944 resultados para material resource planning


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Outsourcing is a common strategy for companies looking for cost savings and improvements in performance. This has been especially prevalent in logistics, where warehousing and transporting are typical targets for outsourcing. However, while the benefits from logistics outsourcing are clear on paper, there are several cases companies fail to reach these benefits. The most commonly cited reasons for this are poor information flow between the company and the third party logistics partner, and a lack of integration between the two partners. Uncertainty stems from lack of information, and it can cripple the whole outsourcing operation. This is where enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems step in, as they can have a significant role in improving the flow of information, and integration, which consequently mitigates uncertainty. The purpose of the study is to examine if ERP systems have an effect on a company's decision to outsource logistics operations. Along the rapid advancements in technology during the past decades, ERP systems have also evolved. Therefore, empirical research on the subject needs constant revision as it can quickly become outdated due to ERP systems having more advanced capabilities every year. The research was conducted using a qualitative single-case study of a Finnish manufacturing firm that had outsourced warehousing and transportation operations in the Swedish market. The empirical data was gathered with use of semi-structured interviews with three employees from the case company that were closely related to the outsourcing operation. The theoretical framework that was used to analyze the empirical data was based on Transaction Cost Economics theory. The results of the study were align with the theoretical framework, in that the ERP system of the case company was seen as an enabler for their logistics outsourcing operation. However, the full theoretical benefits from ERP systems concerning extended enterprise functionality and flexibility were not attained due to the case company having an older version of their ERP system. This emphasizes the importance of having up-to-date technology if you want to overcome the shortcomings of ERP systems in outsourcing situations.


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This study was done for ABB Ltd. Motors and Generators business unit in Helsinki. In this study, global data movement in large businesses is examined from a product data management (PDM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) point-of-view. The purpose of this study was to understand and map out how a large global business handles its data in a multiple site structure and how it can be applied in practice. This was done by doing an empirical interview study on five different global businesses with design locations in multiple countries. Their master data management (MDM) solutions were inspected and analyzed to understand which solution would best benefit a large global architecture with many design locations. One working solution is a transactional hub which negates the effects of multisite transfers and reduces lead times. Also, the requirements and limitations of the current MDM architecture were analyzed and possible reform ideas given.  


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Diplomityössä tarkastellaan raskaita teräsrakenteita valmistavan tilauskonepajan tuotannon kehittämiskohteita. Tuotannon kehittämisellä halutaan nopeuttaa tuotannon läpimenoaikoja, vähentää laatukustannuksia ja parantaa yrityksen tiedonkulkua. Näillä toimenpiteillä pyritään vaikuttamaan yrityksen kilpailukykyyn, jolloin se voi nousta suomalaisessa toimittajaverkostossa korkeammalle portaalle. Työn teoriaosassa paneudutaan tuottavuus- ja laatuajatteluun hitsaavassa konepajassa. Samalla esitellään eräitä konepajoissa tyypillisimmin käytettyjä laatustandardeja, joita ovat: SFS-EN ISO 9001, SFS-EN ISO 3834 ja SFS-EN 1090. Lisäksi teoriaosiossa on kerrottu erilaisista tuotannonohjausjärjestelmistä ja layout-teorioista. Tämän diplomityön kohdeyritys on Karjalan Konepaja Oy. Yrityksen nykytilanteen kartoittamiseksi suoritettiin useita haastatteluita sekä laadittiin koko organisaatiota koskeva kysely. Tilauskonepajan haasteena ovat alati muuttuvat tilaukset. Tilauskonepajan tuotannon kehittäminen tulee aloittaa sopivien tuotannontehokkuutta mittaavien mittareiden määrittämisellä. Usein kapasiteetti ja tuottavuus kuvastavat parhaiten työvaiheiden tehokkuutta. Mittareiden tarkoitus on auttaa konepajaa löytämään ne tuotannon pullonkaulat, joista yrityksen kehittäminen tulisi aloittaa. Lean-filosofian avulla tulee kehittää tuotannosta hitaimmin suoriutuvia työvaiheita. Tarkoituksena on poistaa valmistusketjusta sellaiset työvaiheet, jotka eivät anna tuotteelle lisäarvoa. Lisäksi työpisteiden layout kannattaa kyseenalaistaa aika ajoin, sillä jo pienilläkin muutoksilla voidaan saada parannuksia työpisteiden tuottavuuteen ja kapasiteettiin.


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In the market where companies similar in size and resources are competing, it is challenging to have any advantage over others. In order to stay afloat company needs to have capability to perform with fewer resources and yet provide better service. Hence development of efficient processes which can cut costs and improve performance is crucial. As business expands, processes become complicated and large amount of data needs to be managed and available on request. Different tools are used in companies to store and manage data, which facilitates better production and transactions. In the modern business world the most utilized tool for that purpose is ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning system. The focus of this research is to study how competitive advantage can be achieved by implementing proprietary ERP system in the company; ERP system that is in-house created, tailor made to match and align business needs and processes. Market is full of ERP software, but choosing the right one is a big challenge. Identifying the key features that need improvement in processes and data management, choosing the right ERP, implementing it and the follow-up is a long and expensive journey companies undergo. Some companies prefer to invest in a ready-made package bought from vendor and adjust it according to own business needs, while others focus on creating own system with in-house IT capabilities. In this research a case company is used and author tries to identify and analyze why organization in question decided to pursue the development of proprietary ERP system, how it has been implemented and whether it has been successful. Main conclusion and recommendation of this research is for companies to know core capabilities and constraints before choosing and implementing ERP system. Knowledge of factors that affect system change outcome is important, to make the right decisions on strategic level and implement on operational level. Duration of the project in the case company has lasted longer than anticipated. It has been reported that in cases of buying ready product from vendor, projects are delayed and completed over budget as well. In general, in case company implementation of proprietary ERP has been successful both from business performance figures and usability of system by employees. In terms of future research, conducting a study to calculate statistically ROI of both approaches; of buying ready product and creating own ERP will be beneficial.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää mallimittaristo logistiikkapalvelualalla toimivan yrityksen operatiivisen tason suorituskyvyn seurantaan ja toiminnanohjausta varten, päivittäisen johtamisen tueksi. Tutkimus suoritettiin pääosin toiminta-analyyttisena, yhden yrityksen empiirisenä tapaustutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen kohdeyrityksen toiminnanmittaus perustuu tällä hetkellä pääasiassa taloudellisiin mittareihin ja muutamaan kyselyyn. Toiminnanohjauksen ja – kehittämisen, päätöksenteon tueksi tarvitaan, taloudellisten mittareiden lisäksi, mittareita, joilla pystytään seuraamaan suorituskyvyn taustalla vaikuttavien tekijöiden kehittymistä. Tutkimuksen kohdeyrityksen operatiivisen tason suorituskyvyn mallimittariston suunnittelussa haluttiin varmistaa, että jatkossa mittaamisella vaikutettaisiin seuraustekijöiden lisäksi myös syytekijöihin, selkiyttää liiketoiminnan tavoitteet, operatiivisen tason näkökulmasta, ja mittaamisen tavoite. Tutkimuksessa esitelty mallimittaristo on suunniteltu, tasapainotetun mittariston viitekehyksen avulla. Mittariston näkökulmiksi valittiin: talous, sidosryhmä (asiakas), prosessi ja henkilöstö. Mittariston tuottaman tiedon tavoitteena on toiminnanohjauksen, -kehittämisen ja päätöksenteon tukeminen, kun mittaustulokset ja trendi ovat yhdessä paikassa, on tiedonhaku ja - hyödyntäminen helpompaa. Mallimittaristoa ei testattu eikä käyttöönotettu tutkimuksessa.


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Heikkenevä kysyntä sekä koveneva hintakilpailu erityisesti painopaperin markkinoilla on luonut paperinvalmistajalle haasteita kustannusten alentamisen sekä kannattavuuden parantamisen osalta. Sijaintinsa vuoksi yritys on halunnut erityisesti parantaa kustannustehokkuuttaan logistiikan osalta, minkä tueksi tämä diplomityö on tehty. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on analysoida paperitehtaan toimitusketjuja kustannusjohtamisen näkökulmasta. Tavoitteena on ollut arvioida kahden vaihtoehtoisen toimitusketjun, suoran ja välivarasto-toimituksen, vaikutusta syntyvien kustannusten, ketjuun sitoutuneen pääoman sekä asiakaskannattavuuden kautta. Tutkimus toteutettiin case-tutkimuksen kaltaisena soveltuvin osin, hyödyntämällä kvantitatiivisia menetelmiä. Projektia varten valittiin paperinvalmistajan painopaperin tuloslinjalta kymmenen kohdeasiakasta, joille vaihtoehtoisia toimitusketjuja voidaan soveltaa. Toimitusketjut rajattiin käsittämään valmiin tuotteen asiakastoimitukset ja niistä aiheutuvat kuluerät. Kustannus- ja pääoma-analyysin suunnittelussa hyödynnettiin toimitusketjuihin sekä kustannusjohtamiseen liittyvää teoreettista kirjallisuutta. Ensisijaisena viitekehyksenä kustannusten analysoinnissa sovellettiin toimintolaskentaa ja pääoman sitoutumisen arvioinnissa kiertoajan tunnuslukuja. Käsiteltävä informaatio kerättiin yrityksen sisäisistä raporteista sekä toiminnanohjausjärjestelmästä taulukkolaskentaohjelmaan, jossa laskelmat tehtiin. Tutkimuksen avaintuloksena kahdeksan case-asiakkaan kohdalla suora toimitus osoittautui kustannuksiltaan välivaraston kautta kulkevaa edullisemmaksi. Lisäksi havaittiin suoran toimituksen nopeuttavan teoriassa pääoman kiertoa toimitusketjussa lyhyemmän läpimenoajan ansiosta. Johtopäätöksenä kustannus- ja pääomahyötyjen vaikutuksen vuoksi suorien toimitusten hyödyntäminen on edullista soveltuvien asiakkaiden kohdalla. Tutkimuksessa kustannusinformaation kerääminen kokonaisvaltaisesti osoittautui haasteelliseksi, sillä kaikkien toimitusketjun kustannuserien tietoja ei ollut laajasti saatavilla. Toimeksiantajan näkökulmasta merkittävät kohteet jatkotutkimukselle ovat kustannusten oikeellisuuteen ja kohdistamiseen sekä asiakkaiden maksukäytäntöihin ja ehtoihin liittyvä seuranta.


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Several companies are trying to improve their operation efficiency by implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that makes it possible to control the resources of the company in real time. However, the success of the implementation project is not a foregone conclusion; a significant part of these projects end in a failure, one way or another. Therefore it is important to investigate ERP system implementation more closely in order to increase understanding about factors influencing ERP system success and to improve the probability of a successful ERP implementation project. Consequently, this study was initiated because a manufacturing case company wanted to review the success of their ERP implementation project. To be exact, the case company hoped to gain both information about the success of the project and insight for future implementation improvement. This study investigated ERP success specifically by examining factors that influence ERP key-user satisfaction. User satisfaction is one of the most commonly applied indicators of information system success. The research data was mainly collected by conducting theme interviews. The subjects of the interviews were six key-users of the newly implemented ERP system. The interviewees were closely involved in the implementation project. Furthermore, they act as representative users that utilize the new system in everyday business processes. The collected data was analyzed by thematizing. Both data collection and analysis were guided by a theoretical frame of reference. This frame was based on previous research on the subject. The results of the study aligned with the theoretical framework to large extent. The four principal factors influencing key-user satisfaction were change management, contractor service, key-user’s system knowledge and characteristics of the ERP product itself. One of the most significant contributions of the research is that it confirmed the existence of a connection between change management and ERP key-user satisfaction. Furthermore, it discovered two new sub-factors influencing contractor service related key-user satisfaction. In addition, the research findings indicated that in order to improve the current level of key-user satisfaction, the case company should pay special attention to system functionality improvement and enhancement of the key-users’ knowledge. During similar implementation projects in the future, it would be important to assure the success of change management and contractor service related processes.


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Veterinary Health Services are following in many areas the practices and medical direction of human medicine and health services. They are reaching for improved efficiency, quality and precision. Competitive position may be improved and productivity increased by specializing and focusing efforts at the practice. This thesis focuses in small animal practices and their needs for ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems in Germany. As a result requirements for ERP solution supporting knowledge management in the small animal practice is presented. Veterinary Health Services is knowledge-intensive business, where written information and tacit knowledge is increasingly bound together with deepening expertise and specialization. Veterinarian is even legally obliged to develop and maintain her professional skills. The current ERP solutions concentrate in the treatment process of veterinary practice. Customer relationship management is left aside. As the competitive situation is getting tighter in veterinary services also the customer relationship management needs to get into the focus and interest to the wider network support in knowledge sharing should take steps forward. Taking into account the requirement of continuous development of professional skills ERP system at the veterinary practice should also be seen as knowledge management tool. It should provide the possibility to create, store, share and use knowledge. The study is conducted first by studying the AS-IS situation of ERP use and market in veterinary health services and then drawing the requirements of TO-BE situation by studying literature and the results of semi qualitative study conducted for German veterinary practices. A group of veterinarians were interviewed, market and network analysis was done and the understanding of market was deepened in two veterinary conferences in Germany. This theses work is requested by Finnish software company Finnish Net Solutions, which is the leading supplier of Veterinary Practice Management software in Finland. The company plans to expand to European market with Cloud based service. Target of the theses is to create understanding of the requirements of German veterinary market to develop ERP solution supporting Knowledge Management in Veterinary Practice.


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This master’s thesis considers wholesale company’s inventory value reduction and its effects to the operative working capital. The aim is to reduce inventory value by Enterprise Resource Planning System SAP in a controlled manner and without reducing the service level. This thesis contains a theory chapter of inventory management, operative working capital and benefits of ERP sys-tems in inventory management. These theory chapters are applied to practice, and the result is a lower inventory value in the case company. This releases more operative working capital to other more profitable subjects. With more accurate sales forecasts and by using SAP in the supply chain management average stock value can be reduced by 700 k€ which, in turn, reduces Cash Conversion Cycle by 7 days.


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Business-to-business terminology is relatively new as a business concept, so is the enterprise resource planning system in information technology. Research, implementation and integration of these two concept has been observed for last two decades in this paper. One of the major success point for growth in business-to-business environment is the availability of internal and partner data. Enterprise resource planning system facilitates storing, analysis of such data and enables different business process automation, forecasting and numerous value creating activity. In order to achieve such functionality for B2B customers, integrating them within ERP is very useful. This paper aims at understanding and suggesting such integration through investigating related documentation of similar integration scenarios, infrastructure, models and architectures. The investigation of the topic of this paper has been made using systematic mapping study of related papers and listing and suggesting necessary ingredients that enables such integration. Furthermore, this paper also suggests possibilities to overcome challenges integration experts might face during the integration phase and opens doors to future research scope in the related fields.


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Organizations often consider investing in a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system as a way to enhance their business processes, as it allows integrating information used by multiple different departments into a harmonized computing system. The hope of gaining significant business benefits, such as reducing operating costs, is the key reason why organizations have decided to invest in ERP systems since 1990’s. Still, all ERP projects do not end up in success, and deployment of ERP system does not necessarily guarantee the results people were waiting for. This research studies why organizations invest in ERP, but also what downsides ERP projects currently have. Additionally Enterprise Application Integrations (EAI) as next generation’s ERP solutions are studied to challenge and develop traditional ERP. The research questions are: What are the weaknesses in traditional ERP deployment in today’s business? How does the proposed next generation’s ERP answer to these weaknesses? At the beginning of the thesis, as an answer to the first research question, the basics of ERP implementation are introduced with both the pros and cons of investing in ERP. Key concepts such as IS integration and EAI are also studied. Empirical section of the thesis focuses on answering the second research question from the integration approach. A qualitative research is executed by interviewing five experienced IT professionals about EAI benefits, limitations, and problems. The thematic interview and questionnaire follow the presented ERP main elements from literature. The research shows that adopting traditional ERP includes multiple downsides, e.g. inflexibility and requiring big investments in terms of money. To avoid these critical issues, organizations could find a solution from integrations between their current IS. Based on the empirical study a new framework for the next generation’s ERP is created, consisting of a model and a framework that deal with various features regarding IS adoption. With this framework organizations can assess whether they should implement EAI or ERP. The model and framework suggest that there are multiple factors IT managers needs to consider when planning their IT investments, including their current IS, role of IT in the organization, as well as new system’s flexibility, investment level, and number of vendors. The framework created in the thesis encourages IT management to assess holistically their i) organization, ii) its IT, and iii) solution requirements in order to determine what kind of IS solution would suit their needs the best.


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Organizations often consider investing in a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system as a way to enhance their business processes, as it allows integrating information used by multiple different departments into a harmonized computing system. The hope of gaining significant business benefits, such as reducing operating costs, is the key reason why organizations have decided to invest in ERP systems since 1990’s. Still, all ERP projects do not end up in success, and deployment of ERP system does not necessarily guarantee the results people were waiting for. This research studies why organizations invest in ERP, but also what downsides ERP projects currently have. Additionally Enterprise Application Integrations (EAI) as next generation’s ERP solutions are studied to challenge and develop traditional ERP. The research questions are: What are the weaknesses in traditional ERP deployment in today’s business? How does the proposed next generation’s ERP answer to these weaknesses? At the beginning of the thesis, as an answer to the first research question, the basics of ERP implementation are introduced with both the pros and cons of investing in ERP. Key concepts such as IS integration and EAI are also studied. Empirical section of the thesis focuses on answering the second research question from the integration approach. A qualitative research is executed by interviewing five experienced IT professionals about EAI benefits, limitations, and problems. The thematic interview and questionnaire follow the presented ERP main elements from literature. The research shows that adopting traditional ERP includes multiple downsides, e.g. inflexibility and requiring big investments in terms of money. To avoid these critical issues, organizations could find a solution from integrations between their current IS. Based on the empirical study a new framework for the next generation’s ERP is created, consisting of a model and a framework that deal with various features regarding IS adoption. With this framework organizations can assess whether they should implement EAI or ERP. The model and framework suggest that there are multiple factors IT managers needs to consider when planning their IT investments, including their current IS, role of IT in the organization, as well as new system’s flexibility, investment level, and number of vendors. The framework created in the thesis encourages IT management to assess holistically their i) organization, ii) its IT, and iii) solution requirements in order to determine what kind of IS solution would suit their needs the best.


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Tämä kandidaatintutkielma tarkastelee, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat teollisuusyrityksen varastonhallinnan ja materiaalinohjauksen kokonaiskustannuksiin. Kokonaistavoitteena on tunnistaa kohdeyritykselle sopivat varaston- ja materiaalinohjauksen menetelmät sekä tunnistaa kehityskohteita tulevaisuuden kehittämistä varten. Tutkielman teoriaosassa käsitellään varastoinnin motiiveja, kustannustekijöitä ja erilaisia täydennysmenetelmiä sekä esitetään materiaalitarvelaskennan perusteita. Tältä pohjalta tutkielman empiirisessä osiossa tutkitaan kolmen eri raaka-ainetoimittajan osalta tilattavien nimikkeiden vuosikustannusten komponentit erilaisilla vuositilauslukumäärillä ja tilauseräko’oilla. Tuloksena kustannuskomponenttien tarkastelusta saadaan suuntaa antavat vuosikustannukset eri tilausmäärillä tai tilausväleillä. Tulokset pohjautuvat kuitenkin hyvin yksinkertaistettuihin taustaoletuksiin, joten suoraan tulosten pohjalta ei tule toimintatapoja muodostaa. Tutkielman perusteella voidaan todeta, että varastonhallinnan tekijät ovat keskenään ristiriitaisia, mutta oikein valituilla menetelmillä voidaan saavuttaa taloudellisia säästöjä ja kehittää toimintaa sujuvammaksi. Erityisesti materiaalitarvelaskentaan siirtyminen materiaalinhallinnassa ja ajantasainen varastokirjanpito tunnistettiin tärkeiksi jatkokehityskohteiksi.


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Monesti yritysjohtajan on vaikea hahmottaa, mitä kaikkia ulottuvuuksia ja menetelmiä suorituskyvyn analysointiin liittyy. Pelkkään talouteen keskittyvä johtaminen edustaa hyvin kapeaa näkökulmaa yrityksen toiminnasta ja voi lopulta johtaa yrityksen vääriin valintoihin ja hyvin kohtalokkaisiin virhearviointeihin. Suorituskyvyn mittaamisella ja analysoimisella saadaan kokonaisvaltainen näkemys yrityksen toiminnasta ja sen tilasta. Yrityksen suorituskykyä pystytään tarkastelemaan hyvin monella tavalla ja erilaisista näkökulmista. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena on selvittää millainen suorituskyvyn analysointijärjestelmä soveltuu teknologiateollisuuden pk-yritykselle. Alatavoitteena on tutkia millaiset mittaus- ja johtamistarpeet ovat toimialalle tyypillisiä (1) sekä miten toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä ja suori-tuskyvyn mittaristo voidaan integroida toisiinsa (2). Case-yritykselle rakennetaan suorituskyvyn mittaristo ja verrataan sitä toiminnanohjausjärjestelmään sekä selvitetään mittariston tarpeellisuutta Case-yritykselle. Teknologiateollisuuden pk-yrityksille ei voida suoraan määrittää sopivaa suorituskyvyn ana-lysointijärjestelmää. BSC osoittautui kuitenkin parhaimmaksi valinnaksi. BSC pakottaa pk-yrityksiä huomioimaan useampi suorituskyvyn osa-alue. BSC ei myöskään tarvitse montaa mittaria kuvaamaan suorituskyvyn osa-alueita. Tutkimuksessa selvisi hyvin paljon suorituskykyyn vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Projektiluonteisuuden vuoksi case-yrityksen projektiseurantaa kehitettiin ja rakennettiin BSC-pohjainen suorituskyvyn analysointijärjestelmä.


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Nyky-yhteiskunta nojautuu vahvasti tietojärjestelmiin luoden laajemman arkkitehtuurisen kokonaisuuden, kybertoimintaympäristön. Liiketoimintaa tukevat tietojärjestelmät tukevat myös organisaatioiden prosesseja kokonaisvaltaisesti. Jotta näitä tärkeitä kyberympäristön tietojärjestelmä- sekä liiketoimintaympäristöresursseja pystytään käyttämään, tulee järjestelmien olla luotettavia ja sovellusten saatavilla vuorokauden ympäri tai aina tarvittaessa. Tilanteet, joissa järjestelmän käytettävyys vaarantuu, voivat eskaloitua yllättäen suuremmiksi, jos poikkeustilanteisiin ei ole varauduttu. Poikkeustilanteisiin varautumiseen tarvitaan jatkuvuudenhallintaa, joka on kiinteästi osa kattavampaa IT-strategiaa ja koko yhteiskunta-/yrityskulttuuria. Työ on toteutettu yhdistäen empiriaa ja teoriaa eli tavoitteena on teoreettisen tietämyksen ja käytännön kokemuksellisen oppimisen ja tietämyksen kautta luoda konstruktiivisella otteella toipumissuunnitelman testauksessa käytettävä simulaatiotestausmalli. Dynamics AX -toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän toipumissuunnitelman simulaatiotestausmallista rakentui selkeä ja kevyt työkalu asiakasyritysten toipumissuunnitelman simulaatiotestauksiin. Diplomityössä kuvatuilla keinotekoisilla järjestelmän häiriötilanteilla pystytään simuloimaan Dynamics AX:n toipumissuunnitelman testauksissa oikeita häiriötilanteita suhteellisen kattavalla tasolla.