999 resultados para AUTORITARISMO - ETIOPÍA - 1994-2010


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Objectives We studied the relationship between changes in body composition and changes in blood pressure levels. Background The mechanisms underlying the frequently observed progression from pre-hypertension to hypertension are poorly understood. Methods We examined 1,145 subjects from a population-based survey at baseline in 1994/1995 and at follow-up in 2004/2005. First, we studied individuals pre-hypertensive at baseline who, during 10 years of follow-up, either had normalized blood pressure (PreNorm, n = 48), persistently had pre-hypertension (PrePre, n = 134), or showed progression to hypertension (PreHyp, n = 183). In parallel, we studied predictors for changes in blood pressure category in individuals hypertensive at baseline (n = 429). Results After 10 years, the PreHyp group was characterized by a marked increase in body weight (+5.71% [95% confidence interval (CI): 4.60% to 6.83%]) that was largely the result of an increase in fat mass (+17.8% [95% CI: 14.5% to 21.0%]). In the PrePre group, both the increases in body weight (+1.95% [95% CI: 0.68% to 3.22%]) and fat mass (+8.09% [95% CI: 4.42% to 11.7%]) were significantly less pronounced than in the PreHyp group (p < 0.001 for both). The PreNorm group showed no significant change in body weight (-1.55% [95% CI: -3.70% to 0.61%]) and fat mass (+0.20% [95% CI: -6.13% to 6.52%], p < 0.05 for both, vs. the PrePre group). Conclusions After 10 years of follow-up, hypertension developed in 50.1% of individuals with pre-hypertension and only 6.76% went from hypertensive to pre-hypertensive blood pressure levels. An increase in body weight and fat mass was a risk factor for the development of sustained hypertension, whereas a decrease was predictive of a decrease in blood pressure. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2010; 56: 65-76) (C) 2010 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation


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Background. Dental erosion is a multifactorial disease and is associated with dietary habits in infancy and adolescence. Aim. To investigate possible associations among dental erosion and diet, medical history and lifestyle habits in Brazilian schoolchildren. Design. The sample consisted of a random single centre cluster of 414 adolescents (12- and 16-years old) of both genders from private and public schools in Bauru (Brazil). The O`Brien [Children`s Dental Health in the United Kingdom, 1993 (1994) HMSO, London] index was used for dental erosion assessment. Data on medical history, rate and frequency of food and drinks consumption, and lifestyle habits were collected by a self-reported questionnaire. Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were used to assess the univariate relationships between variables. Analysis of questionnaire items was performed by multiple logistic regression analysis. The statistical significance level was set at 5%. Results. The erosion present group comprised 83 subjects and the erosion absent group 331. There were no statistically significant correlations among dental erosion and the consumption of food and drinks, medical history, or lifestyle habits. Conclusion. The results indicate that there was no correlation between dental erosion and the risk factors analysed among adolescents in Bauru/Brazil and further investigations are necessary to clarify the multifactorial etiology of this condition.


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Unique sperm morphology is described for Aegla longirostri Bond-Buckup & Buckup, 1994. a representative of the freshwater anomuran family Aeglidae from South America. Comparisons of the spermatozoal ultrastructure of this species with that described for other anomurans indicate that A. longirostri has a distinct suite of spermatozoal characters. Within the Anomura, the aeglids share more spermatozoal characters with the superfamily Lomoidea. represented by the monotypic Australian endemic genus, Lomis, than to any previously described representative from the Galatheoidea, Hippoidea. or Paguroidea. A more basal ancestry, with an independent evolutionary lineage. within the Anomura is Postulated for the Aeglidae. A Superficial resemblance of the spermatozoal ultrastructure of A. longirostri to that described for a palinurid lobster, Jasus, and a thalassinidean mud shrimp, Neaxius, is also noted.


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Evidence suggesting polyphyly of the traditionally recognised tick genus Aponomma Neumann, 1899 is summarized. Continued recognition of this genus in its current concept leaves a polyphyletic genus Aponomma and a paraphyletic genus Amblyomma Koch, 1844. To improve the correlation between our understanding of phylogenetic relationships in metastriate ticks and their classification, a few changes in classification are proposed. The members of the 'indigenous Australian Aponomma' group (sensu Kaufman, 1972), A. auruginans Schulze, 1936, A. concolor Neumann, 1899, A. glebopalma Keirans, King & Sharrad, 1994, A. hydrosauri (Denny, 1843) and A. undatum (Fabricius, 1775), are transferred to Bothriocroton Keirans, King & Sharrad, 1994, which is raised to full generic rank. The remaining members of Aponomma are transferred to Amblyomma. Uncertainty remains on relationships of Bothriocroton to other metastriate lineages and on the systematic position of the two species formerly included in the 'primitive Aponomma' group, A. elaphense Price, 1959 and A. sphenodonti Dumbleton, 1943.


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The seasonal incidence of pollen in the atmosphere of Brisbane has been established from a near continuous. volumetric trapping program over the five-year period, July 1994-June 1999. Grass pollen accounts for 71.6% of the average annual pollen load with highest densities (up to 150 grains/m(3)) recorded in summer and autumn. Significant contributions were also made by taxa of the Cupressaceae (8.7%) and Urticaceae (1.8%) during spring and of the Pinaceae (4.5%) during winter. Pollen seasons of the Casuarinaceae (6.5%) and Myrtaceae (3.2%) are more extended, the former peaking in late winter and the latter in late spring. The onset and duration of the Poaceae and Urticaceae seasons varied from year to year, being later when precipitation levels were low in the late spring-early summer months. Total pollen numbers and grass pollen densities are substantially less than those recorded from southern Australia. Nevertheless, respiratory disease in Brisbane affects up to 10% of the population, and airborne pollen of Poaceae, Urticaceae, Cupressaceae, Pinaceae, and Myrtaceae have been implicated in the release of allergens.


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Objective : To report the history of the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children (RAHC) Papua New Guinea (PNG) cardiac surgical programme and describe the selection, preoperative clinical features and postoperative outcome of children with congenital heart disease managed by the programme. Methods : Details for each of the PNG cardiac patients admitted to RAHC following selection by visiting cardiologists between 1978 and 1994 were entered into a database, and analysed and interpreted. Results : A congenital heart defect was confirmed in 165 of the 170 children selected. The male to female ratio was 1:1 and the mean age on admission to RAHC was 5.5 years. Almost all of the children for whom data were available (98%) had a weight for age and 41% had a height for age less than the 3rd centile. One-sixth had delayed milestones. A large number were tachypnoeic, in heart failure, or had pulmonary hypertension on admission. Ventricular septal defect and tetralogy of Fallot were the commonest defects, and lesions such as aortic stenosis, coarctation of the aorta and transposition of the great arteries were absent or rare. Thirty-one (19%) of the children selected initially did not receive surgery because of pulmonary hypertension, or because the lesions did not fall within the programme guidelines for operation. One hundred and twenty-nine children had corrective and four had palliative procedures. Half of the operated children had postoperative complications. Eight children died, all following open-heart procedures, giving a case fatality rate of 6%. Preoperative tachypnoea, hepatomegaly, cardiac failure and pulmonary hypertension were strongly associated with poor outcome. Conclusions : The programme was an arduous exercise for all organizations concerned, but achieved comparatively good short-term outcomes. The experience gained should assist in planning for similar programmes.


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A Sa??de da Fam??lia ?? uma estrat??gia de reorienta????o do modelo assistencial, operacionalizada mediante a implanta????o de equipes multiprofissionais em unidades b??sicas de sa??de. Essas equipes s??o respons??veis pelo acompanhamento de um n??mero definido de fam??lias, localizadas em ??rea geogr??fica delimitada. As equipes atuam com a????es de promo????o da sa??de, preven????o, recupera????o, reabilita????o de doen??as e agravos mais frequentes, e na manuten????o da sa??de dessa comunidade. A responsabilidade pelo acompanhamento das fam??lias coloca para as equipes de sa??de da fam??lia a necessidade de ultrapassar os limites classicamente definidos para a aten????o b??sica no Brasil, especialmente no contexto do SUS. A implanta????o da estrat??gia de Sa??de da Fam??lia tem demonstrado significativa melhoria nos indicadores de sa??de do pa??s, em especial na amplia????o do acesso ?? sa??de da popula????o brasileira, tendo se mostrado tamb??m efetiva na redu????o das iniquidades, cumprindo seu papel de porta de entrada do SUS


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Nesta publica????o, referente ao 15?? Concurso Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica Federal, o leitor encontrar?? iniciativas inovadoras nas seguintes ??reas: Arranjos institucionais para coordena????o e/ou implementa????o de pol??ticas p??blicas (intra e inter-governamental); atendimento ao cidad??o; gest??o da informa????o; melhoria dos processos de trabalho


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Este trabalho pretende tra??ar a evolu????o dos recursos alocados para o pagamento das d??vidas da Administra????o P??blica Federal direta, desde 2010 at?? 2013, bem como identificar a origem desses d??bitos quanto ao Tribunal julgador e a Regi??o geogr??fica. Trata-se de pesquisa quantitativa realizada com base nos dados anualmente encaminhados pelo Poder Judici??rio ao Executivo, e que se destinam a quantificar, na Lei Or??ament??ria Anual do exerc??cio subsequente, a dota????o necess??ria para realizar os pagamentos devidos. Seus principais resultados foram: distinguir o volume de recursos referentes a parcelamentos anteriores ou a novos precat??rios; classificar os Tribunais da Justi??a da Uni??o por precat??rios autuados; esbo??ar um mapa dos Estados brasileiros por precat??rios emitidos; apontar as varia????es anuais dos valores de precat??rios, por Tribunal e por Estado; possibilitar a constru????o de uma metodologia de acompanhamento da emiss??o de precat??rios; e constituir um ponto de partida para pesquisas futuras sobre o tema, notadamente, as que pretendam relacionar os n??meros apresentados ??s causas de expedi????o de precat??rios e aos ??rg??os executados


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An??lise da reforma constitucional no governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso a partir dos estudos de caso da reforma tribut??ria e da previd??ncia social, compreendendo tamb??m uma reconstitui????o do processo decis??rio de pol??ticas nestas ??reas desde a era Collor.


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Relat??rio de Gest??o do exerc??cio de 2010 apresentado aos ??rg??os de controle interno e externo como presta????o de contas anual que a ENAP est?? obrigada nos termos do art. 70 da Constitui????o Federal, elaborado de acordo com as disposi????es da IN TCU n?? 63/2010, da DN TCU n?? 107/2010, da Portaria TCU n?? 277/2010 e das orienta????es do ??rg??o de controle interno (Portaria CGU n?? 2546/2010)


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O controle de ag??ncias de defesa da concorr??ncia sobre a estrutura dos mercados constitui pr??tica comum em pa??ses maduros e vem ganhando import??ncia crescente em economias emergentes. Tal atividade envolve exame de atos de concentra????o econ??mica tais como fus??es, aquisi????es, joint ventures ou incorpora????es. No Brasil este tipo de controle ?? recente, tendo sido institu??do pela Lei n?? 8.884, de junho de 1994. Desde ent??o, o Conselho Administrativo de Defesa da Concorr??ncia - CADE julgou 29 (vinte e nove) atos de concentra????o, em contraste com a experi??ncia secular de pa??ses como EUA, Canad?? e Austr??lia e de v??rias d??cadas nas na????es europ??ias depois da Segunda Guerra. A exemplo de v??rias outras ??reas de pol??tica p??blica, tornou-se imperativo agilizar os ??rg??os de defesa da concorr??ncia. Isto decorre, entre outros fatores, do intenso processo de reestrutura????o produtiva em curso no pa??s associados ?? desestatiza????o e abertura da economia. Diante das circunst??ncias descritas, ?? preciso assegurar agilidade, transpar??ncia, excel??ncia t??cnica no processo decis??rio e estabilidade de regras, todos ingredientes indispens??veis para gerar seguran??a jur??dica. Esta ??ltima, por seu turno, diminui o risco do investimento, estimulando invers??es, produ????o e emprego. Nesse sentido, o CADE promoveu mudan??as importantes no procedimento de an??lise de atos de concentra????o em colabora????o com a Secretaria de Direito Econ??mico do Minist??rio da Justi??a (SDE) e a Secretaria de Acompanhamento Econ??mico do Minist??rio da Fazenda (SEAE) mediante a edi????o da Resolu????o 5, de 28 de agosto de 1996


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O cat??logo de cursos da Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP) tem como objetivo apoiar a escolha de a????es de desenvolvimento de compet??ncias de dirigentes p??blicos brasileiros


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O Projeto de Fortalecimento da Gest??o de Pol??ticas P??blicas de Inclus??o Social do Governo Federal Brasileiro, apresentado pela ENAP ?? AECI em 2006, visa promover processos de inclus??o social de grupos que vivem em situa????o de extrema vulnerabilidade. Nos 36 meses de dura????o do projeto a qualidade dos servi??os prestados pelas redes de atendimento p??blica e privada aos idosos, pessoas com defici??ncia e benefici??rios do sistema de previd??ncia social, dever?? ser incrementada. Para isso, pretende-se melhorar a regulamenta????o dos servi??os de aten????o a estes grupos sociais, melhorar a forma????o dos gestores e operadores p??blicos e privados destes servi??os, melhorar o acesso ??s informa????es, aumentar o compromisso dos estados e munic??pios e da rede de aten????o a estes grupos sociais, agilizar a resposta da administra????o perante as solicita????es dos cidad??os e melhorar a rede de atendimento