931 resultados para residual oil
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a duração do efeito residual de piretróides sobre a mortalidade de anofelinos e verificar sua efetividade na borrifação intradomiciliar em regiões da Amazônia Brasileira. OBJETIVO: O estudo foi desenvolvido no conjunto habitacional, município de Belém, Pará, em 2003. Foram sorteadas 12 casas, três de cada uma das quatro áreas estabelecidas. Foram aplicados nas paredes internas das casas os inseticidas: piretróides cipermetrina pó molhável, deltametrina suspensão concentrada, lambdacialotrina pó molhável e etofemprox pó molhável. Seu efeito sobre a mortalidade de anofelinos foi avaliado durante os meses de julho a novembro. Utilizou-se a técnica de prova biológica de parede com a utilização de cones plásticos e mosquitos selvagens do município de Peixe Boi. RESULTADOS: A taxa de mortalidade variou de acordo com o tipo de parede e inseticida aplicado. Os aplicados em madeira e paredes de tijolo sem reboco foram mais estáveis e duradouros. O lambdacialotrina apresentou efeito mais curto que os demais inseticidas e o etofemprox apresentou efeito residual de quatro meses e foi mais efetivo em paredes de tijolo sem reboco. Não houve diferença estatística entre deltametrina e cipermetrina em todas as superfícies testadas, e a duração do efeito residual foi satisfatória até três meses após a borrifação. CONCLUSÕES: Os inseticidas deltametrina e etofemprox apresentaram melhor desempenho quando comparados aos demais. Para esses inseticidas e formulações, deve considerar-se seguro o intervalo de três meses entre aplicações sucessivas. Em comunidades com predomínio de casas de alvenaria rebocadas, deve ser considerada a menor efetividade das formulações, bem como a pertinência do emprego da borrifação residual como método para o controle vetorial na área.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química. Ramo Tecnologias de Protecção Ambiental.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança.
Os solos residuais mostram divergências em relação aos solos transportados modelados pelas teorias da Mecânica dos Solos. Estas divergências são em grande parte devido a uma estrutura de cimentação herdada da rocha mãe. Este estudo foi baseado nos resultados obtidos em sondagens mecânicas e ensaios de penetração dinâmica, estática e laboratoriais e consistiu na avaliação e correlação dos parâmetros que determinam o comportamento geomecânico do terreno, como a resistência e a deformabilidade.
Conferência: 2nd Experiment at International Conference - 18-20 September 2013
O mercado da biomassa florestal tem vindo a desenvolver-se bastante nos últimos anos na Europa. Portugal, apesar de ter um desenvolvimento considerável através da sua indústria florestal, apenas nos últimos anos começa a encarar as oportunidades que este recurso pode oferecer. Através de um concurso público lançado em 2006, a meta para a produção de electricidade a partir de biomassa florestal foi estabelecida em 250 MWe, sendo anteriormente de 150 MWe. O presente trabalho tem três objectivos: 1) quantificar a produção de biomassa florestal residual nos concelhos de Almeirim, Alpiarça e Chamusca; 2) analisar a disponibilidade de biomassa florestal para quatro locais seleccionados no distrito de Santarém e para duas centrais em funcionamento (CAIMA e Pego); e 3) avaliar a viabilidade económica da co-combustão de biomassa florestal com carvão na central do Pego. A produção de biomassa florestal nos três concelhos estudados foi estimada em 30 601 a 35 585 toneladas secas por ano. O contributo real para as necessidades anuais em biomassa é de 2-17%, 16-23% e 5-11% para as centrais de Rio Maior, CAIMA e Pego, respectivamente, admitindo um preço da biomassa de 25,4 €/t (45% de humidade). Estimou-se ainda que a co-combustão de biomassa na central do Pego é atractiva para custos de licença de emissão a partir de 16 €/tCO2 e para preços de biomassa florestal residual inferiores a 30 €/t (45% de humidade).
Waste oil recycling companies play a very important role in our society. Competition among companies is tough and process optimization is essential for survival. By equipping oil containers with a level monitoring system that periodically reports the level and alerts when it reaches the preset threshold, the oil recycling companies are able to streamline the oil collection process and, thus, reduce the operation costs while maintaining the quality of service. This paper describes the development of this level monitoring system by a team of four students from different engineering backgrounds and nationalities. The team conducted a study of the state of the art, draw marketing and sustainable development plans and, finally, designed and implemented a prototype that continuously measures the container content level and sends an alert message as soon as it reaches the preset capacity.
Dried flowers and leaves of Origanum glandulosum Desf. were submitted to hydrodistillation (HD) and supercritical fluid extraction with CO2 (SFE). The essential oils isolated by HD and volatile oils obtained by SFE were analysed by GC and GC/MS. Total phenolics content and antioxidant effectiveness were performed. The main components of the essential oils from Bargou and Nefza were: p-cymene (40.4% and 39%), thymol (38.7% and 34.4%) and γ- terpinene (12.3% and 19.2%), respectively. The major components obtain by SFE in the volatile oil, from Bargou and Nefza, were: p-cymene (32.3% and 36.2%), thymol (41% and 40%) and γ-terpinene (20.3% and 13.3%). Total phenolic content, expressed in gallic acid equivalent (GAE) g kg-1 dry weight, varied from 12 to 27 g kg-1 dw, and the ability to scavenge the DPPH radicals, expressed by IC50 ranged from 44 to143 mg L-1.
The most active phase of the fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalyst, used in oil refinery, is zeolite-Y which is an aluminosilicate with a high internal and external surface area responsible for its high reactivity. Waste FCC catalyst is potentially able to be reused in cement-based materials - as an additive - undergoing a pozzolanic reaction with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) formed during cement hydration [1-3]. This reaction produces additional strength-providing reaction products i.e., calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) and hydrous calcium aluminates (C-A-H) which exact chemical formula and structure are still unknown. Partial replacement of cement by waste FCC catalyst has two key advantages: (1) lowering of cement production with the associated pollution reduction as this industry represents one of the largest sources of man-made CO2 emissions, and (2) improving the mechanical properties and durability of cement-based materials. Despite these advantages, there is a lack of fundamental knowledge on pozzolanic reaction mechanisms as well as spatial distribution of porosity and solid phases interactions at the microstructural level and consequently their relationship with macroscopical engineering properties of catalyst/cement blends. Within this scope, backscattered electron (BSE) images acquired in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and by X-ray diffraction were used to investigate chemical composition of hydration products and to analyse spatial information of the microstructure of waste FCC catalyst blended cement mortars. For this purpose mortars with different levels of cement substitution by waste catalyst as well as with different hydration ages, were prepared. The waste FCC catalyst used is produced by the Portuguese refinery company Petrogal S.A.
The present paper shows preliminary results of an ongoing project which one of the goals is to investigate the viability of using waste FCC catalyst (wFCC), originated from Portuguese oil refinery, to produce low carbon blended cements. For this purpose, four blended cements were produced by substituting cement CEM I 42.5R up to 20% (w/w) by waste FCC catalyst. Initial and final setting times, consistency of standard paste, soundness and compressive strengths after 2, 7 and 28 days were measured. It was observed that the wFCC blended cements developed similar strength, at 28 days, compared to the reference cement, CEM I 42.5R. Moreover, cements with waste FCC catalyst incorporation up to 15% w/w meet European Standard EN 197-1 specifications for CEM II/A type cement, in the 42.5R strength class.
An overview of the studies carried out in our laboratories on supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) of volatile oils from seven aromatic plants: pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.), fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.), coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.), savory (Satureja fruticosa Beguinot), winter savory (Satureja montana L.), cotton lavender (Santolina chamaecyparisus) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris), is presented. A flow apparatus with a 1 L extractor and two 0.27 L separators was built to perform studies at temperatures ranging from 298 to 353 K and pressures up to 30.0 MPa. The best compromise between yield and composition compared with hydrodistillation (HD) was achieved selecting the optimum experimental conditions of extraction and fractionation. The major differences between HD and SFE oils is the presence of a small percentage of cuticular waxes and the relative amount of thymoquinone, an oxygenated monoterpene with important biological properties, which is present in the oils from thyme and winter savory. On the other hand, the modeling of our data on supercritical extraction of volatile oil from pennyroyal is discussed using Sovova's models. These models have been applied successfully to the other volatile oil extractions. Furthermore, other experimental studies involving supercritical CO2 carried out in our laboratories are also mentioned.
This report shows the phlebotomine vectorial role in the endemic cutaneous leishmaniasis situated in the middle and north-eastern region of the São Paulo, Brazil. Analysis of information encloses a sandfly man-biting fauna of four different patches of residual forest. So, using the human-bait and Shannon trap for a period of one year we have caught 16,869 sandflies. The predominance of Lutzomyia intermedia (85,6%) was clear. Moreover, the low density of Lutzomyia whitmani and Lutzomyia pessoai and their epidemiological implications at present and in the past are discussed. Information about the daily activity of some species is given and we emphasize for the first time, the diurnal activity of Lutzomyia firmatoi in the São Paulo State.
Within a large set of renewable energies being explored to tackle energy sourcing problems, bioenergy can represent an attractive solution if effectively managed. The supply chain design supported by mathematical programming can be used as a decision support tool to the successful bioenergy production systems establishment. This strategic decision problem is addressed in this paper where we intent to study the design of the residual forestry biomass to bioelectricity production in the Portuguese context. In order to contribute to attain better solutions a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model is developed and applied in order to optimize the design and planning of the bioenergy supply chain. While minimizing the total supply chain cost the production energy facilities capacity and location are defined. The model also includes the optimal selection of biomass amounts and sources, the transportation modes selection, and links that must be established for biomass transportation and products delivers to markets. Results illustrate the positive contribution of the mathematical programming approach to achieve viable economic solutions. Sensitivity analysis on the most uncertain parameters was performed: biomass availability, transportation costs, fixed operating costs and investment costs. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, Perfil Engenharia Sanitária
The electrorheological (ER) effect is known as the change in the apparent viscosity upon the application of an external electric field perpendicular to the flow direction. In this work we present the electrorheological behaviour of suspensions in silicone oil of two different dispersed phases: foams of liquid crystal 4-n-penthyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl (5CB) encapsulated in polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and nano/microspheres of 5CB encapsulated in silica. We will present the viscosity curves under the application of an electric field ranging between 0 and 3 kV mm(-1). The ER effect was observed for the suspensions of 5CB/PVA but not in the case of 5CB/silica. For the case of the suspensions of 5CB/PVA, the effect of the viscosity of the continuum phase and the concentration of the dispersed phase was analysed, showing that the enhancement of the viscosity of the suspension increases with the concentration, as expected, however the continuum phase viscosity has no significant effect, at least in the investigated viscosity range.