960 resultados para sonic branding.


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[Excerpt] The hotel business has become a business of brands. Price Waterhouse Coopers estimates that there are over 300 hotel brands today with no one brand dominating the market. Every major brand management issue (brand extensions, global brand expansion, re-branding, un-branding, co-branding, brand portfolio development, brand acquisitions, new brand development, etc.) is being explored. An understanding of the competitive context and intra-and inter-brand dynamics will help owners, operators, asset managers, suppliers and litigators, as well as new entrants into the business make better and more informed brand management decisions.


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The morphogen Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) plays a critical role in the development of different tissues. In the central nervous system, SHH is well known to contribute to the patterning of the spinal cord and separation of the brain hemispheres. In addition, it has recently been shown that SHH signaling also contributes to the patterning of the telencephalon and establishment of adult neurogenic niches. In this work, we investigated whether SHH signaling influences the behavior of neural progenitors isolated from the dorsal telencephalon, which generate excitatory neurons and macroglial cells in vitro. We observed that SHH increases proliferation of cortical progenitors and generation of astrocytes, whereas blocking SHH signaling with cyclopamine has opposite effects. In both cases, generation of neurons did not seem to be affected. However, cell survival was broadly affected by blockade of SHH signaling. SHH effects were related to three different cell phenomena: mode of cell division, cell cycle length and cell growth. Together, our data in vitro demonstrate that SHH signaling controls cell behaviors that are important for proliferation of cerebral cortex progenitors, as well as differentiation and survival of neurons and astroglial cells.


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The availability of new underwater cameras and sub-aqua diving gear in the immediate post-war era opened up exciting possibilities for both narrative and documentary filmmakers. While the visual elements of this new world could now be more easily captured on film, the sound elements of the sub-aqua environment remained more elusive. What did, or should, this undersea world sound like? This article examines the use of sound in the sub-aqua scenes of both fictional and documentary films in the 1950s and asks questions about the methods used in the sonification of these worlds. Comparing the operation of underwater sound and human hearing with the production and post-production strategies used by filmmakers, I seek to identify the emergence of a sound convention and its implications for issues of cinematic realism. Central to this convention is the manipulation of sonic frequencies. The sound strategies adopted also raise questions about the malleability of viewer perspective and sound-image relationship in terms of a realist mode of address. Linked to this is the use of sound to enhance audience experience on an affective level. As well as underpinning cinematic realism, these new sound environments offered fresh experiences to audiences seeking new reasons to visit the cinema in an era of widening forms of entertainment.


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Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur medarbetarna på BA (fiktivt namn) upplever organisationens interna Employer Branding-arbete samt att belysa de aspekter som eventuellt skiljer strategi mot upplevelse. Det gjordes ett målinriktat urval av organisation medan valet av deltagare var ett slumpmässigt urval vilket resulterade i åtta respondenter (n= 8). Studien var en kvalitativ fallstudie med ett psykologiskt angreppssätt och innehöll en ostrukturerad intervju som tillsammans med dokumentation utgjorde intervjuguiden för den primära datainsamlingen genom åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetarna. Fördelningen av urvalet var fyra kvinnor och fyra män med varierade yrkesroller inom en bemanningsdivision. Både den ostrukturerade intervjun och de semistrukturerade intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av analysmetoden tematisk analys. Studiens resultat visade att BA:s interna Employer Branding och medarbetarnas upplevelser i stora drag överensstämde. Värderingar och interna karriärmöjligheter var centrala aspekter som både organisationen och respondenterna belyste. 


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En Colombia nacen sin fin de empresas dedicadas a la publicidad, el mercadeo, el branding y promoción; Muchas de ellas surgen sin siquiera un estudio de mercado somero o sencillo; sino solamente basados en intuición y ganas de parte de sus líderes. En éste documento nos dedicaremos a encontrar y delimitar los aspectos y determinantes de la oferta y de la demanda de productos y servicios en el sector de la publicidad, transmedia y la marca en Colombia. A su vez se identificarán y establecerán Productos diferenciadores para Walloom SAS.


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The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to explore adolescents’ personal branding practices in the social media environment of the photo and video sharing mobile application Instagram. As the theoretical background for personal branding is quite limited, this thesis combined concepts of personal branding and self-presentation to answer the research problems. Empirical data was collected by conducting semi-structured individual interviews with 10-14-year-old adolescent girls. The photo-elicitation method was utilized in the interviews as the participants were requested to present and discuss their Instagram accounts. The concepts of personal brand identity and personal brand positioning were found to be suitable descriptions to adolescents’ personal branding practices on Instagram. It was found that adolescents consciously consider what kind of personal brand identity they aim to portray to their audience and that authenticity of the personal brand identity is valued. Personal brand positioning, on the other hand, was found to be achieved through impression management: adolescents make strategic disclosure decisions regarding the content they post on their Instagram accounts in a way that the content is reflective of the personal brand identity. Posting brand-related user-generated content on one’s Instagram account was found to be one of the many disclosure decisions in personal brand positioning on Instagram and this type of content was very common on the participants’ accounts. Adolescents were also found to be interested in monitoring the audience reactions to their personal branding efforts.


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Though the trend rarely receives attention, since the 1970s many American filmmakers have been taking sound and music tropes from children’s films, television shows, and other forms of media and incorporating those sounds into films intended for adult audiences. Initially, these references might seem like regressive attempts at targeting some nostalgic desire to relive childhood. However, this dissertation asserts that these children’s sounds are instead designed to reconnect audience members with the multi-faceted fantasies and coping mechanisms that once, through children’s media, helped these audience members manage life’s anxieties. Because sound is the sense that Western audiences most associate with emotion and memory, it offers audiences immediate connection with these barely conscious longings. The first chapter turns to children’s media itself and analyzes Disney’s 1950s forays into television. The chapter argues that by selectively repurposing the gentlest sonic devices from the studio’s films, television shows like Disneyland created the studio’s signature sentimental “Disney sound.” As a result, a generation of baby boomers like Steven Spielberg comes of age and longs to recreate that comforting sound world. The second chapter thus focuses on Spielberg, who incorporates Disney music in films like Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977). Rather than recreate Disney’s sound world, Spielberg uses this music as a springboard into a new realm I refer to as “sublime refuge” - an acoustic haven that combines overpowering sublimity and soothing comfort into one fantastical experience. The second half of the dissertation pivots into more experimental children’s cartoons like Gerald McBoing-Boing (1951) - cartoons that embrace audio-visual dissonance in ways that soothe even as they create tension through a phenomenon I call “comfortable discord.” In the final chapter, director Wes Anderson reveals that these sonic tensions have just as much appeal to adults. In films like The Royal Tenenbaums (2001), Anderson demonstrates that comfortable discord can simultaneously provide a balm for anxiety and create an open-ended space that makes empathetic connections between characters possible. The dissertation closes with a call to rethink nostalgia, not as a romanticization of the past, but rather as a reconnection with forgotten affective channels.


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The morphogen Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) plays a critical role in the development of different tissues. In the central nervous system, SHH is well known to contribute to the patterning of the spinal cord and separation of the brain hemispheres. In addition, it has recently been shown that SHH signaling also contributes to the patterning of the telencephalon and establishment of adult neurogenic niches. In this work, we investigated whether SHH signaling influences the behavior of neural progenitors isolated from the dorsal telencephalon, which generate excitatory neurons and macroglial cells in vitro. We observed that SHH increases proliferation of cortical progenitors and generation of astrocytes, whereas blocking SHH signaling with cyclopamine has opposite effects. In both cases, generation of neurons did not seem to be affected. However, cell survival was broadly affected by blockade of SHH signaling. SHH effects were related to three different cell phenomena: mode of cell division, cell cycle length and cell growth. Together, our data in vitro demonstrate that SHH signaling controls cell behaviors that are important for proliferation of cerebral cortex progenitors, as well as differentiation and survival of neurons and astroglial cells.


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Una de las profesiones que más éxito está teniendo en la actualidad es la de Personal Branding. Con la implementación masiva de las redes sociales, cualquier persona con relevancia pública necesita contar con el asesoramiento de estos profesionales, para conseguir la mejor imagen posible.


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O processo de employee branding tem demonstrado promover e reforçar o contrato psicológico entre os colaboradores e a organização, pelo incremento e potenciação do sentimento de comprometimento e lealdade do colaborador de acordo com Miles e Mangold. Esta investigação foca-se no estudo do impacto da mentoria e relações de ajuda no processo de employee branding, numa visão integrada da gestão de recursos humanos e do comportamento organizacional, com base nas relações de troca do marketing do relacionamento numa perspetiva da gestão por competências e foco nas Pessoas. Com a introdução da nova variável (mentoria e relações de ajuda) esta investigação, ao enriquecer e incrementar o processo de employee branding de Miles e Mangold proposto em 2004 e 2005, apresenta a construção de um instrumento de diagnóstico do inovador processo de Efeito de Marca de Empregado. A investigação decorreu em 30 organizações, com um total de 725 questionários, que permitiu a validação e fiabilidade do instrumento, bem como demonstra através de métodos estatísticos a influência das ações de mentoria e relações de ajuda e da atuação das relações interpessoais que promovem o processo employee branding. Se o processo de employee branding já incrementava os resultados organizacionais, com esta investigação, pode-se afirmar que o processo de Efeito de Marca de Empregado não só incrementa como também impulsiona a imagem de marca da organização pela atuação dinâmica e catalisadora das relações interpessoais dos seus colaboradores, dentro e fora da organização, com a introdução e promoção de ações mentoria e relações de ajuda entre chefias e chefiados; ABSTRACT: The employee branding process has shown as to promote and strengthen the psychological contract between employees and the organization, by increasing and maximizing the sense of employees’ commitment and loyalty, according with Miles and Mangold. This research focuses on the impact of mentoring and helping relationships in the employee branding process, in an integrated view of human resources management and organizational behavior, based on the exchange ratio of the relationship marketing in a perspective of management by competencies and people focused approach. With the introduction of the new variable (mentoring and helping relationships), this research enriches and enhances the Miles and Mangold employee branding process proposed in 2004 and 2005 and presents the construction of an diagnostic instrument for the innovative process of Employee Brand Effect. This research took place in 30 organizations with a total of 725 questionnaires, which allowed the validation and reliability of the instrument and the evidence through statistical methods of the influence of mentoring and helping relationships actions and of the interaction of interpersonal relationships promoting the employee branding process. If the employee branding process was already boosting organizational results with this research, it can be stated that the Employee Brand Effect process not only increases, but also boosts the organization’s brand image by the actuation of the dynamics of employees’ interpersonal relationships, inside and outside the organization, with the introduction and promotion of mentoring and helping relationships actions between leaders and followers.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Urbanismo, apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.


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A produção agrícola continua a ser um fator essencial para o desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade dos territórios rurais. A sua dinamização assume um papel importante na diversificação da economia a nível rural e nacional. De acordo com a revisão da literatura dotar os produtos cultivados localmente de branding é uma estratégia de gestão e promoção, e pode ser uma mais-valia para o desenvolvimento, competitividade e atratividade local. O tema do presente trabalho intitula-se: O uso da cultura e região de origem no branding – Um estudo da produção agropecuária em Angola. Tendo como objetivo principal determinar as condicionantes do valor percebido nos produtos locais em Angola. Para testar as variáveis do modelo teórico optou-se por uma metodologia quantitativa que se traduziu na aplicação de um questionário a 305 indivíduos. Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi possível validar as hipóteses previamente formuladas.