927 resultados para 2000-2006
En el D.E.A.se examina como en los dos de los principales periódicos españoles, uno de tendencia progresista, "El País", y otro de tendencia conservadora, "ABC", se publican, cuantitativa y cualitativamente, las noticias sobre el mercado laboral de los medios de comunicación en un lapso temporal, 2000 a 2006, en el que acaecieron dos legislaturas con gobiernos estatales de diversa ideología política: Partido Popular, (P.P.), y Partido Socialista Obrero Español, (P.S.O.E.). El objeto del trabajo de investigación ha sido analizar la situación laboral en aquéllos, con especial incidencia en los periodistas, y cómo la misma tiene cabida en las noticias de los dos diarios; es decir, cómo se transmite a la sociedad, en su caso, a través de dos periódicos de tendencias ideológicas muy diferentes. La finalidad del trabajo investigador es la comprobación de si los dos diarios han reflejado la preocupación expresada por los colectivos profesionales de periodistas o si realmente estas preocupaciones expuestas anteriormente no transcienden socialmente más allá del ámbito de las redacciones.
Large uncertainties remain in the current and future contribution to sea level rise from Antarctica. Climate warming may increase snowfall in the continent's interior, but enhance glacier discharge at the coast where warmer air and ocean temperatures erode the buttressing ice shelves. Here, we use satellite interferometric synthetic-aperture radar observations from 1992 to 2006 covering 85% of Antarctica's coastline to estimate the total mass flux into the ocean. We compare the mass fluxes from large drainage basin units with interior snow accumulation calculated from a regional atmospheric climate model for 1980 to 2004. In East Antarctica, small glacier losses in Wilkes Land and glacier gains at the mouths of the Filchner and Ross ice shelves combine to a near-zero loss of 4 ± 61 Gt/yr. In West Antarctica, widespread losses along the Bellingshausen and Amundsen seas increased the ice sheet loss by 59% in 10 years to reach 132 ± 60 Gt/yr in 2006. In the Peninsula, losses increased by 140% to reach 60 ± 46 Gt/yr in 2006. Losses are concentrated along narrow channels occupied by outlet glaciers and are caused by ongoing and past glacier acceleration. Changes in glacier flow therefore have a significant, if not dominant impact on ice sheet mass balance.
There has recently been noted a rapid increase in research attention to projects that involve outside partners. Our knowledge of such inter-organizational projects, however, is limited. This paper reports large scale data from a repeated trend survey amongst 2000 SMEs in 2006 and 2009 that focused on inter-organizational project ventures. Our major findings indicate that the overall prevalence of inter-organizational project ventures remained significant and stable over time, even despite the economic crisis. Moreover, we find that these ventures predominantly solve repetitive rather than unique tasks and are embedded in prior relations between the partnering organizations. These findings provide empirical support for the recent claims that project management should pay more attention to inter-organizational forms of project organization, and suggest that the archetypical view of projects as being unique in every respect should be reconsidered. Both have important implications for project management, especially in the area of project-based learning.
Changes in governance in the public sector made it possible to give the power to the level of service production. In Finland schools were diversified. They wanted to be as attractive as possible. In her dissertation (2006) Piia Seppänen studied parental choice and schools choice policies in Espoo, in Kuopio, in Lahti, inTurku and in some levels in Helsinki too. After her study was done there has been some changes in school choise policy in Espoo. The catchments areas changed radically; earlier every school did have its own catchment area. But now three or even five school has the same catchment area. On the base of the Seppänen’s dissertation I wondered who’s choice it really were? Is the choice maker customer or producer of the service? In my study I tried to understand those processes where pupils were selected for the 7th grade in lower secondary schools in the spring in 2006. To make the picture clear, I have to study the history of pupil selection and the changes of it in the 21st century. I also have to study the geography of the town which is quite special in comparison with the normal cities with one central area. This has its own effects on the pupil selection system as well as in the whole study. In my study I try to present what kind of process the pupil selection is in Espoo and how it was done actually in the spring of 2006. The empirical data of my study were statistical data, documents of different kind, conversations with principals, local authorities and politicians. I also interviewed one politician and observed a few information meetings about the pupil selection process. Based on this large variety of data I tried to draw a picture of the way of speaking (writing) about the ability of the choice. Furthermore, how this pupil selection is done in reality. The ability to apply to special instruction in f. e. music, graphic arts or maths and sciences or to language based instruction (bilingual and immersion teaching) depends on the district you live. Because there is one catchment area which has no special or language based instruction available. Also the poor public transport system might have some effects on the parental choice. According to my study, 20 % of the 7th grade pupils were selected with criteria of different kind to special classes. Because the ability to get special or language based instruction depends on your district, there is a big risk for a selection based on the pupils' socio-economic background.
Los ensayos de sorgo del PCCMCA suministran informa· clón del comportamiento de los sorgos híbridos comerciales y precomerciales de las empresas proveedoras de semillas y de los programas nacionales de la región. Esta información es la base para recomendar los materiales de siembra que más convengan en las zonas sorgueras en el istmo Centroamericano y el caribe. En el año 2000, se establecieron ensayos de campo en siete localidades, los cuales incluyeron 12 materiales de siembra, entre híbridos y variedades de polinización libre. En el año 2001 los ensayos se establecieron en siete localidades y se incluyeron 16 materiales de siembra, diferentes de los establecidos en el año 2000. En ambos años la siembra se realizó durante la época de postrera. La parcela experimental fue de 14 m2 y la parcela útil de 7. El diseño experimental fue bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Para cada localidad se utilizó el manejo agronó mico que normalmente realizan los agricultores de la zona, el cual coincide en gran medida entre las localidades. En el año 2000, los hlbridos CB-XH 2006 y CB-XH 8976, fueron superiores estadisticamente, con rendimientos de 6340 y 6290 kg ha·1• El coefi ciente de variación fue de 12.19%. Para el año 2001, los hibridos CBX-8016-2 (6822 kg ha·') y CBX-8016-1 (6811 kg ha·'), fueron estadisticamente superiores e iguales a HIMECA-1 01, (6499 kg ha· '), MTC-7439 (6421 kg ha·'), MTC-1197 (6385 kg ha·'), MTC-11n (6241 kg ha·'), D-66 (6176 kg ha·'), MTC-7379 (6159 kglha), MTC- 7389 (6115 kg ha·'), CB-2006 (8090 kg ha·'), HIMECA 404 (5762 kg ha·') y ESHG-2001 (5495 kg ha·'). El coeficiente de variación para el año 2001 fue de 15.04%.
O modelo de execução orçamentária no país é meramente autorizativo. Proposições foram apresentadas no Congresso Nacional na tentativa de se criar um novo modelo, o orçamento impositivo. O trabalho apresenta a estrutura orçamentária no Brasil antes e depois da Constituição Federal de 1988 e a função que desempenham os Poderes Executivo e Legislativo na elaboração e na execução do orçamento. Demonstra a relação entre a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal e o orçamento público. Exibe o histórico das proposições apresentadas desde o ano 2000 com o intuito de estabelecer a obrigatoriedade na execução do orçamento, com uma breve crítica. Analisa a proposta de Emenda à Constituição n. 565/2006, por ser a mais abrangente das proposições apresentadas para tornar o orçamento impositivo no Brasil.