397 resultados para Anomalia epididimária


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Verifica-se que a educação vem evoluindo ao longo das últimas décadas, o que tem constantemente ajudado a redefinir o papel do professor em sala de aula. Hoje o professor precisa ficar atualizado não apenas com relação às mudanças sócio-políticas nas quais está inserido, mas também precisa adquirir constantemente novas práticas didáticas que auxiliem no exercício pedagógico. Dessa forma, destaca-se o papel essencial desempenhado pela formação continuada do professor, que é tão ou mais importante do que sua formação inicial. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a contribuição que a Lei Federal nº. 11.738/2008, conhecida como Lei do Piso, traz implicitamente para a formação docente nos horários extraclasse da jornada do professor. O estudo aprofunda-se na análise da implementação da referida lei no município de Caraguatatuba, através da revisão teórica e jurisprudente, bem como da aplicação de questionários aos professores do ciclo inicial do ensino básico do município. Com base na pesquisa, verifica-se que os docentes do município apresentam a capacitação formal adequada para exercer suas funções em sala de aula. No entanto, observase que a formação dos professores não tem ajudado a melhorar significativamente o desempenho do município no Indicador de Desenvolvimento do Ensino Básico (IDEB), que é o instrumento oficial no Brasil utilizado para nortear as políticas públicas em educação. Uma vez reconhecido esse problema, passa-se ao mapeamento de alternativas de correção dessa anomalia através da mensuração de indicadores de desempenho dos professores no processo de formação docente em horários extraclasse.


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Após aplicação de testes empíricos sobre carteiras de ações na Bovespa, no período que vai de 1995 a 1998, os autores constatam a existência da anomalia conhecida como Efeito Tamanho no mercado de capitais brasileiro. Identificando no período analisado, 1995 a 1998, que há evidências de que a média dos retornos das carteiras compostas pelas empresas de baixa capitalização é menor do que as compostas por empresas de alta capitalização. O autores advertem que os resultados, refletem apenas o período estudado, não devendo ser generalizados e são indicativos de que novas pesquisas são necessárias.


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The pair contact process - PCP is a nonequilibrium stochastic model which, like the basic contact process - CP, exhibits a phase transition to an absorbing state. While the absorbing state CP corresponds to a unique configuration (empty lattice), the PCP process infinitely many. Numerical and theoretical studies, nevertheless, indicate that the PCP belongs to the same universality class as the CP (direct percolation class), but with anomalies in the critical spreading dynamics. An infinite number of absorbing configurations arise in the PCP because all process (creation and annihilation) require a nearest-neighbor pair of particles. The diffusive pair contact process - PCPD) was proposed by Grassberger in 1982. But the interest in the problem follows its rediscovery by the Langevin description. On the basis of numerical results and renormalization group arguments, Carlon, Henkel and Schollwöck (2001), suggested that certain critical exponents in the PCPD had values similar to those of the party-conserving - PC class. On the other hand, Hinrichsen (2001), reported simulation results inconsistent with the PC class, and proposed that the PCPD belongs to a new universality class. The controversy regarding the universality of the PCPD remains unresolved. In the PCPD, a nearest-neighbor pair of particles is necessary for the process of creation and annihilation, but the particles to diffuse individually. In this work we study the PCPD with diffusion of pair, in which isolated particles cannot move; a nearest-neighbor pair diffuses as a unit. Using quasistationary simulation, we determined with good precision the critical point and critical exponents for three values of the diffusive probability: D=0.5 and D=0.1. For D=0.5: PC=0.89007(3), β/v=0.252(9), z=1.573(1), =1.10(2), m=1.1758(24). For D=0.1: PC=0.9172(1), β/v=0.252(9), z=1.579(11), =1.11(4), m=1.173(4)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A incidência de hastes ocas em brócolis (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck) depende de vários fatores que afetam a absorção e o transporte de B, elemento responsável pelo aparecimento dessa desordem fisiológica. O trabalho avaliou os efeitos de quatro níveis de nitrogênio e dois níveis de boro e da interação entre eles na incidência de hastes ocas e na produção de brócolis. As doses de N (100, 150, 200 e 250 kg ha-1) foram divididas em quatro aplicações iguais aos 15, 30, 45 e 60 dias após o transplante. O boro (0, 4 e 8 kg ha-1) foi aplicado metade no plantio e a outra metade em cobertura aos 45 dias após o transplante. A massa média das inflorescências e a produção total foram diminuídas com a aplicação de B em função do crescimento mais lento das plantas provocado pela toxicidade desse elemento. Contudo, nas áreas não adubadas com B, a porcentagem de plantas com hastes ocas foi, em média, de 44,14%, sendo que a incidência dessa anomalia sofreu drástica redução com a aplicação de B, onde a maior dose (8 kg ha-1) resultou em apenas 4,52% de inflorescências afetadas. Doses de N superiores a 215,4 kg ha-1 aumentaram o número de plantas com hastes ocas somente nas áreas que não receberam B.


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Dois casos de displasia da valva tricúspide são relatados neste trabalho. Os cães foram avaliados devido à fraqueza e presença de ascite. em ambos os casos, o exame ecocardiográfico mostrou insuficiência tricúspide e, em um deles, a inserção dos folhetos da valva tricúspide encontrava-se deslocada para baixo do ventrículo direito, caracterizando a anomalia de Ebstein. A terapia medicamentosa para insuficiência cardíaca congestiva foi iniciada, mas um dos animais veio a óbito subitamente alguns dias após o diagnóstico. O outro cão, apesar de inicialmente ter apresentado melhora significativa do quadro clínico, apresentou morte súbita. A necropsia dos animais revelou dilatação atrioventricular direita e folhetos tricúspides espessados. As características clínicas, métodos de diagnóstico e terapia medicamentosa são discutidas neste artigo.


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Na atualidade, a citricultura paulista enfrenta sérios problemas com o surgimento de novas enfermidades limitantes ao processo produtivo. Uma das alternativas para prevenir essas enfermidades é, seguramente, a produção de mudas certificadas, com borbulhas e sementes de assegurada qualidade genética e sanitária, produzidas em containers ou sacos plásticos, sob fiscalização dos órgãos competentes, garantindo-se, assim, a sanidade das mesmas. No entanto, tem-se verificado que grande parte do processo operacional de produção de mudas cítricas foi parcialmente adaptado da produção de essências florestais (eucalipto), onde se insere, principalmente, o emprego de tubetes com comprimento de 12 cm. Tal prática desencadeia uma grave deformidade morfológica no sistema radical das mudas cítricas, reduzindo o seu potencial de crescimento, quando são plantadas a campo, em local definitivo. Como a principal causa desencadeadora do declínio dos citros parece ser o estresse hídrico, plantas oriundas desse sistema de produção de mudas, mostram-se muito mais vulneráveis ao estresse e, conseqüentemente, a esta anomalia. Como atualmente todas as mudas produzidas no Estado de São Paulo provêm desse sistema de produção, seguramente o declínio dos citros tenderá a ser, futuramente, muito mais freqüente e severo nos casos de combinações vulneráveis à sua ocorrência.


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The reconfiguration of a distribution network is a change in its topology, aiming to provide specific operation conditions of the network, by changing the status of its switches. It can be performed regardless of any system anomaly. The service restoration is a particular case of reconfiguration and should be performed whenever there is a network failure or whenever one or more sections of a feeder have been taken out of service for maintenance. In such cases, loads that are supplied through lines sections that are downstream of portions removed for maintenance may be supplied by the closing of switches to the others feeders. By classical methods of reconfiguration, several switches may be required beyond those used to perform the restoration service. This includes switching feeders in the same substation or for substations that do not have any direct connection to the faulted feeder. These operations can cause discomfort, losses and dissatisfaction among consumers, as well as a negative reputation for the energy company. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a heuristic for reconfiguration of a distribution network, upon the occurrence of a failure in this network, making the switching only for feeders directly involved in this specific failed segment, considering that the switching applied is related exclusively to the isolation of failed sections and bars, as well as to supply electricity to the islands generated by the condition, with significant reduction in the number of applications of load flows, due to the use of sensitivity parameters for determining voltages and currents estimated on bars and lines of the feeders directly involved with that failed segment. A comparison between this process and classical methods is performed for different test networks from the literature about networks reconfiguration


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Hospital Automation is an area that is constantly growing. The emergency of new technologies and hardware is transforming the processes more efficient. Nevertheless, some of the hospital processes are still being performed manually, such as monitoring of patients that is considered critical because it involves human lives. One of the factors that should be taken into account during a monitoring is the agility to detect any abnormality in vital signs of patients, as well as warning of this anomaly to the medical team involved. So, this master's thesis aims to develop an architecture to automate this process of monitoring and reporting of possible alert to a professional, so that emergency care can be done effectively. The computing mobile was used to improve the communication by distributing messages between a central located into the hospital and the mobile carried by the duty


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This work holds the purpose of presenting an auxiliary way of bone density measurement through the attenuation of electromagnetic waves. In order to do so, an arrangement of two microstrip antennas with rectangular configuration has been used, operating in a frequency of 2,49 GHz, and fed by a microstrip line on a substrate of fiberglass with permissiveness of 4.4 and height of 0,9 cm. Simulations were done with silica, bone meal, silica and gypsum blocks samples to prove the variation on the attenuation level of different combinations. Because of their good reproduction of the human beings anomaly aspects, samples of bovine bone were used. They were subjected to weighing, measurement and microwave radiation. The samples had their masses altered after mischaracterization and the process was repeated. The obtained data were inserted in a neural network and its training was proceeded with the best results gathered by correct classification on 100% of the samples. It comes to the conclusion that through only one non-ionizing wave in the 2,49 GHz zone it is possible to evaluate the attenuation level in the bone tissue, and that with the appliance of neural network fed with obtained characteristics in the experiment it is possible to classify a sample as having low or high bone density


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This present research the aim to show to the reader the Geometry non-Euclidean while anomaly indicating the pedagogical implications and then propose a sequence of activities, divided into three blocks which show the relationship of Euclidean geometry with non-Euclidean, taking the Euclidean with respect to analysis of the anomaly in non-Euclidean. PPGECNM is tied to the line of research of History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in the Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Treat so on Euclid of Alexandria, his most famous work The Elements and moreover, emphasize the Fifth Postulate of Euclid, particularly the difficulties (which lasted several centuries) that mathematicians have to understand him. Until the eighteenth century, three mathematicians: Lobachevsky (1793 - 1856), Bolyai (1775 - 1856) and Gauss (1777-1855) was convinced that this axiom was correct and that there was another geometry (anomalous) as consistent as the Euclid, but that did not adapt into their parameters. It is attributed to the emergence of these three non-Euclidean geometry. For the course methodology we started with some bibliographical definitions about anomalies, after we ve featured so that our definition are better understood by the readers and then only deal geometries non-Euclidean (Hyperbolic Geometry, Spherical Geometry and Taxicab Geometry) confronting them with the Euclidean to analyze the anomalies existing in non-Euclidean geometries and observe its importance to the teaching. After this characterization follows the empirical part of the proposal which consisted the application of three blocks of activities in search of pedagogical implications of anomaly. The first on parallel lines, the second on study of triangles and the third on the shortest distance between two points. These blocks offer a work with basic elements of geometry from a historical and investigative study of geometries non-Euclidean while anomaly so the concept is understood along with it s properties without necessarily be linked to the image of the geometric elements and thus expanding or adapting to other references. For example, the block applied on the second day of activities that provides extend the result of the sum of the internal angles of any triangle, to realize that is not always 180° (only when Euclid is a reference that this conclusion can be drawn)


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Water still represents, on its critical properties and phase transitions, a problem of current scientific interest, as a consequence of the countless open questions and of the inadequacy of the existent theoretical models, mainly related to the different solid and liquid phases that this substance possesses. For example, there are 13 known crystalline forms of water, and also amorphous phases. One of them, the amorphous ice of very high density (VHDA), was just recently observed. Other example is the anomalous behavior in the macroscopic density, which presents a maximum at the temperature of 277 K. In order to experimentally investigate the behavior of one of the liquid-solid phase transitions, the anomaly in its density and also the metastability, we used three different cooling techniques and, as comparison systems, we made use of the solvents: acetone and ethyl alcohol. The first studied cooling system employ a Peltier plate, a device recently developed, which makes use of small cubes made up of semiconductors to change heat among two surfaces; the second system is a commercial refrigerator, similar to the residential ones. Finally, the liquid nitrogen technique, which is used to refrigerate the samples in a container, in two ways: a very fast and other one, almost static. In those three systems, three Beckers of aluminum were used (with a volume of 80 ml, each), containing water, alcohol and acetone. They were closed and maintained at atmospheric pressure. Inside of each Becker were installed three thermocouples, disposed along the vertical axis of the Beckers, one close to the inferior surface, other to the medium level and the last one close the superior surface. A system of data acquisition was built via virtual instrumentation using as a central equipment a Data-Acquisition board. The temperature data were collected by the three thermocouples in the three Beckers, simultaneously, in function of freezing time. We will present the behavior of temperature versus freezing time for the three substances. The results show the characterization of the transitions of the liquid


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The aim of this work is to derive theWard Identity for the low energy effective theory of a fermionic system in the presence of a hyperbolic Fermi surface coupled with a U(1) gauge field in 2+1 dimensions. These identities are important because they establish requirements for the theory to be gauge invariant. We will see that the identity associated Ward Identity (WI) of the model is not preserved at 1-loop order. This feature signalizes the presence of a quantum anomaly. In other words, a classical symmetry is broken dynamically by quantum fluctuations. Furthermore, we are considering that the system is close to a Quantum Phase Transitions and in vicinity of a Quantum Critical Point the fermionic excitations near the Fermi surface, decay through a Landau damping mechanism. All this ingredients need to be take explicitly to account and this leads us to calculate the vertex corrections as well as self energies effects, which in this way lead to one particle propagators which have a non-trivial frequency dependence


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Many pollutants dumped in waterways, such as dyes and pesticides, have become so ubiquitous that they represent a serious threat to human health. The electrochemical oxidation is presented as an alternative clean, efficient and economic degradation of wastewater containing organic compounds and a number of advantages of this technique is to just not make use of chemical reagents, since only electrical energy is consumed during the removal of pollutants organic. However, despite being a promising alternative, still needs some tweaking in order to obtain better efficiency in the elimination of persistent pollutants. Thus, this study sought a relationship between a recently discovered phenomenon that reflects the participation of dissolved oxygen in solution in the electrochemical oxidation process, as an anomaly, present a kinetic model that shows instantaneous current efficiency (ICE) above 100% limited by theory, manifested for some experiments with phenolic compounds with H2SO4 or HClO4 as supporting electrolyte with electrodes under anodic oxidation on boron doped diamond (BDD). Therefore it was necessary to reproduce the data ICE exposes the fault model, and thus the 2-naphthol was used as phenolic compound to be oxidised at concentrations of 9, 12 and 15 mmol L-1, and H2SO4 and HClO4 to 1 mol L-1 as a supporting electrolyte under a current density of 30 mA cm-2 in an electrochemical reactor for continuous flow disk configuration, and equipped with anodes DDB at room temperature (25 oC). Experiments were performed using N2 like as purge gas for eliminate oxygen dissolved in solution so that its influence in the system was studied. After exposure of the anomaly of the ICE model and investigation of its relationship with dissolved O2, the data could be treated, making it possible for confirmation. But not only that, the data obtained from eletranálise and spectroscopic analysis suggest the involvement of other strongly oxidizing species (O3 (ozone) and O radicals and O2 -), since the dissolved O2 can be consumed during the formation of new strong oxidizing species, not considered until now, something that needs to be investigated by more accurate methods that we may know a little more of this system. Currently the performance of the electrocatalytic process is established by a complex interaction between different parameters that can be optimized, so it is necessary to the implementation of theoretical models, which are the conceptual lens with which researchers see


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The Borborema Province (BP) is a geologic domain located in Northeastern Brazil. The BP is limited at the south by the São Francisco craton, at the west by the Parnaíba basin, and both at the north and east by coastal sedimentary basins. Nonetheless the BP surface geology is well known, several key aspects of its evolution are still open, notably: i)its tectonic compartmentalization established after the Brasiliano orogenesis, ii) the architecture of its cretaceous continental margin, iii) the elastic properties of its lithosphere, and iv) the causes of magmatism and uplifting which occurred in the Cenozoic. In this thesis, a regional coverage of geophysical data (elevation, gravity, magnetic, geoid height, and surface wave global tomography) were integrated with surface geologic information aiming to attain a better understanding of the above questions. In the Riacho do Pontal belt and in the western sector of the Sergipano belt, the neoproterozoic suture of the collision of the Sul domain of the BP with the Sanfranciscana plate (SFP) is correlated with an expressive dipolar gravity anomaly. The positive lobule of this anomaly is due to the BP lower continental crust uplifting whilst the negative lobule is due to the supracrustal nappes overthrusting the SFP. In the eastern sector of the Sergipano belt, this dipolar gravity anomaly does not exist. However the suture still can be identified at the southern sector of the Marancó complex arc, alongside of the Porto da Folha shear zone, where the SFP N-S geophysical alignments are truncated. The boundary associated to the collision of the Ceará domain of the BP with the West African craton is also correlated with a dipolar gravity anomaly. The positive lobule of this anomaly coincides with the Sobral-Pedro II shear zone whilst the negative lobule is associated with the Santa Quitéria magmatic arc. Judging by their geophysical signatures, the major BP internal boundaries are: i)the western sector of the Pernambuco shear zone and the eastern continuation of this shear zone as the Congo shear zone, ii) the Patos shear zone, and iii) the Jaguaribe shear zone and its southwestern continuation as the Tatajuba shear zone. These boundaries divide the BP in five tectonic domains in the geophysical criteria: Sul, Transversal, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, and Médio Coreaú. The Sul domain is characterized by geophysical signatures associated with the BP and SFP collision. The fact that Congo shear zone is now proposed as part of the Transversal domain boundary implies an important change in the original definition of this domain. The Rio Grande do Norte domain presents a highly magnetized crust resulted from the superposition of precambrian and phanerozoic events. The Ceará domain is divided by the Senador Pompeu shear zone in two subdomains: the eastern one corresponds to the Orós-Jaguaribe belt and the western one to the Ceará-Central subdomain. The latter subdomain exhibits a positive ENE-W SW gravity anomaly which was associated to a crustal discontinuity. This discontinuity would have acted as a rampart against to the N-S Brasiliano orogenic nappes. The Médio Coreaú domain also presents a dipolar gravity anomaly. Its positive lobule is due to granulitic rocks whereas the negative one is caused by supracrustal rocks. The boundary between Médio Coreaú and Ceará domains can be traced below the Parnaíba basin sediments by its geophysical signature. The joint analysis of free air anomalies, free air admittances, and effective elastic thickness estimates (Te) revealed that the Brazilian East and Equatorial continental margins have quite different elastic properties. In the first one 10 km < Te < 20 km whereas in the second one Te ≤ 10 km. The weakness of the Equatorial margin lithosphere was caused by the cenozoic magmatism. The BP continental margin presents segmentations; some of them have inheritance from precambrian structures and domains. The segmentations conform markedly with some sedimentary basin features which are below described from south to north. The limit between Sergipe and Alagoas subbasins coincides with the suture between BP and SFP. Te estimates indicates concordantly that in Sergipe subbasin Te is around 20 km while Alagoas subbasin has Te around 10 km, thus revealing that the lithosphere in the Sergipe subbasin has a greater rigidity than the lithosphere in the Alagoas subbasin. Additionally inside the crust beneath Sergipe subbasin occurs a very dense body (underplating or crustal heritage?) which is not present in the crust beneath Alagoas subbasin. The continental margin of the Pernambuco basin (15 < Te < 25 km) presents a very distinct free air edge effect displaying two anomalies. This fact indicates the existence in the Pernambuco plateau of a relatively thick crust. In the Paraíba basin the free air edge effect is quite uniform, Te ≈ 15 km, and the lower crust is abnormally dense probably due to its alteration by a magmatic underplating in the Cenozoic. The Potiguar basin segmentation in three parts was corroborated by the Te estimates: in the Potiguar rift Te ≅ 5 km, in the Aracati platform Te ≅ 25 km, and in the Touros platform Te ≅ 10 km. The observed weakness of the lithosphere in the Potiguar rift segment is due to the high heat flux while the relatively high strength of the lithosphere in the Touros platform may be due to the existence of an archaean crust. The Ceará basin, in the region of Mundaú and Icaraí subbasins, presents a quite uniform free air edge effect and Te ranges from 10 to 15 km. The analysis of the Bouguer admittance revealed that isostasy in BP can be explained with an isostatic model where combined surface and buried loadings are present. The estimated ratio of the buried loading relative to the surface loading is equal to 15. In addition, the lower crust in BP is abnormally dense. These affirmations are particularly adequate to the northern portion of BP where adherence of the observed data to the isostatic model is quite good. Using the same above described isostatic model to calculate the coherence function, it was obtained that a single Te estimate for the entire BP must be lower than 60 km; in addition, the BP north portion has Te around 20 km. Using the conventional elastic flexural model to isostasy, an inversion of crust thickness was performed. It was identified two regions in BP where the crust is thickened: one below the Borborema plateau (associated to an uplifting in the Cenozoic) and the other one in the Ceará domain beneath the Santa Quitéria magmatic arc (a residue associated to the Brasiliano orogenesis). On the other hand, along the Cariri-Potiguar trend, the crust is thinned due to an aborted rifting in the Cretaceous. Based on the interpretation of free air anomalies, it was inferred the existence of a large magmatism in the oceanic crust surrounding the BP, in contrast with the incipient magmatism in the continent as shown by surface geology. In BP a quite important positive geoid anomaly exists. This anomaly is spatially correlated with the Borborema plateau and the Macaú-Queimadas volcanic lineament. The integrated interpretation of geoid height anomaly data, global shear velocity model, and geologic data allow to propose that and Edge Driven Convection (EDC) may have caused the Cenozoic magmatism. The EDC is an instability that presumably occurs at the boundary between thick stable lithosphere and oceanic thin lithosphere. In the BP lithosphere, the EDC mechanism would have dragged the cold lithospheric mantle into the hot asthenospheric mantle thus causing a positive density contrast that would have generated the main component of the geoid height anomaly. In addition, the compatibility of the gravity data with the isostatic model, where combined surface and buried loadings are present, together with the temporal correlation between the Cenozoic magmatism and the Borborema plateau uplifting allow to propose that this uplifting would have been caused by the buoyancy effect of a crustal root generated by a magmatic underplating in the Cenozoic