696 resultados para Athletes with disability
A inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais no ensino regular depende da preparação da comunidade escolar para promover a participação de todos os alunos. Foi objetivo deste estudo conhecer, do ponto de vista do professor do ensino fundamental da rede pública municipal, as estratégias pedagógicas que utilizavam para a inclusão de crianças com deficiência na classe comum. Para isso foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas individuais e, posteriormente, grupais com 11 professores de cinco escolas, um representante do Centro de Formação e Acompanhamento à Inclusão e um coordenador pedagógico. As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas. Após diversas leituras foi possível identificar como temáticas principais: sentidos e imaginários do professor sobre a deficiência, formação do professor para efetivação do processo de inclusão, bem como a utilização de estratégias pedagógicas diferenciadas e formação de rede de apoio na escola. Os entrevistados utilizavam estratégias gerais como aula expositiva, debates, e específicas como: avaliação dos alunos, adaptação do material, atividades em duplas, parceria com o professor da sala de apoio e acompanhamento à inclusão. Parte dos entrevistados trouxe uma visão com relação aos alunos com deficiência permeada de possibilidades, acreditando no potencial de aprendizagem dos mesmos, enquanto para outros, o discurso centrou-se, sobretudo, na impossibilidade da aprendizagem. Os docentes identificaram a necessidade de apoio institucional para seu trabalho, incluindo possibilidades de formação a partir das demandas cotidianas. Responder às necessidades levantadas é parte dos desafios para implementar a Educação Inclusiva na perspectiva da Educação para Todos, para a efetivação dos direitos de crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais.
INTRODUÇÃO: A entorse de tornozelo é uma das lesões mais comuns em atletas. Uma forma de avaliar a frouxidão ligamentar pode ser através da medida da amplitude passiva dos movimentos de inversão e eversão do pé para estimar a resistência passiva das estruturas capsuloligamentares do tornozelo, o qual pode ser chamado de torque de resistência passiva. Existem poucos estudos que utilizam a avaliação do torque passivo do tornozelo para avaliar a resistência da cápsula e dos ligamentos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o torque passivo dos movimentos de inversão e eversão do pé em atletas com e sem história de entorse de tornozelo. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 32 atletas de basquetebol e voleibol feminino (16,06 ± 0,8 anos, 67,63 ± 8,17kg, 177,8 ± 6,47cm). Seus tornozelos foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo controle (29), composto por tornozelos sem sintomas, e grupo entorse de tornozelo, composto por tornozelos que sofreram lesão (29). O torque dos movimentos passivos do tornozelo foi registrado por um dinamômetro isocinético, e a atividade dos músculos fibular longo e tibial anterior foi medida por um eletromiógrafo. As atletas realizaram duas repetições do movimento de inversão e eversão, nas velocidades de 5, 10 e 20°/s e, em seguida, o mesmo protocolo foi repetido apenas para o movimento de inversão máxima do pé. RESULTADOS: O torque de resistência passiva durante os movimentos de inversão e eversão do pé foi menor no grupo com entorse do tornozelo. Este grupo também mostrou menor torque durante o movimento de inversão máxima do pé. Não foram observadas diferenças entre o movimento de inversão e eversão. CONCLUSÕES: A entorse de tornozelo leva a um menor torque de resistência passiva, indicando redução da resistência dos ligamentos colaterais do tornozelo e uma frouxidão articular mecânica.
Relationships between oral health status in children with disability and their mothers’ depressive symptoms Aim. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the relationships between oral health status in children with chronic medical conditions and their mothers’ depressive symptoms. Methods. Fifty-one children (25 male and 26 female, ranging from 2 to 18 years) affected by chronic systemic diseases followed at the Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Hospital in Bologna, ,and, were referred with their mothers at the Dental Department of Bologna. Children were subclassified in 3 groups according to the ASA classification and orally examined for hygiene status, gingival condition and dental caries. The indexes used were O’Leary plaque Index (PI), bleeding on probing index (BOP), dmft/DMFT. Mothers were interviewed on knowledge about oral diseases prevention for their children and daily management (hygiene habits, sugared aliments consumption). Statistical analysis was performed through the use of linear regression. Results. The relationships between ASA and IP as well as between ASA and BOP are statistically significant (α = 0,01). Seventy percent of patients and their relatives in ASA groups 3 and 4 never received information on oral health and prevention of oral diseases by paediatricians and/or dentists. The 53% of mothers present depressive symptoms. The relationships between degree of depressive symptoms and dmft/DMFt as well as between degree of depressive symptoms and sugared aliments daily consumption are statistically significant (α = 0,05). Conclusion. Our results give support to the hypothesis of an association between degree of systemic disease and oral hygiene status. The psychological mothers condition seams to play a role on the oral conditions of their sons. Our analysis shows the needs for an interdisciplinar approach in order to promote the oral health of children with disability.
Recent data have suggested a relation among long-term endurance sport practice, left atrial remodeling, and atrial fibrillation. We investigated the influence of an increased vagal tone, represented by the early repolarization (ER) pattern, on diastolic function and left atrial size in professional soccer players. Fifty-four consecutive athletes underwent electrocardiography, echocardiography, and exercise testing as part of their preparticipation screening. Athletes were divided into 2 groups according to presence or absence of an ER pattern, defined as a ST-segment elevation at the J-point (STE) > or =0.1 mm in 2 leads. For linear comparisons average STE was calculated. Mean age was 24 +/- 4 years. Twenty-five athletes (46%) showed an ER pattern. Athletes with an ER pattern had a significant lower heart rate (54 +/- 9 vs 62 +/- 11 beats/min, p = 0.024), an increased E/e' ratio (6.1 +/- 1.2 vs 5.1 +/- 1.0, p = 0.002), and larger volumes of the left atrium (25.6 +/- 7.3 vs 21.8 +/- 5.0 ml/m(2), p = 0.031) compared to athletes without an ER pattern. There were no significant differences concerning maximum workload, left ventricular dimensions, and systolic function. Univariate regression analysis revealed significant correlations among age, STE, and left atrial volume. In a stepwise multivariate regression analysis age, STE and e' contributed independently to left atrial size (r = 0.659, p <0.001). In conclusion, athletes with an ER pattern had an increased E/e' ratio, reflecting a higher left atrial filling pressure, contributing to left atrial remodeling over time.
We examined the effect of normobaric hypoxia (3200 m) on maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and maximal power output (Pmax) during leg and upper-body exercise to identify functional and structural correlates of the variability in the decrement of VO2max (DeltaVO2max) and of maximal power output (DeltaPmax). Seven well trained male Nordic combined skiers performed incremental exercise tests to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer (leg exercise) and on a custom built doublepoling ergometer for cross-country skiing (upper-body exercise). Tests were carried out in normoxia (560 m) and normobaric hypoxia (3200 m); biopsies were taken from m. deltoideus. DeltaVO2max was not significantly different between leg (-9.1+/-4.9%) and upper-body exercise (-7.9+/-5.8%). By contrast, Pmax was significantly more reduced during leg exercise (-17.3+/-3.3%) than during upper-body exercise (-9.6+/-6.4%, p<0.05). Correlation analysis did not reveal any significant relationship between leg and upper-body exercise neither for DeltaVO2max nor for DeltaPmax. Furthermore, no relationship was observed between individual DeltaVO2max and DeltaPmax. Analysis of structural data of m. deltoideus revealed a significant correlation between capillary density and DeltaPmax (R=-0.80, p=0.03), as well as between volume density of mitochondria and DeltaPmax (R=-0.75, p=0.05). In conclusion, it seems that VO2max and Pmax are differently affected by hypoxia. The ability to tolerate hypoxia is a characteristic of the individual depending in part on the exercise mode. We present evidence that athletes with a high capillarity and a high muscular oxidative capacity are more sensitive to hypoxia.
BACKGROUND Vigorous sporting activity during the growth years is associated with an increased risk of having a cam-type deformity develop. The underlying cause of this osseous deformity is unclear. One may speculate whether this is caused by reactive bone apposition in the region of the anterosuperior head-neck junction or whether sports activity alters the shape of and growth in the growth plate. If the latter is true, then one would expect athletes to show an abnormal shape of the capital growth plate (specifically, the epiphyseal extension) before and/or after physeal closure. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES We therefore raised three questions: (1) Do adolescent basketball players show abnormal epiphyseal extension? (2) Does the epiphyseal extension differ before and after physeal closure? (3) Is abnormal epiphyseal extension associated with high alpha angles? METHODS We performed a case-control comparative analysis of young (age range, 9-22 years) male elite basketball athletes with age-matched nonathletes, substratified by whether they had open or closed physes. We measured epiphyseal extension on radial-sequence MRI cuts throughout the cranial hemisphere from 9 o'clock (posterior) to 3 o'clock (anterior). Epiphyseal extension was correlated to alpha angle measurements at the same points. RESULTS Epiphyseal extension was increased in all positions in the athletes compared with the control group. On average, athletes showed epiphyseal extension of 0.67 to 0.83 versus 0.53 to 0.71 in control subjects. In the control group epiphyseal extension was increased at all measurement points in hips after physeal closure compared with before physeal closure. In contrast, the subgroup of athletes with a closed growth plate only had increased epiphyseal extension at the 3 o'clock position compared with the athletes with an open [corrected] growth plate (0.64-0.70). We observed a correlation between an alpha angle greater than 55° and greater epiphyseal extension in the anterosuperior femoral head quadrant: the corresponding Spearman r values were 0.387 (all hips) and 0.285 (alpha angle>55°) for the aggregate anterosuperior quadrant. CONCLUSIONS These findings suggest that a cam-type abnormality in athletes is a consequence of an alteration of the growth plate rather than reactive bone formation. High-level sports activity during growth may be a new and distinct risk factor for a cam-type deformity.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease with an inflammatory and neurodegenerative pathology. Axonal loss and neurodegeneration occurs early in the disease course and may lead to irreversible neurological impairment. Changes in brain volume, observed from the earliest stage of MS and proceeding throughout the disease course, may be an accurate measure of neurodegeneration and tissue damage. There are a number of magnetic resonance imaging-based methods for determining global or regional brain volume, including cross-sectional (e.g. brain parenchymal fraction) and longitudinal techniques (e.g. SIENA [Structural Image Evaluation using Normalization of Atrophy]). Although these methods are sensitive and reproducible, caution must be exercised when interpreting brain volume data, as numerous factors (e.g. pseudoatrophy) may have a confounding effect on measurements, especially in a disease with complex pathological substrates such as MS. Brain volume loss has been correlated with disability progression and cognitive impairment in MS, with the loss of grey matter volume more closely correlated with clinical measures than loss of white matter volume. Preventing brain volume loss may therefore have important clinical implications affecting treatment decisions, with several clinical trials now demonstrating an effect of disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) on reducing brain volume loss. In clinical practice, it may therefore be important to consider the potential impact of a therapy on reducing the rate of brain volume loss. This article reviews the measurement of brain volume in clinical trials and practice, the effect of DMTs on brain volume change across trials and the clinical relevance of brain volume loss in MS.
Nicht selten werden Mitschülerinnen und Mitschüler von schulisch integrierten Kindern mit Hörschädigung mit Situationen konfrontiert, in denen der Integrationsgedanke in Konflikt zu den eigenen Interessen steht. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde untersucht, inwiefern sich Urteile und Handlungsentscheidungen zum Einschluss von Gleichaltrigen mit Hörschädigung in Abhängigkeit von Situation, Jahrgangsstufe und Kontaktbereitschaft unterscheiden. Hierfür wurden 212 Schülerinnen und Schüler aus Regelklassen (Klasse 3, 5, 7) mit einem einzelintegrierten Kind mit Hörschädigung zu Geschichten befragt, in denen sich eine Protagonistin bzw. ein Protagonist zwischen dem Einschluss eines Kindes mit oder ohne Hörschädigung entscheiden muss. Die Mehrheit beurteilte den Einschluss des Kindes mit Hörschädigung in Situationen als richtig, in denen nur das Kind mit Behinderung zur Auswahl stand. Konnte sich die Protagonistin bzw. der Protagonist hingegen zwischen einem Kind mit oder ohne Hörschädigung entscheiden, erwartete nur noch die Hälfte den Einschluss des Kindes mit Hörschädigung. Zudem unterschieden sich die Einschlussentscheidungen in Abhängigkeit des Kontextes, der Jahrgangsstufe und der Kontaktbereitschaft.
Objectives Despite many reports on best practises regarding onsite psychological services, little research has attempted to systematically explore the frequency, issues, nature and client groups of onsite sport psychology consultancy at the Olympic Games. The present paper will fill this gap through a systematic analysis of the sport psychology consultancy of the Swiss team for the Olympic Games of 2006 in Turin, 2008 in Beijing and 2010 in Vancouver. Design Descriptive research design. Methods The day reports of the official sport psychologist were analysed. Intervention issues were labelled using categories derived from previous research and divided into the following four intervention-issue dimensions: “general performance”, “specific Olympic performance”, “organisational” and “personal” issues. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, chi square statistics and odds ratios. Results Across the Olympic Games, between 11% and 25% of the Swiss delegation used the sport psychology services. On average, the sport psychologist provided between 2.1 and 4.6 interventions per day. Around 50% of the interventions were informal interventions. Around 30% of the clients were coaches. The most commonly addressed issues were performance related. An association was observed between previous collaboration, intervention likelihood and intervention theme. Conclusions Sport psychologists working at the Olympic Games are fully engaged with daily interventions and should have developed ideally long-term relationships with clients to truly help athletes with general performance issues. Critical incidents, working with coaches, brief contact interventions and team conflicts are specific features of the onsite consultancy. Practitioners should be trained to deal with these sorts of challenges.
Previous research has shown that the effects of basic psychological needs on the flow experience in sports are moderated by implicit motives. However, so far, only leisure and health-oriented sports have been analyzed. In a pilot study and a main study (N = 29, 93), we tested whether the implicit achievement and affiliation motives interact with the need for competence and the need for social relatedness satisfaction, respectively, to predict flow experience and well-being in extreme endurance athletes. Results showed that highly achievement-motivated individuals benefited more from the need for competence satisfaction in terms of flow than individuals with a low achievement motive did. In addition, highly affiliation-motivated individuals whose need for social relatedness is satisfied reported higher positive affect and lower exercise addiction scores than athletes with a low motive. We discuss the differential effects of the interplay between the achievement and affiliation motives and basic needs on different outcome variables.
Regelmässiges körperliches Training induziert strukturelle, elektrische und funktionelle Anpassungen des Herzens. Die grösste Herausforderung für den Arzt liegt darin, Veränderungen hinweisend für eine strukturelle Herzerkrankung von physiologischen, trainingsassoziierten Anpassungen im Sinne eines 'Athlete's heart' zu unterscheiden. Bei zugrundliegender Kardiopathie ist sportliche Aktivität nicht die Ursache, sondern kann ein Trigger für belastungsabhängige Tachyarrhythmien bzw. für den belastungsabhängigen plötzlichen Herztod (SCD) sein. Um Athleten mit einer kardialen Grunderkrankung und erhöhtem Risiko für einen SCD frühzeitig zu identifizieren wird in Europa ein Preparticipation Screening empfohlen, welches von der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin (SGSM) übernommen wurde. Dieses Screening umfasst neben der spezifischen Anamnese und der Herzauskultation auch ein Ruhe-Elektrokardiogramm (Ruhe-EKG). Aufgrund der hohen Anzahl falsch-positiver EKG-Befunde wurden in den letzten Jahren die Beurteilungskriterien des Athleten-EKGs wiederholt angepasst, die Sensitivität und insbesondere auch die Spezifität konnte mit den „verfeinerten Seattle Kriterien“ 2014 deutlich verbessert werden. Der frühen Repolarisation galt in den letzten Jahren ein Hauptaugenmerk: neben dem (Ausdauer-) Training besteht eine klare Assoziation zum männlichen Geschlecht, zur Ethnie, zu den Veränderungen des vegetativen Nervensystems und zu erhöhten QRS-Voltage-Kriterien.
OBJECTIVES: Although regular physical exercise clearly reduces cardiovascular morbidity risk, long-term endurance sports practice has been recognized as a risk factor for atrial fibrillation (AF). However, the mechanisms how endurance sports can lead to AF are not yet clear. The aim of our present study was to investigate the influence of long-term endurance training on vagal tone, atrial size, and inflammatory profile in professional elite soccer players. METHODS: A total of 25 professional major league soccer players (mean age 24+/-4 years) and 20 sedentary controls (mean age 26+/-3 years) were included in the study and consecutively examined. All subjects underwent a sports cardiology check-up with physical examination, electrocardiography, echocardiography, exercise testing on a bicycle ergometer, and laboratory analysis [standard laboratory and cytokine profile: interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, IL-8, IL-10]. RESULTS: Athletes were divided into two groups according to presence or absence of an early repolarization (ER) pattern, defined as a ST-segment elevation at the J-point (STE) >/=0.1mm in 2 leads. Athletes with an ER pattern showed significantly lower heart rate and an increased E/e' ratio compared to athletes without an ER pattern. STE significantly correlated with E/e' ratio as well as with left atrial (LA) volume. The pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-8, TNF-alpha as well as the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 were significantly elevated in all soccer players. However, athletes with an ER pattern had significantly higher IL-6 plasma levels than athletes without ER pattern. Furthermore, athletes with "high" level IL-6 had significantly larger LA volumes than players with "low" level IL-6. CONCLUSIONS: Athletes with an ER pattern had significantly higher E/e' ratios, reflecting higher atrial filling pressures, higher LA volume, and higher IL-6 plasma levels. All these factors may contribute to atrial remodeling over time and thus increase the risk of AF in long-term endurance sports.
En este artículo presentamos algunos de los resultados encontrados en el proyecto de investigación “ Ocio e inclusión social. Una mirada desde la población adulta en situación de discapacidad" , que buscó, en un primer momento, analizar las causas del bajo impacto de los espacios de ocio y tiempo libre ofrecidos para personas con discapacidad adultas en el municipio de Rionegro (Antioquia-Colombia), para luego conformar un grupo de trabajo, con el objetivo de que se convirtieran en líderes y gestores de procesos, no sólo recreativos, sino también sociales, políticos, entre otros, y además, que se proyectaran como formadores de otras personas. Este propósito requirió abordar paradigmas y enfoques metodológicos que permitieron, no sólo identificar necesidades, sino la generación de procesos de transformación y empoderamiento de las comunidades. Con el proyecto, se logró conformar este colectivo de personas, quien está actualmente coordinado por una persona con discapacidad, logrando su visibilización e inicio de gestiones que les permitirá mejorar su calidad de vida y la de sus familias y empoderarse de procesos que les permita un rol más activo en la demanda de bienes y servicios.
La presente tesis tiene como propósito central estudiar las visiones de sí de jóvenes mujeres con discapacidad incluidas en procesos de escolarización en escuelas públicas del sistema de educación tanto común como especial de la ciudad de La Plata y el Gran La Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires. La relevancia de la temática propuesta radica en que, en los estudios de juventud y género así como en los referidos al campo escolar, se observan escasas investigaciones sobre las mujeres con discapacidad. Desde una perspectiva socio-antropológica y a través de un enfoque etnográfico, se intenta comprender e interpretar las visiones de sí de las jóvenes con discapacidad en la trama de sus narrativas autobiográficas. Las estrategias metodológicas están orientadas a registrar la situación vivida por integrantes de este grupo social específico, focalizando en las relaciones entre el contexto social y cultural de pertenencia, el sexo género y la escolarización de las mujeres. El estudio realizado ha identificado que las jóvenes mujeres con discapacidad constituyen una de las poblaciones menos escolarizadas y más vulneradas en sus derechos. Asimismo, ha sido posible registrar que las visiones discapacitantes e inferiorizantes de las jóvenes están vinculadas a sus experiencias en la vida escolar, signada por rupturas, exclusiones, discontinuidades y violaciones a múltiples derechos, incluido el derecho a la educación. Se observa así la forma en que las instituciones y el sistema educativo no hacen efectivo el reconocimiento de las jóvenes mujeres con discapacidad como sujetas de derecho, prevista en la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad, de jerarquía constitucional en la Argentina
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo general problematizar los procesos de inclusión y exclusión escolar de jóvenes mujeres con discapacidad en escuelas públicas del sistema de educación tanto común como especial de la ciudad de La Plata y el Gran La Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires. Las mujeres con discapacidad constituyen uno de los grupos más oprimidos a lo largo de la historia, prueba de ello han sido los obstáculos y limitaciones en su proceso de escolarización. Las investigaciones sobre este grupo tanto en educación como en los estudios de género y de discapacidad resultan todavía escasas, por lo que consideramos relevante el abordaje de esta temática. Desde una perspectiva foucaultiana y feminista de la discapacidad procuraremos comprender e interpretar el punto de vista de las mujeres con discapacidad a fin de lo cual hemos recreado herramientas metodológicas específicas que nos permitan acceder a las voces de las jóvenes. La investigación describe al menos tres formas de incumplimiento del derecho a la educación inclusiva y la vida independiente en la escolarización de las mujeres con discapacidad: exclusión, segregación e integración (o exclusión en la inclusión). Asimismo, analiza diferentes formas en las que la escuela, en oportunidades en alianza con las familias de las jóvenes con discapacidad, actúa, de forma opresiva y deshumanizante, negándoles el derecho a la educación y la vida independiente