act in a recessive mode of inheritance, while other CNVs, such as those occurring in the 15q13.3 region, are implicated in multiple developmental and/or neurological disorders possibly interacting with other susceptibility variants elsewhere in the genome. On the other hand, the discovery of a tissue-specific monoallelic expression for the CADPS2 gene, implicates the involvement of epigenetic regulatory mechanisms as risk factors conferring susceptibility to ASD/ID.
Oncogene-induced cellular senescence (OIS) is an increasingly recognized tumour suppressor mechanism that confines the outgrowth of neoplastic cells in vivo. It relies on a complex signalling network, but only few components have been identified so far. Gene-expression profiling revealed a >100-fold increase in the levels of the transcription factor and putative tumour suppressor gene TGFβ-stimulated clone 22 (TSC22D1) in BRAF(E600)-induced senescence, in both human fibroblasts and melanocytes. Only the short TSC22D1 transcript was upregulated, whereas the abundance of the large protein variant was suppressed by proteasomal degradation. The TSC22D1 protein variants, in complex with their dimerization partner TSC22 homologue gene 1 (THG1), exerted opposing functions, as selective depletion of the short form, or conversely, overexpression of the large variant, resulted in abrogation of OIS. This was accompanied by the suppression of several inflammatory factors and p15(INK4B), with TSC22D1 acting as a critical effector of C/EBPβ. Our results demonstrate that the differential regulation of antagonistic TSC22D1 variants is required for the establishment of OIS and suggest distinct contributions of TSC22 family members to the progression of BRAF(E600)-driven neoplasia.
Chondrocyte gene regulation is important for the generation and maintenance of cartilage tissues. Several regulatory factors have been identified that play a role in chondrogenesis, including the positive transacting factors of the SOX family such as SOX9, SOX5, and SOX6, as well as negative transacting factors such as C/EBP and delta EF1. However, a complete understanding of the intricate regulatory network that governs the tissue-specific expression of cartilage genes is not yet available. We have taken a computational approach to identify cis-regulatory, transcription factor (TF) binding motifs in a set of cartilage characteristic genes to better define the transcriptional regulatory networks that regulate chondrogenesis. Our computational methods have identified several TFs, whose binding profiles are available in the TRANSFAC database, as important to chondrogenesis. In addition, a cartilage-specific SOX-binding profile was constructed and used to identify both known, and novel, functional paired SOX-binding motifs in chondrocyte genes. Using DNA pattern-recognition algorithms, we have also identified cis-regulatory elements for unknown TFs. We have validated our computational predictions through mutational analyses in cell transfection experiments. One novel regulatory motif, N1, found at high frequency in the COL2A1 promoter, was found to bind to chondrocyte nuclear proteins. Mutational analyses suggest that this motif binds a repressive factor that regulates basal levels of the COL2A1 promoter.
BACKGROUND After heart transplantation (HTx), the interindividual pharmacokinetic variability of immunosuppressive drugs represents a major therapeutic challenge due to the narrow therapeutic window between over-immunosuppression causing toxicity and under-immunosuppression leading to graft rejection. Although genetic polymorphisms have been shown to influence pharmacokinetics of immunosuppressants, data in the context of HTx are scarce. We thus assessed the role of genetic variation in CYP3A4, CYP3A5, POR, NR1I2, and ABCB1 acting jointly in immunosuppressive drug pathways in tacrolimus (TAC) and ciclosporin (CSA) dose requirement in HTx recipients. METHODS Associations between 7 functional genetic variants and blood dose-adjusted trough (C0) concentrations of TAC and CSA at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after HTx were evaluated in cohorts of 52 and 45 patients, respectively. RESULTS Compared with CYP3A5 nonexpressors (*3/*3 genotype), CYP3A5 expressors (*1/*3 or *1/*1 genotype) required around 2.2- to 2.6-fold higher daily TAC doses to reach the targeted C0 concentration at all studied time points (P ≤ 0.003). Additionally, the POR*28 variant carriers showed higher dose-adjusted TAC-C0 concentrations at all time points resulting in significant differences at 3 (P = 0.025) and 6 months (P = 0.047) after HTx. No significant associations were observed between the genetic variants and the CSA dose requirement. CONCLUSIONS The CYP3A5*3 variant has a major influence on the required TAC dose in HTx recipients, whereas the POR*28 may additionally contribute to the observed variability. These results support the importance of genetic markers in TAC dose optimization after HTx.
The mechanisms by which herbivore-attacked plants activate their defenses are well studied. By contrast, little is known about the regulatory mechanisms that allow them to control their defensive investment and avoid a defensive overshoot. We characterized a rice (Oryza sativa) WRKY gene, OsWRKY53, whose expression is rapidly induced upon wounding and induced in a delayed fashion upon attack by the striped stem borer (SSB) Chilo suppressalis. The transcript levels of OsWRKY53 are independent of endogenous jasmonic acid but positively regulated by the mitogen-activated protein kinases OsMPK3/OsMPK6. OsWRKY53 physically interacts with OsMPK3/OsMPK6 and suppresses their activity in vitro. By consequence, it modulates the expression of defensive, MPK-regulated WRKYs and thereby reduces jasmonic acid, jasmonoyl-isoleucine, and ethylene induction. This phytohormonal reconfiguration is associated with a reduction in trypsin protease inhibitor activity and improved SSB performance. OsWRKY53 is also shown to be a negative regulator of plant growth. Taken together, these results show that OsWRKY53 functions as a negative feedback modulator of MPK3/MPK6 and thereby acts as an early suppressor of induced defenses. OsWRKY53 therefore enables rice plants to control the magnitude of their defensive investment during early signaling.
The 3' processing of histone pre-mRNAs is a nuclear event in which the U7 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) participates as an essential trans-acting factor. We have constructed a chimeric histone-U7 RNA that when injected into the cytoplasm of Xenopus laevis oocytes assembles into a snRNP-like particle and becomes cleaved at the correct site(s). RNP assembly is a prerequisite for cleavage, but, since neither the RNA nor the RNP appreciably enter the nucleus, cleavage occurs mostly, if not exclusively, in the cytoplasm. Consistent with this, cleavage also occurs in enucleated oocytes or in oocytes which have been depleted of U7 snRNPs. Thus all necessary components for cleavage must be present in the oocyte cytoplasm. The novel cleavage occurs in cis, involving only a single molecule of chimeric RNA with its associated proteins. This reaction is equally dependent upon base pairing interactions between histone spacer sequences and the 5'-end of the U7 moiety as the natural in trans reaction. These results imply that U7 is the only snRNP required for histone RNA processing. Moreover, the chimeric RNA is expected to be useful for further studies of the cleavage and assembly mechanisms of U7 snRNP.
The paracaspase MALT1 plays an important role in immune receptor-driven signaling pathways leading to NF-κB activation. MALT1 promotes signaling by acting as a scaffold, recruiting downstream signaling proteins, as well as by proteolytic cleavage of multiple substrates. However, the relative contributions of these two different activities to T and B cell function are not well understood. To investigate how MALT1 proteolytic activity contributes to overall immune cell regulation, we generated MALT1 protease-deficient mice (Malt1(PD/PD)) and compared their phenotype with that of MALT1 knockout animals (Malt1(-/-)). Malt1(PD/PD) mice displayed defects in multiple cell types including marginal zone B cells, B1 B cells, IL-10-producing B cells, regulatory T cells, and mature T and B cells. In general, immune defects were more pronounced in Malt1(-/-) animals. Both mouse lines showed abrogated B cell responses upon immunization with T-dependent and T-independent Ags. In vitro, inactivation of MALT1 protease activity caused reduced stimulation-induced T cell proliferation, impaired IL-2 and TNF-α production, as well as defective Th17 differentiation. Consequently, Malt1(PD/PD) mice were protected in a Th17-dependent experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model. Surprisingly, Malt1(PD/PD) animals developed a multiorgan inflammatory pathology, characterized by Th1 and Th2/0 responses and enhanced IgG1 and IgE levels, which was delayed by wild-type regulatory T cell reconstitution. We therefore propose that the pathology characterizing Malt1(PD/PD) animals arises from an immune imbalance featuring pathogenic Th1- and Th2/0-skewed effector responses and reduced immunosuppressive compartments. These data uncover a previously unappreciated key function of MALT1 protease activity in immune homeostasis and underline its relevance in human health and disease.
Interleukin 4 (IL-4) is expected to play a dominant role in the development of T helper (Th) 2 cells. Th2 immune responses with expression of relatively large amounts of interleukin 4 (IL-4) but little interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) are characteristic for chronic helminth infections. But no information is available about IL4 expression during early Fasciola hepatica (F. hepatica) infections in cattle. Therefore, we investigated F. hepatica specific IL-4 and IFN-gamma mRNA expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from calves experimentally infected with F. hepatica. Cells were collected prior to infection and on post-inoculation days (PIDs) 10, 28 and 70. Interestingly, PBMCs responded to stimulation with F. hepatica secretory-excretory products (FhSEP) already on PID 10 and expressed high amounts of IL-4 but not of IFN-gamma mRNA suggesting that F. hepatica induced a Th2 biased early immune response which was not restricted to the site of infection. Later in infection IL-4 mRNA expression decreased whereas IFN-gamma mRNA expression increased slightly. Isolated lymph node cells (LNCs) stimulated with FhSEP and, even more importantly, non-stimulated LN tissue samples indicated highly polarized Th2 type immune responses in the draining (hepatic) lymph node, but not in the retropharyngeal lymph node. During preliminary experiments, two splice variants of bovine IL-4 mRNA, boIL-4delta2 and boIL-4delta3, were detected. Since a human IL-4delta2 was assumed to act as competitive inhibitor of IL-4, it was important to know whether expression of these splice variants of bovine IL-4 have a regulatory function during an immune response to infection with F. hepatica. Indeed, IL-4 splice variants could be detected in a number of samples, but quantitative analysis did not yield any clue to their function. Therefore, the significance of bovine IL-4 splice variants remains to be determined.
To understand how a eukaryote achieves differential transcription of genes in precise spatial patterns, the molecular details of tissue specific expression of the Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Spec2a gene were investigated by functional studies of the cis-regulatory components in the upstream enhancer. Regional activation of Spec2a in the aboral ectoderm is conferred by a combination of activators and repressors. The positive regulators include previously identified SpOtx and a trans-regulatory factor binding at the CCAAT site in the Spec2a enhancer. The nuclear protein binding to the CCAAT box was determined to be the heterotrimeric CCAAT binding factor (SpCBF). SpCBF also mediates general activation in the ectoderm. The negative regulators consist of an oral ectoderm repressor (OER), an endoderm repressor (ENR), and an S. Purpuratus goosecoid homologue (SpGsc). OER functions to prevent expression in the oral ectoderm, while ENR is required to repress endoderm expression. SpGsc antagonizes the SpOtx function by competing for binding at SpOtx target genes in oral ectoderm, where it functions as an active repressor. Thus, SpOtx and SpGsc perform collectively to establish and maintain the oral-aboral axis. Finally, purification of ENR and OER proteins from sea urchin blastula stage nuclear extracts was performed using site-specific DNA-affmity chromatography. ^
Myxococcus xanthus is a Gram-negative soil bacterium that undergoes multicellular development when high-density cells are starved on a solid surface. Expression of the 4445 gene, predicted to encode a periplasmic protein, commences 1.5 h after the initiation of development and requires starvation and high density conditions. Addition of crude or boiled supernatant from starving high-density cells restored 4445 expression to starving low-density cells. Addition of L-threonine or L-isoleucine to starving low-density cells also restored 4445 expression, indicating that the high-density signaling activity present in the supernatant might be composed of extracellular amino acids or small peptides. To investigate the circuitry integrating these starvation and high-density signals, the cis- and trans-acting elements controlling 4445 expression were identified. The 4445 transcription start site was determined by primer extension analysis to be 58 by upstream of the predicted translation start site. The promoter region contained a consensus sequence characteristic of e&barbelow;xtrac&barbelow;ytoplasmic f&barbelow;unction (ECF) sigma factor-dependent promoters, suggesting that 4445 expression might be regulated by an ECF sigma factor-dependent pathway, which are known to respond to envelope stresses. The small size of the minimum regulatory region, identified by 5′-end deletion analysis as being only 66 by upstream of the transcription start site, suggests that RNA polymerase could be the sole direct regulator of 4445 expression. To identify trans-acting negative regulators of 4445 expression, a strain containing a 4445-lacZ was mutagenized using the Himar1-tet transposon. The four transposon insertions characterized mapped to an operon encoding a putative ECF sigma factor, ecfA; an anti-sigma factor, reaA; and a negative regulator, reaB. The reaA and the reaB mutants expressed 4445 during growth and development at levels almost 100-fold higher than wild type, indicating that these genes encode negative regulators. The ecfA mutant expressed 4445-lacZ at basal levels, indicating that ecfA is a positive regulator. High Mg2+ concentrations over-stimulated this ecfA pathway possibly due to the depletion of exopolysaccharides and assembled type IV pili. These data indicate that the ecfA operon encodes a new regulatory stress pathway that integrates and transduces starvation and cell density cues during early development and is also responsive to cell-surface alterations.^
Clubfoot is a common, complex birth defect affecting 4,000 newborns in the United States and 135,000 world-wide each year. The clubfoot deformity is characterized by inward and rigid downward displacement of one or both feet, along with persistent calf muscle hypoplasia. Despite strong evidence for a genetic liability, there is a limited understanding of the genetic and environmental factors contributing to the etiology of clubfoot. The studies described in this dissertation were performed to identify variants and/or genes associated with clubfoot. Genome-wide linkage scan performed on ten multiplex clubfoot families identified seven new chromosomal regions that provide new areas to search for clubfoot genes. Troponin C (TNNC2) the strongest candidate gene, located in 20q12-q13.11, is involved in muscle contraction. Exon sequencing of TNNC2 did not identify any novel coding variants. Interrogation of fifteen muscle contraction genes found strong associations with SNPs located in potential regulatory regions of TPM1 (rs4075583 and rs3805965), TPM2 (rs2025126 and rs2145925) and TNNC2 (rs383112 and rs437122). In previous studies, a strong association was found with rs3801776 located in the basal promoter of HOXA9, a gene also involved in muscle development and patterning. Altogether, this data suggests that SNPs located in potential regulatory regions of genes involved in muscle development and function could alter transcription factor binding leading to changes in gene expression. Functional analysis of 3801776/HOXA9, rs2025126/TPM2 and rs2145925/TPM2 showed altered protein binding, which significantly influenced promoter activity. Although the ancestral allele (G) of rs4075583/TPM1 creates a DNA-protein complex, it did not affect TPM1 promoter activity. However and importantly, in the context of a haplotype, rs4075583/G significantly decreased TPM1 promoter activity. These results suggest dysregulation of multiple skeletal muscle genes, TPM1, TPM2, TNNC2 and HOXA9, working in concert may contribute to clubfoot. However, specific allelic combinations involving these four regulatory SNPs did not confer a significantly higher risk for clubfoot. Other combinations of these variants are being evaluated. Moreover, these variants may interact with yet to be discovered variants in other genes to confer a higher clubfoot risk. Collectively, we show novel evidence for the role of skeletal muscle genes in clubfoot indicating that there are multiple genetic factors contributing to this complex birth defect.